
Robot Arena => Showcases => DSL TC Showcases => Topic started by: botomatic1000 on June 01, 2016, 12:50:03 PM

Title: A brief history and showcase of Team Amphib and the Newt series
Post by: botomatic1000 on June 01, 2016, 12:50:03 PM
So this is a brief summary of the history of my favourite and most successful robot series from the DSL mod on robot arena 2. So it all started When I started playing it and built my first horizontal spinner Leviathan.

A slow heavy beast with a temper. It was slow and useless losing most its fights and sucking overall. Then I made my first Middleweight which would eventually become the concept for the firs of the Newt series called Real Nasty. 

( nasty.jpg)
 It had an immensely quick spinner powered by the same motor the in game Tornado Mer has (not the 6 way one the one with 4) it however was incredibly slow and never won much. So I was fed up of my previous awful attempts (plus many more) and I decided to make a lightweight and so started the Newt series with the first and most successful of team Amphib's robots Angry Newt!!!
( newt.jpg)
It was successful fast and powerful with tough armour an overall great lightweight. I later decided to make a heavyweight version of it that was my only successful heavyweight (at the time) P***** Off Salamander.

 ( .jpg)
 It was a beast with tough armour and strength an ok weapon and average speed but no where near the success rate of the Angry newt. I also decided to make a beetleweight version called Miffed Off Tadpole Newt. 

( new.jpg)

 It was ok but nothing special. Unfortunately something went wrong with my computer and it deleted my DSL folder. I was gutted and upset all my robots where gone and I had to download a new DSL game where I made a recreation of Angry Newt fittingly called Angry Newt Recreation. 

( recreation.jpg)
It was a real downgrade and a lot worse than the original but it was ok. Whilst scouting through old folders I remember I had a file that contained a bunch of old robots I downloaded and my own (for if I wanted to post my own to the bot exchange this was long before I made this profile) and too my joy I found them all and was so happy. A robot that's worth a mention that was originally going to be a middleweight version of angry newt but was quickly changed for a more original design was a bot called Soda.
It was ok and very destructive but also very fragile. And so ends this awful showcase its poorly made I know but its a first attempt at one which I hope you enjoyed :) .
Title: Re: A brief history and showcase of Team Amphib and the Newt series
Post by: Naryar on June 01, 2016, 01:25:57 PM
post inside shots. so we can judge your bots fairly.

also is that really a picture taken from a camera ? you know you can do screenshots in RA2 (it's F10 or printscreen => put it in paint)

also they don't look too bad for starting bots. although you seem like a horizontal spinner builder.
Title: Re: A brief history and showcase of Team Amphib and the Newt series
Post by: Badnik96 on June 01, 2016, 02:11:07 PM
Insides are definitely needed, yes.

Also, Naryar the screenshot key is F11. Still it's better than using a camera.

Some quick things (assuming you're going for IRL and not standard):
-Razors and tribars ae both pretty fragile, especially if that's a heavyweight. You really need stronger weapons on it.
-your first LW seems to be unrealistic, I think the teeth are cutting through the wheels?
-The last robot is actually pretty nice looking from an aesthetic standpoint. I like it.
Title: Re: A brief history and showcase of Team Amphib and the Newt series
Post by: botomatic1000 on June 02, 2016, 10:55:09 AM
Glad to see another wiki member on here and im happy you like Soda. To answer a few questions.
1. I didn't know you could take screen shots
2. there rubbish and old anyways so what is the point of inside shots for these
3. I do semi realism but for angry newt I wasn't bothered
Title: Re: A brief history and showcase of Team Amphib and the Newt series
Post by: cephalopod on June 02, 2016, 11:05:05 AM
The point of inside shots is to help you with the internals.
And yeah please please screenshot I can barely look at these :P
Title: Re: A brief history and showcase of Team Amphib and the Newt series
Post by: botomatic1000 on June 02, 2016, 12:00:42 PM
As its the only one I still use here is Angry newts I may also do one for Soda as I still use that too.
 ( newt insides.jpg)
Title: Re: A brief history and showcase of Team Amphib and the Newt series
Post by: Badnik96 on June 02, 2016, 12:07:21 PM
okay yeah you have your disc cutting through the belt of the perm on that one as well, which is unrealistic. You need to fix that for it to be considered a tournament legal robot.
Title: Re: A brief history and showcase of Team Amphib and the Newt series
Post by: botomatic1000 on June 02, 2016, 12:12:54 PM
Practically all of them are what would be considered tournament illegal but that does not matter there all god awful I would only be able to win at noob wars and even then they would suck. May I ask how tournaments are done?
Title: Re: A brief history and showcase of Team Amphib and the Newt series
Post by: botomatic1000 on June 02, 2016, 02:09:21 PM
Real Nasty as you can see its terrible (like everything else I build) ( insides.jpg)
Title: Re: A brief history and showcase of Team Amphib and the Newt series
Post by: 09090901 on June 02, 2016, 02:10:52 PM
are you using DSL 2.1 or 2.2?
Title: Re: A brief history and showcase of Team Amphib and the Newt series
Post by: botomatic1000 on June 02, 2016, 02:23:43 PM
Title: Re: A brief history and showcase of Team Amphib and the Newt series
Post by: Badger on June 02, 2016, 02:27:56 PM
Alright, they're not too bad for first bots, but of course there's a lot you can improve.

First, in DSL we use a building style called DSL-S. This means the bot basically can't break the laws of physics, i.e. no parts intersecting each other. The except if when a spike is going through an armour plate, for example. If we could cut a slot in that plate to let that spike through, it's cool. For example, this bot:
is DSL-S, even though those spike strips go through that front armour plate. Hopefully I didn't just confuse the hell out of you.

