Author Topic: Deathmatch 3 - Signups Closed  (Read 5168 times)

Offline RedAce

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Deathmatch 3 - Signups Closed
« on: October 11, 2018, 10:16:15 PM »

Aw yeah, this is happening.  This tournament series has been one of my favorite hosting in a long time, and I am excited to announce a third tournament in the series and even a lot of you are excited for it from what I can tell, so let's just hope I can improve enough rules to make this even better and keep everyone happy really.  :D

- DSL 2.2 CW
- IRL Building Style
- 36 Entrants
- One bot per member.  In the event that signups are filling up slowly, then I will allow Secondary Signups.
- I'm willing to AI if you are not able to, but don't complain what I AI'd your bot or you will disqualified automatically (It will not change once the SBV thread is up.)
- Seeded builders will be allowed to have a reserved spot in the competition if they wish (If you send me an updated version of your last entrant, I would highly encourage that)
- Unseeded entrants will not be reserved, and I cannot allow reserving spots or placeholder bots for any reason
- Blatant Re-Entrants from the first Deathmatch are not allowed, at least update it enough to be different enough for a rebuild
- Any attempt to exploit a loophole will be rejected immediately
- You can send your entrant to me through a personal message through GTM or Discord (ThatRedAceGuy#0948 is my tag if you want to add me and/or just send through there)

- DSL 2.2 Bots only
- Cruiserweight bots only (399.1 - 600.0 KG)
- Build and enter a design that YOU built yourself  (Yes, I had to make this a rule as I got "placeholder" bots trying to abuse the update rule.  I can understand why, but it makes the 'first come, first serve' thing very scummy)
- I can allow custom AI .py files if you need your entrant to do something specific that would otherwise not be possible with a normal .py file.  However, if it that makes your bot overpowered or is pointless and/or just stupid memes, then the entrant along with the custom AI .py is banned.
- Very Strict IRL Rules Apply (But this time, I will much, MUCH more strict about this rule this time.  Simply put, don't try and make tryhard bots)
- You must have a minimum of powered two wheels attached and must show controlled movement with said wheels.
- Shufflers will get an additional 200 KG, but that weight must be used for the mechanism itself (Pure Walkers are banned for the fact that I can't AI them.  However, If YOU can get them to work in RA2 and YOU are able to AI it, go for it.  The weight advantage is no different than for shufflers)
- Modular bots are allowed this time (Once the SBV thread is up, I will give a week maximum for you to send in a list of bots you would like to use your modular forms for each bot, and you must list what you would like to use as your default configuration.  If you do not send me a list within that time frame, then I will choose myself for each battle, so don't blame me if this is the case.  If two modular bots do happen to face each other, then I will just use your default configurations.
- Multibots are allowed, but the total weight limit must have have a at least a 75:25 weight difference
- Click's DSL Crash Patch, DSC's IRL Packs, Geice's AP mod for NPC's and batteries will be allowed (Even future releases)
- Now while DSC's IRL Packs are allowed, the 10cm square extenders, 12cm round extenders, Extender angle connectors and Wedge edges from the respective packs will also be allowed, but might be altered slightly due to being a primary reason of crashing my game.  (While a crash patch is released, some people are experiencing physics issues that I am aware people are having, but luckily don't seem heavily game breaking on my end, so it's workable, but it might seem inconsistent to others.  Just be warned.)
- Weapon spam will not be tolerated.  With that said, I won't limit the number of specific parts for an entrant.  If there is a balance between weapon and it's power, then I can allow it.  (I'll be much more strict about it this time.  Cause last time, and with DSL 2.2 currently, Typhoon Teeth, for example are rather OP, so just be warned: Don't expect to use many Typhoon teeth this time.)
- The Mechavore Disc & Minion Disc, however, are straight up banned.  Period.
- Flamethrower bots are allowed, but using that bot with or a similar AI python is NOT.
- You can send your own component re-skins as long as you provide the necessary files to me when you enter and the ONLY change to said component(s) is the skin.
- The only cheatbot2 Components allowed are the Flatmotor, Slow Flatmotor, and the Overkill/TTD Servo Motor.  Everything else is banned (This means the AS balance patch and any components not in vanilla RA2 are banned.  Do NOT try and dance around this rule this time.)
- No components or anything similar from DSL 2.3 Beta, or whatever is currently going on.
- BFE, AAM, OBJRA2 and Every Sergepatcher Component Freedom tool, except for the weight bonus one, will be allowed for IRL purposes
- Deliberately terrible bots or joke-bots will be rejected instantly.  Please make something with effort for this.  (Inappropriate names and skins also count)
- You can make an update once and only once (The only exception if it's a skin change or anything extremely minor), but I will stop allowing updates when signups close.
- If an updated bot is illegal, then I will use the original bot you sent me.
- If I am feeling mixed opinions towards the legality of your entrant, then I will ask about certain details to make sure.

