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Messages - Mr. AS

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Stock Showcases / Re: TheRoyalBadger's Stock Showcase
« on: September 10, 2017, 03:50:30 PM »
It SNSs really slowly because you have the wheels too close together.

Tournament Archives / Re: The Battle Arcade 2: Discussion
« on: September 10, 2017, 02:38:26 PM »
I can throw some arenas your way to increase the selection.

Discussion / Re: Perfect Wedges
« on: September 07, 2017, 02:20:08 PM »
No, just export it as an OBJ file from your 3D modeler of choice. Are you using Rhino3d?

Discussion / Re: Perfect Wedges
« on: September 07, 2017, 01:48:49 PM »
thanks but it says the user of OBJ2RA2 couldn't be verified and then it says run, I run the program and then it comes up with a black box with no text in it, is that normal?
You have to drag the OBJ file onto OBJRA2.exe in order for it to convert.

Check your antivirus settings to make sure the program isn't listed as a false positive, or anything along those lines.

Contests / Re: BOTM OCTOBER 2017
« on: September 05, 2017, 06:01:29 PM »
Just because you wanted it doesn't mean everyone else wants it.
I wanted it, Geice wanted it, 09 wanted it, MNB was clearly fine with it, I imagine apanx is whipping up a pony in a wheelchair right now...

Do you want me to continue?

discord was a mistake
Yeah, too many greedy malicious bastards.

edit: Skype wasn't much better tbh

Contests / Re: BOTM OCTOBER 2017
« on: September 05, 2017, 05:52:10 PM »
Just because you wanted it doesn't mean everyone else wants it.
I wanted it, Geice wanted it, 09 wanted it, MNB was clearly fine with it, I imagine apanx is whipping up a pony in a wheelchair right now...

Do you want me to continue?


Tournament Archives / Re: RoboGames - THE OFFICIAL SBV
« on: September 03, 2017, 01:45:58 PM »
Basing the entire JD off of (((control))) has gotta be the most bong thing ever

Tournament Archives / Re: Light vs Dark: Rematch SBVA
« on: September 03, 2017, 01:33:02 AM »
i'm voting for orc because his avatar looks like shrek

Tournament Archives / Re: [DSL HW-IRL] Light vs Dark: Rematch - Signups
« on: September 01, 2017, 02:15:34 PM »
some more sh** nobody cares about

Just let Guldenflame run his tourney, not like LvD:R is going to be the last RA2 tournament ever.

Contests / Re: VOTE BOTM SEPT 2017
« on: September 01, 2017, 02:12:09 PM »
#3: Its sh**.
#4: Its also sh**.
#5: Its shi-seriously, are we only doing BotM as some sort of ****ing meme?
this is fake news, I'll have you know those are some very excellently-built and high-skilled entries

Tournament Archives / Re: [DSL HW-IRL] Light vs Dark: Rematch - Signups
« on: September 01, 2017, 10:16:41 AM »
it's not a guldenflame tourney without at least 1 flame war  :beer:

some sh** nobody cares about
try sending a bot within the weight limit next time tbh

Modifications / Re: fight to the finish modifications
« on: August 30, 2017, 10:13:07 PM »
I think Mr AS is the guy you should ask for help, as he's probably the most active member that has experience with this kinda thing. I'm sure he'd be happy to help you out.

Adding guard rails requires you to edit the .gmf. This can be done using a GMF compiler/decompiler and any 3D editor that can export to OBJ format. Apanx released a tool recently that allows conversion of OBJ to GMA He hasn't released it on GTM yet for whatever reason, but I can slide a copy your way if you want. Alternatively, you can try to text edit the decompiled gmf file. Both of these require some knowhow/practice in editing gmf files. Clickbeetle's beginner guide is a good start, albeit slightly outdated.

Making the guardrails drop after a certain amount of time requires editing the .py. I'd take a look at the BBEANS arena (namely the code for the blade wall that lowers after X amount of time) and copy what it does.

