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Topics - GameKing3

Pages: [1]
Off-Topic Discussion / Gearheads Unite!!!!
« on: June 01, 2015, 11:48:26 PM »
I remember seeing an off topic post about all the different cars people had way back but alas rather then trying to revive a thread that is dead i'm going to attempt to start a new one. I remember that there were alot more gearheads here then I thought. Lets see what you got  :thumbup. This my 05 STi, built her from the ground up myself. Fully forged bottom end with oversized pistons, 272 cams, and a turbo swap.

Off-Topic Discussion / Beer!
« on: November 19, 2014, 07:51:28 PM »
Recently I have returned to America, and I find myself on this new kick doing these things called beer tours. I dont know how many of you are even of age to drink, but i'm curious. Got any recommendations for me to try? I get tired of the good old american flag covered Budweiser  :bigsmile:

Chatterbox / Heading to boot camp
« on: January 05, 2011, 05:44:16 PM »
Dear reader's

I'm sitting here writing this topic to inform you all that I am entering a temporary retirement. You see I am being sent to USMC Boot Camp soon enough, and I wont have time for gametechmods for a while. I don't know exactly when I will return, but I will eventually return. However, for now the Marine Core is calling my name and i'm obliged to answer the call. I'm sure some of you won't care, but I hope you all understand the situation. For now I bid you all goodbye, wish me luck.


Chatterbox / Influenza
« on: October 07, 2009, 05:49:14 PM »
I am currently battling this stupid virus and i was just curious to see how if at all it has affected anyone else here on the forum. I have influenza A which is a similar strain to H1N1 although i don't know if it's the actual H1N1 or just the similar Flu A strain because there is no test for H1N1. Anyways this is just out of curiosity, and i am making a survey of sorts for psychology so i would be most great full if you could answer the survey truthfully. THANKS.

Off-Topic Discussion / Do you like cars?
« on: June 27, 2009, 01:20:55 PM »
I noticed that many people on this forum are also car fanatics.  So i decided to give them a place to show off their rides.  I am going to start it off with my Ford 1925 T-Bucket. 350 Stroked out, 761 Blower, puts out over 500 horsepower to the ground.

General Support / Problem AIing Omni Spinner
« on: June 27, 2009, 01:20:40 AM »
Normally when it comes to AIing i normally can figure the problem out on my own, but this one has me stumped I am AIing a bot really similar to billy goats gruffiest so that is the binding I used. However the robot faces the right way, uses its weapons, and everything it just wont attack it seems to want to avoid the other bot by driving around it or running away.  I have tried everything i can think of and double checked everything but i am still stuck. Think you can help

Chatterbox / Who do you think will win the super bowl?
« on: January 20, 2009, 04:43:22 PM »
Niether one of these teams are my favorite, but i would like to see the Cardinals get there first super bowl.  On the other end i think that the steelers defense will overwhelm the cardinals.  I have to go with the steelers.

Stock Showcases / GameKing3's Showcase
« on: June 05, 2008, 02:47:44 PM »
I decided to reopen my showcase to this forum my first bot is Whiplash it's a MW.

DSL TC Showcases / GameKing3's DSL Showcase
« on: June 02, 2008, 09:49:17 PM »
Well up until now i've been strictly for starcore, but i figured it might be fun.
Here is my first bot named Whiplash V.1 post comments and let me know how i did he is a HW.

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