Author Topic: Lilly's Bedroom Robotics: DSL  (Read 10812 times)

Offline 8bean

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Re: Lilly's Bedroom Robotics: DSL edition
« Reply #60 on: October 08, 2022, 06:00:39 PM »
fire skin + bonus cool points for camber. great work
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Offline Lilleh__

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Re: Lilly's Bedroom Robotics: DSL edition
« Reply #61 on: October 28, 2022, 01:01:41 PM »
ice pick 2022.png

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Re: Lilly's Bedroom Robotics: DSL edition
« Reply #62 on: November 25, 2022, 12:39:26 PM »

Offline Lilleh__

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Re: Lilly's Bedroom Robotics: DSL edition
« Reply #63 on: December 02, 2022, 12:58:12 PM »
pitstop t.png

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Re: Lilly's Bedroom Robotics: DSL edition
« Reply #64 on: December 26, 2022, 02:20:39 PM »
disco closure.png

Offline 8bean

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Re: Lilly's Bedroom Robotics: DSL edition
« Reply #65 on: December 27, 2022, 11:00:25 PM »
Cool bot, your skinwork really makes it difficult to distinguish what parts are chassis and what parts are extenders which is impressive. Personally I wouldve gone with a little less red but the cloudy parts match the aesthetic well. Also thats an interesting way to make the drive work on the chambered chassis lol.
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Re: Lilly's Bedroom Robotics: DSL edition
« Reply #66 on: December 30, 2022, 06:43:16 AM »
Cool bot, your skinwork really makes it difficult to distinguish what parts are chassis and what parts are extenders which is impressive. Personally I wouldve gone with a little less red but the cloudy parts match the aesthetic well. Also thats an interesting way to make the drive work on the chambered chassis lol.
The extenderwork is mostly there to make up the weight w/o looking like I didn't try to add to the bot w/ it after the bot ended up at 729 w/ a 72v motor and the highest armour I could get w/o going over 800.  As for the drive, the bot itself was inspired by Triton but I decided to make a bunch of differences that'll clearly show that the bot's design isn't just a straight up clone.

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Re: Lilly's Bedroom Robotics: DSL
« Reply #67 on: March 10, 2023, 11:56:02 AM »
Was hoping that my first new build of the year would've been finished weeks before now, but eh.  Deepest Blood is a return to the big vert roots of one of my oldest lines of robots, but this time it actually looks good as a big vert.  The tail which I added in response to feedback received on discord means the bot can't self-right just from the disc hitting the floor, but it still can w/ gyro!  Although idk how well that'd work in AI, but I have the version from before I added the tail backed up so if the AI shoots itself from trying to gyro self-right, I can just use that version.  As for the green you can see in the disc, that's just the backdrop used to ss the bot and didn't want to crop out the semi-transparent bits in the disc so I could show them off.
deepest blood.png

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Re: Lilly's Bedroom Robotics: DSL
« Reply #68 on: April 29, 2023, 11:11:42 AM »
This is Demon Princess, a britflipper w/ the design inspired by Tectonic.  When I thought of doing the eyes, I thought to myself "how about doing a grin too like Iron-Awe does?" and tbh it does very much have IA vibes.  Drives beautifully in the arena, if only there were parsec tournaments for me to enter it into.  Flipping power is a little low w/ the arc as it is (45 degrees to have the top bit of the flipper be lined up w/ the sloped bit behind it when fired), kept it as it is for the splash bc I feel it'll look better than going wider, but will likely widen it while making sure the panel wedge can get under stuff.
demon princess.png

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Re: Lilly's Bedroom Robotics: DSL
« Reply #69 on: May 28, 2023, 02:26:03 PM »
My entry for draft day is Smilodon, a crusher which uses ice picks for teeth (that was an experiment I decided to take w/ the looks when seeing what parts were available to me in drafting).  Initially planned for it to be dinosaur themed but then saw how it looks w/ the ice picks and decided a sabretooth cat would be a better theme.  The head for the weapon weighs a **** ton so it has moments of rearing up when it starts moving, although it can still drive w/ its front on the floor for the most part.  It also has an issue w/ gyro flipping itself if it has a certain amount of forward momentum while turning.

Might switch for a lighter weapon head at a later date but considering I've already built it and there's not much time left, this'll have to do for now.

Also, I've got a little other thing to share...

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Re: Lilly's Bedroom Robotics: DSL
« Reply #70 on: July 28, 2023, 04:56:20 PM »
Was watching BB on itv4 and this idea popped into my head so I decided **** it I'm gonna build it.  Had more fun building it than my other recent builds, possibly bc I just came up w/ it and built it there and then rather than having a several bot long list of ideas in my head w/ a set order to build them in.  This is Blue Phoenix, a flaming hammer that I came up w/ while watching Lockjaw v Duck.  Really happy w/ the job I've done w/ the panelwork on this one, feeling much better about the finished product this time than I have in quite awhile.  Might move the phoenix decal to the neon blue 60x100 and make it a tad bigger as I feel that'll look better than how it is rn but its late so that'll happen another day.
blue phoenix.png

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Re: Lilly's Bedroom Robotics: DSL
« Reply #71 on: September 14, 2023, 05:23:56 PM »
I've finally made changes to dual existence.  The upgrades include the weapon motor being upped from 24v to 48v, some more durability in areas around the front, notably the panel wedge now being steel rather than alu and a new srimech that's better than barely functional.  The robot also looks noticeably different.  The weapon motor's been moved forward, meaning no more need to cover it up w/ a drum, the sides have been redone, and the skinning has also been redone.  While typing this out I realised I forgot to skin a gap in the srimech like I did w/ the wedge for the disc to spin through!
dual existence 2023.png

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Re: Lilly's Bedroom Robotics: DSL
« Reply #72 on: January 05, 2024, 03:12:39 PM »
Here's my new robot for team RA2tress, Photon Melodies, which I also hoped I'd be able to get ready in time for wen's tracked tournament, which is why it has tracks.  For this one I tried decreasing the amount of BFE I used, its too early for me to say if this is the start of me slowly phasing out BFE from my builds or just the start of a decrease in how much I use it.  As for the robot's looks, I'm very happy w/ how it looks, feeling confident that it can be highly rated by the community and hoping that I'll feel such confidence when building stuff throughout the year.  Had a few inconsistent results in testing how good its wedge is and the body is fragile, but its agile and drives beautifully, aswell as having a very powerful flipper.
photon melodies.png

After making the splash I changed the white bits on the sides to black due to some feedback I received.
black sides.png

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Re: Lilly's Bedroom Robotics: DSL
« Reply #73 on: January 06, 2024, 04:50:04 PM »
Made some changes to Chu2.  Upgraded the drive to dual mags, but this has required me to drop the burst to a VDMA front-hinge and make the armour less durable to fit it in the MW limit.  Also added some skinning to the front and sides to make it hopefully grab ppl's attention more, and hopefully when I test the wedge to see how good it is, it will no longer be useless for getting under anything.
chu2 2024.png