Is there a type of FBS binding that accommodates a srimech? I'm currently having to swap between either-or. I'd kill for a sample AI line to go with it.
Aso, how do I get rid of the shine on the Hypno's Disc component? The disc has such a powerful shine that it all but blots out my texture.
Much obliged. Finished product will be posted when it's done.
Try FBSPlus and wire your srimech with SRM.
list.append(("Enter Bot Name","FBSPlus",{'nose':math.pi*2,'invertible':False,'range':50,'radius':1,'topspeed':100,'throttle':100,'turn':100,'turnspeed':2.5,'direction':1,'spinspeed':6,'accuracy':0.01,'weapons':(0,)}))
Can't help with the other part though