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Topics - WeN
« on: September 01, 2024, 04:16:26 AM »
« on: January 21, 2024, 10:47:57 PM »
« on: December 16, 2023, 09:31:30 PM »
Sign-ups have ended a while back, and I don't feel like increasing the entry size, so pardon me BracketVideo:
« on: November 12, 2023, 12:14:28 PM »
We cruise the world! RA2 style. Everything was from discord, wish forum didn't get killed. EVERY VIDEOS SO FAR:
« on: August 10, 2022, 08:05:37 AM »
hi :3 Rules & sh**ssign-ups are not open I just made this ****ing thread ok give me a few days and I'll open it sign-ups now open send via discord or here I guess sign-ups is over, many months there's 3 videos:
« on: March 13, 2021, 06:31:01 AM »
Video:General Information:- Heavyweight (maximum limit of 800.0kg) - 48 entry slots - RA2CF is legal (I mean, it's DSL-IRL) - Skinned Components is also legal, as long as it didn't change anything else other than the skin. - BFE/OBJ are legal. - Two robots per person, 1 Lock-ins and 1 Reserves. - Send your entry by Discord (WeN#2505) or PM via GTM. (also you don't need a gtm account to enter btw.) Building Rules:Spinners: - VERTS: 2 large teeth OR 4 small teeth OR 6 Small/Medium/Large Beaters. - HORIZONTALS: 4 large teeth OR 6 small teeth OR 6 Small/Medium/Large Beaters. - WEDGELESS DRUMS ONLY: Can use up to 10 Small, 8 Medium or 8 Large Beaters. Other teeth types would not be allowed on these bots. - WEDGED DRUMS ONLY: Can use up to 8 Small, 6 Medium or 6 Large Beaters. see above. - Mechavore/Minion discs of both sizes allowed. (2 small, 1 large) - Maximum allowed weapon weight of 100kgs for non-cosmetic damaging weapons allowed on a bot (including dsl bars). This does NOT include your weapon setup (disks, extenders, etc). - Use basic common sense if mixing weapons (ex: 4 small typhoons and 2 larges is not allowed) - TO CLARIFY A WEDGELESS DRUM: robots like DID and Roka are wedgeless drums (eggbeater in Roka's case) whereas something like Phantom is more of a drum vert. If you look at real examples, Magnetar is a wedged drum while Tornado/Sabretooth are wedgeless. ---------------------- Axes/Hammers/Clamps: -These robot types struggle as it is, therefore just don't take the piss with them. (Example, 5 burst axe bot or sticking everything you can on one axe). ---------------------- Flippers: - Front/Rear hinges are allowed up to 1 Beta Burst/Motor or 2 VDMA R/P Bursts/VDMA Front Hinged/Storm Burst/Mag Snappers - Top Hinges are allowed 1 burst/VDMA OR 2 Mag Snappers maximum. - ALL flipper types must have a maximum flipping arc of 90 degrees _| <- like that. ------------------- cheatbot2: - Flatmotors is banned, no question asked. - Overkill motors is the ONLY CB2 part legal. --------------------------- Other: - Damaging weapons on the front of rammers/wammers are banned. However, things like Nogoodnik's spiked wheels are legal. - All DSL 2.2 IRL edition armors allowed - Skirts only allowed on dustpans with proper support - Free hinges/axles are banned for wedges/wedgelets. These are allowed for details like Rat King's tail/Purin's headband however! - Ant Blades are banned for all bot types. - No or logic. - No servos UNLESS you can AI it yourself then feel free to send me the servo bot with the AI. - No meltybrains - Clusterbots are allowed. - No weapon spam or stacking. I won't limit parts but I will be clamping down on robots I think are pushing it. I won't be lenient. - No excessive extender spamming/stacking (Extenderbots are allowed of course but if you use extenders to armour your bots, just use the armour panels!) - NO CHEATING, and yes I gonna check every bot I received. (yes I'm serious.) - This Ruleset is yet to be changed.Tournament Format:- Judging will be based on Damage, Control & Aggression. Damage = 5, Control = 3, & Aggression = 3. - 3 minute length matches. - If a robot havoks/causes crashes/restart 3 times, it loses the match. - Robot Wars Arena 2016 (Reskinned) will be used. Bracket Related Stuff:48 bots get divided into 4 tiers: Tier WeN - Best of the best come here, bot