Next, the weight of your chassis is decided by it's surface area, so smaller chassis are usually better in DSL, where chassis armour is pretty crap. Sometimes for popups or other wedges bots we have U shaped chassis to maximise footprint (therefore stability) while minimising surface area, but you're building HS (horizontal spinners), so that's not really applicable. Often DSL HS' chassis are a tiny, armoured box which only holds the chassis and a couple baseplate anchors, and on those anchors are long extenders to which the drive motors and weapon motor is place. A good example would be this bot (not built by me):
Even though this bot isn't a HS, note the wide wheelbase, which makes it stable, and that the weapon motor is decent way outside the chassis, allowing the weapon to spin without intersecting anything inside the chassis.

I would also recommend you change to DSL2.2, since that is what basically everyone is building in these days.
Title: Re: A brief history and showcase of Team Amphib and the Newt series
Post by: botomatic1000 on June 02, 2016, 03:01:36 PM
Where can I download it? Also I suck at everything so don't expect me to be good at this game anytime im the worst player an builder on this whole forum!
Title: Re: A brief history and showcase of Team Amphib and the Newt series
Post by: Badger on June 02, 2016, 03:02:43 PM
Where can I download it? Also I suck at everything so don't expect me to be good at this game anytime im the worst player an builder on this whole forum!
Don't worry bro, we're not expecting you to be good, that's why we're here giving you advice.;sa=view;down=262
Title: Re: A brief history and showcase of Team Amphib and the Newt series
Post by: botomatic1000 on June 02, 2016, 03:29:42 PM
Thanks for the link. Oh god time to start all over again with more crappy robots built by me. I really cant do that minimal body mass thing I suck at it (like everything).
Title: Re: A brief history and showcase of Team Amphib and the Newt series
Post by: Badnik96 on June 02, 2016, 03:39:08 PM
well that's why you showcase your robots, to improve as a builder. No one ever got better by whining about how bad they were.
Title: Re: A brief history and showcase of Team Amphib and the Newt series
Post by: botomatic1000 on June 02, 2016, 06:14:07 PM
my first 2.2 design Prick Stick. I tried to make a middleweight but I couldn't so I just gave it steel 10 armour and called it a day.
( stick.jpg)
Title: Re: A brief history and showcase of Team Amphib and the Newt series
Post by: doot on June 02, 2016, 07:40:32 PM
If you're going for the IRL-look, then I would suggest adding supports on the belts and giving it some better wheels for grip.
If it is DSL-S, it could benefit with some more weaponry and you should really build to the weight limit. Minimising the amount of leftover weight is a crucial part in creating any 'bot in general.
Title: Re: A brief history and showcase of Team Amphib and the Newt series
Post by: botomatic1000 on June 03, 2016, 06:36:25 AM
I said before I do a semi realistic look but in the end I just try to make something that works.
Title: Re: A brief history and showcase of Team Amphib and the Newt series
Post by: Badger on June 03, 2016, 06:53:34 AM
I said before I do a semi realistic look but in the end I just try to make something that works.
What you just described is literally DSL-S :P
Title: Re: A brief history and showcase of Team Amphib and the Newt series
Post by: botomatic1000 on June 03, 2016, 07:18:48 AM
I did lol.
Title: Re: A brief history and showcase of Team Amphib and the Newt series
Post by: botomatic1000 on June 03, 2016, 07:33:41 AM
God I remembered how fragile Soda's weaponry is.
Title: Re: A brief history and showcase of Team Amphib and the Newt series
Post by: Naryar on June 03, 2016, 12:18:55 PM
basically, DSL-S is DSL's competitive scene. there are things in it that wouldn't work in real life such as popups, jugglers, far more wedges, weapon spam, using RA2's quirks to be more combat efficient.

IRL is building replica bots from real life, or something that looks like a real life bot. we have a stricter realistic rule than in DSL-S, weapon spam is forbidden and bots are supposed to be cool looking first. a bunch of bot types are forbidden, and there are some rules such as setting up motor/axle supports for spinners, where in DSL-S you can have an axle floating in space and nobody will give a damn.

but for now, don't bother too much about that. your building style will come to you naturally and first, before bothering about that, you need to build bots.

as for your last bot,

-that's unrealistic due to the semi-stacked batteries.
-you do not need two drums, i feel. one drum with heavier weapons on it will work, freeing weight for something else.
-unsure how your razor rammer rack works with the vertical spinner. better set it so it can work in tandem with the spinner. (We call bots that have different weapon systems "hybrids"
-the razors on the wheels are probably not necessary.
-use a WP836E instead of 4 ant batteries. or a WP836E and 1 ant if you feel a WP836E is not enough batteries.

Title: Re: A brief history and showcase of Team Amphib and the Newt series
Post by: botomatic1000 on June 05, 2016, 12:03:09 PM
Another DSL project (from 2.1) Fire Spitting Salmon (no actual flamethrowers) it has a sheet of titanium on top of it for extra protection. Its armoured from all sides and is incredibly low.
( spitting salmon.jpg)
( spitting salmon insides.jpg)
Title: Re: A brief history and showcase of Team Amphib and the Newt series
Post by: botomatic1000 on June 05, 2016, 03:17:51 PM
I really wish I could build something professional looking but im god awful at it especially the whole small body mass batteries and effective weaponry parts  of the build.
Title: Re: A brief history and showcase of Team Amphib and the Newt series
Post by: FOTEPX on June 05, 2016, 04:34:42 PM
Hey, that one isn't half bad! I think you might be able to transition it over to DSL 2.2 as well.
Title: Re: A brief history and showcase of Team Amphib and the Newt series
Post by: Naryar on June 05, 2016, 06:14:58 PM
that one's pretty decent looks-wise.
Title: Re: A brief history and showcase of Team Amphib and the Newt series
Post by: LiNcK on June 06, 2016, 02:27:39 AM
I think all your bots look pretty nice. They all have this IRL look rather than the standard weapon-spam "technically possible IRL" look DSL has going on.