- 3 minute length matches
- The Robot Wars 2016 Arena (Re-skinned) will be used for this tournament
- In the event of Secondary Signups, then I will make sure both of your bots do NOT compete in the same heat.
- If a Multibot has 75% of the total bot eliminated, then the whole entrant is considered eliminated, and the heaviest portion of said Multibot will compete in Melees
- Only minor havoks will be shown in a main heat video (or ones that don't really affect any major outcomes), and bots will not be penalized for havoks.  However if a robot havoks more than enough times, then the robot will be eliminated and will be referenced to "technical issues"  (If the builder would like to see a video of the havoks for proof, then I will upload said video, and for the record, I'd say 20 havoks or crashes would be a tipping point for me to just forfeit it and move on).
- If my game crashes enough time for a specific match, then I will code it as an "Arena Breach" and take the most salvageable take with the least amount of havoks and do a judge's decisions from the match before the crash.
- If a bot shows no controlled movement at all for about 20 seconds, then I will consider it immobile.  There will be a visible timer for when it becomes noticeable and mostly shows zero sign of doing anything.  It will be displayed as a 10-Second warning when I start to
- There will be six heats released on a weekly format, with randomized draws for heats and battles.
- For the Pit Hazard, things will work a little bit differently.  If multiple bots enter the pit at once, then the last one to enter the pit will be declared the winner.  If one bot enters the pit, miraculously escapes, and another bot follows in the pit and stays, then the one who entered the pit zone first will be declared eliminated.
- Seeded bots will have a dedicated heat draw for them.  So Heat A will have Seed #1, Heat B will have Seed #3, Heat C will have Seed #5, etc.
- In the six heats, there will be six bots in each, with two round robin qualifiers, with three bots in each qualifier.  The winners of the qualifiers will advance to the Heat Final, and the winner of that will advance to the Grand Final which will work the same ways as the heats.
- Winning a battle by KO, TKO, OOTA, Elimination, Immobilization, Whatever term for beating bots before time elapes-ation will earn you three points.  Lasting at least to the end of a Judge's Decision will earn you one point, but winning said Judge's Decision will earn you two points total.  In the event that all competitors in their qualifiers finish off in a tie, then a three-way melee tiebreaker will decide who will advance to the heat final.
- If there is no clear winner at the end, then I will be judging every bot fairly on based on Aggression, Style, and Control.  I will show a replay of the action, and the score at the end.  Once a heat is posted, I will post my notes and details on why I made said decision inside a spoiler tag.