that had won like many tourney or won my tourney before. ( Claymore, Roka) Tier Doomguy- The former middle tier, Bot that might do well or did well on other tourney. (Guerilla, Flipunch) Tier Lila - The latter middle tier, something that isn't WDRFP tier-worthy. (DeRipper II, LaunchPad?) Tier WDRFP - The bottom line, newcomers/memebots is likely to be here. (WDRFP in OW4) All bots will be given 5 fights, 4 is tier-based fights while the latter is based on the performance of your robots compared to other robots. There will be 16 bots Desperado. only 16 bots can prepare and those robots who had losing records (2-3, 1-4, 0-5) can is eligible to apply, but 15 robots that fail to win the desperado are eliminated from the tourney completely (can't be in Main Series) There will be single elimination bracket. (cuz, **** rumbles btw.) only 23 will go through (with 24th slot goes to desperado winner) The Main Series will be double elimination bracket. the winner of the main series will be crowned. Will be entering WDRFP: Renegade (Wedgelet/OW5 version) as reserve. That is unless the slots is almost full then I'll drop out. SIGN-UPS: (26(50)/48) Lock-ins:1. TheRoboteer - Claymore2. Zorua - Battle Raptor3. botbuster - Thunderbolt4. Nabi - Clowning Point5. Probably Rob - Charlie6. KelimeplJR - Carapuce 47. Hexbug Heroes - Martyr8. Dr_Baconburger - Casino Royale HW9. dabdabdab - Toxic Equality10. MrMatthews - Pirouette 211. SamFM52 - Technikiller Dreambot12. TommyProductionsInc - Mega Metallicus 1.513. SwindobotsJP - Volt Switch Plow14. KidDelta - Guerilla15. NickyDustyOwl - Parallax16. WonderfulProgress - Alumini V17. 8bean - Purple Nurple V5.518. BSRaven - B8119. ForceOFWill - Slaparoni and Cheese20. Lilleh_ - Heatwave 321. DylanTRM - Bloodshot22. NeonCalpyso - Yalini23. Sevalent - Plastic Memories24. evil toaster - Raising Shell 325. ThatDiscordGuy - Crime Scene26. geese/president of ra2 cheating inc/09090901 - L327. Autobot Jazz - AsphaltReserves:0. WeN - WDRFP: Renegade (GET OUT OF MY STATIONS) 1. TheRoboteer - Speed Demon VII2. Zorua - Neon Raptor 33. botbuster - Bullbot HW4. Nabi - Touka 35. KelimeplJR - Toucan Play This Game6. Dr_Baconburger - Telos mk27. Probably Rob - Cheap 5urgery8. dabdabdab - White Noise9. MrMatthews - STEEL HOUND10. SamFM52 - Glitch11. TommyProductionsInc - Best spinnah, BAR none!12. SwindobotsJP - Lithe 213. NickyDustyOwl - Carbon14. 8bean - A BIG WHEEL15. BSRaven - Hagane no Tsuihou Shinka16. ForceOFWill - Blood in the water17. WonderfulProgress - Ulipse18. KidDelta - Aphex Twin19. Lilleh_ - Pitstop S20. DylanTRM - Grey Box Testing21. NeonCalpyso - Pala-Mage22. Sevalent - Arctic Fox Rampage 623. evil toaster - Oh No, Meeevv24. ThatDiscordGuy - Imposter25. Autobot Jazz - AfterShockGreen - Ai'd, Blue - Accepted, Orange - Received, Red - RejectedDEADLINE: REACHED
« on: January 18, 2021, 08:22:15 AM »
SPLASH: thinking about hosting a tournament again, so here we go again. General Information:- Heavyweight (maximum limit of 800.0kg) - 48 entry slots - RA2CF is legal (I mean, it's DSL-IRL) - Skinned Components is also legal. - BFE/OBJ are legal. - One robots per person, will allow second entry after 1 week. (maybe third entry if the signups is slow.) - Send your entry by Discord (WeN#2505) or PM via GTM. Building Rules:All are taken from OW5 Ruleset. Weapon Limits: Spinners: - VERTS: 2 large teeth (15-24kgs) ex: Large Typhoon, Ripping Teeth, Large Nightmare, etc OR 4 small teeth (7-14kgs) ex: Small Typhoons, Cutting Teeth, Heavy DS Teeth, etc OR 6 Small/Medium/Large Beaters. - HORIZONTALS: 2 large teeth (15-24kgs) ex: Large Typhoon, Ripping Teeth, Large Nightmare, etc OR 4 small teeth (7-14kgs) ex: Small Typhoons, Cutting Teeth, Heavy DS Teeth, etc OR 6 Small/Medium/Large Beaters. - WEDGELESS DRUMS ONLY: Can use up to 10 Small, 8 Medium or 8 Large Beaters. Other teeth types would not be allowed on these bots. Yes, this also means wedgeless drums have more DP allowed than other spinners. - Mechavore/Minion discs of both sizes banned. - Maximum allowed weapon weight of 100kgs for non-cosmetic