In terms of making more effective bots, I think you should consider scaling down your chassis to fit exactly the amount of components you want to have in there. This might take a couple of tries and be annoying due to having to stop using snap to grid in certain places but I personally think its worth it. I derive satisfaction from efficient use of space like that so I'm always willing to remake my chassis 10 times to get it juuust right.

You should also consider making the bots symmetrical. This helps in both space efficiency (if 1 side is the best possible in terms of space management, why not make the other the same?) but also looks. For example, on your latest bot you seem to have 2 red packs on one side but then 1 ant and 1 pack on the other. Why not make both sides 2 red packs to have more power right? You can even fit even bigger batteries like Naryar said since you have a ton of space. Combine this with making your chassis smaller and you can have a very good-looking and efficient bot!

Lastly, you should also take a look at the stats of the items you use. For example you might be able to put wheels with better grip on your bots which is always better, maybe half sheets are better side armor than those bars you used, etc. I don't particularly know the stats by heart so IDK whether you've made the best choice in terms of performance or not, but stats is always something to consider.

I'm far from a good builder but from what I've gathered if you want to be the best builder possible you should always be looking for ways to reduce weight in order to have that extra weight to add more weapons or armor in the right places. You should always be looking to make your chassis the smallest possible, looking at what components you use, and looking at where they are located to determine what to use. For example, if an extender will never be hit use polycarbonate instead of steel to save that weight. Similarly, and this applies to your last bot, its unlikely someone will be coming from the back so it might be better to remove it from there and place the weight from the spike and axes where most of the action will be.

I wonder when I'll ever make a comment that isn't a couple of paragraphs long. How do you people do it?!
Title: Re: A brief history and showcase of Team Amphib and the Newt series
Post by: botomatic1000 on June 06, 2016, 01:07:54 PM
Thanks for all the positive feedback.
Title: Re: A brief history and showcase of Team Amphib and the Newt series
Post by: botomatic1000 on June 07, 2016, 12:42:54 PM
BlendHead my first middleweight for 2.2.
( insides.jpg)
Title: Re: A brief history and showcase of Team Amphib and the Newt series
Post by: Witherana on June 07, 2016, 12:46:08 PM
BlendHead my first middleweight for 2.2.
( insides.jpg)

what happends when it gets flipped?
Title: Re: A brief history and showcase of Team Amphib and the Newt series
Post by: botomatic1000 on June 07, 2016, 12:55:36 PM
Title: Re: A brief history and showcase of Team Amphib and the Newt series
Post by: Witherana on June 07, 2016, 01:13:04 PM

doesn't the saw hit the floor?
Title: Re: A brief history and showcase of Team Amphib and the Newt series
Post by: botomatic1000 on June 07, 2016, 01:30:33 PM
Nope the wheels are high enough so that it does not hit the floor with the saw :)
Title: Re: A brief history and showcase of Team Amphib and the Newt series
Post by: botomatic1000 on June 08, 2016, 01:29:54 PM
I want to m ake an axe next what motors best for a light-middleweight any ideas?
Title: Re: A brief history and showcase of Team Amphib and the Newt series
Post by: LiNcK on June 08, 2016, 11:43:23 PM
SilmBody Motors (LW) or TWM3Rs (LW/MW) would work. I suggest you check our this guide ( by Naryar to help you pick and choose items. Its for DSL 2.1 but I'm guessing most things still apply. The only vastly different thing that I know of in 2.2 is that ants aren't the best anymore in it, other batteries are bette rif you have the space for them.
Title: Re: A brief history and showcase of Team Amphib and the Newt series
Post by: botomatic1000 on June 09, 2016, 02:12:27 PM
Tango'd an axe for the Soda squad (the same team as Soda).
( insides.jpg)
Title: Re: A brief history and showcase of Team Amphib and the Newt series
Post by: botomatic1000 on June 09, 2016, 03:59:08 PM
Sehnsucht is a work in progress its quick but other than that has a lot to complete (its from 2.1).
( bot.jpg)
( insides.jpg)
Title: Re: A brief history and showcase of Team Amphib and the Newt series
Post by: Badger on June 09, 2016, 04:55:36 PM
Beaters are pretty bad weapons for axes.

In 2.1 batteries work differently, you should only use ants, and use 1 per spin motor. Also, if the weapon rack on the rammer is scraping along the ground when the bot is upside-down, the weapons touching the ground will do no damage and your front wheels will be doing nothing.
Title: Re: A brief history and showcase of Team Amphib and the Newt series
Post by: botomatic1000 on June 12, 2016, 03:52:38 PM
Its crap I know both of them are but they work ok.
Title: Re: A brief history and showcase of Team Amphib and the Newt series
Post by: Badger on June 12, 2016, 04:28:25 PM
We're giving you advice bro. Don't cry about how bad your bot is, go and improve it!
Title: Re: A brief history and showcase of Team Amphib and the Newt series
Post by: botomatic1000 on June 14, 2016, 03:44:11 PM
Ready for more god awfulness? My first 2.2 lightweight The Fire The Flood (named after one of my favourite bands.
( fire the flood.png)
( insides.png)
Title: Re: A brief history and showcase of Team Amphib and the Newt series
Post by: FOTEPX on June 14, 2016, 04:18:27 PM
Fun fact: If you go to the Chassis Paint Job tab, you will see two buttons underneath the Robot preview, called Export Paint Template and Import Custom Paint. With this, you can give your bot a much better looking skin than anything you can pull off in-game. (I should make a tutorial on that sometime...)

