
Robot Arena => Showcases => Stock Showcases => Topic started by: JoeBlo on February 20, 2021, 01:14:50 AM

Title: JoeBlo Stock- The Second Coming
Post by: JoeBlo on February 20, 2021, 01:14:50 AM
9 Years • 4 Months • 23 Days since my last showcased stock robot..

The second coming of Jesus.... im bad at Robot Arena 2

Slice - MW 398.4

( (

Dead Metal S2 kinda vibe with the servo saw and some crude metal skins, not great but a bundle of fun to torment the stock AI with.

Title: Re: JoeBlo Stock- The Second Coming
Post by: Squirrel_Monkey on February 20, 2021, 05:39:38 AM
Welcome back! GTM is very quiet these days as most people have moved to the Discord server. Sadly I can't seem to see your images?
Title: Re: JoeBlo Stock- The Second Coming
Post by: JoeBlo on February 20, 2021, 06:30:20 AM
Sadly I can't seem to see your images?

And to think I started a new showcase to skip all the rookie posts at the start  :rolleyes:

Should be fixed now,

Yeeeah I have a mostly hate relationship with the discord app, at least on mobile but maybe its worth a look
Title: Re: JoeBlo Stock- The Second Coming
Post by: Squirrel_Monkey on February 20, 2021, 06:47:18 AM
Yup, can see it now.
Safe to say you've still got it. Of course it's going to happy sucky wedges and do like no damage but I can appreciate that's not the point.
Given that 90% of bots these days are DSL-IRL it's really refreshing.

Title: Re: JoeBlo Stock- The Second Coming
Post by: Thrackerzod on February 20, 2021, 07:46:17 AM
That's a very fun robot, I dig it.  Took me a minute to realize it was stock because of all the skinned components

(welcome back btw :) )
Title: Re: JoeBlo Stock- The Second Coming
Post by: JoeBlo on February 20, 2021, 08:18:40 PM
Yeah I thought the skins would just make it look more uniform but I think its actually harder on the eyes because of it, ah well was in the mood to post a spash for the nostalgia and it was the best thing id made this week.

Safe to say you've still got it.

Haha I dont really want it, reading discord it looks like a lot of people look down at my old efforts these days as a black mark on community building, so id rather start going in a different direction and get better. Looks like DSL 2.4 is the place to be now though
Title: Re: JoeBlo Stock- The Second Coming
Post by: RedAce on February 20, 2021, 09:27:49 PM
Oh man.  Welcome back Joe!  Long time no see indeed.

Honestly, I kinda miss builds and things like this in stock.  Kinda just reminds me of just building stuff without having to always stride for complete realism at times, and wacky bots like this just remind me of simpler times.

Good to really see you back again, dude.
Title: Re: JoeBlo Stock- The Second Coming
Post by: JoeBlo on February 20, 2021, 09:35:19 PM
Thanks, its fun to see a lot of old faces around still, its been too long.

Honestly, I kinda miss builds and things like this in stock. 

Yeah ive been pretty much playing the game at face value, build something to drive and fight the stock AI and get that precious 256kb Golden Sawblade graphic
Title: Re: JoeBlo Stock- The Second Coming
Post by: 090901 on February 23, 2021, 12:21:05 AM
man if only ra2cf/dsl 2.4/etc were around back 10 years ago when you used to build
Title: Re: JoeBlo Stock- The Second Coming
Post by: Badnik96 on February 24, 2021, 09:32:47 PM
god i missed your building style so much
Title: Re: JoeBlo Stock- The Second Coming
Post by: Gazea2 on February 27, 2021, 01:27:32 PM
looking as clean as ever, love the aesthetic man. glad you're still around