damaging weapons allowed on a bot (including dsl bars). This does NOT include your weapon setup (disks, extenders, etc). - 2400 max dp allowed. - Use basic common sense if mixing weapons (ex: 4 small typhoons and 2 larges is not allowed) - TO CLARIFY A WEDGELESS DRUM: robots like DID and Roka are wedgeless drums(eggbeater in Roka%u2019s case) whereas something like Phantom is more of a drum vert. If you look at real examples, Magnetar is a wedged drum while Tornado/Sabretooth are wedgeless. ---------------------- Axes/Hammers/Clamps: -These robot types struggle as it is, therefore just don%u2019t take the piss with them. (Example, 5 burst axe bot or sticking everything you can on one axe). ---------------------- Flippers: - Front/Rear hinges are allowed up to 1 Beta Burst/Motor or 2 VDMA R/P Bursts/VDMA Front Hinged/Storm Burst/Mag Snappers - Top Hinges are allowed 1 burst/VDMA OR 2 Mag Snappers maximum. - ALL flipper types must have a maximum flipping arc of 90 degrees _| <- like that. ------------------- cheatbot2: - Flatmotors allowed ONLY on wedgeless drums and overhead saws. VS/wedged gutrippers that use drums do not count. ex: (DiD, Maxtox count as drums, things like Phantom and Duper Scooper count as VS). Not allowed as drive motors, max of two flat motors per bot - Overkill motors are the ONLY other CB2 part legal for OW5. --------------------------- Other: - Damaging weapons on the front of rammers/wammers are banned. However, things like Nogoodnik%u2019s spiked wheels are legal. - All DSL 2.2 IRL edition armors allowed - Skirts only allowed on dustpans with proper support - Free hinges/axles are banned for wedges/wedgelets. These are allowed for details like Rat King%u2019s tail/Purin%u2019s headband however! - Ant Blades are banned for all bot types. - No or logic. - No servos UNLESS you can AI it yourself then feel free to send me the servo bot with the AI. - No meltybrains. - Clusterbots are allowed: they must strictly be Middleweights. No minibot nonsense. 50/50 split. - No weapon spam or stacking. I won%u2019t limit parts but I will be clamping down on robots I think are pushing it. I won%u2019t be lenient. - No excessive extender spamming/stacking (Extenderbots are allowed of course but if you use extenders to armour your bot%u2026.just use the armour panels!) - All of it is from OW5, so that. Tournament Format:- Judging will be based on Damage, Control & Aggression. Damage = 5, Control = 3, & Aggression = 3. - 3 minute length matches. - If a robot havoks/causes crashes/restart 3 times, it loses the match. - Robot Wars Arena 2016 (Reskinned) will be used. Bracket Related Stuff:Part 1: - 8 Participants will compete in each heat. (48 Robots, 6 Heat.) - There will be two rumbles and only two will progress to the next round. - After there are four left, there will be robin round. only two can progress. - After 12 are only left, we will proceed to Part 2. --------------- Part 2: - There will be 4 rumbles with 3 robots, only one will progress. those that didn't win the rumbles will proceed to the loser bracket. - after that, two semi-finals and one final. Only 1 will win, the other three proceed to loser bracket. ---------------- Part 2.5: - 36 Losing Robots from Part 1 (plus wildcards robots) will partake in a Second Chance Bracket. - 4 Robots per rumble and only 9 can progress.- 3 robots per rumble and only 3 can proceed to Loser Bracket, the loser will get another chance will 2 more rumbles and then only two will proceed.- Single Elimination Bracket will be used. --------------------- Part 3: - 11 Robots (plus 5 Robots from Part 2.5) will partake in the Loser bracket and it will be a single elimination bracket, only one will win and get to face the winner of Part 2. - Grand Final happens after that. a winner becomes the Champion of as the winner of Untitled WeN Tournament while the loser take second place. - well, reusing Eternal Bracket but modified. Arena:Entry List:- Kelimpel - Toucan Play This Game
- Nabi - Alpenglow
- dabdabdab - White Noise
- MrMatthews - Black Pixel Y2K
