Author Topic: Clickbeetle's DSL bots  (Read 87919 times)

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Re: Clickbeetle's Supreme DSL bots
« Reply #420 on: May 10, 2012, 01:04:27 PM »
HW for the team
(Image removed from quote.)
Reminded me of a plane with that back wing. Still looks pretty damn awesome though. Love it.

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Re: Clickbeetle's Supreme DSL bots
« Reply #421 on: May 10, 2012, 03:30:47 PM »

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Re: Clickbeetle's Supreme DSL bots
« Reply #422 on: May 10, 2012, 06:20:31 PM »
Looks awesome. Is itstable or does it fall back and have the bar hit the ground sometimes.

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Re: Clickbeetle's Supreme DSL bots
« Reply #423 on: June 30, 2012, 08:30:14 PM »
Just when I thought I couldn't keep up with regular DSL anymore... inspiration strikes.  I made this bot for Two Tribes:

In a nutshell, this bot is built to be indestructible.  "Cuendillar" is a magical substance also known as heartstone from the Wheel of Time series, that only gets stronger as more force is applied to it.
The four heavy plows protect it against all front, side, and rear attacks except extremely powerful hits from flail SnS.  The casters on the bottom protect it against popups and gutrippers.  Why casters?  Because popups and some VS can hit through titanium half sheets.  I put half sheets on there first, but Hope No More was KO'ing it in under a minute.  Not so with casters.  And the weapons protect the top.
How durable is it?  Well, I fought every HW in 123AI except SnS, shell spinners, and flail bots (because those are banned in Two Tribes) and only Frequency managed to KO it in 3 minutes, by outweaponing it and then crawling on top (although Root Beer came close the same way).  Cuendillar didn't BEAT all the other HW's, but it did survive the whole 3 minutes, which is the goal.
But what's the point of surviving if you can't WIN?  Not much one-on-one, but I built Cuendillar for Two Tribes.  Cuendillar is a team player.  It's meant to be a punching bag to distract one or both opponents while its teammate gets an opportunity to flank.  Or if both opponents happen to go after its teammate, no problem--Cuendillar is good at flanking and the weapon is good enough to score KO's when given the opportunity.  Also, I purposely gave it a small weapon diameter to minimize the chance of friendly fire.
And since the only way to eliminate an opponent in Two Tribes is by KO (at first), Cuendillar is going to be a tough nut for the other tribe to crack.  Most likely, it won't get eliminated until the stage where immobilizations and OOTAs count for losing a life.  As long as Cuendillar flanks and KO's at least two opponents before then, mission accomplished.
Its only major weakness is that popups love to eat its wheels.  Unfortunately, the only wheels with more than 3500 HP are huge and would only delay the inevitable.  NOTE TO TEAM CAPTAIN:  Pair Cuendillar with something that can kill popups!
Stats:  5mm titanium armor (to absorb stray chassis hits), 5 ant batteries (to last the whole 3 minutes), Perm 132 for the weapon, normal NPC's for drive (I'll take the 12000 HP, thank you very much).  Snowplow wedges are surprisingly mediocre.  Not horrible like I thought they would be, just mediocre.  Most bots slide right under easily, but occasionally Cuendillar can get a surprise wedge on an opponent it shouldn't be able to get under.  The skirt on top is for self-righting, which it does quickly and consistently.
Now I know you're going to wonder why I don't put a proper wedge on it, and I could give you some excuse like, "It doesn't need one", "It couldn't self-right if it had a wedge" (actually a valid reason), or "I don't have weight for one", but the simple truth is I'm sick of fighting the wedge war and don't want to even bother.
Fun fact:  I was originally trying to build a turret hammer like Thunderhead.

However, it was too top-heavy and wasn't good at hitting bots underneath it.  I think this design only works well in SHW.  Also, it was too fast and bad against VS.  I took out two drive motors and wondered what to do with those big ugly gaps there, and the bot ended up transmogrifying into a VS.

