Author Topic: GIRTHQUAKE's DSL Showcase  (Read 16682 times)


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« on: March 28, 2019, 04:07:37 AM »
I've been playing for about a year, but just kind of on the side, not trying very hard or getting very creative. I've grabbed some highlights from the last year of the bots I had the most success with or liked the most. Just to kind of show my progression a bit. The first robots I'm going to post are old ones, there's a lot of mistakes and stupid choices, feel free to make fun of them and me all you want. When I get the the robots I've been making recently (starting this last week and moving forward) also feel free to make fun of them and me, but I'll definitely appreciate suggestions and criticism. Thank you.

This is day one, the first robot I ever built. I had never played, and I thought battery output impacted weapon power.

Hold the Whyachese

Hold the Whyacheese.jpg

After playing around for a while, rebuilding my first robot over and over and trying different weapons, I decided to try and make my first robot that wasn't a heavyweight. It ended being the most successful robot I had made up until that point.

GDM (Generic Drum Machine)


The first few months, I was basically making spinners over and over again, I decided I wanted to make a hammer robot but had 0 ideas because I lack creativity. This is what I ended up with. I had a lot of success with the robot and it was my favorite robot to fight for a long time, there were many versions I don't have before I got to this. So as depressing as it is, this is the "refined" version.

RC Hammer

RC Hammer.jpg

I played off and on for a long time after RC Hammer, just here and there when I had time after work or watching a movie. I started trying a bit harder to make more efficient robots, or at least balanced/cleaner ones. I started discovering that some of the weapons were OP. This is the "refined" version of the first bot I made where I would just win over and over as long as nothing catastrophic happened. I kind of got bored and put the game down for a while again after this because I had no more ideas since I just kept ending up with designs similar to this because they were so successful.

Pizza Cutter

Pizza Cutter.jpg

That brings me to the last few weeks where I have picked the game back up. Thank you for checking out my little robot history gallery, I get a bit of a laugh looking at these, hopefully someone else will as well.

Since the next robots are all current and reflect where I am at now, I'm going to make it a separate post.


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« Reply #1 on: March 28, 2019, 04:29:06 AM »
Okay so this is where I am as of 3-28-19

I picked the game up and decided to make a full body spinner, because I had never made one. I decided I didn't want to use the pre-made shell pieces because I really wanted to do a pixel frame bot, but wasnt confident enough to actually do it. I made an earlier version of this that I liked, but then started talking to people about IRL robots and tournaments. I decided I was going to rebuild it and try to make it IRL, and I was going to enter it in to the tournament. So this bot is my first full body spinner, my first IRL bot, and my first tournament. The tournament hasn't happened yet. I expect to get crushed, but I'm excited since this is all new to me.

Merry Go Pound
Plastic 3

merry go pound.jpg

The full body spinner went okay, even if it wasn't the smoothest build and I was ready to try a pixel chassis bot. I had 0 plans or ideas, I just started slapping things together to see what kind of things I could do without a normal game chassis. This abomination was the end result. I actually enjoy playing it, because it's so goofy but somehow, rarely wins fights against AI.

Boop And Scoot
Plastic 1

Boop And Scoot.jpg

I showed some people my stupid creation, and asked for ideas and advice. After listening to everyone, I fired it back up, and started making changes. I decided to change the weapons all together and ended up building an entirely different robot out of the same chassis instead of rebuilding Boop And Scoot like I intended.

Chicken Biscuit
Plastic 1

Chicken Biscuit.jpg

I enjoyed building that a lot, but I wanted to go back to the full body spinner thing. I wanted to build one with pre-made panels just to see what kind of a headache I could have avoided. I put this together really quickly and without a lot of effort. Turns out it is in fact easier to let the game provide parts for you. Who knew?

Tender Kisses
Aluminum 3

Tender Kisses.jpg

Right as I finished this, I found out pixel chassis bots could be accepted in to IRL tournaments. Since I want to start participating, I started making a new pixel chassis bot that I intend to enter. I don't expect to win, but I do expect to enter, and hopefully learn some things so I can build better robots.