Anyways, onto the bot. Are you going for a realistic build style, or an efficient one? If you're going for realism, you've already got it nailed - if you're going for efficiency however, make the chassis smaller, add more Iron Spikes, drop the ram plate entirely, and remove that ant battery. Either way, build to the weight limit! There's a lot more armour options in DSL 2.2, so it's a lot easier to build to the weight limit in DSL than it is in stock.

Overall, not bad for a rookie. Keep it up, you're getting there! We'll squeeze a good bot out of you yet!  ;)
Title: Re: A brief history and showcase of Team Amphib and the Newt series
Post by: botomatic1000 on June 15, 2016, 10:36:06 AM
Added more spikes and better armour.
( fire.png)
Title: Re: A brief history and showcase of Team Amphib and the Newt series
Post by: FOTEPX on June 15, 2016, 01:28:01 PM
Alright, we're getting there! Doesn't need the spikes on the back - the amount of times they'll come into play is limited at best, so you're best off dropping them and using the weight to put more spikes on the front. In RA2, it's very much about making the core basics as strong as possible, and leaving all the extra's and "what if"'s by the wayside.

You could also make the chassis smaller still, by building a chassis designed to fit your components in and nothing else. Still, it's better than your first attempt, and you're learning, so keep it up! It took me 14 attempts with my first bot to make something which was accepted by the community, so you've got a long way to go yet - if you're willing to put the time and effort in, however, you'll be awarded with some acclaim, and some really cool looking designs. Keep striving and pushing for greater, more efficient designs with every bot, and eventually you'll come out with some gold.

If you keep up with your chassis optimization and general building skills, you should eventually be able to have 10 Iron Spikes on a practical LW setup.
Title: Re: A brief history and showcase of Team Amphib and the Newt series
Post by: botomatic1000 on June 15, 2016, 02:22:53 PM
( fire the flood v3.png)
( insides.png)
Title: Re: A brief history and showcase of Team Amphib and the Newt series
Post by: 09090901 on June 15, 2016, 02:25:23 PM
what armor?
Title: Re: A brief history and showcase of Team Amphib and the Newt series
Post by: botomatic1000 on June 15, 2016, 02:35:07 PM
Plastic 10 the heaviest I could get.
Title: Re: A brief history and showcase of Team Amphib and the Newt series
Post by: FOTEPX on June 15, 2016, 04:39:47 PM
Alright, we're getting to it! It's looking good - same advice as before, keep going down that path and see how many irons you can pack in there! You don't need armour that thick - really you don't need anything thicker than Titanium 5. I think you might be able to get 8 irons on there if you downgrade the wheels and armour somewhat, but you'll very soon have a bot that will be viably competitive!
Title: Re: A brief history and showcase of Team Amphib and the Newt series
Post by: botomatic1000 on June 16, 2016, 01:40:57 PM
I honestly cant fit anymore in there lol its compact enough. Any ideas for my next one im thinking heavyweight.
Title: Re: A brief history and showcase of Team Amphib and the Newt series
Post by: botomatic1000 on June 19, 2016, 01:59:02 PM
I was bored...
( fire.png)
( insides.png)
Title: Re: A brief history and showcase of Team Amphib and the Newt series
Post by: FOTEPX on June 19, 2016, 02:52:37 PM
Dat's a loooooootta spikes. Considering how close you are to being a MW, I recommend you drop the armour or something to fit into the MW weight class. The chassis is pretty compact already - could be smaller, but for a builder of your calibre, I don't expect air-tightness just yet - but yeah, drop the armour or remove a spike or two to fit into the MW weight class, and you'll have a pretty potent rammer!
Title: Re: A brief history and showcase of Team Amphib and the Newt series
Post by: Thrackerzod on June 19, 2016, 10:45:31 PM
I'm not sure with the new anchors - would it be lighter to use a bunch of extenders rather than one anchor per spike?
Title: Re: A brief history and showcase of Team Amphib and the Newt series
Post by: Naryar on June 20, 2016, 03:34:37 AM
They're 1kg each, so it should be around the same weight with less vulnerabilities

This chassis is heavy - just make a simple rectangular chassis.

Otherwise yeah. Maybe use 2WD Etek drive on a MW rammer, 4WD is unefficient on middleweights really.
Title: Re: A brief history and showcase of Team Amphib and the Newt series
Post by: botomatic1000 on June 20, 2016, 10:45:14 AM
This one wasn't supposed to be competitive just something ridiculous I was very bored.
Title: Re: A brief history and showcase of Team Amphib and the Newt series
Post by: botomatic1000 on June 20, 2016, 01:27:53 PM
Lil fang one of my favourites on 2.2
( fang.png)
( insides.png)
Title: Re: A brief history and showcase of Team Amphib and the Newt series
Post by: Naryar on June 21, 2016, 06:32:29 AM
eh, it's not too bad, but you can improve it quite a bit.

use only one large airtank. much better than two airtanks.

it needs more weapons. probably just use the lighest piston.

you would do OK with a single battlepack, I feel.

try to make a tight chassis. LW pokers are naturally tight on weight, so you need to squeeze every unneeded kg out of it to make the bot better.

unsure how the wedge is.
Title: Re: A brief history and showcase of Team Amphib and the Newt series
Post by: Jet-speed on June 21, 2016, 07:57:44 AM
I'd imagine those skirts could probably be downgraded a tad too (either in size or in material), in favour of more weapons. They might be a bit overkill on a LW, especially seeing as you only have one iron. Unless DSL 2.2 massively changed something, in that case completely ignore me, not had a chance to load it up and play yet. :P
Title: Re: A brief history and showcase of Team Amphib and the Newt series
Post by: Naryar on June 21, 2016, 08:18:21 AM
The sheets are just fine, I feel.