Creativity Showcase / Re: My evil plan... to revive the old vultures...
« on: August 29, 2017, 02:11:17 PM »
If you're able to export these to OBJ, I could see about porting this to RA2.

Tournament Archives / Re: RoboGames - THE OFFICIAL SBV
« on: August 25, 2017, 06:40:28 PM »
Oh, and Grammerly is just plain terrible. Like, we're talking "page 1 of avalanche's dsl showcase" bad.
get outta town buddy, grammarly is the best IRL bot I've seen in a long time.

General Support / Re: Compiling and Decompiling crashes.
« on: August 24, 2017, 11:01:16 PM »
This is a long shot, but try setting it to compatibility mode for Win7.

Modifications / Re: DSL 3? Maybe?
« on: August 24, 2017, 09:27:53 AM »
That new miniature Beta motor will defiantly come in handy for future IRL building. But to the point, what else do you have planned for your new version of DSL? I'm aware that this is a bit of a stupid question, due to you still thinking of ideas or you may end up recycle some ideas from the DSL 3 beta like the SHW class etc. But this is just out of curiosity of what else you may have planned apart from what you listed?     
That's for me to know and you to find out. ;)

Modifications / DSL 3? Maybe?
« on: August 24, 2017, 03:26:49 AM »
Recently, I've been getting into component-making using a combination of Rhino3D and a tool of apanx's that converts .obj files into .gmf files usable for RA2. Here's a few examples:

Remember that rake I posted in my custom showcase? I scaled it down so it wouldn't be obnoxious to work with, and gave it some new skins:

It now comes in Authentic Hypershock Greentm along with 3 other colors. Since it's just the head, you can slap this onto whatever length extender you want, or make a rake spinner like in the picture.

Another one I went ahead and made was something I feel a lot of people have been itching for, a truly one-tooth disc:

Using the power of mathematics (read: rhino's AreaCentroid command), I was able to place the attachment points in such a place where the disc was perfectly balanced. They're marked by the white rubber texture in the center of the disc.
Unlike the homebrew single-toothed discs that you see using a ballast on one end and a tooth on the other, this one won't wobble at all when spun. It's also a single component, so you can effectively use it just like the replica discs. :mrgreen:

And here's the latest component I made:

(ignore the weight in the picture, it's going to be 40kg when I'm finished with it's burst motor counterpart)
It's like the beta motor, except it doesn't take up half your chassis. I made it just small enough to fit within the lowest height you can have your chassis be without using BFE/OBJRA2, and also gave them side APs and the ability to attach outside the chassis for additional flexibility.
Since geared betas aren't exactly the best in 2.2, I buffed the mini motor to have about the same torque (as in acceleration, NOT max speed) as the 2.2 geared beta, and gave the larger version twice the torque as the miniature:

Being able to do this on the fly opens up the possibility of the next DSL version. Is this something you would like to see? Here are some various tidbits on what I plan to do, should I go ahead with this.

The only problem here is that I have no way of contacting Clickbeetle to see what he thinks of this. I still haven't gotten any sort of reply from a PM I sent him back in May 2016 as to whether or not I could use his thruster components in... Retooled, of all things. If I can't get a reply there, no way would I get one by sending him a message now. I also sent him an email a couple of days ago, to which I haven't gotten a reply from yet.
On the other hand, I've successfully contacted both Goose and Starcore (two of DSL's previous directors) about this. The latter simply stated that he "was not against it" and the former is trying to get a hold of Clickbeetle, but I'm not sure if Click's gone completely off the grid or what. We'll see what happens with him.

Off-Topic Discussion / Re: Meme Compass
« on: August 22, 2017, 02:25:45 AM »

Physically remove all normies tbh.

DSL TC Showcases / Re: Thyrus`Showcase
« on: August 21, 2017, 05:53:14 PM »
So how much does it havok?

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