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Topics - freeziez

Pages: 1 2 3 [4] 5

Well... here you go.




Chatterbox / Reading ATM
« on: February 14, 2011, 05:11:49 PM »
The world needs more ATM threads.  :gawe:

I'll start:

I am reading Don Quixote.

Discussion / BBEANS Revamped
« on: February 09, 2011, 06:33:41 PM »
Yes, I am ripping off S_M's idea, but I've done these before. So I thought I'd post some.
First off:



Round 1-

Next Matches:

Chatterbox / Super Bowl
« on: February 06, 2011, 08:48:05 PM »
Who's it gonna be? Packers or Steelers?

My vote is for Green Bay.

Current Score: 28-25

Chatterbox / The Debate Thread
« on: January 26, 2011, 02:52:31 PM »
Basically, this thread will be (each day) debates on different topics.

The first one is simple-


Which phone network is better- Verizon, AT&T, Sprint, T-Mobile, Boost Mobile, or any other I don't feel like mentioning?

Tournament Archives / Hell's Arena- Signups
« on: January 24, 2011, 05:42:13 PM »


- NAR AI HW (no cheaty NAR parts, just the re-skins)
- Multibots ARE allowed
- Multibots have to be in the same weight class, in total,can weigh no more than 400.0 kgs.
- No cheat or custom components
- No BFE or AAM
- Stacking is allowed, but no other glitches
- Hell's Arena (see below)
- 16 entrants (I WILL NOT accept less than this. Sorry,  but the tourney will screw up if I do.)
- Bots can Havok as much as they want. It's more fun that way.
- 3 minute matches
- 1 vs 1
- Nobody can be entered until a bot is received and accepted
- Realistic Rule applies loosely
- I would prefer for you to AI, but I can AI myself.
- Skinning your bot outside the bot lab is OK.
- No castor armor (it's DSL, ok?)
- No NARmour

For the first round, I will have each set of bots fight each other (1st to sign up vs. 16th to sign up, 2nd to sign up vs. 15th to sign up, etc.). The winners will be on the Red Team for the season, the losers will be on the Blue Team.

It will be kind of like Hell's Kitchen (, only with RA2. THERE WILL BE ONLY 16 ENTRANTS! The team will cooperatively build a bot. Each builder will be assigned to a specific part (chassis, armour, drive motors, wheels, motors, weapons, extras, paintjob). Every week, the bot type (hammer, popup, rammer, etc.), and mod (Stock, DSL, Backlash) will be different.


The two bots from both teams will face off in an AI-ed battle to determine that week's winning and losing teams. Each "week" (about 3 days), I will assign who I thought was the best of the losing team the Best Of The Worst. They will have to come up with 2 nominees, their fellow team members who they thought performed the worst, up to me. I will then eliminate the one nominee that I thought was the worst.

(I will not sign up, because I will be hosting.)





1. Vertigo
2. Ben Purse
3. Badnik96
4. Preytor_4
5. G.K.
6. Hard Bot
7. Madman3
8. Reier
9. ty4er
10. Horror
11. R1885
12. S_M
13. MKB
14. Scorpion
15. Scrap Daddy
16. SKBT

Green= Bot received and AI'd
Teal= Bot recieved and accepted
Black= Bot recieved
Red= Problem with your bot

Signups deadline is Feb. 11, but can be extended.

Signups open!


I will be using Jonzu's GRRC cars and tracks (so credit to him for making the Game).


Bracket will be a heat system. Each heat will race a 10-race Grand Prix. The top 3 racers from each heat advance.


The top 3 racers from each heat will face off against the top 3 racers from the next heat. This will go on, until there are 6 racers left (the final heat). The winner of this heat will become the ULTIMATE CHAMPION!*

*Ultimate Champion prizes sold separately.

Tournament Archives / Hell's Arena
« on: December 23, 2010, 10:52:12 AM »

- NAR AI HW (no cheaty NAR parts, just the re-skins)
- Multibots ARE allowed
- No cheat or custom components
- No BFE or AAM
- Stacking is allowed
- Hell's Arena (see below)
- 16 entrants
- Nobody can be entered until a bot is received and accepted
- Realistic Rule applies loosely
- I would prefer for you to AI, but I can AI myself.
- Skinning your bot outside the bot lab is OK.
- No castor armor (it's DSL, ok?)
- No NARmour

It will be kind of like Hell's Kitchen (, only with RA2. THERE WILL BE ONLY 16 ENTRANTS! I will use The Hat to decide which team each contestant will be on, and each week, they will face a challenge with a randomly selected type of bot that they will have to build, and face off against an AI bot from a random AI pack of the same type. Each builder will compete against an AI bot of the same type, and the team with the most match-wins will win that week.

Each week, my decision will be to eliminate the person that I think "performed" (built their bot) the worst
from the 2 nominees that the losing team's Best of the Worst builder chooses.

(I will not sign up, because I will be hosting.)


Chatterbox / Yay! I'm back! [fineprint] for now [/fineprint]
« on: December 23, 2010, 08:57:59 AM »
Well, I'm back! w00t.

But just till January 3rd.


So, what did I miss?

Chatterbox / Farewell.
« on: September 11, 2010, 09:05:30 AM »
Guys, this is not a joke, and I'm not pulling a Sparkey. I've been banished from RA2 and Gametechmods because it's been "getting in the way of my schoolwork". So this is farewell until January, my friends. So long, and I hope the forum runs along smoothly without me.

Custom Components Showcase / freeziez's Backlash Showcase
« on: August 22, 2010, 03:17:55 PM »
Since I think that there should be a separate Backlash Showcase section, I have started my Backlash Showcase.

All Aboard the SS Destruction

Vertical Mayhem


Real Robotics Discussion / Razer vs. Tiberius
« on: August 21, 2010, 10:50:48 AM »
Since I'm sick of all the "Razer is better!" "No, Tiberius is better! YOU SUCK!" crap, I've put up my own poll. Who is better? YOU DECIDE.

Chatterbox / Best quotes from robot combat shows
« on: August 20, 2010, 10:11:57 AM »
Post any funny or interesting quotes you have heard on a robot combat show (Battlebots, Robot Wars, etc...).

Off-Topic Discussion / Wayne's World
« on: August 16, 2010, 04:48:08 PM »
Has anyone ever seen this movie? not seen this movie? BEST. COMEDY. EVER!

Discussion / Should R4 have won BBEANS5?
« on: August 15, 2010, 01:13:31 AM »
Should R4 have won BBEANS5? After looking back on it, I think he should have.

DSL TC Showcases / Freeziez's DSL Showcase
« on: August 14, 2010, 04:01:09 PM »
Well, I've been bugged by Preytor enough times, so here is my DSL showcase.


Please rate and comment!

Discussion / Your first bot team?
« on: August 13, 2010, 03:55:52 PM »
What was your first bot team? This was mine (and I just uploaded them in DSL, I didn't build them there.):

General Support / SnS wiring
« on: August 12, 2010, 10:42:03 PM »
How do you wire an SnS so that it spins, but when it starts being counted out, it moves so that the immobilization stops?

General Support / Oh, come on. Really?
« on: August 12, 2010, 11:28:43 AM »
What is with the RA2 weights? I have a bot that I would like to enter in a future Stock LW BBEANS, but look at the weight:

Is this OK for BBEANS?

General Support / Skirt Hinge firing
« on: August 11, 2010, 07:35:23 PM »
How do you make a skirt hinge fire like a burst motor? Videos are strongly recommended.

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