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Messages - Trovaner

Pages: 1 2 3 4 [5] 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 ... 64
General Support / Re: I Install The Mods And What About Custom Components.
« on: February 01, 2016, 10:01:07 PM »
Naryar wrote an excellent tutorial on how to properly install custom components. I would suggest taking a look at that.

Contests / Re: Wiki Trivia Contest
« on: January 30, 2016, 08:00:00 PM »
Round 3 goes to Naryar. The Electric Arena 2 arena was used in BBEANS 2 but I was kind of hoping that someone would guess the BBEANS Tournament Arena V2 :D

Moving on, I've got one that is a bit more obscure but I hope we get more guesses than we had in Round 2.

Round 4:
Q. For what arena did Madiaba create a skinning contest?

Round 5 will take place on February 6, 2016, at 8 AM Central Time (it should be posted now).

Modifications / Re: DSL 2.2 OFFICIAL RELEASE
« on: January 30, 2016, 10:46:51 AM »
Click? didn`t you say we are able to import our DSL3 Beta builds into 2.2?
I tried that and the game crashed. :)
Bots made in the DSL3 beta are trickier.  I'm working on a program that will automatically update these bots, but in the meantime, here's what you need to do:
- Open the .bot file in Notepad++ or another program that can edit .bot files without corrupting them.
- Replace all instances of "Extenders_X_R" with "Extenders_X_S" where X is A, T, or S.
- Replace all instances of "extenders_x.txt" with "extenders_x_S.txt" where x is alu, tit, or steel.
- Add "mini" to the end of every anchor filename (for instance, anchor1.txt -> anchor1mini.txt).
- Reverse your bot's driving controls (they should go back to the "normal" way you use in stock)
- NPC motors need to be replaced manually in the bot lab.

Contests / Vote BOTM Feb 2016
« on: January 29, 2016, 07:47:05 PM »
We have some pretty cool entires this month...

#1 RedAce

#2 Thrackerzod

#3 Clickbeetle

Contests / Re: Wiki Trivia Contest
« on: January 27, 2016, 05:25:23 PM »
Now that we are halfway through the week, I'll post another reminder.

If you haven't taken a guess yet, you should definitely consider doing so. If you guess correctly, you could win anywhere from 1 to 3 points depending on if you are first and/or win the bonus at the end of the contest.

Even if you don't have a wiki account, it is not too late to get in on this contest.

Contests / Re: Wiki Trivia Contest
« on: January 23, 2016, 04:00:00 AM »
The Do-It-Yourself mod was for the Practice Arena. For those of you who weren't around or didn't see it, I actually left this comment next to one of the Practice Arena listings on the Custom Arenas page: "A DIY project posted on the old forums." Unfortunately, nobody got points this round but thanks go out to Silverfish for taking a guess.

Since round 2 was a little hard, let's do an easier question for round 3.

Round 3:
Q. What arena was used in BBEANS2?

Round 4 will take place on January 30, 2016, at 8 PM Central Time (it should be posted now).

Contests / Re: Wiki Trivia Contest
« on: January 20, 2016, 10:30:01 AM »
I can't say if anyone has guessed the correct answer yet but I might as well bump this so that everyone is reminded of it...

Since there aren't too many guesses yet, I would highly recommend throwing some guesses out if you want a chance at points. You can earn 1 point for being the first person to guess the correct answer (by making a change of at least 200 bytes). You can be in the running for 2 points if you strategically copy someone else's guesses (by making a change of at least 100 bytes). If 200 bytes is too much for a wild guess, you can do 100 bytes just to be in the running for the bonus points (however, you wouldn't be able to win the round if you did this unless you went back and made a change of at least 200 bytes before anyone else got to it).

Contests / Re: Wiki Trivia Contest
« on: January 16, 2016, 04:00:00 PM »
The answer to the first round's question is the Epic Showdown arena. It was a close call but congratulations goes out to Naryar for  winning round one!

Let's try a question that is a little harder...

Round 2: (this round is over)
Q. On the old RA2 forums, which arena did Firebeetle post a Do-It-Yourself mod?

For those of you who did not participate in round one, keep in mind that it is not to late. If you need an account, you should request access ASAP so that you don't fall to far behind.

Round 3's question will be posted next Saturday at 4 AM Central Standard Time (it should be posted now).

Contests / BOTM Feb 2016
« on: January 11, 2016, 09:38:05 PM »
Now that DSL 2.2 is out, let's have start next month's BOTM.

Here's how this works. Every participant creates a bot that follows the given bot restrictions for that month. They then create a simple splash for their bot and uploaded it to GTM's BOTM Uploader before the deadline expires. After the deadline expires, a poll will be created for the community to vote on their favorite entry. At the end of the month, the splash with the most votes will be put on GTM's homepage for a month.

Bot Restrictions
  • DSL 2.2
  • Standard (or IRL if you want to go with something a tad more strict)
  • HW (up to 800kg)
  • No AI components
  • No cheatbot2 or custom components
  • No BFE, AAM, HAX mode, Zero glitch, etc.

Splash Rules
  • Entries must be uploaded using the BOTM Uploader.
  • One bot per splash
  • One splash per member
  • Please do not put anything in that identifies you as the creator. Credit will be given after the poll to reduce bias and give people a chance to guess who made what.
  • There must be at least one image of the insides in the splash.
  • The weight must be given in the splash.
  • Images must be either JPG, PNG, or GIF.
  • Images must be no wider than 700px and no taller than 800px.
  • Entries must be in by January 28, 2016 at 11:59 PM Central Standard Time (GMT - 6:00) so that we can spend the rest of the month voting.

