Author Topic: Lest we forget...  (Read 793 times)

Offline Meganerdbomb

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Lest we forget...
« on: April 02, 2016, 12:12:20 AM »
I had a girlfriend once. Lasted a few weeks then the bitch betrayed me by getting the hard lads after me. All I can say is thank **** the blue bus took me out of town. (I live just outside of Belfast in a place called Newtownabbey) Bus took me to Carrick then took train back home. Currently got a good female friend of mine I talk to on Skype every month who used to live near me but had to move to Sweden cause her dad got a major IT job. But times change. Considering the way my life is at the moment with trying get an A in my IT course, getting bullied by my siblings and trying to squeeze every other moment playing through games I don't want a girlfriend. I mean come on! Why is it all the nice quiet girls end up moving away to other countries while all the girls left here are either ditzy or smoke and drink every night. Its a ****ing pain!
im just waiting for meganerdbomb to come along and kick things into gear.

Offline Mr. AS

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Re: Lest we forget...
« Reply #1 on: April 02, 2016, 01:27:14 AM »
I've seen this copypasta at least 52 times before, I know I counted every single one, I have a photographic memory. I see it pasted everywhere by low life unoriginal ****ing sh** cunts such as yourself. And you know what, it isn't funny. I didn't even giggle. I didn't even smile a little bit. NOT EVEN A ****ING LITTLE BIT. You could have got a psychologist to analyse my facial expressions and body language and they'd come up with ****ing nothing. I am dead inside when I read your memes, and I have to listen to Evanescence to wake me up inside again. I had absolutely no emotion at the bottom of my soul, a part from disgust. I hate this meme bullsh**, more than I hate that sh**ty RPJK meme. You're probably like "rpjk meme is so funny le wow xDDD". ****ing sh**ty meme copying faggot plebeian. How do you live with yourself? Being so mentally deficient that you are physically incapable of an single original thought, that you have to copy paste sh**ty internet memes? How sad. How pathetic. Why don't you kill yourself? If I were you, I'd honestly kill myself right now. Memes are an art. Memes take effort and artistic integrity to create, and you think you can just spam that stupid sh** and pass it as a 'meme'. You don't know what MEMEING is. Every meme I've created is original, and actually funny, you don't know anything about harvesting memes. You're honestly a ****ing deadset idiot, ruining the meme community for you own pathetic self indulgences. You seriously think this copypasta is funny? LOL you're a deadset ****ing mentally deficient cunt.
How you make Alarm Clock Pizza is:
Step 1: You buy an alarm clock from the store, and then you have to break it and put it in the sauce.
Step 2: Fold the sauce in 5 slices and put it in the dough.
Step 3: Paint the eggs with a pitcher of a clock showing what time you want to wake up and eat pizza for breakfast.
Step 4: Put the eggs in the dough.
Step 5: Make it flat into a round shape and draw the time you want on it.
Step 6: Put some old steel to prevent other peple from stealing it.
Step 7: Make it flat and cut into 60 slices 1 for each minute in 1 our.
Step 8: Put in the oven set the timer to 30048813.2884 seconds and put the temperature on 'Volcano' setting.
Step 9: If you think it is take to long, then get yor alarm clock and set it to now so that it will ring and you can take it out.
Step 10: Take it out uv the uvin wen it is redy and go to bed. In the morning eat pizza and also eat yor hands bi mistake.

Offline Meganerdbomb

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Re: Lest we forget...
« Reply #2 on: April 13, 2016, 09:31:56 PM »
What's your excuse for not having a black GF?

    - Strong (don't require to be pampered like white girls, mentally or physically.)
    - Proud (She won't let anyone disrespect her, her children, or even you for that matter.)
    - Real and spiritual (Unlike most non-religious/conservative white girls, who are shallow and materialistic whores, a fact.)
    - More horny (if you get a black GF, you will be ****ing every night.)
    - Independent (A real partner who wont leech off you like white girls.)
    - Better bodies (dem curves, big lips, perfect tits, and fat asses.)
    - Insecure about their looks and see white men as exotic (meaning you can get a black girl far above your grade.)

    According to statistics, white men and black girls who marry, are 200% more likely to stay together than white men and white girls, 150% more than white men and asian girls, and 400% more than white girls and black boys. And as we all know, the road to a successful household is a stable and healthy relationship between the heads of the household, as children who grow up with two parents, are far more likely to succeed in life. At the moment, black girls everywhere are realizing that getting an educated white man is where the game is at, and even a 7/10 white guy can easily get the best looking and most intelligent black QTs out there.

    >inb4 "Wahh, but I want my kid to look like me and preserve muh strong white genes."
    Umm, biracial kids of fathers with strong white genes look like their fathers. If your strong white genes won't put the black genes into submission and make the child look you, then they're not "strong white genes", and have no right to be preserved in the first place. If you can't produce inter-racial children that look like you, then the mere chance of getting to produce offspring with any female mammal, is already more than you deserve, as you are basically just a woman with testicles, and it doesn't matter if your child is white, because they will be inferior and weak, like you.

    >inb4 "I don't find black girls attractive."
    Good job, goy. You've basically been programmed socioculturally to worship white girls as the standard of beauty, even though beauty is a subjective concept. If you actually broke free from your conditioned brainwash, and ventured outside your virtual safe-zone, you not only might find that aesthetically, black girls are no different from white girls, but are in fact, superior in almost every way. Every time you perpetuate the myth that white girls should be held as the standard for beauty, you are enforcing white female privileges, and basically just empowering white liberal feminists who hate white men. By refusing to date inter-racially, while white girls are ****ing around every guy they meet on the streets, you are literally the definition of a cook.

    >inb4 "You just got the jungle fever and are fetishizing relationships between white men black girs."
    There are quite a few socio-economical benefits that both white men and black girls will gain from allying with each other, such as being more happy, and having statistically better chance of building an socio-economically strong and stable household that will last. Of course, the sex thing cannot be ignored, because sex with black girls is better, and that's a fact. But saying you are fetishizing because you want to date a black girl for rational reasons, is just a baseless ad hominem.

    >There are no black QTs around me.
    There are black QTs everywhere. If you can't find any, you are not looking hard enough. There are plenty of lonely and looking black QTs on Tinder, OKcupid and Interpals too.
>"Black girls are stupid, and I have nothing in common with them."
Wrong! Black girls are great to have stimulating debates with, as they are very opionated. Black women have recently become the highest growing demographic in colleges and universities. The facts that they possess attitude that doesn't suck up to anyone, and are soon the most highly educated demographic, makes them the most interesting intellectual partners. Black girls are much better than white girls as intellectual partners, as the relationship is not like having a submissive dog with you, but an equal partner. Black girls are also into lots of same stuff with white men, that white girls are usually not, especially geeky stuff.
im just waiting for meganerdbomb to come along and kick things into gear.