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Messages - FOTEPX

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Modifications / Re: Coloured DSL Bars
« on: July 24, 2018, 01:40:04 PM »
I mean, I -could- always decompile the DSL Bar so it -does- use a texture...  :really_makes_you_think:

...But, doing it for all the different lengths and sizes... Yeesh. No thanks.

EDIT: If I had to hazard a guess, I'd say these 6 numbers'd be the ones that change the colour:

With the "363636" being a value in Hex. "FF0000" should change it red, for example.

EDIT 2: Just tested, and yep, those are the values to change.

DSL TC Showcases / Re: FOTEPX's DSL Showcase
« on: July 24, 2018, 01:35:36 PM »
Might as well showcase the rebuilt bots for DSL 2.3 thus far so you know what you're up against.

Starting with the most Non-IRL one, the Bear rebuild. More of a trapper than ever before, but still quite underweaponed. More of a control bot than anything.

Iceberg looks relatively the same, apart from the wedge at the front. They say they have a surprise this time around, though...

Top Dog's trimmed most of it's spare weight to become a "break your fist with my face"-type affair.

Insane Berserker's calmed down a bit and gone back to it's roots - and is now surprisingly a lot more dangerous now that it has stability.

Insanity's updated it's front armour and added wedgelets to the back and sides so it doesn't get stuck.

Samurai's pretty much stayed the same, just using 2.3-style panels.

Scout's downgraded back to one flipper, but with a large VDMA powering it, it packs more of a punch than first glance'd gather.

And BOT-205's doubled the amount of saws it has. Still can't self-right, though. Aww.

Creativity Showcase / Re: Plerco's CAD Stuff
« on: July 22, 2018, 07:02:27 AM »
does fote even do this anymore.png

Indeed I do man, indeed I do.

Nice designs, by the way!

Tournament Archives / Re: Beyblade: RA2 Fusion
« on: July 20, 2018, 11:05:23 PM »
Don't get me wrong, I love Beyblade. But this is just... No.

Discussion / Re: Ironforge potential update
« on: July 19, 2018, 08:48:05 PM »
If you wanna do that, feel free, but not many people play Ironforge any more. I'm not sure what your audience is for this.

I'd say 123stw hasn't been around in so long that, without an update, IF is at risk of becoming abandonware, like Joeblo's old-ass mod. Whether or not you abide by 123stw's wishes or update it is up to you.

The changes seem like they'd make sens - one of the things I remember about Ironforge is the restrictions that were in there. DSL had so many more components than it, especially now, and it just kinda dwarfs what Ironforge can do.

Only one problem: Everyone's in the middle of making DSL 2.3 at the moment! Believe me, I'd -love- to see Ironforge get an update, but considering the amount of work that you've outlined here and the lack of a playerbase, unless you did it all yourself, I don't see this happening realistically.

Discussion / Re: DSL 2.3 - Rebuilding Biohazard.
« on: July 18, 2018, 11:00:59 PM »
Here's a version that's exactly the same as the DSL 2.2 one except the chassis doesn't use the Trov glitch so it works with Med/High graphics.;pic=5818

Xanosz, you legend! This'll do nicely! :mrgreen:

Do you wanna be in the Credits for DSL 2.3?

DSL TC Showcases / Re: TheRoboteer's Hit and Miss DSL Showcase
« on: July 18, 2018, 09:32:49 PM »
Looks nice - always been a sucker for black and gold. The square weapon supports are a bit odd and bulky, but it helps the bot be original, I guess.

In other news, I personally wanna thank you for your file naming convention - putting "ext" at the end helps me differentiate between extenderbot and chassis-focused, especially when in some cases it's quite hard to tell. Thanks for that!

Discussion / Re: DSL 2.3 - Rebuilding Biohazard.
« on: July 18, 2018, 08:41:46 PM »
theres literally a readme in the install that tells you how to activate the trov glitch you mongs
Literally 1 look in the tech support section would tell you that it evidently isn't sufficient given that there's a bunch of people asking why Biohazard crashes their game.

Here's some links:

Why would you even be opposed to a feature which literally has no impact on how the game plays other than to remove a superfluous, no longer needed step to get a single bot to work anyway?

100% agree

especially considering i'm sure we have good enough builders to make a biohazard without the glitch

Boom. Exactly. That's why I'm outsourcing it to you guys. Anyone's free to pick up the slack if they want, my inbox is always open!

Discussion / DSL 2.3 - Rebuilding Biohazard.
« on: July 18, 2018, 01:53:44 AM »

We need someone to rebuild Biohazard so it doesn't use the Trov glitch while other people on the team work on more critical stuff. Anything and everything can be used to make this rep, so long as it's as accurate as possible, and works in DSL 2.2. Using what's already there isn't necessary but would be greatly appreciated. I'll -allow- custom components, but don't make too many. AI'ing your rep would also be greatly appreciated, but again, isn't necessary.

