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Messages - SkullKid2000

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Creativity Showcase / Re: My very own house robot...
« on: March 29, 2019, 01:50:18 PM »
Early stages… the human model is not by me, it can be found here and is made by a guy called "randomdude90", and his model is called "Wood Dummy". I did however scale the human dummy myself so that it is about 181 centimeters tall (5.93 feet).

"Titan" to the left is about 2 meters (6.56 feet) tall, 2 meters wide (6.56 feet) and 2.5 (8.20 feet) meters long.

The robot itself is of course by me. The human is there just as a reference for size comparison.


Among all those magazines I bought off eBay a while ago, I found this.

So, I decided to replicate it in real life.

Existing Games / Re: Robot Wars:Arenas of Destruction
« on: March 29, 2019, 01:24:43 AM »
Whats next on the list of modding? :P
Well... we'll see ;)

Existing Games / Re: Robot Wars:Arenas of Destruction
« on: March 25, 2019, 06:36:51 PM »
Damn :( Just a thought
It's a great idea. Being able to modify the looks of the weapons. The models themselves seems exported into this *.rwm format I don't know a thing about... I really wish (I believe you're with me on this one) there was a modding toolkit of some sort to both Arenas of Destruction and Extreme Destruction.

I could always try to lookup *.msh though... see what that's all about...

Existing Games / Re: Robot Wars:Arenas of Destruction
« on: March 25, 2019, 06:32:17 PM »
Thinking about matilda can you move the placement of the chainsaw so the base of the chainsaw into her body?
I'm afraid I cannot do that, as It'll probably require me to edit the model itself. As said, it's a *.rwm. In hex, it says "MSH" at the beginning, no clue what to do about that really. Oh well...  :(

I'm sorry I haven't kept this thread up to date, but the data is clearly lost. Sad, but true. Instead, I'm going to focus on building my very own house robot in my other, more recent thread!

Existing Games / Re: Robot Wars:Arenas of Destruction
« on: March 25, 2019, 05:33:09 PM »
What else can you change on the house robots? :P
I would love to make Sir Killalot's claw bigger, but the models are in *.rwm format. When opened in HxD, it clearly reads "MSH", but I'm not sure if you can just rename the file extension to *.msh. I don't think that'll work...

Existing Games / Re: Robot Wars:Arenas of Destruction
« on: March 25, 2019, 04:46:22 PM »
Thats amazing, I wish though we could use the card system as well but yay :P
I know what you mean. Being able to fool around with the house robots with Refbot would be hilarious XD

Existing Games / Re: Robot Wars:Arenas of Destruction
« on: March 25, 2019, 01:15:55 PM »

Existing Games / Re: Robot Wars:Arenas of Destruction
« on: March 25, 2019, 01:00:21 PM »
haha I wish there was a way to swap refbots arms around as they are mirrored
I haven't even noticed! But now when you say it, yeah! They are! XD I could give that a try as well, we'll see what can happen if I switch them.

Existing Games / Re: Robot Wars:Arenas of Destruction
« on: March 25, 2019, 03:18:33 AM »
Yeah! Weapons can be changed, but only to some degree. It doesn't seem to be possible to change to any weapons from Arenas of Destruction to Extreme Destruction or vice versa. Oh well...

How well did the chainsaw work?
Well, it works just fine. But the body of it is outside her shell, as shown in the previous image. Looks kind of exposed though. I still prefer Matilda with her chainsaw. She then looks like she was meant to look :)

I like her flywheel for her destructive power but for her chainsaw for aesthetics :P

Good point. Although I like her method for damage with the chainsaw better. Flip them, then slice the underneath of them, which is in many cases not protected. And as always, she's not alone. She's got at least (in the fourth wars and down) three more colleges ;)

Existing Games / Re: Robot Wars:Arenas of Destruction
« on: March 24, 2019, 07:36:50 PM »
Yeah! Weapons can be changed, but only to some degree. It doesn't seem to be possible to change to any weapons from Arenas of Destruction to Extreme Destruction or vice versa. Oh well...

How well did the chainsaw work?
Well, it works just fine. But the body of it is outside her shell, as shown in the previous image. Looks kind of exposed though. I still prefer Matilda with her chainsaw. She then looks like she was meant to look :)

Existing Games / Re: Robot Wars:Arenas of Destruction
« on: March 23, 2019, 11:32:04 AM »
Yeah! Weapons can be changed, but only to some degree. It doesn't seem to be possible to change to any weapons from Arenas of Destruction to Extreme Destruction or vice versa. Oh well...

Existing Games / Re: Robot Wars:Arenas of Destruction
« on: March 23, 2019, 10:49:31 AM »
The Monstoco chainsaw from Extreme Destruction will do.

Existing Games / Re: Robot Wars:Arenas of Destruction
« on: March 22, 2019, 04:27:39 PM »
I also have as a goal to get Matilda with her chainsaw into Extreme Destruction, so far though it's not without crashing the game...

Thats a challenge :P
Just grabbing the *.rwm file (Robot Wars mesh) and putting it in the Extreme Destruction directory, replacing it, won't work.

Gonna try comparing the chainsaw with the flywheel with HxD and see what I can dig up. The chainsaw, the only thing that makes Arenas of Destruction better, in my opinion.

EDIT: The two *.rwm files are completely different in hex, no use trying to change byte after byte to any kind of byte and figure it out, as it's going to take more than a lifetime…

EDIT2: Changing the texture of the flywheel to the chainsaw's texture worked just fine... hmm… but that of course won't do... I want the chainsaw instead of the flywheel.

Existing Games / Re: Robot Wars:Arenas of Destruction
« on: March 22, 2019, 03:38:11 PM »
I also have as a goal to get Matilda with her chainsaw into Extreme Destruction, so far though it's not without crashing the game...

Existing Games / Re: Robot Wars:Arenas of Destruction
« on: March 21, 2019, 11:24:07 AM »
Reading though the files in notepad++ is kinda funny lol
also just noticing in the Robot Wars arena you can change the pit tyre haha and change the middle jet to a flame jet omg I wish I could edit it and put it back together it would be so much fun haha
Indeed! the games, both Arenas of Destruction and Extreme Destruction are very moddable actually.

Any chance we would see what happens if you change the pit button? :P
I might do that someday as well XD

Existing Games / Re: Robot Wars:Arenas of Destruction
« on: March 20, 2019, 03:39:52 AM »
Reading though the files in notepad++ is kinda funny lol
also just noticing in the Robot Wars arena you can change the pit tyre haha and change the middle jet to a flame jet omg I wish I could edit it and put it back together it would be so much fun haha
Indeed! The games, both Arenas of Destruction and Extreme Destruction are very moddable actually.

Creativity Showcase / Re: My very own house robot...
« on: March 17, 2019, 07:32:13 AM »
A render of the back of my currently unnamed house robot... it's workname currently is "Titan".

Creativity Showcase / Update on Mortis.
« on: March 12, 2019, 06:50:38 AM »
Weapons added.

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