Robot Rumble 2.0 > Showcases

MassimoV's RR2 Bots

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I'm still learning this game. I don't know if I did something wrong but combat is all messed up. Also every time an opponent with a spinner starts, they spaz out. I also have 1 arena and now drive belts.

Anyways here's my first one, named Jaeger Bomb


--- Quote from: MassimoV on August 13, 2020, 12:56:18 AM ---I'm still learning this game. I don't know if I did something wrong but combat is all messed up. Also every time an opponent with a spinner starts, they spaz out. I also have 1 arena and now drive belts.

Anyways here's my first one, named Jaeger Bomb
(Image removed from quote.)

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For a first bot, its p nice. The game itself is p bugged, the arenas dont show up, and the premade bots are planned to be replaced, once its time to do so

Can I drink it?

Conclusion: this game is fun

MW flipper, Lurker

Takes some getting used to. Really enjoying my time with this. External painting would be nice. Bot Exchange would be nice too.


--- Quote from: MassimoV on August 27, 2020, 05:24:12 PM ---Conclusion: this game is fun

MW flipper, Lurker
(Image removed from quote.)

Takes some getting used to. Really enjoying my time with this. External painting would be nice. Bot Exchange would be nice too.

--- End quote ---
Nice looking.
Yea the game has a steep-ish learning curve, but once you get familiar with it, you can make stuff that is really stunning.
Question is if external painting will ever be a thing. I'm trying to convince people to make bots out of frames, like you would do irl so you would ditch the chassis (or use it as a bottom plate), so the painting on that would not be a hassle
Bot exchange... Well there is one on discord, but im p sure there will be one in steam workshop


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