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DSL TC Showcases / Re: 090901's DSL showcase.
« Last post by 090901 on Today at 01:17:29 AM »
WOW .... I can't  believe y'all are still building bots.

Can't believe you are still alive!
DSL TC Showcases / Re: 090901's DSL showcase.
« Last post by ACAMS on Yesterday at 09:58:00 PM »
WOW .... I can't  believe y'all are still building bots.
DSL TC Showcases / Re: TheRoboteer's Hit or Miss DSL Showcase
« Last post by TheRoboteer on February 16, 2025, 07:41:20 PM »
Here's my OW week 3 entry. Nothing too special so I don't really know why I kept it secret, but it's a follow up to a lineage of bots which have entered since OW1 (and which IK Orc really liked)

On the one hand I'm a bit sad about it as I had a bunch of other ideas (6WD, a more organic looking body) which I had to scale back due to weight constraints. Overall though I'm fairly happy with the execution, and the dustpan in particular pleases me. These types of more organic bots definitely aren't my strongest suit though.

4WD NPC fasts, 1 small VDMA for the jaw, 1 VSmall VDMA for the srimech

Troglodyte Ext.png
Active Tournaments / Orc's Wars Series 6 Week 3 Sign-Ups OPEN! 85/128
« Last post by TheOrcCorp on February 16, 2025, 06:00:23 PM »
We hit Week 3 with 85/128 robots - 43 robots to go!

This week isn't first come, first serve - if we hit over 128 entries then I will be picking what Week 3 entries make the cut based on design, prior experience, fun factor etc. This being said, robots that need fixes that aren't sent to me by the end of this week will be replaced by any additional robots we get.

We sit at 85/128 bots so far - any new applicants will have their first two bots will take priority over other entries (for fairness and to allow everyone to compete)

Looking forward to your final entries!
Active Tournaments / Re: Tokyo Massacre
« Last post by Super bot on February 16, 2025, 02:51:34 AM »
9 more robots are needed to start the tournament.
DSL TC Showcases / Re: 090901's DSL showcase.
« Last post by 090901 on February 15, 2025, 04:58:38 PM »

Active Tournaments / Tokyo Massacre
« Last post by Super bot on February 15, 2025, 10:01:48 AM »
Konichiwa fighters. After the end of the first tournament, I'm launching a new tournament, Tokyo Massacre. I hope you decide to participate in it. Here is the information about this tournament: Here is the list of robots:
1. Idol (Super bot)
2. Full Life Consequences (Botbuster)
3. White Horse Evo (coolkid696969)
4. Valiant (TheRoboteer)
5. R.R.A.T (MrMatthews)
6. Sea Level (FORCEOFWILL)
7. One Punch Fan (tommyproductionsinc)
Active Tournaments / Heatwave 3
« Last post by TheRealKingJ on February 13, 2025, 08:11:10 AM »
Heatwave 3 logo.png

KJ here. A major tournament is happening.



Heatwave 3  will be running on DSL 2.6 and using a reskinned RW2016 arena.

Signups close on February 22nd at 5pm BST. We currently have just under 70 bots participating with a minimum of 96 bots needed.

Good luck to those who enter, I'm excited to see what you bring to the table. If you have any questions, do ask.
DSL TC Showcases / Re: 090901's DSL showcase.
« Last post by Jaydee99 on February 13, 2025, 07:33:55 AM »
Love the plough!
Active Tournaments / Re: Bustergames 3
« Last post by 090901 on February 10, 2025, 05:03:50 PM »
welcome back to bustergames
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