Yes he can downgrade to alu for more weight, but they are very necessary to the bot and it's better to keep them at higher HP.
Title: Re: A brief history and showcase of Team Amphib and the Newt series
Post by: botomatic1000 on June 21, 2016, 12:04:55 PM
Planning on building a vertical spinner but I don't know what motors are compact but affective
Title: Re: A brief history and showcase of Team Amphib and the Newt series
Post by: Badger on June 21, 2016, 03:06:15 PM
Planning on building a vertical spinner but I don't know what motors are compact but affective
Depends what weight-class. longer perms 132's are usually good for HWs and maybe some MWs. You can even try a dual perm on a long extender if you're feeling dangerous.
Title: Re: A brief history and showcase of Team Amphib and the Newt series
Post by: botomatic1000 on June 22, 2016, 12:14:56 PM
Steel Much???
Title: Re: A brief history and showcase of Team Amphib and the Newt series
Post by: Naryar on June 22, 2016, 12:17:06 PM
needs more drive.

Also would benefit from more batteries. wedge is also strange.
Title: Re: A brief history and showcase of Team Amphib and the Newt series
Post by: Jet-speed on June 22, 2016, 12:30:27 PM
Doesn't look too bad at all. ^^

I don't know how effective those wedges are going to be set up how you have them, but I'd definitely try and get them symmetrical irregardless. With the right ones being further forward you're somewhat invalidating the left ones when driving head on at things.

I also question how much use you're getting out of those spiked clubs, ditch them and free up even more weight to improve the bot. Maybe try and get some chassis armouring on the slopes leading up to your drum so you can be more aggressive driving at things. Taking full advantage of your weight limit has been a mantra of these forums for over half my lifetime.

You could consider using a longer perm so that the drum sits further out from the chassis. That way you can extend it and let it house more weapons. Whilst beater bars were a great choice, I can't imagine just 16 of them at HW doing too well. You might need some external perm set up to do that and get the angle right, though.

Don't know which the best armours or drive motors are in 2.2 so I can't comment on those.
Title: Re: A brief history and showcase of Team Amphib and the Newt series
Post by: botomatic1000 on June 26, 2016, 02:35:28 PM
*Note. Double Dutch isn't serious I was bored and wanted to make something realistic it was supposed to be a lightweight but I couldn't do it.
Title: Re: A brief history and showcase of Team Amphib and the Newt series
Post by: botomatic1000 on June 27, 2016, 02:17:58 PM
It will end up that I try harder on these robots than an actual one. Im not gonna improve anyways it doesn't matter I ran out of ideas long before anyways maybe a pop up bot I dunno. I may also do a showcase for Ironforge (which im crap at) and regular (what a surprise im crap at that too) but that's for the future I have too many on stock and too little for Ironforge.
Title: Re: A brief history and showcase of Team Amphib and the Newt series
Post by: botomatic1000 on June 27, 2016, 03:54:38 PM
So my mate matt helped me design a robot for him to enter if Banter Wars series 3 is DSL Matts Jabber! Don't ask for inside shots I cant be arsed seriously its all crap anyways.
Title: Re: A brief history and showcase of Team Amphib and the Newt series
Post by: botomatic1000 on June 29, 2016, 12:50:48 PM
More strangeness from botomatic my middleweight Lil Adder! it uses fast NPC's and a perm 132.
( adder.png)
Title: Re: A brief history and showcase of Team Amphib and the Newt series
Post by: Avalanche on July 02, 2016, 05:57:10 PM
Exactly. You do not improve by whining. You improve by quitting the whole "i'm bad at the game oh noes" and getting used to failure, then slowly taking on advice and moving forward. If you keep whining and blatantly ignoring advice, we are going to have a bad time. Now, stop aping a 14 year old edgy Slipknot fan and get back to work improving your bots. For a start, try to put a lower wedge at the bottom of your bot to connect to the top wedges (though you may have to change wheels or armour to make weight for this) to help your wedginess, ensuring you can get a bot fed directly into the weapon.
Title: Re: A brief history and showcase of Team Amphib and the Newt series
Post by: botomatic1000 on July 02, 2016, 07:40:06 PM
Edgy slipknot fan hahaha seriously I will stop this negative crap and be back to normal and building again thanks for the advice I don't think your as bad as your reputation says you can be pretty humerous.
Title: Re: A brief history and showcase of Team Amphib and the Newt series
Post by: botomatic1000 on July 19, 2016, 03:45:52 PM
Its been a while... (hope this isn't bumping) here is a sequel to my favourite of my DSL's ANGRY NEWT 2.0!!! I tried to make it realistic and I don't care if its got bad drive its fine for me!
( Newt 2.0.png)
( Newt 2.0 insides.png)
Title: Re: A brief history and showcase of Team Amphib and the Newt series
Post by: botomatic1000 on July 19, 2016, 04:44:06 PM
It's bad I know.
Title: Re: A brief history and showcase of Team Amphib and the Newt series
Post by: 090901 on July 19, 2016, 05:04:54 PM
actually it really isnt bad
Title: Re: A brief history and showcase of Team Amphib and the Newt series
Post by: botomatic1000 on July 19, 2016, 05:07:43 PM
Really? Thanks.
Title: Re: A brief history and showcase of Team Amphib and the Newt series
Post by: Bobyasianboy on July 19, 2016, 05:13:58 PM
It's fine to bump your own threads. The bot's not bad at all, I think it would look better if you used the angle connectors that come with DSL rather than the stock ones, might want to angle them further inwards as well so it looks like it's attached to the chassis.
Title: Re: A brief history and showcase of Team Amphib and the Newt series
Post by: botomatic1000 on July 20, 2016, 12:50:59 PM
anyone have any tips for building a MW flipper? all the ones I build cant lift anything :( .
Title: Re: A brief history and showcase of Team Amphib and the Newt series
Post by: botomatic1000 on July 20, 2016, 03:37:18 PM
WRECHUS TECHUS!!! yeah its not that good but hey I hope it looks alright.
( techus.png)
Title: Re: A brief history and showcase of Team Amphib and the Newt series
Post by: Sircreepalot2 on July 20, 2016, 10:24:58 PM
my only gripe is the beaters on the dsl bar and the slim motors stick out. looks p fine though
Title: Re: A brief history and showcase of Team Amphib and the Newt series
Post by: botomatic1000 on July 21, 2016, 04:05:43 PM
Scrap Daisy.
( daisy.png)
Title: Re: A brief history and showcase of Team Amphib and the Newt series
Post by: Badger on July 21, 2016, 05:12:03 PM
It's OK, you bots should be wider (you can use a U shaped or T shaped chassis for this) so your drive motors and wedges can be as far apart as possible. You also need some protection for the front and for the motor.
Title: Re: A brief history and showcase of Team Amphib and the Newt series
Post by: botomatic1000 on July 27, 2016, 01:09:03 PM
I toned down the armour a tad (now the second lowest kind of steel I think) and added a small anti flipper wedge to the front of The Fire The Flood V3.
( fire the flod.png)
Title: Re: A brief history and showcase of Team Amphib and the Newt series
Post by: Mystic2000 on July 27, 2016, 03:58:08 PM
if you want to use a wedge, only use the center point of the skirt hinge, otherwise it's gonna be fail... use the weight to either make it longer or sturdier
Title: Re: A brief history and showcase of Team Amphib and the Newt series
Post by: botomatic1000 on August 03, 2016, 08:03:12 AM
IRL thwackbot Chernobyl Stingray.
Title: Re: A brief history and showcase of Team Amphib and the Newt series
Post by: Hi5er on August 05, 2016, 07:48:53 AM
Most thwack bots don't have a secondary rammer on the front, is it supposed to drive like an SnS or do you ram into them and spin at them?