- SamFM52 - Pancham
- Cringey - Weird Science
- NickyDustyOwl - Aces and Eights
- ForceOfWill - Rest In Pieces ac3
- Lilleh_ - PitStop S
- DylanTRM - Bloodshot
- NeonCalypso - Polkadot Spider
- ThatDiscordGuy - Crime Scene
- TommyProductionsInc - Flipunch
- Cringey - Admiral Hipper
- dabdabdab - Toxic Equality
- Kelimpel - Carapuce 3
- Bildschirm - Corra 2
- Bildschirm - Roka 3S
- botbuster - Bullbot HW
- botbuster - Launchpad
- NeonCalypso - Yalini
- evil toaster - Don Quixote
- Nabi - Phantom of the opera
- Kelimpel - On a dime
- MrMatthews - Double Punishment
- dabdabdab - Rob
- KidDelta - Guerilla
- TheRoboteer - Claymore
- TheRoboteer - Cascade II
- TheRoboteer - Cicada
- Lilleh_ - Circuit Breaker
- Lilleh_ - Deep Blood
- botbuster - 12:00
- Nabi - HofMaf4
- Hexbug Heroes - al-Mudamir
- Hexbug Heroes - Martyr
- Hexbug Heroes - Resistance
- Bildschirm - Caress
- SamFM52 - Trailblazer
- MrMatthews - DIESEL
- evil toaster - It Is Meeevv
- evil toaster - Welcome To The Rice Fields 2
- BSRaven - Black Hazard
- Harvest K. - Final Warning
- Harvest K. -I.T.L.F.N
- Harvest K. - Lazotep
- KidDelta - Aphex
- Probably Rob - Scratch
- DylanTRM - S.A.M.t
- NeonCalpyso - Wimpy
Rejected: 1. SrPelo - Lila (it's a ****ing women)Legacy: Green - Accepted and AI'd. Ready to go.Orange - Accepted.Blue - Received, not accepted yet.Red - Rejected, A PM will be sent to notify you what happened.Italics - Entry Updated. The entry cannot be updated from hereon in.SIGN-UPS IS NOW CLOSED
« on: November 11, 2019, 04:29:46 AM »
(W.I.P LOGO) GENERAL RULES:• DSL IRL HW • 32 Entries • One bot per person. If the sign-ups are way slow, then I will allow second entry. • I will AI if you unable to. • You can send your entrant to me through a personal message through here or Discord. (WeN#2505 is my tag, or look out for the Madeline avatar in some robot combat servers) BUILDING RULES:• DSL 2.2 Bots Only. • Heavyweight bots only (399.0 - 800.0) • Enter a design that YOU built yourself • unoriginal rule  • For second entrant, make sure that it don't had a same weapon type as your first entrant. • Flatmotors, Overkill servo, and Hworf blade is allowed but the rest of the cheatbot2 is banned. • BFE is cool and allowed • No • If your bot happen to use a servo, make sure to provide AI line for it.• The Component Limitations are: - Large Teeth (Typhoons & Ripping): 2 (4 for HS) - Small Teeth (Typhoons & Cutting): 4 (6 for HS) - Large/Medium Beater Bars: 8 - Small Beaters: 10 - Mechavore Discs: 1 - Microvore Discs: 2 - Minion Discs: 1 - Mini Minion Discs: 2 - VDMA Bursts/VDMA Front-Hinged Bursts/Storm Bursts: 2 - Beta Burst: 1
Note: Multi-bots are treated as one bot (So you can have 2 Small Typhoon Teeth per multi-bot, resulting in 4 Large Typhoon Teeth total, which is allowed). • Modular robots are allowed, however, most of the internals and main design MUST remain the same for the interchangeable weaponry/forms (so armour and battery placement changes, but no adding more batteries or moving the control board/drive), and no more than three configurations • Clusterbots are allowed • No "Madeline" name or skin in your robot terrbie bots and joke-bots will be rejected immediately, plus offensive skins/name are disallowed. • You must have a bot that must show controlled movement at all times. BATTLE RULES:• 3 Minutes Battles • The Robot Wars 2016 Arena (Re-skinned) will be used for this tournament • For people who have entered more than one bot, I will make sure both of your bots do NOT compete in the same heat. • If a bot shows no controlled movement at all for about 20 seconds, then I will consider it immobile. There will be a visible timer for when it becomes noticeable and mostly shows zero sign of doing anything. It will be displayed as a 10-Second warning timer. • Robot Chicken Episode 1 will be shown If there is no clear winner at the end, then I will be judging every bot fairly on based on Aggression, Style, and Control. My Entrant: Probably will happen after Eternal. Rules may be changed. Heck, even the name of this tournament may be changed.
