Definitely a good start, but something on burst motors should probably be included, mainly to introduce smartzones.
'nose':math.pi*0.25 " will rotate the bot 45 degrees Counter-Clockwise 'nose':-math.pi*0.25 " will rotate the bot 45 degrees Clockwise 'nose':math.pi*0.5 " will rotate the bot 90 degrees Counter-Clockwise 'nose':-math.pi*0.5 " will rotate the bot 90 degrees Clockwise 'nose':math.pi*0.75 " will rotate the bot 135 degrees Counter-Clockwise 'nose':-math.pi*0.75 " will rotate the bot 135 degrees Clockwise 'nose': -math.pi " and math.pi rotate the bot 180 degrees.
you should add a note about if (example newbie) is using DSL, they don't need to download Mad's smartzones.
ok, first welcome to GTM, now to the sad part. You did an oopsie!If there are red letters above the quick relpy part, that means that this hasnt been touched in ages, and that you shouldnt touch it. This what you have done is bumping.
DSL-IRL is the libtard’s meta. Go drink more soylent, retard! #BLUELIVESMATTER
ALERT- Another WS coming up...
I'm fine with hugging reier