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Messages - NeighImACarrot

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Chatterbox / Re: Yo sup
« on: May 31, 2023, 07:11:34 PM »

Tournament Archives / Re: Light vs Dark - SBVA
« on: February 27, 2017, 05:25:35 PM »
content removed, user warned

Site News and Feedback / Re: ITT why Goon should be banned
« on: May 11, 2016, 06:05:20 AM »
Sh** me, Craiig's gone. Wow. I didn't think that this would be what stops him. I mean, I get that I didn't help the situation but... Great. Now I feel terrible. Us lot have literally driven a main member away. I think this forum is well and truly dying, and that isn't me being melodramatic (again), that is the truth. If the members of the forum are driving people away, then what is the point of the forum existing? You know, I remember when I first joined. It was great. Then I went into the chatterbox, and got baited hard by HA and eventually got muted. That's probably why I kinda have a grudge against HA.
No credit to me

Site News and Feedback / Re: ITT why Goon should be banned
« on: May 10, 2016, 05:14:35 PM »
@Yugitom: The problem with your proposition is that if Andrew were to return after that temp ban, there would be little guarantee that his behaviour would improve after his sentence, seeing as he has had a history of being muted and warned in the past. With a permanent ban, your message is far likelier to get across as it is the most severe punishment a forum can deliver, whilst still leaving the door open for reformation.
However, he had the comfort of knowing he wasn't IP banned and that he could come back whenever he wanted, once people had calmed down. Something which he did. He didn't wait until he thought he was rehabilitated enough for the forum to handle him, he just came back at his leisure when he thought the reaction to his arrival would be exactly as it's panned out right now, a lot of people defending him asking to give him a second chance.

Also, with the court comparison, I would say it's more to do with being given life and then getting out early on good behaviour. However, the argument of whether life should actually mean life is something different.

I agree that the discretion on the minimum time a user should spend being banned before being allowed into the community should be decided upon by the staff, but the staff did agree to allow Andy to come back onto the website provided he followed their terms and conditions.

Parole hearings are still granted whether the prisoner is worthy or not of being released from jail; the only thing that needs to be done is for the prisoner to serve the minimum sentence. It is then the judicial system's decision whether or not the prisoner should be paroled or not.
This isn't a minimum time issue. He was permanently banned, not temporarily. That's the kind of ban that is the last resort. By using a ban like that, I would assume that the person or people behind the decision to apply it had no intention of the member returning. Although HA was allowed to return, I really don't see why he was. He may have been sincere and upfront about his return but, surely, that doesn't matter in this case.

What I'm trying to get at it is, who's being held accountable for the initial perma-banning of HA? I think I need to know exactly why he or a collective did it to understand whether or not quashing the ban is reasonable. Because, right now, it seems like Craaig let him back on the basis that he hasn't been around for a while and must've changed.

On the one hand, there's actually zero reason to let him stay, given what we know, on the other, what's the worst that could happen? But for everyone complaining about consistency in the rules, that's literally never been the case
Then, how about we start now? Perhaps it'll set the mods off on a good track record of upholding rules and keeping them consistent.
If they were consistent avalance wouldnt be here, and they are doing new rules to address this problem.

Site News and Feedback / Re: ITT why Goon should be banned
« on: May 10, 2016, 01:52:39 PM »
Both lra2 and sparkey were allowed back after perm bans so I don't see why not. yeah sparkey ended up getting banned again but avalanche didn't turn out that bad.

as long as HA posts his racial hatred threads in the chatterbox and doesn't spam the main forum i really don't see the problem.

Well, I believe lra2 waited more than half a year to rejoin. I think it should be at least a year after a permaban before you even THINK about begging for a second chance. No idea about sparkey, 'cause she left before I joined.

LRA2 registered in may 2009 and avalanche was registered in October 2009.