Thanks, and GLHF :cool:

DSL TC Showcases / Re: Pokébros DSL TipSite
« on: July 18, 2018, 01:41:32 AM »

I'm really not, but I appreciate the compliment!

Bot looks schwiggity as well. Looks real... spiny.

Discussion / Re: DSL 2.3 - Collision Mesh Improvements.
« on: July 16, 2018, 08:20:26 PM »
Added a poll. Sorry about it being quite large, but I really need feedback on this so I know what to do next.

Discussion / DSL 2.3 - Collision Mesh Improvements.
« on: July 16, 2018, 03:08:03 PM »
I've been through the collision meshes in DSL 2.2, and realized there's quite a few that could be improved. A LOT. I've already fixed the TWM3R and the Shark Tooth, but there's plenty more that still need doing. Below are all the ones that I feel could be improved - now it's in your hands to decide where I put my effort. Keep in mind this is for the COLLISION MESH of the component. Not the stats or it's display mesh. I will optimise the display mesh if I can, but with some components, it's really not possible.

GLHF :cool:

Off-Topic Discussion / Re: yay superbot is back
« on: July 16, 2018, 09:35:17 AM »
FOTEPX called it.

Such is the way of the noob... drama-causing autismo's who need to stop whining so much and just get good at the game!

Custom Components Showcase / Re: JNN's Reskins and Bots
« on: July 16, 2018, 09:01:59 AM »
Damn, what a way to start things off! Impressive stuff, welcome to GTM!

Site News and Feedback / Re: Cannot interact with forum?
« on: July 15, 2018, 10:45:12 PM »
Hm, I'd chalk that up to using a skin. Nobody really uses skins on GTM any more, as far as I'm aware, and I expect that none of them work properly. Try using the default theme.

Discussion / Re: DSL 2.2 Complete Edition is now DSL 2.3!
« on: July 15, 2018, 10:20:00 PM »
foxpet and click are my two dads

Wait, what? No! You're -MY- dad!

Modifications / Re: DSL 2.2 AP Improvements
« on: July 15, 2018, 09:50:51 PM »
Finally, after a delay of only 13 days, the multicoloured versions of Battlepacks are available! Don't have a fancy splash image to show off this time, so you'll have to install it and find out! Ooh, so cheeky!


Discussion / Re: DSL 2.2 Complete Edition is now DSL 2.3!
« on: July 15, 2018, 08:23:41 PM »
For the record though, I'm not trying to steal your project.

I know  - in fact, I consider it quite the honour that you'd rename it as such! :mrgreen:

I still consider you the lead developer of 2.2 CE and, by extension, the 2.3 patch.

Well, that's a big burden to carry, but I'll try my best - thank you for handing me the reins!

Yours, dragonsteincole's, and Mr. AS's (anyone else I'm missing?) work on 2.2 CE suggests that I can trust you will handle any future updates to DSL beyond 2.3 reasonably.

You're too kind, man. This means a lot to me.

I'm still realizing how rusty I am after 2 years, ESPECIALLY in regard to IRL building, and if I want to implement any features you honestly think are really bad, don't be afraid to tell me no.  (The new overvolting mechanic seems to have sparked a bit of controversy and may not actually be as good an idea as I thought it would be, for example.)

So far, I've been on board with all of your changes, the only one I've objected to is the polycarbonate and aluminum wedges. Other than that, I have no doubt that your contributions to DSL will be invaluable, just as they have been for the last decade.

Discussion / DSL 2.2 Complete Edition is now DSL 2.3!
« on: July 15, 2018, 05:45:47 PM »
Just a heads-up going forwards.

Okay, but, why?
Because Clickbeetle changed the name of the thread about DSL 2.2 Complete Edition to DSL 2.3 - which is nuts, but it happened, so... I'm at his behest! :mrgreen:

So, what does this mean going forward?
Aside from the name change, it means that official updates to DSL 2.3 should be coming FROM CLICK HIMSELF - if they come from me, it will be either because I've got permission to release that, or because he's gone absent for another 2 years because it's a change the community undisputably wants. It also means I'll be dedicating a lot more time personally to get DSL 2.3 out the door - got a lot of things on the to-do list I need to chalk off, and now with the wind in my sails, I see no reason not to go full speed!

GLHF :cool:

DSL TC Showcases / Re: A Noob Tries His Hand At DSL
« on: July 12, 2018, 05:12:25 PM »
I... I don't even know where to start. For BOTM, Do I save this as DSL-IRL, because he -tried-? Or do I save this to DSL-S, because it clearly isn't?

Either way, I share Badger's sentiment. Also, please let us know with your showcased bot whether this is DSL-S or DSL-IRL, because honestly, I can't even tell. If it's DSL-S, drop the wheel supports and get a beefier weapon setup. If it's DSL-IRL... Come on, man. You can do a better job at supports than -that.-

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