please eat something that you're allergic to, in excessive ammounts
I've seen a lot of these tutorials getting spread around, so I feel like I should try and make one.So, you just got an account on GTM, and you cannot wait to show off your first builds! However, there is just one thing wrong. You do not have any builds. Ideas are up in the air to show this community. If you are having trouble with this, you might want to read this guide.For starters, it doesn't have to be a masterpiece. I know you've been looking around in some of our showcases and want to make some elegant extenderbots, but hold your horses. All builders have to start somewhere. In fact, if you look at the very beginning of our showcases, you may see very different robots and building styles than what we build now. However, do not build something for the sake of building. You'll end up with something that you and the people of this community are not proud of. While these two rules may seem to contradict one another, it really just means that build what you want to build, but don't drag yourself down if it is not of the standards you see builders building today.Another thing to take into consideration when building is what are you building this for. There are two main ways to build: competitavely and artiscally. when building with competition in mind, you want your robot to kick robutt in tournaments in such. you must understand which components are more effective than others, weight and damage wise. This type of building is a lot harder to begin with, so most begin by making artbots. Artbots are made to look nice, not to destroy the opponent. If you were to enter this into a tournament, it would get demolished after winning a fight or two by a long-time veteran builder. As stated before, they don't have to be blue-moon artworks, but rather a nice-looking creation showing that you want to be a part of the community.And before you go asking in the comments, yes, you can make a good looking AND comeptitive bot, but it is something even veteran builders struggle at.OK, so say you finally got your robot done. You take a screenshot, attach the image, and post it to your showcase. However, the ruthless members of the RA2 community tear it to shreds, bashing it for its ineffectiveness and blandness. Do not take it personally, as it is something we all experience during our stay at GTM. Don't go insulting the community, don't go into an edgy phase. Instead, listen to the few criticisms that you may have recieved to improve the roobt, or even make a new one.Now say that you went for the competitive path, and your robot gets destroyed on the first round. As stated before, do not curse the world and blame the host for the loss. Instead, learn from your opponent to destroy them next time a tournament arises.So guys, that'll do for my first tutorial. I attempted to make something not as technical and mechanical as other guides, but instead opting to make something to educate the new members on how to get their paths to greatness started the right way. If there is anything I missed, let me know and I will add it. Thank you, and goodbye.
DSL-IRL is the libtard’s meta. Go drink more soylent, retard! #BLUELIVESMATTER
No offense, but I think a guide like this should be made by someone with more experience. This guide would probably just confuse me more if I was a new user reading it.
Quote from: geese on November 14, 2018, 05:11:12 PMNo offense, but I think a guide like this should be made by someone with more experience. This guide would probably just confuse me more if I was a new user reading it.Can say its kinda useful tbh