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Messages - Vertigo

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Robots Showcase / Re: Team Psyclone - The Build Diaries
« on: January 07, 2012, 10:03:40 AM »
Just allow your wheels to stick up more above the top plate, like I did on Gust

Remember, your robot can be upto around 130mm long, it doesn't have to fit in the cube flat

Robots Showcase / Re: Team Psyclone - The Build Diaries
« on: January 06, 2012, 04:02:11 PM »
Cool, go for it

Robots Showcase / Re: Team Psyclone - The Build Diaries
« on: January 06, 2012, 03:24:52 PM »
Just something to note, if you want to spend a little more, with that speed controller, you could double the amount of the first three items and get four each, making the robot four wheel drive and more competitive.

Either that or you could get a servo and make a flipper for not too much of an extra cost

Just a note, I would not attempt 4WD + Flipper because you would be getting riskily close to the weight limit

no problems, its amazing the words "modify an rc car" havent featrued in the thead as per most begginer ones.
Haha, tell me about it :P

Robots Showcase / Re: Team Psyclone - The Build Diaries
« on: January 06, 2012, 03:15:59 PM »
a 180mah will see you fine
Course it will, just a personal preference that I prefer my robots to run a little longer per charge

Robots Showcase / Re: Team Psyclone - The Build Diaries
« on: January 06, 2012, 02:54:52 PM »
Fantastic, great to see new roboteers

Basically, my advice would be to not build a super-ant weight. It's a dead class. There are no competitions for them whatsoever, and are viewed as an overweight ant. Therefore I would highly recommend starting with an ant.

Right now there's an obsession with starting by buying robots. However, you learn absolutely nothing, or at least very little, I would definitely advise you to build one yourself. We can of course guide you through this. Don't worry, it's not as hard as it sounds!

Parts lust coming shortly when I get back onto my laptop :P

Real Robotics Discussion / Re: Least favorite robot!
« on: January 06, 2012, 11:05:36 AM »
I'm sorry, but they blatantly lied to the judges of the competition to win. That, to me, is cheating, so these's 2 of the 3 down. And entering 2 bots (basically 3 with he clusterbot) into the MW final is pretty cheap, doubling your chancs of winning, but when they obviously avoided each other, it goes into the realm of cheating, in my opinion. Obviously Mentorn felt differently.

And the 3rd one is down to one's opinion, I suppose.
Look, half the time you don't even know that your robot is broken until you closely inspect it

And the second is completely un-cheating! Several teams entered two heavyweights, so why should teams not be allowed to enter two middleweights?

Both Team Storm and a member from the Typhoon team still compete today. If there was cheating in the FINAL of Robot Wars, I'm sure there would be some obvious hard feelings, and there aren't any!

Robots Showcase / Re: L.W.S Robotics build diarys
« on: January 03, 2012, 12:51:54 PM »
Get the gimsons

Robots Showcase / Re: Team FarSide
« on: January 03, 2012, 12:51:06 PM »
Everything's fine apart from the motors, and the wheels aren't too great either

Robots Showcase / Re: my build diarys
« on: December 29, 2011, 04:34:41 AM »
Look much more like RC wheels than banebots to me

Robots Showcase / Re: my build diarys
« on: December 29, 2011, 02:36:16 AM »
Wow, I didn't think anyone used RoboChallenge blue wheels in America XD

Real Robotics Discussion / Re: Least favorite robot!
« on: December 28, 2011, 02:06:58 PM »
so what, it was rather entertaining. And it eventually got a flipper.
MeggaMouse is a completely different robot to Mighty Mouse

Robots Showcase / Re: my build diarys
« on: December 28, 2011, 02:05:30 PM »
Michael won't be pleased, its fw spinner time!
I'm not scared of spinners

[/end lies]

Well, maybe I am, a bit :P
But don't forget that I've got the best armoured FW flipper in the UK, and arguably the best ever UK featherweight (judging on how much it's won)

So there :P

Real Robotics Discussion / Re: Least favorite robot!
« on: December 28, 2011, 01:36:44 PM »
Well, maybe he has the right to, but it's still very disrespectful in my view

Real Robotics Discussion / Re: Least favorite robot!
« on: December 27, 2011, 12:37:02 PM »
Typhoon, their whole team were liars, cheaters and general dicks.
Er, no

You do not have the right to talk about people like that when you have not even met them

Chatterbox / Re: What Did You Get - 2011 Edition!
« on: December 25, 2011, 05:06:09 PM »
Well put it this way, I'm posting from a brand new iPad 2, while wiring a shapeways 3D printed antweight robot :D

Off-Topic Discussion / Re: General Chatter Thread
« on: December 25, 2011, 02:37:16 AM »
I'm the only user online atm XD

Anyways, Merry Chirstmas to all!

Chatterbox / Re: What Did You Get - 2011 Edition!
« on: December 23, 2011, 03:14:11 AM »
I bought myself 20' of tube steel a 9oz paintball gun tank, another solenoid valve and a regulator.
Haha, when you know you're a roboteer :P

I'm getting a load of parts for a few more ants, won't reveal what for specifically yet though

Real Robotics Discussion / Re: The road to an antweight
« on: December 22, 2011, 08:51:20 AM »
Yeah, as long as it can fit in a 4" cube before the fight it's fine.

Although, reading up on some of the rules, I'm afraid some may be difficult to follow:

2h) For safety purposes, all weaponry must have the capability of being deactivated by remote control. Turn on/off via transmitter
2j) The following radio frequencies are acceptable: 27 MHz, 40 MHz, 418 MHz, 433-434 MHz, 868 MHz and 2.45 GHz. (I have 2.4, not 2.45, is that acceptable?) Yes
5b) Contestants must register their frequencies (including which crystals they have) with the event organiser at least 7 days before the contest. (What, crystals?) N/A if your transmitter is 2.4ghz
2m) All radio control transmitters must be CE marked and comply with the R&TTE Directive (Not sure if mine is EDIT: It has the CE mark but I'm not sure if it complies with R&TTE.) Oh well :P

Although, apart from that, everything is going OK ATM. Will get the money to order the rest of the parts on Christmas day (hopefully).

Real Robotics Discussion / Re: The road to an antweight
« on: December 22, 2011, 06:16:47 AM »
Can someone please remind me of the size limit for an antweight? I know the weight limit is 150g.


Nvm, it's 4"3.
Actually it can be bigger than 4" in a single direction, it just has to fit in a 4" cube, doesn't have to fit in flat

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