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Topics - The Ounce

Pages: [1]
Hello everyone.

So, yeah, I have returned, which I've considered doing for some time now.  I originally left because, to be blunt, I felt the state of the forum had really gone downhill, and between that and the stuff in real life I've had/still have to deal with, I didn't think it was worth sticking around here.  Because I'm still a bit busy with real life stuff, I can't help but feel I did this too early, but the optimistic part of me says that the forum has had enough time to get better and things in my personal life are getting better as well.  And so I'm here.

As far as what I've been doing RA2-wise, I haven't built many standard Stock and DSL bots.  Instead, I've been focusing on learning how to build good IRL bots, not only in DSL2 but in DSL3b and Ironforge as well (OK so I did drop by a couple times to download those mods, but since I didn't log in I don't consider that as an actual return).  However, I must admit I need help, because none of the IRL bots I've built are really good, and those in Ironforge are certainly no exceptions.

Nonetheless, here's one of the IRL LWs I've built, Reclaimed Iron:

124.6 kg, 1mm Aluminum, the rest should hopefully be visible.

Reclaimed Iron was based off of one of my older IRL designs.  Decently powerful weapon, but it can be really unstable due to how powerful the motors are in this mod.  Not sure if the axes are the best for this design, and not a fan of how I attached the rear wheel guards either.  Weak armor and iffy wedges as well (but the latter is to be expected because, well, it's RA2).

Constructive criticism very much appreciated.

Challenge Board / The Ounce vs madman3 (DQ: The Ounce)
« on: January 02, 2012, 05:15:36 PM »
Madman sent me a challenge PM, and despite the humiliating loss I just suffered, I accept.

DSL 2.1 HW.
Combat Arena w/ hazards off.
DSL Realistic.
No custom components or cheatbot2.
No BFE, hax mode, etc.

So who's willing to host?

Challenge Board / The Ounce vs Jonzu95 (Jonzu95 Wins)
« on: November 16, 2011, 06:24:02 PM »
Alright, so Jonzu has decided to challenge me rather than try to get revenge on RPJK... okay.

Stock MW
Normal Stock Building Rules
Combat Arena, 3 minutes
Best out of 3

Challenge Board / Urjak vs The Ounce (Urjak Wins)
« on: May 16, 2011, 04:34:10 PM »
Thanks to Pwnator, Urjak has wanted to test his rebuild of Bane Revolution against the latest version of my DiSemboweLment.  Rather than send the bot to him myself, I thought it would be more fun to challenge him.


Combat Arena with hazards off.

Best out of 7 matches.

Custom Components Showcase / The Snow Leopard's Custom Showcase
« on: January 23, 2011, 12:48:15 PM »
This is long overdue if you ask me.  I was actually planning on posting this yesterday, but I've been busy with RL stuff so I wasn't able to.  A shame really since Click posted his yesterday, and now I feel like I've copied him.

Whatever, I'll start off by jumping on the bandwagon and showcasing some of my Space Arena creations. 

First off is Skyrocket, a MW 4-Snapper flipper with 2WD NPC-T74s and Hypnos, 2 Micro Fusion Cells, and 5mm plastic:

The control board is in front of the NPCs.

It is VERY powerful; tosses HWs out of the arena with ease, but is very likely to throw itself OOTA instead of its opponent.

Next is Rain of Steel, a pretty standard hammer, but is different in some ways:

2 MFCs and 3 SECs
10 Rusted Axes
2 60kg sledgehammers protecting the front.
A skirt hinge with two 80cm angled plastic skirts at the back (for stability and protection).

The wide stance of the plows allows it to trap bots with ease, and the axes deal surprisingly high damage.

I have more custom bots, but this is all I'm showing for now.

Stock Showcases / The Stock Showcase of The Ounce
« on: July 01, 2009, 02:04:59 PM »
If you haven't read my forum introduction yet, I suggest you do so before you view this showcase.  If you have then you would know I don't really like stock, but I've been getting better recently, and I wanted to start a showcase to see if that was true.  Don't be surprised if what I showcase is not original; like I said before, I haven't been very good at stock until the most recent weeks.  Here's a very destructive (but very vulnerable) popup, Go Up Here:

HP Z-Tek drive with shinies
1 Supervolt
6 razor tips on 2 DDTs
1 ramplate and DSA for armor

  • Fast
  • Powerful weapon
  • Wedge placement works well against other wedges
  • Steep front wedge and ramplate can decrease the effectiveness of the bot
  • Very exposed front
  • Exposed wheels
It can't beat many of Starcore 3.0's MW HSs (for obvious reasons), but I think it's still a fairly good popup.

Chatterbox / An Introduction to Me, Including a History of RA2 and Me
« on: June 29, 2009, 08:46:40 PM »
I should have done this a while ago, but I think it's necessary since I haven't really introduced myself to the community.

I am 15, and my interests include books, science, anything and everything natural, and combat robotics, including of course RA2.

I bought the game 8 months ago, and for a while I was a complete n00b.  My computer broke down only about a month after I had purchased the game.  It was about two months before I was playing RA2 again, and of course I was still a n00b.
When I had repaired my computer, I discovered this community as the current official RA2 community.  Here I searched for tips on how to build better robots.  I had found some really good tutorials (mainly the Beetle bros' website), but I was still having trouble building decent bots.
4 months ago I decided to download DSL, and found it easier to build decent bots and overall much better than stock, mainly because of the realistic rule.  I had then pretty much abandoned stock and despised it, but I have recently downloaded Starcore 3.0 and am building a little more in stock now that I understand and can better perform the glitches.

I now think I am a decent builder, although most of my building is heavily influenced by Sage and the Beetle bros and I've pretty much fallen in love with Sage's skin pack.

I didn't join earlier for 2 main reasons:

1. If I would have joined right when I discovered the forums, I most likely would have been the target of n00b whackers.

2. Because of the first reason, I wanted to do a lot of preparation before becoming a part of this community, just to be safe and to leave a good impression.

Although I have gotten those issues solved, I'm still not much of a social person, usually posting only to give advice or if directly addressed.  Despite that, I'm looking forward to being welcomed by you into your community.

Thank you,

-The Ounce

DSL TC Showcases / The DSL Super Efficient Designs of The Ounce
« on: June 20, 2009, 04:48:37 PM »
I'm new here, but I've been playing RA2 for over 7 months and DSL for over 3 months.  I've been using the tips found on this site and viewing other peoples' showcases to further my building skills.  I'm confident that I am a decent DSL builder, but I want to know what you think and would like to receive advice if needed.  So without further ado, I present to you one of my primary team's LWs, Stiletto:

-2 Hypnos on Slimbodies
-3 ant batts
-8 Light DS Teeth
-3mm plastic

  • deals a lot of damage
  • a lot of pushing power
  • weapons surprisingly last long
  • slow, even with Hypno wheels
  • unrealistic (stacked batteries and overlapped control board)
  • focuses entirely on offense; has no other defense besides the weapon
I have other lightweights that are much better than this one in its current condition, so don't judge me yet.

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