My Entrant:



1. RedAce - Banisher
2. Code Red Robotics - Banshee
3. Hoppin - Pulse 2
4. Superbomb122 - Polaroid
5. Plerco (1) - Solar Storm 3
6. 8bean - Wacko Lantern
7. Guldenflame - Hyperorbit
8. Pokebro14 - Legacy
9. [cringey name goes here] - Bleed Blue
10. Billy5545 - Darwinian Predator
11. TheRoboteer - Apogee
12. Nightraven Shade - Tidal Wave
13. MrBK - U.L.L
14. Kix - Craplectric
15. NeonCalypso - Rooster
16. Doot - Catalyst
17. Kaiser - Banshee 3
18. Primeval - Duality
19. F1Krazy - Red Mist
20. KidDelta - End-It 2
21. Sevalent - Romeo & Juliet
22. Bildschirm - Rest in Pieces
23. Evil Toaster - Royalty 2.5 (2)
24. Sickle Robotics - Why Not SK
25. Olister92 - Lynx 2
26. Double00rhys2 - Angle's Heaven
27. Plerco (1) - Extraterrestrial & Starman
28. TheRoboteer - Dambuster
29. Sickle Robotics - Ring! Ring!
30. Code Red Robotics - Bad Company
31. Hoppin - Halcyon 2
32. 8bean - Christmas Past & Christmas Future
33. NeonCalypso - Binary Star Systems (Orange & Yellow)
34. KidDelta - High Tide
35. SagarisRA2 - Vespin
36. kix - Nuclear Launch

Black - Received
Green - Accepted
Red - Problem/Rejected (You will be notified in a PM, and if you do not respond in approximately five days, then I will remove your name on the signups list)
Italics - Update Used
Bold - Seeded Entrant claiming their guaranteed spot.

DISCLAIMER: I will be running this at the same time as Robotic Murder Party 2 (If I'm allowed to anyway), but I hope to make both great in the end.  This also is a bit of an experiment to see if I am capable of running two different kinds of tournaments in the end.
« Last Edit: December 04, 2018, 05:07:07 PM by RedAce »

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Re: Deathmatch 3 - Discussion
« Reply #1 on: October 11, 2018, 10:36:49 PM »
definitely going to make something for this. something new, not just evil art project with a slightly different ring again :dumb)

Offline Billy5545

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Re: Deathmatch 3 - Discussion
« Reply #2 on: October 11, 2018, 10:48:45 PM »
Cool thing. I'm currently making my new CW for this (and not entering an update to Breaking Hammers, or Darwinian Predator)

Offline FlamesOfIce

Re: Deathmatch 3 - Discussion
« Reply #3 on: October 12, 2018, 01:35:55 AM »
*squeals in First Blood*

Offline TheRoboteer

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Re: Deathmatch 3 - Discussion
« Reply #4 on: October 12, 2018, 02:35:03 AM »
**** yeah I was waiting for this. Totally jumped the gun and already have my bot for this one pretty much ready. Super hyped!  :heart_smiley:
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Offline Hoppin

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Re: Deathmatch 3 - Discussion
« Reply #5 on: October 12, 2018, 08:13:03 AM »
- Now while DSC's IRL Packs are allowed, the 10cm square extenders, 12cm round extenders, Extender angle connectors and Wedge edges from the respective packs will not be allowed due to being a primary reason of crashing my game.  (But I will allow these if and ONLY if a crash patch made for the DSC Packs is created, and publicly available to download.  If one does happen to be made when this enters signups, then the following components listed will be allowed.)

Wouldn't it be a good idea to use the havoc rule more, in which you display the fight till the havoc then use a JD to determine the winner?
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Offline RedAce

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Re: Deathmatch 3 - Discussion
« Reply #6 on: October 12, 2018, 08:28:14 AM »
- Now while DSC's IRL Packs are allowed, the 10cm square extenders, 12cm round extenders, Extender angle connectors and Wedge edges from the respective packs will not be allowed due to being a primary reason of crashing my game.  (But I will allow these if and ONLY if a crash patch made for the DSC Packs is created, and publicly available to download.  If one does happen to be made when this enters signups, then the following components listed will be allowed.)