Can you not just use normal extenders instead of the T-connectors for the iron spikes and save weight?
Title: Re: A brief history and showcase of Team Amphib and the Newt series
Post by: doot on August 05, 2016, 10:11:37 AM
Most thwack bots don't have a secondary rammer on the front, is it supposed to drive like an SnS or do you ram into them and spin at them?

Can you not just use normal extenders instead of the T-connectors for the iron spikes and save weight?
The stock connectors in DSL 2.2 are only 1KG as opposed to 4 or 5KGs. Still, tita or steel extenders are going to be a better bet - They have more HP and better mounting points to boot.
Title: Re: A brief history and showcase of Team Amphib and the Newt series
Post by: botomatic1000 on August 12, 2016, 06:24:55 AM
I don't even try anymore lol it has steel 10 and everything.
( spinner.png)
Title: Re: A brief history and showcase of Team Amphib and the Newt series
Post by: R01 on August 12, 2016, 09:23:31 AM
I don't even try anymore lol it has steel 10 and everything.
( spinner.png)

I think the Perm is a bit too long, make that shorter, maybe pick the armored version and upgrade the drive(think TWM's could fit well into that design?). Ant batteries aren't the best unless you're using 2.1, better to upgrade to the long batteries or battlepacks.

Otherwise looks good, might want to go a bit irl style and add the supports for the disc.
Title: Re: A brief history and showcase of Team Amphib and the Newt series
Post by: Badger on August 13, 2016, 09:04:44 PM
I don't even try anymore lol it has steel 10 and everything.
If you didn't even try why bother posting it to your showcase...

obviously get rid of the steel10. Try to find as much weight as possible (probably by downgrading the weapon motor to a shorter perm80 for a start, and removing those useless wedges) to get a 2nd disc on a 2nd motor. Then add as much protection as you can. It will still get rekt by pretty much everything with a wedge tho, but that's a HS for you.
Title: Re: A brief history and showcase of Team Amphib and the Newt series
Post by: botomatic1000 on August 18, 2016, 04:27:04 PM
Sooo... I have been re-watching a bit of the first Steel Conflict and I decided "hey I have bugger all to do and I could replicate a few of those". so yeah I gone and done two so far there not the best but there alright for replications in my opinion they could have been worse.
Solaris (nowadays has a drum) :

( RA2.png)

and Eric The Red (yeah I couldn't do the see-through top so what there not meant to be the best) :


I am thinking of doing some more one day.
Title: Re: A brief history and showcase of Team Amphib and the Newt series
Post by: botomatic1000 on August 23, 2016, 11:19:31 AM
"the question is not how fast his spinner is its how fast you can run! straight from the deepest of caves and with an instinct to slaughter and feed here is Salamandra!" I was a little hesitant of showing him off until the tournament started but nah I may as well show it quite a few other people have shown theres.
( insides.png)
Title: Re: A brief history and showcase of Team Amphib and the Newt series
Post by: Badger on August 23, 2016, 11:34:05 AM
hey thats actually not bad

the front motor needs more protection tho
Title: Re: A brief history and showcase of Team Amphib and the Newt series
Post by: doot on August 23, 2016, 11:34:35 AM
Salamandra looks bloody good. I think the 'bot does have some weak support and the weapon motor could be concealed better, though.
Title: Re: A brief history and showcase of Team Amphib and the Newt series
Post by: botomatic1000 on August 23, 2016, 11:44:31 AM
one of the prototype versions had the motor a LOT further back but the blade was measly and couldn't reach out more than a few CM. its worth noting its the spiritual successor to my old robot Pissed Off Salamander.
( .jpg)
Title: Re: A brief history and showcase of Team Amphib and the Newt series
Post by: botomatic1000 on August 26, 2016, 06:16:19 AM
I tried a bit with this one its called Mr Mackerel
( Mackeral.png)
Title: Re: A brief history and showcase of Team Amphib and the Newt series
Post by: Badger on August 26, 2016, 07:48:01 AM
You still have in insane amount of empty space there. Try making the chassis small enough to only fit the control board and batteries, and put everything else on extenders outside of the bot. Also, those wedges aren't really long enough to do much, although I guess they're OK to stop you from getting outwedged by a gutripper or something. I think the drive is overkill as well for a MW HS.