Plastic 1


And that brings me to where I'm at now. As I said before, I'm open to criticism and suggestions, and look forward to it. I know I have a lot to learn, and I'll never really be good. But I would like to at least get to the point where I can build competent things and have fun with it.

Thank you again, for checking out my turd bot collection.

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« Reply #2 on: March 28, 2019, 05:46:45 AM »
Oh your that guy from Mike's Server. Anyway, Welcome to GTM!
Hold the Whyachese- Making a Whyachi Clone as your first bot, huh? Looks like those Wedges could use work, weapon bar a bit high for some, large wheels, eh.
GDM (Generic Drum Machine)- Look decent, lacks weapon support
RC Hammer - Trolley rage + inverted wheel set up + tacky hammer design =  :SFTW
Pizza Cutter - Mechavore's are really good, but they're Illegal, plus lacks weapon supports.
Merry Go Pound - Idk my certain opinion with it, but looks, ok.
Boop And Scoot - I recommend having a dustpan wedge to make it more effective, but otherwise looks Good.
Chicken Biscuit - Looks the best out of all, weapon support is, interesting but effective, I guess.
Tender Kisses - Weird tooth design, but looks good.
Plonker - oof a lot of empty space, and I think Gothic axes aren't IRL (clarification needed)


I shouldn't have come here

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« Reply #3 on: March 28, 2019, 06:06:27 AM »
Oh your that guy from Mike's Server. Anyway, Welcome to GTM!
Hold the Whyachese- Making a Whyachi Clone as your first bot, huh? Looks like those Wedges could use work, weapon bar a bit high for some, large wheels, eh.
GDM (Generic Drum Machine)- Look decent, lacks weapon support
RC Hammer - Trolley rage + inverted wheel set up + tacky hammer design =  :SFTW
Pizza Cutter - Mechavore's are really good, but they're Illegal, plus lacks weapon supports.
Merry Go Pound - Idk my certain opinion with it, but looks, ok.
Boop And Scoot - I recommend having a dustpan wedge to make it more effective, but otherwise looks Good.
Chicken Biscuit - Looks the best out of all, weapon support is, interesting but effective, I guess.
Tender Kisses - Weird tooth design, but looks good.
Plonker - oof a lot of empty space, and I think Gothic axes aren't IRL (clarification needed)
Both Gothic axe and Mechavore disc are legal, but Mechavore disc is often banned in tourneys due to how overpowered they are. As for Gothic axe, they are definitely legal, including for use as spinning weapon

Also, for your bots:
Hold the Whyachese: Aside from the wedge as covered before, I think it also has too much battery. I think you only need two longs and one ant to power five spin motors
GDM: Cool idea for a drum honestly. But yeah, aside from weapon support issue, the weapon also clips with the motor, and you can replace those two longs with two reds. You can also use the extra weight leftover to do the support.
RC Hammer: Pretty cool idea honestly. Idk if that amount of battery is too much for a single JX burst, or what those magsnappers are for, as well as the wedge edges on the side, but you can move the hinged wedge edge on the front inward and use a longer wedge edge, so it's perfectly flush with the chassis and the hinge is not exposed
Pizza Cutter: You will need weapon support for this one. Also, two full sized Mechavore discs are considered weapon spammy and too overpowered.
Merry Go Pound: I love the idea behind it, as well as the shape of the shell. Pretty unique for a shell spinner honestly. For battery, I think three reds are enough since it uses five spin motors
Boop and Scoot: Cool idea. I like how you made the poking arms more connected now. However, it can do with some covering and cleaning up, to close any gaps as well as protect that burst motor.
Chicken Biscuit: Pretty cool extenderbot VS from a newcomer. I like the weapon support especially.
Tender Kisses: Looks decent a the very least. The only thing problematic with it is that it's pretty weapon spammy. I suggest using two large typhoons for the bottom part of shell.
Plonker: Good HS. For my suggestion, I think you can try to find something to save weight from, so you can make both the bar thicker and look more durable, as well as cover up the internals, as I saw the sides don't have much covering

