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DSL TC Showcases / dootIRL (Voltaic Wraith)
« Last post by doot on January 22, 2024, 05:59:40 PM »
Surprise! Yes, I'm still alive and kicking, and shockingly I've come back before the forums have had the chance to bitch at me for posting in my own thread. Though I've been catapulted into full-time apprenticeship work and job stuff, I still had some time to mess about with some ideas in my head. And fortunately for y'all, I've managed to cook something in my head and get it to fruition! Aaaaanyways, here you go.

Voltaic Wraith.png

This is Voltaic Wraith. A 'bot made through inspiration from a new machine the ORBY team made alongside notes of REALITY in there, Voltaic Wraith's a 4WD hubmotor VS with a negative wedge and ground game, basically like what Beta tried to do but actually somewhat effective this time around. I know not being a weg can hurt in RA2, but I'm just here to cook stuff up and hope for the best. And hey, it looks like it went pretty damn well, all things considered.

Now to scurry into the shadows for 8 more months...
Tournament Archives / Re: Botbuster's Epic RA2 Tournament 6
« Last post by botbuster on January 22, 2024, 01:22:17 PM »
this and ra2tress can be archived
Active Tournaments / Calamity Tournament 3(Signups Closed!)
« Last post by Kelimpel on January 22, 2024, 03:43:35 AM »

DSL 2.6
(between 250.1kg and 400kg)
1 entry per person
updates can be sent after you've sent the bot
Weapon Limits:
- VERTS: 2 large teeth (15-24kgs) ex: Large Typhoon, Ripping Teeth, Curved,Flat,Slashing teeth  OR 4 small teeth (7-14kgs) ex: Small Typhoons, Cutting Teeth, Heavy DS Teeth,Curved,Flat,Slashing teeth etc OR 8 Small/Medium/Large Beaters(extended variants count as their respective length)
- HORIZONTALS: 2 large teeth (15-24kgs) ex: Large Typhoon, Ripping Teeth,Curved,Flat,Slashing teeth etc OR 4 small teeth (7-14kgs) ex: Small Typhoons, Cutting Teeth, Heavy DS Teeth,Curved,Flat,Slashing teeth etc OR 8 Small/Medium/Large Beaters(extended variants count as their respective length)
- Minion discs and mechavore discs of both sizes are allowed
- Maximum allowed weapon weight of 80kgs for non-cosmetic damaging weapons allowed on a bot. This does NOT include your weapon setup (disks, extenders, etc).
- Use basic common sense if mixing weapons (ex: 4 small typhoons and 2 larges is not allowed)
-These robot types struggle as it is, therefore just don’t take the piss with them. (Example, 5 burst axe bot or sticking everything you can on one axe).
 -Only one axe/hammer weapon per bot
Burst limits:
-Front/Rear hinge:
1 Beta Burst/Motor, 2 VDMA R/P Bursts/VDMA Front Hinged/Storm Burst/Mag Snappers
- Overkill motors are allowed
- Damaging weapons on the front of rammers/wammers are banned. However, things like Nogoodnik’s spiked wheels are legal.
- Ant Blades are banned for all bot types.
- No or logic.
- No servos UNLESS you can AI it yourself then feel free to send me the servo bot with the AI(the same goes with overkills and geared betas or linear actuators)
- No meltybrains.
- No weapon spam or stacking.
-SnS are banned
-(please send the skinned components you use if you have skinned parts)

16 entries
DSL Tournament Arena
3 minute fights
Double Elimination

1)Punished Bullbot(botbuster)
2)Golden Ratio(NeonCalypso)
3)Mean Green(SamFM52)
4)Spectre(Pocket Jake)
6)Pulse AI2L(Dr Baconburger)
7)Big Disk Energy(TommyProductions)
9)Ducky No no(JDG)
10)Ravnican Justice (ForceOfWill)
13)Colombian Turtle(MrMatthews)
14)Flip the Scales 3(Kelimpel)
16)Big Beaker(Divisionary_Delta)
Active Tournaments / CruiserFest
« Last post by WeN on January 21, 2024, 10:47:57 PM »

Chatterbox / Re: Infinite Teams
« Last post by 8bean on January 19, 2024, 10:52:29 PM »
Are you talking about teams you build bots in or AI teams?
Tournament Archives / Re: The Island [SBV]
« Last post by 8bean on January 19, 2024, 10:49:46 PM »
Site News and Feedback / Re: 1 + 0
« Last post by ACAMS on January 19, 2024, 06:07:13 PM »
My friends son turned 50 LAST YEAR and I still think of him as a young boy ..... On a positive note,  if he whups my ass for calling him boy,  medicare will pay to get me back to health.
DSL TC Showcases / Re: TheRoboteer's Hit or Miss DSL Showcase
« Last post by TheRoboteer on January 19, 2024, 02:40:37 PM »
Another hammer. This time a CW one.

Had been wanting to expand my CW roster with some bots that weren't flippers, so I built this. Probably won't be competitive, but I'm pretty happy with the panelwork I got into the CW limit

599.9KG, 2WD TWMR2s, 1x medium VDMA for the hammer.

Scintillate Ext.png
Chatterbox / Infinite Teams
« Last post by Proper3uc on January 18, 2024, 03:48:50 PM »
is there any way i can modify ra2 so i can have infinite team slots?
Tournament Archives / Re: The Island [SBV]
« Last post by 8bean on January 17, 2024, 08:32:19 PM »
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