It's a lot better than your "joke" bots, put some more time into it and it'll actually be good!
Title: Re: A brief history and showcase of Team Amphib and the Newt series
Post by: R01 on August 26, 2016, 06:17:42 PM
Hey, not too bad, chassis space needs to be a bit small and spinners generally don't have that strong drive, so I'd downgrade to the TWM Drive 1's.
Unless you're playing DSL 2.1 you shouldn't use ant batteries, use battlepacks or the long batteries instead(big ones work as well but don't really give more power per kg)
Would upgrade the perm as well as use the single wedge connectors(so you don't have those black bits sticking out to the sides)
You still have in insane amount of empty space there. Try making the chassis small enough to only fit the control board and batteries, and put everything else on extenders outside of the bot. Also, those wedges aren't really long enough to do much, although I guess they're OK to stop you from getting outwedged by a gutripper or something. I think the drive is overkill as well for a MW HS.

It's a lot better than your "joke" bots, put some more time into it and it'll actually be good!
It depends on how you want to build it, if you want to go for a stock like efficiency guide then you will want a small chassis, however it can be of advantage to take a hit to the chassis instead of losing the drive.
Wedges are most likely there to act as a popup killer, it will drive up to the point where the wedge will be hit by the spinner.
Title: Re: A brief history and showcase of Team Amphib and the Newt series
Post by: Badger on August 26, 2016, 09:34:49 PM
oh, and don't use ant batteries, batteries don't work like DSL2.1. Use the long dark battery, that's good for 3 motors I think. It tells you in the description how long the battery will serve 3 motors.
Title: Re: A brief history and showcase of Team Amphib and the Newt series
Post by: botomatic1000 on September 06, 2016, 11:13:00 AM
Der Meister
( Meister.png)
Title: Re: A brief history and showcase of Team Amphib and the Newt series
Post by: cephalopod on September 06, 2016, 11:19:02 AM
With so much leftover weight, why not add some visuals or upgrade your drive motors?
Beaters would also be more realistic if horizontal instead of vertical, bot otherwise it's a fairly generic IRL drum.
Title: Re: A brief history and showcase of Team Amphib and the Newt series
Post by: botomatic1000 on October 14, 2016, 02:27:05 PM
Here's a "IRL" design I made using a M.O.E motor it's atrocious XD
Title: Re: A brief history and showcase of Team Amphib and the Newt series
Post by: 09090901 on October 14, 2016, 02:28:43 PM
1) crop the image
2) upload using the GTM exporter cause the image compression is horrid on here
3) post it in the discord cause nobody critiques bots in here
Title: Re: A brief history and showcase of Team Amphib and the Newt series
Post by: botomatic1000 on October 14, 2016, 02:30:17 PM
1) crop the image
2) upload using the GTM exporter cause the image compression is horrid on here
3) post it in the discord cause nobody critiques bots in here
Title: Re: A brief history and showcase of Team Amphib and the Newt series
Post by: Badger on October 14, 2016, 02:31:07 PM
1) crop the image
2) upload using the GTM exporter cause the image compression is horrid on here
3) post it in the discord cause nobody critiques bots in here
can you stop stealing my OC please thank you
Title: Re: A brief history and showcase of Team Amphib and the Newt series
Post by: botomatic1000 on October 14, 2016, 03:36:02 PM
Some constructive criticism about my robot and not the bloody image would be nice.
Title: Re: A brief history and showcase of Team Amphib and the Newt series
Post by: Badger on October 14, 2016, 03:36:29 PM
Thats the thing, we would be talking about the robot if you cropped the damn image
Title: Re: A brief history and showcase of Team Amphib and the Newt series
Post by: botomatic1000 on October 14, 2016, 03:39:42 PM
Happy now?
Title: Re: A brief history and showcase of Team Amphib and the Newt series
Post by: Badger on October 14, 2016, 04:07:06 PM
the pointless ra2cf useage on the drive motors makes me sad
Title: Re: A brief history and showcase of Team Amphib and the Newt series
Post by: botomatic1000 on October 14, 2016, 04:11:45 PM
the pointless ra2cf useage on the drive motors makes me sad
Thank you Badger at last! I know it's s*** but it kind of works
Title: Re: A brief history and showcase of Team Amphib and the Newt series
Post by: 090901 on October 14, 2016, 05:02:15 PM
i feel like the moe motor is too long for this design, a normal perm 80 would look better but i guess it wouldn't have the same performance.
Title: Re: A brief history and showcase of Team Amphib and the Newt series
Post by: botomatic1000 on November 25, 2016, 03:30:19 PM
BloodWing is atrocious for all I care but I'll see in competition (hopefully)

( insides.png)
Title: Re: A brief history and showcase of Team Amphib and the Newt series
Post by: Jammy Dodger on November 25, 2016, 03:47:42 PM
Cool Crusierweight I would give some advice but I cant
Title: Re: A brief history and showcase of Team Amphib and the Newt series
Post by: Avalanche on November 25, 2016, 04:05:40 PM
Don't get too down about it, jamied, make your own showcase first so we give you advice. Once you learn from us you can use our collective advice to help others. If you have a problem when trying to make a showcase, say why so we can help with that.