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« Reply #4 on: March 28, 2019, 09:41:07 AM »
The improvement is pretty gud here

Offline TheRoboteer

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« Reply #5 on: March 28, 2019, 12:18:30 PM »
As Kix said, some good progress here. You seem pretty competent at getting your bots nice and compact so that there isn't too much wasted space, which is definitely a good thing. The main thing you're gonna need to focus on is weight management. In the vert for example, you can free up some weight by ditching the two ant batts, as 2 battlepacks are sufficient to run 3 spin motors for the full 3 minutes. You can then spend that weight on improving other elements of the bot (making the wedge wider  to minimise that gap at the front would be what I'd suggest)

All in all though, some positive signs here. Look forward to seeing how you progress further as a builder.

I'm also gonna be that guy and plug my IRL guide since I think it's helpful for new members who seem to be interested in IRL building, such as yourself:'s-guide
Notable Tournament Performances:
The Beginner's Guide to IRL:'s-guide

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« Reply #6 on: March 28, 2019, 03:03:54 PM »
Welcome to GTM! I agree with the others: you're progressing well, especially considering you haven't been building that frequently. I'm glad you decided to pick the game back up again after you got bored!

I'll ignore the bots in your first post, and go straight to the bots in your second one:

Merry Go Pound: This is great for a rookie! Shell spinners are usually considered bland-looking in RA2, but this one has a nice splash of colour to it. You can get rid of one of those batteries, and maybe save up enough weight to increase the chassis armour, so you don't get sniped by verts.
Boop And Scoot: I really like the concept of this bot, it's such a unique design. It could definitely use some refinement - shrink it down a bit, try to tidy up and optimise the extenderwork, get some more armour on there. A more powerful burst for the hammer, and a thicker arm, would also be good ideas. I'd love to see a cleaner, more compact version of this.
Chicken Biscuit: Nice vert. I like the design of the weapon supports. I think the wedges need to be moved backwards a bit, so they line up with the rest of the bodywork.
Tender Kisses: The way you've combined the straight and angled shell panels makes this look less boring than other shell spinners that use the default parts, but IMO you've ruined the look by covering it in god-knows-how-many teeth and beaters. Some tourney hosts might consider that "weapon spam" and disallow the robot. Dial it back a bit - four large Typhoons should do the trick, and they'll have better range than those beaters.
Plonker: Not your best work, I'm afraid. It's a rather plain box-wedge design, the drive motors stick out of the sides, the arm looks too thin and doesn't look like it has enough reach.
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« Reply #7 on: March 28, 2019, 06:34:10 PM »
Thank you all for the feedback. And thank you all for the welcome. I'm glad to be here. The first post is all bots I wont being going back to, just a history of where I came from to get to where I'm at. So while I appreciate the feedback on those, they are museum pieces lol

Going to try to address some things real quick and ask for some advice:

Merry Go Pound:
I'll cut out a battery and try to add some actual armor to the bot, that's a good idea. I get paranoid about batteries when i'm really low at the end of the fight I panic and add more. I'm going to try and make a smaller version middleweight version called Mini Go Pound soon.

Tender Kisses:
I did the weapon spam because I originally had larger teeth, but I use this robot in single player, and it likes to go crazy and flip as soon as I lose a single tooth, which is often. I switched to more, smaller things to keep my damage up but reduce the effects of losing them. And the teeth on top was because NPCs kept getting stuck on top of the robot and breaking my bar. The teeth throw them off a more, but I realistically could get away with like 2. How it is currently, even if I loosed multiple beaters or teeth, it wobbles, but doesn't get uncontrollable. Does anyone have any recommendations on how to cut back and go with larger, but less weapons but maintain stability when I inevitably loose one every fight?