« on: September 22, 2019, 12:21:44 AM »
"but wen, what about Eternal?" It still happening, In fact: Double Man: Paradise will happen after Eternal ends.'' General Infomation:DSL CW IRL Building Style 16 Teams I'm able to AI if you unable to. Once a robot is accepted, you can make an update once and only once (The only exception if it's a skin change or anything extremely minor), but I will stop allowing updates when signups close. I will be entering, oh wait I don't had a partner. Building Rules:DSL 2.2 CE Bots only Build and enter a design that YOU built yourself Cruiserweight bots only (399.0 - 600.0 kg) SnS and thwackbots are banned. is banned. Defensive armour is banned (ie: sledgehammer armour). No Servos UNLESS you can AI it. No more than 1 Beta Burst/Motor, 2 VDMA R/P Bursts/VDMA Front Hinged/Storm Burst on your robot. Typhoon Teeths are Limited to 2 Large/4 Small for VS and 4 Large/6 Small for HS Ripping Teeth is limited to 2. No Weapon Spamming/Stacking The Mechavore Disc & Minion Disc are allowed, but only one can be placed in one bot per teams. The only allowed cheatbot2 components is: Flatmotors (Normal and slow), Overkill Motor You must have a minimum of powered two wheels attached and must show controlled movement with said wheels. Steel 10 is banned, don't use it. You can send your own component re-skins as long as you provide the necessary files to me when you enter and the ONLY change to said component(s) is the skin. If an updated bot is illegal, then I will use the original bot you sent me. If your robot took too long to load, then I reserve the right to reject it. RA2CF and BFE is allowed Battle Rules:Will be three minutes fights. Robogames will be used for this tournament. Double Elimination Bracket If there is no clear winner at the end, then I will be judging every bot fairly on based on Aggression, Damage, and Control. How to Enter:- You must find a partner to team up and fight alongside. You can't enter yourself with both robots btw.
- Teams must have a name. If you don't had one, I will generate for you.
- Enjoy
Hopefully (but probably) will get alot of lag. Rules will be changed sometimes.
« on: August 24, 2019, 04:39:08 AM »
Splash:*Saber had like a Wedge Config *Swiss had like a swiss config. Kelimpel - surge NickyDustyOwl - Nomad 8bean - 360 Degrees of Fury Sickle robotics - DJ X: Despair Remix MrMatthews - KillerQuack Code Red - Killer Bee 4 & Mini Bee Kix - Craplectic 2 Plerco - Hypnodisc V The Skeptic - Saber geese - LAVAStone Cringed - The Boxer Hard Bot - Speed Bump The Skeptic - Swiss Guldenflame - Bommarang Hoppin - Riptide Hoppin - Pulse 3 8bean - Wacko Lantem Remux Badger - Pure Abuse BSRaven - Mighty Action X MrMatthews - Pegasus Sickle robotics - Rapture Kix - Smallectric IdiotBrickDoctor - Blue Lagoon IdiotBrickDoctor - Queen Slayer Sevalent - lol im a fox Sevalent - Koto KidDelta - Red Lob-Star Code Red - 6 Wheels O Fright Kelimpel - rigerding KidDelta - N.T.F Plerco - Weapon Effectiveness NeonCalypso - MonRoy Bracket: (WARNING: SPOILER)BracketVideos:
« on: August 14, 2019, 10:08:45 AM »
Kinda rushed with this one, but its showtime. Splash: Bracket: (SPOILER ALERT) WildcardMain BracketVideos:
« on: August 09, 2019, 09:15:41 AM »
Heya, uhh... This will be a thread for my all of my doom maps, and yeah that all. Blood Base LinkNukage Tech LinkA Tech Gate LinkYou need Doom II or Freedoom to play these by the way. I recommended PrBoom+ and Chocolate Doom for playing these wad. this is not robot noob 2, bruh.Aside from that, robot noob 2 when?
