Guys, here's a preview of all the arenas I have so far:Aon 2 Tournament Arena AceUplink Battle Center AU Onslaught Arena 2.1 AU Onslaught Arena 2.2 The Bahamas Battlebox IQ Battlebox BATTLEBOX 2.0 BBEANS Tournament Arena BBEANS Tournament Arena V2 Epic Showdown Combat Arena Combat Arena V5 drag race test Bridge of Doom Clash Cubes Qualifying Arena AU Challenge Arena Clash Cubes 3 Arena ClawTop V2 ClawTop ClawTop Crusher ClawTop (HP) Magnetic Photon-Phazer Arena-R Magnetic Photon-Phazer Arena ClawTop Reverse (HP) ClawTop (UP) Compressor Arena DSL Cave Arena DSL Drum Of Death Arena DSL Lava Island Arena DSL Obstacle Course Arena DSL Onslaught Arena DSL Schoolyard Arena DSL Soccer Arena DSL Soccer_Deadly_Arena DSL Space Station Arena DSL Blade Arena DSL Tournament Arena The Think Tank Electric Arena Electric Arena 2 Empty Arena FlexTop Generic Arena Geosphere Battle Arena Ant latenight Rumble Half Circle Arena Hangar-'Alien Visitors'-Arena Hangar Arena High-Dive Firepit Hill Top Arena Honey I Shrunk the Bots DSL Ice Arena Infinity Arena AA Joust Arena LumaZone Low Lag Arena Low_Lag_2 Mars Base Ocean Platform The Octagon Parking Lot PinkBox The Practice Arena The Pyramid A RA-Reborn Arena RAW Arena The Red Zone (Flamer Test) Ring Arena ROBONOVA Arena Robot Wars Arena A Starcore AI Combat Arena Metal Skull Small Arena Stunt Arena DSL Hamster Ball of Doom The Ring RA2T#2 Tournament Arena Twiiiiiiiiiiiiiisted Arena The RA2 Zone ArenaFight To The Finish April Fools ArenaI also have the ROBONOVA 2 arena but I haven't finished it yet.
1. What is "Twiiiiiiiiiiiiiisted Arena" and "Epic Showdown"? 2. What's the name of arena from "Robotica"?3. Where can I download (1) and (2)?
the Epic Showdown used in Naryar's Glorious Melee
Quote from: Kid_Krusher13 on January 05, 2013, 12:01:12 PM the Epic Showdown used in Naryar's Glorious MeleeThe Epic Showdown arena was made by Clickbeetle as an easter egg in the BBEANS Stock AI Pack
And what's about Fight to the Finish? Where can I found it?
We really should get this done... If we publish this on RA2's anniversary day, it would be great.
a collage
What's the one right after the Honey I Shrunk the Bots arena?
Quote from: MassimoV on February 21, 2013, 04:23:59 PMWhat's the one right after the Honey I Shrunk the Bots arena?Moon arena IIRC.
Is this thing still going on or has this been scrapped for good?