Please upload your entries using the BOTM Uploader.


Contests / Re: Wiki Trivia Contest
« on: January 10, 2016, 06:01:58 PM »
Epic Showdown?
I can't confirm or deny anything until the end of the round (when I post the next question) but if you think that that is the correct answer than you should keep the following in mind:
Additionally, after all 6 trivia rounds, the member (or members) with the most correct pages modified (with at least +100 bytes added before the end of each round) will gain an additional 2 points.

There should be a rule against users making rushed 5-minute articles.
Already covered...
To be fair, words will not be required to have proper spelling and grammar as long as the information is valid, on-topic, and to the best of your ability. To limit bias, edits and questions may be thrown out or penalized if at least three unique members request it (for reasons that I consider to be fair).

Contests / Re: Wiki Trivia Contest
« on: January 09, 2016, 12:00:00 PM »
We'll start with a question that you should have no trouble looking up (or guessing  ;)).

Round 1: (this round is over)
Q. What arena uses the following description: "On the tallest of towers, in the fiercest of storms, bots will clash in the ultimate confrontation between good and evil."

Round 2's question will be posted next Saturday at 4 PM Central Standard Time (it should be posted).

Contests / Re: Vote BOTM Jan 2016
« on: January 07, 2016, 03:44:48 PM »
Congratulations, RedAce for winning this month's BOTM!

Contests / Vote BOTM Jan 2016
« on: January 03, 2016, 11:50:20 PM »
Running kind of late this month...

#1 Wacky Bob

#2 090901

#3 RedAce

#4 Thrackerzod

#5 Mystic2000

Contests / Re: Wiki Trivia Contest
« on: January 03, 2016, 11:42:06 PM »
If anyone needs a wiki account, now is the time to get one so you don't get a late start in the contest or end up waiting for a Wiki moderator to add you.

Contests / Re: Wiki Trivia Contest
« on: January 02, 2016, 01:00:06 AM »
Now that the holidays are over, let's get this thing started. Next Saturday, the first round's question will be posted at 12:00 PM Central Standard Time (it should be posted now).

Contests / Re: Wiki Trivia Contest
« on: January 02, 2016, 01:00:06 AM »
Now that the holidays are over, let's get this thing started. Next Saturday, the first round's question will be posted at 12:00 PM Central Standard Time (it should be posted now).

Discussion / Re: Robot Arena 3!
« on: December 11, 2015, 09:20:09 AM »
The questions about making RA2 cross-platform kind of make me nervous. In the email, they said that they had a working concept for the bot lab and, if experience has taught me one thing, they should have figured out the platforms before starting anything. Time is money and they will almost certainly run out of both if they aren't careful. Ideally, you want to program in a language that will allow you to re-use as much code as possible without making the game feel sluggish or out of place on any of the target platforms. Jumping from desktop to mobile is not an easy task. Also, keep in mind that this game is currently set to be released in 2016 and if they strain themselves too thin, the game will have a lot taken out on the cutting room floor.

I was also a little disappointed that the survey lacked questions about modding. I think they should be focusing their efforts more on making this game easier to mod and customize. As long as they do that, fix a few physics bugs, and don't take any significant steps backwards, I think the game will be a relative success.

If they can build a strong modding community, they can focus on adding less superficial things (bots, components, or arenas) and more things that we won't be able to do ourselves.

Contests / BOTM Jan 2016
« on: December 09, 2015, 08:49:57 AM »
The votes are in and it looks like we will be having a stock HW BOTM.

Here's how this works. Every participant creates a bot that follows the given bot restrictions for that month. They then create a simple splash for their bot and uploaded it to GTM's BOTM Uploader before the deadline expires. After the deadline expires, a poll will be created for the community to vote on their favorite entry. At the end of the month, the splash with the most votes will be put on GTM's homepage for a month.

Bot Restrictions
  • Stock 1.4
  • Unrealistic (or any other form of realism that you choose to adhere to)
  • HW (up to 800kg)
  • AI components are allowed
  • No cheatbot2 or custom components
  • No BFE, AAM, HAX mode, Zero glitch, etc.

Splash Rules
  • Entries must be uploaded using the BOTM Uploader.
  • One bot per splash
  • One splash per member
  • Please do not put anything in that identifies you as the creator. Credit will be given after the poll to reduce bias and give people a chance to guess who made what.
  • There must be at least one image of the insides in the splash.
  • The weight must be given in the splash.
  • Images must be either JPG, PNG, or GIF.
  • Images must be no wider than 700px and no taller than 800px.
  • Entries must be in by December 28, 2015 at 11:59 PM Central Standard Time (GMT - 6:00) so that we can spend the rest of the month voting.

Please upload your entries using the BOTM Uploader.


Contests / Re: Wiki Trivia Contest
« on: December 05, 2015, 04:10:39 PM »
Since nobody else is speaking up, I'll probably hold off on the prize. If, however, this is a success and I decide to have another wiki trivia contest that does have a prize than I'll be sure to award this contest's winner(s) as well.

Now that we have that sorted out, I think we have to come up with a start date. It looks like I may have pushed this off a little too far and consequently most people will have trouble participating due to the holidays. As such, I'll post the time of the first round on January 2, 2016 and the first round will take place on January 9, 2016.

Contests / Re: BOTM Ideas and Discussion
« on: December 04, 2015, 01:14:23 PM »
I think I'm going to put January's BOTM to a vote again...

I've added a poll for January's BOTM bot restrictions.

If you want restrictions in addition to the weight class and components, vote for the closest match and leave a comment with the rest of the details.
If you don't see what you want, vote for other and post a description.

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