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Topics - ThermalLance89

Pages: [1]
From a complete noob, let me introduce you to Junkyard Vampire III!

Class: Middleweight (398,8) Note: I really used all the possible weight for a medium didn't I? XD

Features Notes:
- I encased the wheels when I notice they came off way too easily against spinners and pokers. These are alluminum and can tank a few direct hits at least. Unless I get HAMMERED by some crazy bot that is. XD

- The small carbon fiber bar on the back ain't only there for style. It's to reduce the likelyhood of the bot to get stuck upright. Still can happen but that bar minimizes the risks.

- No, the disc dosen't touch anything. It runs over the RC unit and, while it comes to an hair close, it dosen't touch the electric motor.

- The one mistake I did is that the top shaft of the disc sticks a little bit out of the bot. Like, a small bit. I do not think that would kick me out of every competition given it ain't exactly an impossibility but I couldn't fix it without having to do it all over again thanks to how building works unfortunately.

Discussion / Question about repairs in events.
« on: November 22, 2022, 06:04:56 PM »
Is there a way to completely disable repair in events? I know it sounds like cheating but please hear this.

I'm not into doing OP bots that wreck everything... I prefer bots with pros/cons because it makes it interesting to me. Now, the issue that cause is that OF COURSE I am eventually going to fight bots I am not very well prepared for. Then since I took heavy damage, next round im up against a 100% perfectly in shape bot because no matter what the AI is not restricted by this in any way. The player is the only one that has to repair so all it does is pushing you into making broken bots. I'd rather remove the repair thing altogether and be able to enjoy this my way. :(

Discussion / Need Mods Recommendations
« on: November 21, 2022, 08:49:42 AM »
Well, I assume playing vanilla must be quite "useless" at this point and time. I saw many mods and they all seem to expand on it. That said, there is multiple mods in the download sections and I am not sure which ones are the "best" time investment.

 (I don't like using the word best because all mods got pros and cons... But, it will do for now.)

I wanted to know, which mod is the most recommended for singleplayer and which mod is the most played multiplayer.

Edit: Also, those I downloaded are the ones in the "Working Game" section of Downloads. I am assuming those are "ready-to-run" packages and it seems to be the case. I just want to point that out in case some of these mods need to be pasted over a vanilla install to work properly.

- DSL-IRL 2.6 / 3.7
- G50
- IronForge 1.2.1
- Robot Wars

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