Spinner Weapon Limit:
4 large teeth (25kg, 600dp)
6 small teeth (10kg, 480dp)
6 large beaters
8 medium beaters
9 small beaters
No more than 4 saws per robot
1 large replica disc
2 small replica discs
Axe/Hammer limits
Max of 1 axe/hammer weapon (Judge, Beta, battleaxe, frenZy, gothic axe etc.)
Common sense if it uses other weapons
2 of most bursts (VDMA, magmotors and storm front hinge)
2 beta bursts
Top hinges are only allowed 2 mags, no pneumatics
All flipper arcs have a limit of 90 degrees
- Overkill motors are the ONLY CB2 part allowed
- Dual motors verts are banned, "true" wedgeless drums can still have two motors
- Spikes are the only damaging weapons allowed on the front of rammers, wammers are banned
- All DSL 2.6 armors allowed
- Skirts only allowed on dustpans with proper support
- Configbots are banned
- Bots that are too unstable will be rejected