Wouldn't it be a good idea to use the havoc rule more, in which you display the fight till the havoc then use a JD to determine the winner?
Technically I did this in Deathmatch 2, but sometimes I had to restart multiple times because I couldn't really get a clear result from matches that lasted around 30 seconds.  I also had a crash and havok limit alongside it.  I could still implement this, but I don't think constantly cutting off the matches because of a havok or crash was something that made good competition or viewing, ya know?

Offline Jonzu95

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Re: Deathmatch 3 - Discussion
« Reply #7 on: October 12, 2018, 08:55:19 PM »
Highly considering to start my comeback from this tournament.

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Re: Deathmatch 3 - Discussion
« Reply #8 on: October 13, 2018, 03:21:22 AM »
DEFINITELY coming back for this one. Can't wait.

Currently listening to: Marblehead Johnson - The Bluetones

Offline NeonCalypso

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Re: Deathmatch 3 - Discussion
« Reply #9 on: October 13, 2018, 03:31:53 AM »
Looks like morphsalot has been subdued by a certain rule, might try something different for this tourney  :beer:
>not letting me ai my own robot

unironically kill yourself
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Offline superbomb122

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Re: Deathmatch 3 - Discussion
« Reply #10 on: October 13, 2018, 09:16:18 AM »
Are the normal DSL wedge edges allowed?
Phantom- OW4 quarterfinalist and PWS6 runner-up
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Delete your account smh

(Phantom is cool)

Offline RedAce

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Re: Deathmatch 3 - Discussion
« Reply #11 on: October 23, 2018, 04:04:12 PM »
Logo is created.

Also I made a small change to the DSC parts rule.  Yes, they are allowed, but I will create a crash patch for them, so be warned, entrants using the listed components might be slightly altered for the tournament.  I'll even upload a crash patch once I get a good chance to.  Once I exit midterms week, I should be able to work on this, and maybe get this in signups.

Offline TheRoboteer

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Re: Deathmatch 3 - Discussion
« Reply #12 on: October 23, 2018, 04:05:17 PM »
Logo is created.

Also I made a small change to the DSC parts rule.  Yes, they are allowed, but I will create a crash patch for them, so be warned, entrants using the listed components might be slightly altered for the tournament.  I'll even upload a crash patch once I get a good chance to.  Once I exit midterms week, I should be able to work on this, and maybe get this in signups.
Sweet man. Appreciate all the effort you're putting into this  :heart_smiley:
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Offline Hoppin

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Re: Deathmatch 3 - Signups
« Reply #13 on: October 27, 2018, 05:50:38 PM »
(Image removed from quote.)

Aw yeah, this is happening.  This tournament series has been one of my favorite hosting in a long time, and I am excited to announce a third tournament in the series and even a lot of you are excited for it from what I can tell, so let's just hope I can improve enough rules to make this even better and keep everyone happy really.  :D

- DSL 2.2 CW
- IRL Building Style
- 36 Entrants
- One bot per member.  In the event that signups are filling up slowly, then I will allow Secondary Signups.
- I'm willing to AI if you are not able to, but don't complain what I AI'd your bot or you will disqualified automatically (It will not change once the SBV thread is up.)
- Seeded builders will be allowed to have a reserved spot in the competition if they wish (If you send me an updated version of your last entrant, I would highly encourage that)
- Unseeded entrants will not be reserved, and I cannot allow reserving spots or placeholder bots for any reason
- Blatant Re-Entrants from the first Deathmatch are not allowed, at least update it enough to be different enough for a rebuild
- Any attempt to exploit a loophole will be rejected immediately
- You can send your entrant to me through a personal message through GTM or Discord (ThatRedAceGuy#0948 is my tag if you want to add me and/or just send through there)