I know this is pretty simple, this robot was an exercise in weight management and is kind of simple on purpose. I definitely have room to reduce it's size, especially in the front. This is one of those robots that will definitely have a Version 2, hopefully with a shorter chasis, and thicker weapon bar. But I like the simplicity of it, the general design overall probably won't change. I like simple sometimes. I'm not very creative.

Boop And Scoot:
This is another robot that will definitely have a Version 2, where I will try to reduce the size, and redesign the shape a bit. I find the pistons to be a bit too large for the arms. Does anyone have recommendations on smaller pistons to use? Or should I just keep the one's I have? Also, what motor should I use for the hammer? I've always used this one because of the range of motion. When I try other ones I end up with my hammer sticking straight up in the air if it's going to be able to reach the ground in the front. I haven't put much time in to hammer bots, but i love them and would really like to make more.

Chicken Biscuit:
I'll cut out the small batteries and try to pull the wedges in, I never really thought about bringing them back and I should have. I've thought about a version 2 for this, where I pull the wheels further back, and try to make it invertible, but i feel like at that point I will have changed it so much I might as well to do a completely new bot and design. I was wondering if it was a good call to use the reinforced perm, or if I should have just used the regular one to save weight and increase the armor on the sides of the wedges where horizontals always rip them off.

So if anyone has any general advice about how to bring weight down, and what the best drive and weapons motors are, I'm all for hearing it out.

And TheRoboteer, someone actually sent me that post when I was asking about IRL in discord. I appreciate it, it helped me a lot and answered a lot of my questions. Very useful.


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« Reply #8 on: March 29, 2019, 09:05:55 PM »
Wanted to make a robot Red Devil style. I tried pixel chassis first but it didn't come out too well and was hard to make weight. I decided to do a regular chassis and just build external pods and it worked out pretty will how I hoped it would. Each "pod" is made to be self contained with it's own motors, batteries, and control unit to be more realistic since the main body isn't able to feed the rest of it. The controller setup I want involves 7 settings, 13 buttons total, to be able to control each track independently, but also have ready to go settings to quickly flip out of danger, but for some reason the game crashes if I try to had more than 5 controls, 9 buttons. Sad times.

I called it Tumble because the idea is when anything gets under you or pins you, you just flail around until you roll out of their control.

Tumble bot.jpg

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« Reply #9 on: March 30, 2019, 05:00:32 PM »
For a rookie, your builds are very ambitious. I like that. Keep it up!
My DSL Showcase


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« Reply #10 on: April 01, 2019, 04:00:29 AM »
For a rookie, your builds are very ambitious. I like that. Keep it up!

Thank you, I hope I don't let you down, but I probably will when all my bots start looking the same.

Two more bots;

Plonker V3:

Plonker was garbage, and I tried to listen to the advice. Besides advice that said not to build a generic overhead spinner, because I grew up watching hazard dammit.
Thicker weapon bar, better space management, bigger wedge. A few people told me to build it with smaller drive motors to make it thinner, and I did. I actually made 2 other scratch rebuilds before this. I decided that even if it makes my bot taller, the extra speed/drive power was worth the trade off. The smaller motors also forced me to make a longer bot, which I did not like. I'm starting to like this one now.

Plonker v3.jpg

Angle Grinder:

I don't really know what this build was about. I wanted to make an angled spinner and that was all I worked with. I mounted a weapon motor at an angle and then just built the rest of the robot around it without any planning again, because I'm bad at planning. It was originally supposed to be a bar spinner, but I wasn't liking any of the bars I was putting together, so I just tossed the disc on there. It's hard to drive because if you turn fast you flip in either direction. The bright side is I originally had fast motors, so i dropped them to regular ones to save weight and slow down so I stopped sending myself to the moon.

angle grinder.jpg

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« Reply #11 on: April 01, 2019, 04:09:07 AM »
For a rookie, your builds are very ambitious. I like that. Keep it up!