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Re: Clickbeetle's Supreme DSL bots
« Reply #424 on: June 30, 2012, 08:49:43 PM »
Looks like a pretty tough design, I reckon. Only glaring weak point I can see is the side panel between the discs. It's only got something like 1800HP, if I remember rightly (I probably don't), so a good hit to that could take the entire weapon system off. I can see some kind of hammer doing reasonably well against it, personally, but it should do its job very well aside from that.
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Re: Clickbeetle's Supreme DSL bots
« Reply #425 on: June 30, 2012, 09:11:28 PM »
Only glaring weak point I can see is the side panel between the discs. It's only got something like 1800HP, if I remember rightly (I probably don't), so a good hit to that could take the entire weapon system off.

LOL I guess I didn't take screenshots from very good angles...
The Perm is not actually attached to the shell panel.  It's attached to a multiextender on the baseplate.  If you look very closely at the bottom left picture, you can sort of see it.  The shell panel is just there for a bit of extra protection.

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Re: Clickbeetle's Supreme DSL bots
« Reply #426 on: July 01, 2012, 01:00:29 AM »
I can't get why you built a defensive bot and made it a VS.

Besides, that's gonna get outwedged easily.

Offline Clickbeetle

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Re: Clickbeetle's Supreme DSL bots
« Reply #427 on: July 01, 2012, 01:44:29 AM »
I can't get why you built a defensive bot and made it a VS.

Besides, that's gonna get outwedged easily.

Why not?  I don't have a lot of weight for weapons, so something that can lift opponents and kill them without needing to outweapon them first seems ideal.
Oh, and I forgot to mention that the weapons can hit stuff underneath it too.
And yes, it is outwedged easily most of the time (although one time it did somehow tie with Fat Rat), which is a major disadvantage 1-on-1, but I'm hoping for more flanking opportunities in a team battle.

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Offline Badnik96

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Re: Clickbeetle's Supreme DSL bots
« Reply #428 on: July 01, 2012, 08:40:56 AM »
Looking pretty nasty there Click. I hope you're on  my team...

Offline Clickbeetle

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Re: Clickbeetle's Supreme DSL bots
« Reply #429 on: August 30, 2012, 10:06:42 PM »
Team for Survival 2.  One guess what the team name and motto is.

Rhaegal is a TRFBD with a mostly decorative flamethrower.  It would probably be better with stronger wheels, BUT FIRE.  It does score a few points though so it's not entirely useless.  6 flail razors, 2 ants, 1mm Al armor.  Surprisingly, I've never seen the flamethrower break off.
Viserion is a front-hinged flipper with a secondary flamethrower weapon.  That's a reskinned Panic Attack top on top, giving it a strong defense on the front, top, and even the sides (because the PA top collision is a lot bigger than the display).  If it can't OOTA opponents, the flippers at least work well for pinning bots against the wall and roasting them with the fire.  NPC fast drive + hypnos, 5 ants, 3mm plastic armor.  Also 2 large beater bars holding on the flippers that become sort of a lame popup weapon once the flippers break.
Drogon is the best member of the team.  I don't think I've seen this done before--a wedge of 70kg hammers.  It's extremely effective at de-weaponing opponents (especially with the 6 flails limit in Survival of the Fittest).  Two flamethrowers wear down the opponent so the hammers can finish the job, and a heavy plow protects the rear, since this is a rumble.  The wedges might possibly be the best of any DSL bot I've made, which really isn't saying much, but they should be competitive.  2 normal NPCs + technos, 3 ants, 5mm Ti armor.

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Re: Clickbeetle's Supreme DSL bots
« Reply #430 on: August 30, 2012, 10:14:56 PM »
Oh mighty Click, why does all of the bots have Flamethrowers? Unless your team is a bunch of Arsonists.
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Re: Clickbeetle's Supreme DSL bots
« Reply #431 on: August 30, 2012, 10:20:37 PM »
It's the team theme. Geez.