- DSL 2.2 Bots only
- Cruiserweight bots only (399.1 - 600.0 KG)
- Build and enter a design that YOU built yourself  (Yes, I had to make this a rule as I got "placeholder" bots trying to abuse the update rule.  I can understand why, but it makes the 'first come, first serve' thing very scummy)
- I can allow custom AI .py files if you need your entrant to do something specific that would otherwise not be possible with a normal .py file.  However, if it that makes your bot overpowered or is pointless and/or just stupid memes, then the entrant along with the custom AI .py is banned.
- Very Strict IRL Rules Apply (But this time, I will much, MUCH more strict about this rule this time.  Simply put, don't try and make tryhard bots)
- You must have a minimum of powered two wheels attached and must show controlled movement with said wheels.
- Shufflers will get an additional 200 KG, but that weight must be used for the mechanism itself (Pure Walkers are banned for the fact that I can't AI them.  However, If YOU can get them to work in RA2 and YOU are able to AI it, go for it.  The weight advantage is no different than for shufflers)
- Modular bots are allowed this time (Once the SBV thread is up, I will give a week maximum for you to send in a list of bots you would like to use your modular forms for each bot, and you must list what you would like to use as your default configuration.  If you do not send me a list within that time frame, then I will choose myself for each battle, so don't blame me if this is the case.  If two modular bots do happen to face each other, then I will just use your default configurations.
- Multibots are allowed, but the total weight limit must have have a at least a 75:25 weight difference
- Click's DSL Crash Patch, DSC's IRL Packs, Geice's AP mod for NPC's and batteries will be allowed (Even future releases)
- Now while DSC's IRL Packs are allowed, the 10cm square extenders, 12cm round extenders, Extender angle connectors and Wedge edges from the respective packs will also be allowed, but might be altered slightly due to being a primary reason of crashing my game.  (While a crash patch is released, some people are experiencing physics issues that I am aware people are having, but luckily don't seem heavily game breaking on my end, so it's workable, but it might seem inconsistent to others.  Just be warned.)
- Weapon spam will not be tolerated.  With that said, I won't limit the number of specific parts for an entrant.  If there is a balance between weapon and it's power, then I can allow it.  (I'll be much more strict about it this time.  Cause last time, and with DSL 2.2 currently, Typhoon Teeth, for example are rather OP, so just be warned: Don't expect to use many Typhoon teeth this time.)
- The Mechavore Disc & Minion Disc, however, are straight up banned.  Period.
- Flamethrower bots are allowed, but using that bot with or a similar AI python is NOT.
- You can send your own component re-skins as long as you provide the necessary files to me when you enter and the ONLY change to said component(s) is the skin.
- The only cheatbot2 Components allowed are the Flatmotor, Slow Flatmotor, and the Overkill/TTD Servo Motor.  Everything else is banned (This means the AS balance patch and any components not in vanilla RA2 are banned.  Do NOT try and dance around this rule this time.)
- No components or anything similar from DSL 2.3 Beta, or whatever is currently going on.
- BFE, AAM, OBJRA2 and Every Sergepatcher Component Freedom tool, except for the weight bonus one, will be allowed for IRL purposes
- Deliberately terrible bots or joke-bots will be rejected instantly.  Please make something with effort for this.  (Inappropriate names and skins also count)
- You can make an update once and only once (The only exception if it's a skin change or anything extremely minor), but I will stop allowing updates when signups close.
- If an updated bot is illegal, then I will use the original bot you sent me.
- If I am feeling mixed opinions towards the legality of your entrant, then I will ask about certain details to make sure.