Site News and Feedback / Re: ITT why Goon should be banned
« on: May 10, 2016, 12:51:56 PM »
bans don't have to carry over from previous forums, but bans made on this particular forum ought to be upheld.
But that would lead to the loss of outstanding members of the community such as avalanche
You know it

Site News and Feedback / Re: ITT why Goon should be banned
« on: May 10, 2016, 12:37:28 PM »
bans don't have to carry over from previous forums, but bans made on this particular forum ought to be upheld.
But that would lead to the loss of outstanding members of the community such as avalanche

Site News and Feedback / Re: ITT why Goon should be banned
« on: May 10, 2016, 08:46:14 AM »
Has avalanche really changed that much? But back to Andy I think that if he is willing to change he should have a probation period where if he does anything worth a warning he gets banned again.

Existing Games / Re: Pokemon Thread
« on: May 10, 2016, 08:26:39 AM »

Discussion / Re: Robot Arena 3!
« on: May 05, 2016, 08:10:18 AM »
my bet is the devs just blow at actually building robots

No, they want the standard point of entry very, low, so that people that are bad can win some matches.

I wonder if is it possible to have a single component, that in game is actually multiple components behind the scenes?  The intended use would be "I add a weapon bar" but the weapon bar is actually five or six chunks of weapon bar (in odd, broken like shapes) attached to eachother, each with its own hp, as it takes damage, those pieces fall off and you get something vaguely like battle damage without this everything popping off in full chunks thing.
So kinda like a chainsaw where the teeth on it can come off after taking damage?

Existing Games / Re: Steam
« on: April 11, 2016, 05:30:28 PM »

Game Development / Re: Robot Noob (Remake Of Robot Arena 2)
« on: February 12, 2016, 10:50:45 AM »
Good luck with the mod fam.

Off-Topic Discussion / Re: GTM Awards 2015 - Discussion
« on: December 18, 2015, 10:33:54 PM »
only for those who aren't intentionally trolling/annoying.

Oh, so that's playzooki out the window, then? :P
Don't worry, you'll win easy.
Guess i'm not winning anything this year then :(

Challenge Board / Re: Red Blur Vs. NeighIAmACarrot (battle of the noobs)
« on: November 23, 2015, 04:57:48 PM »
inb4 Carrot uses F*ckerwolf and wins.
hush child
Sorry dude i genuinely didnt see and yugi had already messaged me

Tournament Archives / Re: Dedicated Annual (Or something) RA2 League
« on: November 23, 2015, 05:37:47 AM »
We could all commentate the same match.

It'd be easier to see our spin on it.

EDIT: I'll get my track for commentary done ASAP. Have the worst sore throat right now. Getting a new mic tonight

Alright. If we're gonna do that, lets organise a challenge match. Come at me, bro. I'm willing to give it another shot, after my dismal failures.

Who wants to fight me? Who wants to host?
Stock, middleweight no SnS. challenge issued

Okay. I may be crap at stock, but I shall try this. Challenge accepted. I will make the thread later.

In fact, I can't make a thread until I know which arena we would be using, as well as build style and whether or not hazards would be on.
Standard, hazards off, ra2#T2 arena

A capacitor stores electric charge. It usually has one or more pairs of conductors, separated by an insulator.
Nice googling skills
 (Image removed from quote.)

Tournament Archives / Re: Dedicated Annual (Or something) RA2 League
« on: November 20, 2015, 06:04:58 PM »
We could all commentate the same match.

It'd be easier to see our spin on it.

EDIT: I'll get my track for commentary done ASAP. Have the worst sore throat right now. Getting a new mic tonight

Alright. If we're gonna do that, lets organise a challenge match. Come at me, bro. I'm willing to give it another shot, after my dismal failures.

Who wants to fight me? Who wants to host?
Stock, middleweight no SnS. challenge issued

Chatterbox / Re: Ask me anything
« on: November 20, 2015, 06:03:57 PM »
hah hah you're ****ing hilarious.

do you miss the days of the old skypecast?

Chatterbox / Re: GTM Skype
« on: November 15, 2015, 09:43:24 AM »
GTM Skype remains probably the best way some of us show we are a community. <3
The only way

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