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Re: Clickbeetle's Supreme DSL bots
« Reply #432 on: August 31, 2012, 12:11:13 AM »
I like the team but with the mw would ther be a way of getting metal hinge wedges rather than a skirt hinge ? skirt hinge wedges will get destroyed most of the time unless you luck out and get a match full of lightweights

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Re: Clickbeetle's Supreme DSL bots
« Reply #433 on: August 31, 2012, 12:27:37 AM »
Oh mighty Click, why does all of the bots have Flamethrowers? Unless your team is a bunch of Arsonists.

I think that might be because he wanted to build robots with flamethrowers. I could be totally wrong though.

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Re: Clickbeetle's Supreme DSL bots
« Reply #434 on: August 31, 2012, 12:32:42 AM »
I like the team but with the mw would ther be a way of getting metal hinge wedges rather than a skirt hinge ? skirt hinge wedges will get destroyed most of the time unless you luck out and get a match full of lightweights

Skirt hinge wedges are nearly as good, if not exactly as good as metal hinge wedges IMO.  The only reason skirt hinge wedges seem bad is because it's tempting to put skirts on all three attach points, which DOES make them bad.  But if you only put wedges on the middle attach point it's fine.
Viserion actually has pretty good wedges and can get under a lot of metal hinge bots.  I'd rather not scrounge up 12 kg to get metal hinges since I'm already strapped for weight.
Also yes, I needed to give every bot at least one flamethrower.  They are named after dragons, after all.

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Offline Gauche Suede

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Re: Clickbeetle's Supreme DSL bots
« Reply #435 on: August 31, 2012, 02:04:58 AM »
Team for Survival 2.  One guess what the team name and motto is.
(Image removed from quote.)
Rhaegal is a TRFBD with a mostly decorative flamethrower.  It would probably be better with stronger wheels, BUT FIRE.  It does score a few points though so it's not entirely useless.  6 flail razors, 2 ants, 1mm Al armor.  Surprisingly, I've never seen the flamethrower break off.
Viserion is a front-hinged flipper with a secondary flamethrower weapon.  That's a reskinned Panic Attack top on top, giving it a strong defense on the front, top, and even the sides (because the PA top collision is a lot bigger than the display).  If it can't OOTA opponents, the flippers at least work well for pinning bots against the wall and roasting them with the fire.  NPC fast drive + hypnos, 5 ants, 3mm plastic armor.  Also 2 large beater bars holding on the flippers that become sort of a lame popup weapon once the flippers break.
Drogon is the best member of the team.  I don't think I've seen this done before--a wedge of 70kg hammers.  It's extremely effective at de-weaponing opponents (especially with the 6 flails limit in Survival of the Fittest).  Two flamethrowers wear down the opponent so the hammers can finish the job, and a heavy plow protects the rear, since this is a rumble.  The wedges might possibly be the best of any DSL bot I've made, which really isn't saying much, but they should be competitive.  2 normal NPCs + technos, 3 ants, 5mm Ti armor.
Rhageal=AWWW YEAH!!!!!!
Viserion= does it get under PC5?(and can i get the skin for the PA Flipper you made?)

edit= omg 600 posts.

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Re: Clickbeetle's Supreme DSL bots
« Reply #436 on: August 31, 2012, 03:20:23 AM »
As cool and as original as ever. Go Click !

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Re: Clickbeetle's Supreme DSL bots
« Reply #437 on: August 31, 2012, 04:21:22 AM »
I love Drogon. And it's great to see someone using odd parts, such as PA's top armour
also lol at most toxic guy around calling others out on this sh**
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Re: Clickbeetle's Supreme DSL bots
« Reply #438 on: August 31, 2012, 05:37:58 AM »
I find PA's top armour a nightmare to use, so gj click.

Also, LW scares me. MW and HW not so much, but all three are highly cool. The flamer makes me like the TRFBD tbh (Take note madman).

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Re: Clickbeetle's Supreme DSL bots
« Reply #439 on: August 31, 2012, 03:15:59 PM »
Is it me, or is Cuendillar the most beautiful-yet-scary bot ever made? I totally love the look of it...

Also, I didn't know that Cuendillar had casters underneath until I saw this thread.