« on: August 03, 2019, 12:28:50 AM »
Double2Man. Same as before but it's same. General Information:
- DSL Middleweight
- IRL Building Style
- 8 Teams
- I'm able to AI if you unable to.
- Once a robot is accepted, you can make an update once and only once (The only exception if it's a skin change or anything extremely minor), but I will stop allowing updates when signups close.
- BTW, I won't be entering.
Building Rules:
- DSL 2.2 CE Bots only
- Build and enter a design that YOU built yourself (with this rules, you can't steal someone bot and call it yours.)
- Middleweight bots only (249.0 kg - 398.9 kg)
- SnS and thwackbots are banned.
- is banned.
- Defensive armour is banned (ie: sledgehammer armour).
- Clusterbots is banned (i mean)
- No Servos Unless you can AI it.
- No more than 1 Beta Burst/Motor, 2 VDMA R/P Bursts/VDMA Front Hinged/Storm Burst on your robot. (and oh yeah, don't mix and match)
- Typhoon Teeths are Limited to 2 Large/4 Small for VS and 4 Large/6 Small for HS
- Ripping Teeth is limited to 2.
- No Weapon Spamming/Stacking
- The Mechavore Disc & Minion Disc, however, are straight up banned. Period.
- The only allowed cheatbot2 components is: Flatmotors (Normal and slow), Overkill Motor and Hworf Blades.
- You must have a minimum of powered two wheels attached and must show controlled movement with said wheels.
- Steel 10 is banned, don't use it.
- You can send your own component re-skins as long as you provide the necessary files to me when you enter and the ONLY change to said component(s) is the skin.
- If an updated bot is illegal, then I will use the original bot you sent me.
- If your robot took too long to load, then I reserve the right to reject it.
- RA2CF and BFE is allowed
Battle Rules:
- Will be two minutes fights.
- Robogames will be used for this tournament
- Havoks will not restart matchs.
- Double Elimination Bracket
- If there is no clear winner at the end, then I will be judging every bot fairly on based on Aggression, Damage, and Control.
How to enter:
- You must find a partner to team up and fight alongside. You can't enter yourself with both robots btw.
- Teams must have a name. If you don't had one, I will generate for you.
- You can send a team logo if you want.
- Enjoy
Teams:1. KILLER & Plerco - Team Dragon 2. 8bean & NeonCalypso - (No Name)3. Billy & Smallsmallrose - Smack, Crackle, and Pop4. F1Krazy & Superbomb - (No Name)5. Cringed & KidDelta - Team CBT6. Bildschirm & Kix - HUGE COCKEREL7. TheRoboteer & TheOrcCorp - Team We're Gonna Win WILDCARDS:8. Code Red & Sagaris - Team Head On Charge9. Hoppin & Sevalent - Robot wars - team kevbot/dino10. 090901 & geese - the incel state of gtm11. Team Rejected:1. Team ReceivedTeam AcceptedTeam Accepted and AI'dTeam Rejected/Teammate's Robot RejectedHopefully won't give me more stress when hosting two tournament.
