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Messages - Badger

Pages: [1] 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ... 309
Site News and Feedback / Re: 1 + 0
« on: December 29, 2023, 05:42:38 AM »
Can we change the Veteran title to Boomer?

Stock Showcases / Re: 1988945's slightly naff stock robots
« on: December 29, 2023, 05:40:13 AM »
I love that someone is still playing stock. There's some cool builds here!

IIRC you're able to stack redbirds if you glitch the axles away (someone fact check me on this pls) - that might get you a small enough chassis for DSA?

Active Tournaments / Re: Size Matters - Signups
« on: May 29, 2023, 06:55:14 AM »
First 2 entries have been accepted :)

Active Tournaments / Size Matters - Signups
« on: May 26, 2023, 10:41:38 AM »
Size Matters

The gimmick:
There is no weight limit (I reserve the right to reject is you're properly taking the piss), however bots must fit entirely inside 2 Narrow-Medium smartzones within the botlab. You can place/rotate these smartzones however you like, and the bot's motors can be positioned however you like. If it's possible to fit the bot inside the smartzones in the botlab without editing the bot at all, it's legal. An example is in the spoiler below.

Build rules (standard DSL-IRL shamelessly copy-pasted from Nabi wars w/ minor edits):

Fight format:
3 minute fights
RW 2016 arena
JD is based on whoever I thought won

Tournament format:
16 entries total
Single elimination bracket

1 bot per person until June 3rd, at which point a 2nd entry will be accepted
Accepted  Submitted  Rejected
- Botbuster - Bullbot 2
- NeonCalypso - Lethal Dose
- KJ - Erratyc
- TommyProductionsInc - Boris the Bug
- 8bean - Karnak Temple

DSL TC Showcases / Re: Norimium 50/50 showcase
« on: May 25, 2023, 08:39:33 PM »
I can tell that you took inspiration from Sawblaze for the hammer and Riptide for the eggbeater :P

Lovely bots; how stable is Ghinomo Artemis when firing the hammer, considering you're using the 70kg hammerhead? I'm guessing it's a burst hammer considering the lack of counterweights (that I can see).

My only tiny nitpick for Raja would be that the giant e-tek poking out of the back is a bit ugly but it's honestly not the end of the world, and I don't suppose there's a better option if you want the kind of weapon power I'm supposing you want to get out of it.

DSL TC Showcases / Re: TheRoboteer's Hit or Miss DSL Showcase
« on: May 19, 2023, 07:35:15 PM »
I love sublimate, very clean panelwork (as we all expect from a robo bot) and the overall shape is neat

DSL TC Showcases / Re: Norimium 50/50 showcase
« on: March 06, 2023, 04:35:10 PM »
The crusher config of Gravitations is a beaut. I love the way you did the bar as well. Very cool!

Discussion / Re: RA2'S 20th Anniversary
« on: March 02, 2023, 08:20:12 PM »

DSL TC Showcases / Re: Norimium 50/50 showcase
« on: February 24, 2023, 03:17:46 AM »
Really nice panelwork, especially for a newbie. Both bots are really neat, I look forward to seeing more!

DSL TC Showcases / Re: my sh** dsl showcase
« on: February 24, 2023, 03:13:55 AM »

Some of these bots look pretty neat, especially for a newbie. I particularly like the look of revolution mk10 It's quite hard to see when your screenshots aren't cropped though!

If you're looking to improve, I'd recommend posting only one or maybe 2 of your most polished bots at a time, People are more likely to give constructive feedback that way, which you can learn from and use to update the bot.

Discussion / Re: RA2'S 20th Anniversary
« on: February 21, 2023, 03:02:39 PM »
Idea: if you're younger than RA2 you get banned until you're not a zoomer

wen gets a pass

It would be nice for you to edit your post to let people know how you fixed the problem - people with the same issue might come across this thread in the future and they'd appreciate you sharing how to fix it.

DSL TC Showcases / Re: TheRoboteer's Hit or Miss DSL Showcase
« on: July 11, 2022, 07:46:25 AM »
Looks more balanced aesthetically now I think. I like the upgrade, I wasn't too keen on the original version but I do really like this version.

DSL TC Showcases / Re: Badger's Bots (DSL Showcase)
« on: April 09, 2022, 05:03:07 PM »
Everyone's favourite extremely balanced bot is back


* paladin2_3.mp4


DSL TC Showcases / Re: Badger's Bots (DSL Showcase)
« on: March 21, 2022, 03:44:06 PM »

* blackice.mp4

799.1, Steel 5 (I think), 72V 4mag. Skin sux but I cba to tweak it anymore.

Off-Topic Discussion / Re: ITS TIME AGAIN
« on: February 18, 2022, 06:13:54 PM »

Stock Showcases / Re: 1988945's slightly naff stock robots
« on: August 05, 2021, 06:20:55 PM »
Welcome to GTM! These days the various RA2 discord servers are more active than this old forum I think, so if discord is your jam it might be worth joining through the invite link on GTM's home page.

It's always nice to see stock bots! To embed your images in your post, put your cursor where you want it to be in your text and click the 'Insert Attachment X' link next to the file in the attachments section of the post editor.

I haven't played stock in so long that I can't even remember enough to give you any solid advice, I'm afraid. Are you able to lower the chassis height at all by stacking the control board in the battery? If so it might be worth a shot, even though that stack is a pain in the ass IIRC (I mean you could just cheat with RA2CF but where's the fun in that ;))

>no toxic hop callout

DSL TC Showcases / Re: TheRoboteer's Hit or Miss DSL Showcase
« on: January 27, 2021, 08:40:48 AM »
I really like the shape of it, not much else to say really. Just really top quality work, as always. If I were to nitpick, the front wedge looks a tiny bit tacked on and it would be nice if the yellow top panels were flush with the chassis outline

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