Boto, that's actually decent. Some issues with it seem to be how the different wheel guard panels look odd and disjointed. If they are purely extenders, think about doing flipper makers. (psst dsc if you do flipper segments in the next irl pack I will give you a cookie). The spikes on the side really don't feel all that useful tho, and I'm not sure they add to the bot. Get rid of them, then make the the wheel guards totally surround the wheel to make it look more complete.
Title: Re: A brief history and showcase of Team Amphib and the Newt series
Post by: Badnik96 on November 25, 2016, 04:10:32 PM
i personally like the feel it has right now tbh. just give it a skin that meshes more with the extenders than "steel texture + bloody edge"
Title: Re: A brief history and showcase of Team Amphib and the Newt series
Post by: F1Krazy on November 25, 2016, 04:18:00 PM
I'd say fewer batteries and a more powerful weapon motor. You might JUST be able to fit a Tornado Mer Gearbox in there without having to rebuild the chassis. Looks good though!
Title: Re: A brief history and showcase of Team Amphib and the Newt series
Post by: botomatic1000 on November 25, 2016, 04:42:31 PM
Avalanche I wanted to recreate something wing like with the spikes hence the BloodWing name but they do look naff I'm not sure if I can update it
Badnik im terrible at custom skins look at Metrocide.
F1Krazy I tried a Tornado Mer motor didn't fit and I like to be safe about batteries.
Title: Re: A brief history and showcase of Team Amphib and the Newt series
Post by: botomatic1000 on November 28, 2016, 12:44:45 PM
pretty old robot I was planning on putting in S.O.G but nah.... its destructive and uses 2 perms but is sloooooow uses aluminium 3
( Shred.png)
Title: Re: A brief history and showcase of Team Amphib and the Newt series
Post by: Jammy Dodger on November 28, 2016, 12:48:36 PM
I wonder what will happen if i touch the discs when there spinning :dumb)
Title: Re: A brief history and showcase of Team Amphib and the Newt series
Post by: botomatic1000 on January 25, 2017, 03:14:14 PM
"Its not what's in the water you should fear, Its what can come out of it and rip you to pieces! Here is Sallymandra"
( insides .png)
Title: Re: A brief history and showcase of Team Amphib and the Newt series
Post by: cephalopod on January 25, 2017, 03:51:48 PM
Cheatbot parts and Mechavore disc. :(
Title: Re: A brief history and showcase of Team Amphib and the Newt series
Post by: botomatic1000 on January 25, 2017, 05:46:58 PM
Cheatbot parts and Mechavore disc. :(
It was legal in Annihilation Nation so I may as well take advantage of it :^) besides it won't go far anyway
Title: Re: A brief history and showcase of Team Amphib and the Newt series
Post by: botomatic1000 on February 17, 2017, 01:05:27 PM
You lot ready for more trash? NO!?! tough luck heres BloodWing Micro. quite a lot of configurations and design alterations made took longer then it should have been and yes the Mech teeth don't go through the wheels :^).
( Micro.png)
( M Insides.png)
Title: Re: A brief history and showcase of Team Amphib and the Newt series
Post by: Gulden on February 17, 2017, 02:34:31 PM
You can save like 12 or so kg by getting rid of a few ants.  You only really need a single black (and maybe a single any just in case).  Otherwise it looks good.
Title: Re: A brief history and showcase of Team Amphib and the Newt series
Post by: botomatic1000 on July 23, 2017, 02:43:09 PM
Oh ick, Oh ick indeed...
(Image from DOT)
It uses 2 NPC fasts for drive and has a weapon powered by 2 6-mags inside the drum. I don't know how it qualified neither do I care its bad and gyro's worse than anything previously made but hey its "destructive"
Title: Re: A brief history and showcase of Team Amphib and the Newt series
Post by: Badger on July 23, 2017, 04:13:08 PM
I really don't like it at all, I think the drum is too big, like you took a VS and just made the disc wide as **** for the sake of cramming as many teeth onto it as possible.
Title: Re: A brief history and showcase of Team Amphib and the Newt series
Post by: botomatic1000 on July 30, 2017, 10:44:31 AM
Salamandra 3volution
( 3volution.png)
Yes I made another one.... it has interchangeable KE apparatuses
Title: Re: A brief history and showcase of Team Amphib and the Newt series
Post by: Badger on July 30, 2017, 10:50:24 AM
A lot of wasted empty space there, I don't think it looks very good.
Title: Re: A brief history and showcase of Team Amphib and the Newt series
Post by: Shield on July 30, 2017, 11:46:34 AM
Salamandra 3volution
( 3volution.png)
Yes I made another one.... it has interchangeable KE apparatuses


also why angle extenders lmao just use more black extenders. reduce the width and it'll be noice

Oh ick, Oh ick indeed...
(Image from DOT)
It uses 2 NPC fasts for drive and has a weapon powered by 2 6-mags inside the drum. I don't know how it qualified neither do I care its bad and gyro's worse than anything previously made but hey its "destructive"

tbh the large drum wouldnt be so bad if the chassis was appropriate
Title: Re: A brief history and showcase of Team Amphib and the Newt series
Post by: TheOrcCorp on July 30, 2017, 01:09:49 PM
I like 3volution, sure it may be a bit wide but for your third extenderbot, not bad at all! I also don't see why people are so against angle extenders, I didn't notice them until people pointed them out: they can work if used correctly which I feel they were here. In any case, can we see a Salamandra 4ever that is a bit narrower?  ;)
Title: Re: A brief history and showcase of Team Amphib and the Newt series
Post by: Philippa on July 30, 2017, 06:06:38 PM
wiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiide boy
Title: Re: A brief history and showcase of Team Amphib and the Newt series
Post by: botomatic1000 on August 28, 2017, 10:15:46 AM
Here's something I made called Copper Chopper
( Chopper.png)
Its a HW made more for "looks" then competitiveness, the wedge is steel.
Title: Re: A brief history and showcase of Team Amphib and the Newt series
Post by: F1Krazy on August 28, 2017, 10:53:31 AM
Hey, that's pretty neat. I love the light bar on top of the spinner, that's a nice touch. I'd say that's your best-looking robot yet!