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Messages - SagarisRA2
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« on: May 23, 2019, 05:57:14 PM »
just gonna say, hoppin isnt the first person to host an invite only tournament
Just the first toxic user to (inserts emoji here)
Edit 2: Any issues, of further concerns. Please drop me a message.
Maybe you missed it. Don't be an ass when I'm helping you out :)
Hop - Don't be an ass Also Hop - Calls someone a c*nt when making a joke
« on: May 23, 2019, 05:37:20 PM »
just gonna say, hoppin isnt the first person to host an invite only tournament
Just the first toxic user to (inserts  emoji here)
« on: May 23, 2019, 05:21:44 PM »
Apex: Elitist Series
« on: May 23, 2019, 03:50:27 PM »
Banning 10mm steel seems pretty weird, and the burst restrictions seem a bit overly restrictive to me, especially for heavyweights. Other than that, it looks interesting. It's nice to see a new face around, and more tournament hosts are always welcome!
IIRC correctly a lot of tournaments frown upon Steel 10 armour coz of how strong it is, but with all these tryhard verts around nowadays I don't see a problem with Steel 10 myself. Regardless, this looks like something I will happily enter.
« on: May 14, 2019, 10:04:23 AM »
Damn they like their typhoon teeth more than we do
« on: May 09, 2019, 12:32:44 PM »
i wish people would stop bumping old sh** that i regret starting in the first place
I thought you quit GTM
« on: May 09, 2019, 08:52:23 AM »
Well there goes my plan to build a 72001kg robot
« on: May 01, 2019, 06:48:15 AM »
I can definitely see myself getting bored enough one day to the point I recreate these in RA2 and use the toy arena I skinned
« on: April 30, 2019, 01:22:09 PM »
Is there any reason for the capsules outside? Like they look good n all, but idk what their purpose is? Still tho, dope stuff
Probably a mixture of making it have a more unique shape and to protect the chassis from horizontal spinner hits. Whatever the reason, they are niceeeee
« on: April 30, 2019, 12:50:13 PM »
Hey, guys, you'll have noticed that all the arenas I have made are basically remodels of original arenas. Whenever I try to rename the gmfs and all the corresponding files, the game crashes. Can you guys help me rename them, please?
Have you complied the GMF back after you have made the changes? Coz if you decompile it, makes the changes and then forget to recompile it then it will crash.
« on: April 25, 2019, 04:40:16 PM »
Welcome back to Bot Wars! This isn’t an official tournament, just a test run.
(Ok, it’s pretty much a serious tournament, I admit.) First and foremost, the rules and format should be brought up before going to our first episode:
The tournament format is the same as season 8 of Battlebots, a fight-night format with a main event each episode. My tourney will have 4 fights per episode. The rules to win a match are simple: Beat the ever-loving crap out of your opponent in a K’nex arena until either they’re immobilized, destroyed, out of the arena, or until the 5-to-7 minutes are up. 1v1 fights are 5 minutes, and 1v1v1 fights are 7 minutes. Bots who pin opponents eventually have to let go after 10 seconds.
Hazards in the arena include some wall-saws on the north and south walls of the arena (they don’t do much) The MAIN hazard is the house robots, which I stole from Robot Wars, and tweaked to be more effective as lego combat robots. They are- [ Quoting of attachment images from other messages is not allowed ] -SHUNT This horned beast features bigger horns, an axe that can double as a srimech, a wider lifting plow, reinforced wheel-guards, a lack of a rear plow, and lastly, some giant-ass horns in order to guarantee that if he’s flipped, he lands directly on top of his axe, making it possible to self-right (this wouldn’t work in real life…) -MATILDA Looking like a pig with wings, Matilda has her classic tusk configuration and a black body with srimech “wings” to help with self-righting. She also features rusty spinning metal bar that I found on the street. Doesn’t spin fast, but it hits harder than any other vertical spinner I’ve equipped her with. -SERGEANT BASH I have NO idea what his design is based off of anymore, but whatever. Back in blue to leave you black and blue, he features a HUGE crushing jaw augmented by a sturdy scoop. He also features an elongated flame-thrower that can double as a sri-mech. ATTEEEEENTION! -DEAD METAL Dead Metal returns with his saw system, which is STILL useless. Regardless, he can clamp on to even the deadliest of bots with those solid pincers of his, and with his new self-righting tail, he’s less defenseless than ever!