« on: June 22, 2019, 12:08:42 PM »
Sorry, No HeavyDerby this year. GENERAL RULES:- DSL Cruiserweight - IRL Building Style - 32 Entrants - One entrant per person. after one week, you can send your second entry. - I'm able to AI if you unable to. - I will not be entering, since I stopped building a months ago. BUILDING RULES:- DSL 2.2 CE Bots only - Cruiserweight bots only (399.0 kg - 600.0 kg) - Build and enter a design that YOU built yourself (with this rules, you can't steal someone bot and call it yours.) - SnS and thwackbots are banned. - is banned. - No Servos Unless you can AI it. - Defensive armour is banned (ie: sledgehammer armour). - No more than 1 Beta Burst/Motor, 2 VDMA R/P Bursts/VDMA Front Hinged/Storm Burst on your robot (and oh yeah, don't mix and match). - Typhoon Teeths are Limited to 2 Large/4 Small for VS and 4 Large/6 Small for HS - Ripping Teeth is limited to 2. - No Weapon Spamming/Stacking - The Mechavore Disc & Minion Disc, however, are straight up banned. Period. - Clusterbots are allowed, They must be Middleweights. - You can send your own component re-skins as long as you provide the necessary files to me when you enter and the ONLY change to said component(s) is the skin. - You can make an update once and only once (The only exception if it's a skin change or anything extremely minor), but I will stop allowing updates when signups close. - No Steel 10, that thing is overkill and weight waster. - You must have a minimum of powered two wheels attached and must show controlled movement with said wheels. - RA2CF and BFE is allowed - The only allowed cheatbot2 components is: Flatmotors (Normal and slow), Overkill Motor and Hworf Blades. - If an updated bot is illegal, then I will use the original bot you sent me. - If your robot took too long to load, then I reserve the right to reject it. - Feel a bit samey. sigh... BATTLE RULES:- 3 minute length matches - Robogames will be used for this tournament - Havoks will not restart matchs. - Eternal Bracket - If there is no clear winner at the end, then I will be judging every bot fairly on based on Aggression, Damage, and Control. ETERNAL BRACKET:- 4 Participants will compete in each group. (32 Robots, 8 Group.) - Only 2 on each group will advance to Double Elimination Bracket - That all, I think. SIGNUPS:1. Kelimpel2. NickyDustyOwl3. 8bean4. Sickle robotics5. MrMatthews6. Code Red7. Kix8. Plerco9. The Skeptic10. geese11. Cringed12. Hard Bot13. The Skeptic (2)14. Guldenflame15. Hoppin16. Hoppin (2)17. 8bean (2)18. Badger19. BSRaven20. MrMatthews (2)21. Sickle robotics (2)22. Kix (2)23. IdiotBrickDoctor24. IdiotBrickDoctor (2)25. Sevalent26. Sevalent (2)27. KidDelta28. Code Red (2)29. Kelimpel (2)30. KidDelta (2)31. Plerco (2)32. NeonCalypsoREJECTED BOTS:1. Entry ReceivedEntry AcceptedEntry AI'dEntry Rejected
« on: January 20, 2019, 07:21:58 AM »
This is Beetle Wars. The most spiciest IRL beetles FIGHT, in the Small Arena. Splash: Bracket: WARNING: SPOILER ALERT
« on: December 31, 2018, 11:33:25 PM »
This year is now 2019
happy new year gtmers
« on: November 24, 2018, 04:02:49 AM »
yeah, maybe i host an stock sometime on 2020 but wahever. GENERAL RULES:- DSL Beetleweight - IRL Building Style - 16 Entrants - One entrant per person - I'm able to AI if you unable to. - I will be entering if sign-up didn't get full. BUILDING RULES:- DSL Bots only - Beetleweight bots only (125.1 kg - 175.0 kg) - Build and enter a design that YOU built yourself (with this rules, you can't steal someone bot and call it yours.) - SnS and thwackbots are banned. - is banned. - Defensive armour is banned (ie: sledgehammer armour). - No burst limit - The Mechavore Disc & Minion Disc, however, are straight up banned. Period. - You can send your own component re-skins as long as you provide the necessary files to me when you enter and the ONLY change to said component(s) is the skin. - Geese's motor fixes are allowed - You can make an update once and only once (The only exception if it's a skin change or anything extremely minor), but I will stop allowing updates when signups close. - You must have a minimum of powered two wheels attached and must show controlled movement with said wheels. - DSC's IRL pack is allowed - Hoppin's Coloured Components is allowed - Component freedom is allowed - BFE is allowed - The only allowed cheatbot2 components is: Flatmotors (Normal and slow) - If an updated bot is illegal, then I will use the original bot you sent me.. BATTLE RULES:- 3 minute length matches - Small Arena (Re-skinned) will be used for this tournament - Havoks will be shown in a main video (or ones that don't really affect any major outcomes), and bots will not be penalized for havoks. (you know, lazy) - Standard double elimination bracket. - If there is no clear winner at the end, then I will be judging every bot fairly on based on Aggression, Style, and Control. I will show the score at the end. My Entrant: SIGNUPS:1. Sickle robotics - Little rusty2. Billy5545 - Flipping Beetle3. courthousedoc - Tropical Cyclone4. NeonCalypso - Thanks I Hate It (Update Used.) 5. Hoppin - Billee6. KidDelta - Beetle Blue7. Plerco - Hypnodisc_28. Bildschirm - Pink Pearl9. TCRR - The Downwards Spiral10. WenXiangLee - SimHS11. 12. 13. 14. 15 16. REJECTED ENTRY:1. Redalert - DD9 (overweight) Green - Accepted and AI'dOrange - AcceptedBlack - Received Red - Problem/Rejected
« on: November 23, 2018, 04:42:36 AM »
https://cosmoteer.netA game where you design starship, discuss. I forget I haven't play this game for months.