- 3 minute length matches
- The Robot Wars 2016 Arena (Re-skinned) will be used for this tournament
- In the event of Secondary Signups, then I will make sure both of your bots do NOT compete in the same heat.
- If a Multibot has 75% of the total bot eliminated, then the whole entrant is considered eliminated, and the heaviest portion of said Multibot will compete in Melees
- Only minor havoks will be shown in a main heat video (or ones that don't really affect any major outcomes), and bots will not be penalized for havoks.  However if a robot havoks more than enough times, then the robot will be eliminated and will be referenced to "technical issues"  (If the builder would like to see a video of the havoks for proof, then I will upload said video, and for the record, I'd say 20 havoks or crashes would be a tipping point for me to just forfeit it and move on).
- If my game crashes enough time for a specific match, then I will code it as an "Arena Breach" and take the most salvageable take with the least amount of havoks and do a judge's decisions from the match before the crash.
- If a bot shows no controlled movement at all for about 20 seconds, then I will consider it immobile.  There will be a visible timer for when it becomes noticeable and mostly shows zero sign of doing anything.  It will be displayed as a 10-Second warning when I start to
- There will be six heats released on a weekly format, with randomized draws for heats and battles.
- For the Pit Hazard, things will work a little bit differently.  If multiple bots enter the pit at once, then the last one to enter the pit will be declared the winner.  If one bot enters the pit, miraculously escapes, and another bot follows in the pit and stays, then the one who entered the pit zone first will be declared eliminated.
- Seeded bots will have a dedicated heat draw for them.  So Heat A will have Seed #1, Heat B will have Seed #3, Heat C will have Seed #5, etc.
- In the six heats, there will be six bots in each, with two round robin qualifiers, with three bots in each qualifier.  The winners of the qualifiers will advance to the Heat Final, and the winner of that will advance to the Grand Final which will work the same ways as the heats.
- Winning a battle by KO, TKO, OOTA, Elimination, Immobilization, Whatever term for beating bots before time elapes-ation will earn you three points.  Lasting at least to the end of a Judge's Decision will earn you one point, but winning said Judge's Decision will earn you two points total.  In the event that all competitors in their qualifiers finish off in a tie, then a three-way melee tiebreaker will decide who will advance to the heat final.
- If there is no clear winner at the end, then I will be judging every bot fairly on based on Aggression, Style, and Control.  I will show a replay of the action, and the score at the end.  Once a heat is posted, I will post my notes and details on why I made said decision inside a spoiler tag.


My Entrant:

If there is something that I missed for this, then please let me know.

Also, I'm currently at the moment unsure of when I would like to start this.  Life has been kinda stacking up on me lately, not to mention current projects that I'm working for GTM on the side (i.e. Reforged v2.0).  So once I find enough time to get this show on the road, you'll probably know.

DISCLAIMER: I will be running this at the same time as Robotic Murder Party 2 (If I'm allowed to anyway), but I hope to make both great in the end.  This also is a bit of an experiment to see if I am capable of running two different kinds of tournaments in the end.

Enjoy signups, you know the drill
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Re: Deathmatch 3 - Signups
« Reply #14 on: October 27, 2018, 06:11:35 PM »
um ackshually I did not crap my pants

Offline TheRoboteer

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Re: Deathmatch 3 - Signups
« Reply #15 on: October 27, 2018, 06:48:32 PM »
Will send my bot soon. Unsure how the crash patch will affect it but I guess we'll find out. Looking forward to the tournament!
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Offline RedAce

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Re: Deathmatch 3 - Signups
« Reply #16 on: October 27, 2018, 11:43:53 PM »
Okay, so now that I'm back from work, I got some progress done.

All of the following entrants are accepted: RedAce, Hoppin, Superbomb122, 8bean, and Guldenflame.

Code Red Robotics and Plerco, I've sent you both your respective PM's on your entrants and the issues that need to be resolved.

Edit: Plerco has sent his updated entrant just a few seconds after I made this post.  Now it's accepted.

Offline Billy5545

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Re: Deathmatch 3 - Signups
« Reply #17 on: October 27, 2018, 11:46:04 PM »
I need to finish my entrant now for this

Offline RedAce

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Re: Deathmatch 3 - Signups
« Reply #18 on: October 28, 2018, 06:19:29 AM »
I've recieved Pokebro14's entrant.  It is accepted.

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Re: Deathmatch 3 - Signups
« Reply #19 on: October 28, 2018, 07:22:02 AM »
I've recieved [cringey name goes here]'s bot and Code Red Robotic's updated entrant.  Both of which are accepted.