-SIR KILLALOT Bigger than ever before, he can’t self-right but doesn’t need to. Armed with stronger arms and his trusty lance-and-claw setup, he’s the king of cruelty in all of Bot Wars. He’s also decked-out l=to look like a spaceship because I was low on parts and ideas at the time. -MR PSYCHO The craziest of the house robots, still with the menacing hammer and claws combo. Featuring wheels and a giant plow that’s only red because that’s the only color I could find the parts in. His hammer strikes harder and heavier this time around, so you best watch out. -GROWLER The doggy of hell returns (no, not Cerberus.) Finally featuring a set of jaws durable enough to take on anything, this bot is a literal brick on wheels and comes equipped with a srimech. -CASSIUS CHROME Once a total joke, this bot was long since been revised in lego form to be better, but now, he’s one of the big three. The big three being Killalot, Psycho, and now, Cassius Chrome, who might actually be the HEAVIEST house robot now. He has punching piston arms that can move up and down, a 4 wheel drive system and hefty plow that may-or-may-not be vulnerable to hammers.
Alright, enough talk, now it's time to actually do some robot fighting. I'll post up "episode" 1 later today, Just gotta do it first.
Here's the fights for episode 1 btw. Leave your predictions on the winners below! Main Event: Zerschlagen VS Nonja [ Quoting of attachment images from other messages is not allowed ] Other Matches: Snappin' Dragon VS Blue Moose 2.0 [ Quoting of attachment images from other messages is not allowed ] White Privilege VS Debra [ Quoting of attachment images from other messages is not allowed ] Circuit Chipper VS Snappin' Dragon VS Junko [ Quoting of attachment images from other messages is not allowed ]
House robots are neat. And snapping dragon looks a lot one of my DSL builds so I like.
« on: April 25, 2019, 12:08:59 PM »
This is important- if any of the bots in a pack have unique components, then feature all those components in a separate folder called, "Components" in that pack!
^ In case this wasn't obvious enough to begin with
« on: April 25, 2019, 08:52:12 AM »
How do you guys take photos of your bots while in the RR2 game?
I would either just press Ctrl + PrintScreen or you could just go into windowed mode and use the snipping tool.
« on: April 23, 2019, 07:12:47 AM »
Philippa left.
This is a big mood.
« on: April 21, 2019, 02:41:17 PM »
Separate post because of date.
Now that I actually see the splashes, I think they’re both rather even...
« on: April 17, 2019, 10:04:42 AM »
I know this isn't RA2 but it's still a replica nevertheless, here's Cathadh. 
« on: April 12, 2019, 06:28:51 AM »
Shouldn't the Winners of this month's BOTM be on the front page by now? 
I was wondering that tbf
« on: April 11, 2019, 05:31:37 PM »
Been messing around in RR2 trying to learn the ropes of the botlab and everything, and have been having some fun trying to recreate my RA2 bots.
I did Speed Demon, and a rudimentary version of Sabre first, and put them up against each other in an AI vs AI fight (pretty cool that the AI just automatically knew how to drive them with 0 messing around too )
Then this fight got me wondering if there was any way to make some kind of flipper with what's currently in the game (no pneumatics etc), so I got talking to Hoppin, and dabbling around with spin motors, and I managed to get something to work. It's super weak (kinda series 3 Firestorm levels of power) but it's enough to overturn other bots, and it should work for self righting too (though in this clip Earthquake sitting on top of me prevented that). It won't work with AI, but for player driven bots having a way to make even a super weak flipper is pretty neat I thought.
Dayum even on this Sabare seems to outwedge an opponent with ease. Speed Demon looks nice too.
« on: April 04, 2019, 08:56:40 AM »
Are there beaters in the bar or can it not do any damage? Looks great regardless.
« on: April 04, 2019, 05:50:30 AM »
Newest bot Pecker. This isn't supposed to be IRL or competitive.
I've been having a lot of issues with extenders not attaching right, which has kind of killed my motivation to make anything serious.
[ Quoting of attachment images from other messages is not allowed ]
All I see is a penis with bicycle wheels. I mean it is a good looking penis with bicycle wheels tho. Never thought I would ever type out that sentence.
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