Thank you, I hope I don't let you down, but I probably will when all my bots start looking the same.

Two more bots;

Plonker V3:

Plonker was garbage, and I tried to listen to the advice. Besides advice that said not to build a generic overhead spinner, because I grew up watching hazard dammit.
Thicker weapon bar, better space management, bigger wedge. A few people told me to build it with smaller drive motors to make it thinner, and I did. I actually made 2 other scratch rebuilds before this. I decided that even if it makes my bot taller, the extra speed/drive power was worth the trade off. The smaller motors also forced me to make a longer bot, which I did not like. I'm starting to like this one now.

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Angle Grinder:

I don't really know what this build was about. I wanted to make an angled spinner and that was all I worked with. I mounted a weapon motor at an angle and then just built the rest of the robot around it without any planning again, because I'm bad at planning. It was originally supposed to be a bar spinner, but I wasn't liking any of the bars I was putting together, so I just tossed the disc on there. It's hard to drive because if you turn fast you flip in either direction. The bright side is I originally had fast motors, so i dropped them to regular ones to save weight and slow down so I stopped sending myself to the moon.

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The new Plonker definitely looks better, that it's cleaner, with no gap between parts anymore, thicker bar, and covered sides.

Also, Angle Grinder is pretty cool. I like the shape of the chassis especially


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« Reply #12 on: April 01, 2019, 04:29:53 AM »

The new Plonker definitely looks better, that it's cleaner, with no gap between parts anymore, thicker bar, and covered sides.

Also, Angle Grinder is pretty cool. I like the shape of the chassis especially

Thank you, the chassis is kind of messed up. I made the robot at a weird angle since as I said, I had no plan. So I actually had to make a weird angle in the whole robot and have the robot spawn in, and then the front fall forward to get the wedge on the ground. Just throwing a few extra angles to show what I'm talking about. I wasn't expecting to have to make a V shaped chassis. But don't underestimate my laziness. I will often power threw my mistakes instead of correcting them lol


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« Reply #13 on: April 01, 2019, 05:33:26 AM »
Improvise, adapt, overcome 100
Honestly most rooks wouldn't do this sort of improvising
Pretty gud ngl


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« Reply #14 on: April 02, 2019, 05:45:34 AM »
I know, I need to slow down...

Wanted a shorter, invertible Chicken Biscuit.

Chicken Biscuit JR.

chicken biscuit jr.jpg

Offline Billy5545

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« Reply #15 on: April 02, 2019, 07:01:15 AM »
I know, I need to slow down...

Wanted a shorter, invertible Chicken Biscuit.

Chicken Biscuit JR.

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Cool, I like the support again. Also, the new wheels and wedges are nice too


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« Reply #16 on: April 02, 2019, 06:57:38 PM »
Was feeding my kid. Her High chair looked battle ready.

Baby's first die chair.jpg

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« Reply #17 on: April 02, 2019, 07:09:53 PM »
Was feeding my kid. Her High chair looked battle ready.

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Cool fun bot. Looks like it will be BOTM worthy


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« Reply #18 on: April 02, 2019, 07:23:49 PM »
Was feeding my kid. Her High chair looked battle ready.

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Cool fun bot. Looks like it will be BOTM worthy

You're like a supportive parent. I feel like all my showcases are on your fridge. Thank you, lol

Offline F1Krazy

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« Reply #19 on: April 03, 2019, 07:00:09 AM »
Plonker 3: Still a generic bot concept, but it looks much better than the first version.
Angle Grinder: I really like it. Don't be afraid to do strange chassis shapes like that, they look better than plain boxes. My main concerns are the reach of the disc, and whether it might get outwedged by opponents.
Chicken Biscuit Jr: Not bad. It's gonna have a lot of ground clearance at the back and sides with those big wheels, but with the way the AI works, I don't think that's going to be too much of a concern.
Baby's First Die Chair: It's not IRL, with the unsupported weapon and exposed drive motors, but as a for-fun build, I love it.
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