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Messages - Firebeetle

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Tournament Archives / Re: Ironbot SBV
« on: November 20, 2011, 12:48:24 PM »

Tournament Archives / Re: Ironbot SBV
« on: November 12, 2011, 03:35:23 PM »

Tournament Archives / Re: Ironbot SBV
« on: October 30, 2011, 05:29:04 PM »

Tournament Archives / Re: Ironbot SBV
« on: September 30, 2011, 08:56:11 PM »

Stock Showcases / Re: Clickbeetle's bots
« on: August 01, 2011, 03:06:07 AM »
I temporarily derail this thread just a moment for a Beetlebros featurette.

Needless to say my bot-building has grown rusty dusty musty and crusty, but I've built a new one for CB's Ironbot tournament.

11 axes and 18 irons. And yes the wedge is off center, which is detrimental to looks, but not performance.
It's decent at fighting, but my main focus was for survivability and to not enter an HS. Funny thing is, it doesn't do too spectacular against HSes, due to those fleshy front corners, so it could very well get whomped. However it does fine and dandy against anything else as long as it wedges under them.
Anyways, built for the tourney:
As a wammer, it's good at shoveling around the opponent, which deflects damage and has the merit of using of the arena's bountiful hazards. The goal is to hold its ground and let the carnivores kill each other in later rounds. I put every single weapon on its own anchor for extra durability.

Off-Topic Discussion / My music, as heard in BBEANS
« on: January 19, 2011, 11:00:51 PM »
I am aware that there are some of you who enjoy my music they hear in BBEANS, so I thought I'd share my 'website' where you can listen and download everything. I'm quite sure most of it has been released in the BBEANS AI packs, but here they all are in one place so you can easily get the whole album in your iTunes or whatever.
If I ever write any music in the future that doesn't get used as battle music, you'll still find it here. I have unlimited upload space, so the collection will just grow over the years.
I hate to say I haven't played RA2 in quite some time, though I still stay in touch with the goings-on that CB does. (Like for one, there's some really cool secret goodies in the DSL BBEANS AI.)

Modifications / Rocket Jets
« on: August 05, 2010, 12:29:33 AM »
I bring you a new component I have made. I'd post a video or at least a good example bot, but I've done enough dinking around already.
This is a rocket jet / booster rocket / jet engine, whatever. It works just like you think it would- put it on in whatever way, and that part goes forward. Boost a bot forward, make them turn, fly up into the air, give a spinner some extra oomph, DO A BARREL ROLL!- any of it works. That means flying bots without hover engines are entirely possible now.

Download here --->

However, here's an example that uses hover engines just for simplicity's sake.

It can fly at insane speeds and move vertically in either direction at a whim with its rockets, unlike the old 'put stuff under the hover engine' flyers.

I'm entirely sure that it's possible to make a well controlled flying bot without hover engines, but due to the extreme difficulty of balance around the center of mass, I have not gotten around to making a very good one.
Here's a crude attempt.

It uses several small rockets on a gyro system in the middle for forward/reverse movement and turning, and one big rocket for lift.

The theory behind this bot is the 'parachute effect' the lift rocket gives. When fired in quick pulses, the thrust and recoil from a rocket high above the center of mass will keep the bot fairly upright as it flies. However, this bot in particular is a rather poor example of a parachute bot for some reason (I think it may be too heavy to be affected by the rocket's recoil. However, a simple balanced chassis with a baseplate anchor, long extender, and a medium rocket will parachute very nicely.

I know you're all thinking about airplanes. Sadly, there's a little catch. They'd be possible if it weren't for Havok glitching when you have too many rockets attached. So unless you controlled your pitch, roll, and yaw with spinner-momentum or some other wonky method, it won't work out.

I know a component like this seems like bogus, but in all reality it's just a servo piston that takes advantage of a flaw in the programming. I discovered the glitch whilst building HOJ2- that when the end position for a piston's prismatic is set to a negative number instead of the usual positive, the piston won't move and instead all the force is directed into the bot.
Thus to operate the rocket jet, you need some air tanks and need to wire them to 'extend'. (Sadly they can't go in reverse with 'Retract'; it does nothing.)

So go and have fun, I'm excited to see what people can build with these.
And modders, feel free to make new ones- I balanced their settings decently, but may not fit every need.
Plus if someone could figure out a way to further stabilize them against Havoking, that would be awesome. I currently have the piston's shaft bound down with a hinge for extra security (quite necessary, in fact), but any sort of unmoveable bond on the shaft, of which I haven't gotten any to work, would make the component perfect.

Modifications / Clash Cubes Arena's
« on: October 11, 2009, 12:40:50 PM »
Actually a higher FPS would make a visual difference- in RA2 at least. Fast spinners look all chunky in movement because the game doesn't show enough frames to track the entirety of its movement. In theory your spinners could have some cool motion blur going on if they display more frames than your eye can process. That's what happens in real life.
Now granted that many games these days have motion blur effects rendered, and cameras naturally capture it, you really don't need super high FPS most of the time.

Stock Showcases / N00b Warz 2 showcase
« on: October 10, 2009, 01:22:05 AM »
Even though I'm not in the tourney, I thought it would be fun to share some of my noob stuff.
Since you've seen Cheez-it Box of Doom, here's the Wheat Thins Box of Doom that CB mentioned. Gotta love that anchored bracket wedge. I remember I copied the hammer from Raptor because I thought it was awesomely powerful. Of course, when it can hardly reach the opponent, things are a little different...

