yeah, maybe i host an stock sometime on 2020 but wahever.
GENERAL RULES:- DSL Beetleweight
- IRL Building Style
- 16 Entrants
- One entrant per person
- I'm able to AI if you unable to.
- I will be entering if sign-up didn't get full.
- Beetleweight bots only (125.1 kg - 175.0 kg)
- Build and enter a design that YOU built yourself (with this rules, you can't steal someone bot and call it yours.)
- SnS and thwackbots are banned.
- is banned.
- Defensive armour is banned (ie: sledgehammer armour).
- No burst limit
- The Mechavore Disc & Minion Disc, however, are straight up banned. Period.
- You can send your own component re-skins as long as you provide the necessary files to me when you enter and the ONLY change to said component(s) is the skin.
- Geese's motor fixes are allowed
- You can make an update once and only once (The only exception if it's a skin change or anything extremely minor), but I will stop allowing updates when signups close.
- You must have a minimum of powered two wheels attached and must show controlled movement with said wheels.
- DSC's IRL pack is allowed
- Hoppin's Coloured Components is allowed
- Component freedom is allowed
- BFE is allowed
- The only allowed cheatbot2 components is: Flatmotors (Normal and slow)
- If an updated bot is illegal, then I will use the original bot you sent me..
BATTLE RULES:- 3 minute length matches
- Small Arena (Re-skinned) will be used for this tournament
- Havoks will be shown in a main video (or ones that don't really affect any major outcomes), and bots will not be penalized for havoks. (you know, lazy)
- Standard double elimination bracket.
- If there is no clear winner at the end, then I will be judging every bot fairly on based on Aggression, Style, and Control. I will show the score at the end.
My Entrant:
Sickle robotics - Little rusty2.
Billy5545 - Flipping Beetle3.
courthousedoc - Tropical Cyclone4.
NeonCalypso - Thanks I Hate It (Update Used.)
Hoppin - Billee6.
KidDelta - Beetle Blue7.
Plerco - Hypnodisc_28.
Bildschirm - Pink Pearl9.
TCRR - The Downwards Spiral10.
WenXiangLee - SimHS11.
Redalert - DD9 (overweight)
Green - Accepted and AI'dOrange - AcceptedBlack - Received
Red - Problem/Rejected