« on: November 01, 2018, 03:56:31 AM »
actually a tournament GENERAL RULES:- Stock Heavyweight - 16 Entrants Maximum - One entrant per person, but if the signups are going slow, I will allow people to send a second bot. - I'm willing to AI if you are not able to, but don't complain what I AI'd your bot or you will disqualified automatically. - I will be entering if the sign-ups didn't get full. - All the bots must be sent by PM or Discord. BUILDING RULES:- General stock rules apply - Heavyweight bots only (399.1 - 800.0kg) - Your bot must be one that you built yourself and showcased in some way to prove that it's your design. - You cannot use BFE, AAM, Hax, Component Freedom, .txt file editing, etc. - I will allow most stacks that have been done multiple times, but if I find something that never been done/highly questionable, then I will ask you to show me the proof if it's legit. - The Rule of 7 Break is allowed. - AI parts are allowed, including the 140 cm extender. - The only cheatbot2 part that is allowed is the Flamethrower. - The skinned components are allowed (including yours, but you must send me a skinned components file.) - Smart Zones will not count toward weight, but you cannot use them to act as a ballast - Bots must have powered two wheels minimum, and both wheels must show any form of controlled movement. - Crawlers and Multibots are banned. - Bots will not be AI'd with Meltybrain tactics. - Modular designs are banned. - You can make an update once and only once (The only exception if it's a skin change or anything minor). - If an updated bot is illegal, then I will use the original bot you sent me. MATCH RULES:- 3 minutes rumbles, 2 minutes one on one matches. - Total Anniilator Battle Format So it goes like this: Four Heat, Three Matches. It start out in Four Way Rumble, but if the other bot was destoryed or eliminated, it out of the game and the rumble will reset on the different arena. Same as above, if the someone bot was destoryed or eliminated, it out of the game as Well and reset again in a one on one match with another different arena. If you/them won the one on one match, then you had won the heat and proceed to the Heat Final. Same goes for Heat B, C, D and Finals, I don't had to repeat anymore
TL;DR total anniilator system - If a bot does a Havok Explosion which costs the match for it's opponent, that said bot will get a free restart, if this happens again, that bot will be disqualified. - I will be entering with: Thonk Bot (1st Bot) so as MODEM TALKING (2nd Bot) (Will be replaced by another bot bruh) these will enter if nobody fill out the place in time, if there is one place left, i use thonk.  - Arena List: The VaporZone by 090901 BBEANS Arena V2 by Clickbeetle Containment Cube by Clickbeetle Electric Arena 2 by Clickbeetle Epic Showdown Arena by Clickbeetle The Compactor Arena by I Like Tacos RA2T#2 Arena by Lu-Tze RAW 2 Arena by Madiaba and Sage RAW Arena by Sage Ring Arena by Serge Combat Arena Electric Arena Parking Lot The Octagon I feel lazy because I am bored. after looking at tournament section, it was filled with IRL and had lack of Stock/Ironforge Tournament on signups, so that why I hosting another stock tournament. TL;DR another stock tournament from wen