And a fun little piece of history- Wicked Chicken, with the original 'chicken drill'. I think the picture says it all.

Custom Components Showcase / Hammer of Judgment
« on: September 21, 2009, 12:35:56 PM »
Quote from: Madiaba;67618

From the pics only, it looks like you utilized custom components and BFE, with considerable effort.
BTW: Nice to see you around... Got more stuff to show?

Actually, no bot file editing- everything you see is a component. There is just a one square chassis hidden in a little chamber near the back. It was some considerable effort to make all those parts (no 3DSM). I built the bot on a 1/5 scale for construction ease and testing, then made it huge.
As for other stuff, my most recent RA2 activity has just been HOJ2 of course and some covert ops with CB. I have a few dubiously showcaseable bots from a while back though...

Custom Components Showcase / Hammer of Judgment
« on: September 20, 2009, 06:47:07 PM »
Sadly, Fraps doesn't work on Vista (limited to my laptop @ school)... so no vid unless CB wants to make one.

Custom Components Showcase / Hammer of Judgment
« on: September 20, 2009, 04:23:40 PM »
As I promised several weeks ago, here is my new work of bot.

Hammer of Judgment is designed to smaller and more arena-friendly than Hammer of Justice, but still be just as unfriendly to bots. It has some beastly power, weighing in at about 4 million kgs (able to bully the car in the garage with sheer pushing power). Additionally it has a piston hammer that can fling bots across the arena. It also looks cooler than the original IMO.
It was difficult to get good screenshots, so just be patient for the download. I'll be getting the final version to CB ASAP.

Tournament Archives / BBEANS5 Brackets and Videos
« on: August 21, 2009, 12:31:52 AM »
Wow that was a close one! Well fought, Roboshark- S13 and R4 are like ultimate arch-rivals (3-3 overall). In the first round... that was the greatest comeback EVER.
Great rumbles too. I thought for sure Surgical Strike had the win in the first one. The champs rumble was just so tense, impossible to tell who would win until the very end.

Tournament Archives / BBEANS5 Brackets and Videos
« on: August 19, 2009, 09:49:33 PM »
Hello everyone, long time no see! I decided I have to come back and honor this moment, up in the finals. Cheers to Roboshark and R4 for making it this far as well! I can tell this will be an exciting final.
BTW I still play RA2 now and then. I may actually have an exciting new bot to post soon.

DSL TC Showcases / Firebeetle's bots
« on: August 26, 2006, 06:42:10 PM »
You can probably expect me to make mostly DSL bots for now. DSL bots are so fun to make and my stock ra2 ideas are pretty exhausted.

Here's my first DSL2 superheavyweight. This one's a beast. I present to you now... Gigantuan!

It nicely bulldozes any bot it pleases, weighing 3 times as much as the average heavyweight and driving just as fast with it's beefy motors. It can kick stuff around pretty good too. Since it's made out of lots of big heavy parts, it isn't laggy like the million part stock SHWs. Its thick armor and durable components make it invincible against enemy attacks, perfect for brawling. Here's the specs:

Weight: a little more than 2400
Armor: 10 mm steel, titanium underside plating, many 100 kg plows on spine, a killdozer plow in front, and 3 ram plates guarding the motors
Batteries: 3 oranges and some stuff, it's enough
Drive: 4 etek drive motors and BIG wheels
Weapons: 4 60 kg sledgeys on 2 double perm gearboxes
Flippers: 2 large JX bursts

DSL TC Showcases / MikeNCR's Bots
« on: August 26, 2006, 06:30:45 PM »
Looks dangerous, but probably hard to finish off bots. What kind of drive motors does it have?

Discussion / New Garage Feature for DSL TC v.2.0
« on: May 12, 2006, 05:44:03 PM »
New discovery!
The color of the background is the color of the sky/black fog in the arena you last used.

DSL TC Showcases / Mr. Weedy's Robots
« on: February 25, 2006, 10:46:53 PM »
It's been so long since I checked your showcase, and I must say, you have some really cool bot designs. The wheel setup on the coal miner bot is awesome. I'd like to try out the stacked motor style on the tornado bot for myself, I've gotta see that speed. Overall you have so many cool new designs for DSL bots, I'm really impressed.
Good shredding of Sir Killalot too.

Discussion / DSL 2.0 Sneak Peeks!
« on: February 10, 2006, 06:26:43 PM »
Quote from: mean2u
You should try the bots from the tech demo too, Yellow Buzzard and that.. other bot..

Edit: > Opponents

Are you building bots from this list? I personally never played RA1 so I can't really see the relation from those reps to the list. :?

Here are the original bots from ra1.


Gammaraze (not in the game, it's a prototype or something, but copied off the back of the box. Its skins come with the game though.)

Gammaraze II

I'm not sure what this tech demo you're talking about is.

Modifications / HEY!!
« on: November 03, 2005, 05:57:32 PM »
Well, people visit here often enough, but there isn't enough posting. Everyone is waiting around like vultures, waiting for something to reply to. Supposedly there's lots of DSL players out there waiting for DSL 2, but the only person showing what he's doing is Mr. Weedy.

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