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Topics - Badger
« on: May 26, 2023, 10:41:38 AM »
Size MattersThe gimmick:There is no weight limit (I reserve the right to reject is you're properly taking the piss), however bots must fit entirely inside 2 Narrow-Medium smartzones within the botlab. You can place/rotate these smartzones however you like, and the bot's motors can be positioned however you like. If it's possible to fit the bot inside the smartzones in the botlab without editing the bot at all, it's legal. An example is in the spoiler below. This is the smartzone: An example: Paladin 2 would not be legal, as it is barely too long to fit inside 2 of these smartzones: Build rules (standard DSL-IRL shamelessly copy-pasted from Nabi wars w/ minor edits):Spinner Weapon Limits: - Teeth limits: - 2 Large Teeth - 4 Small Teeth - Beater limits: - 6 Large beaters (extended variants count as their respective length) - 8 Med beaters (extended variants count as their respective length) - 9 Small (extended variants count as their respective length) - Max total DP of 2000 - No more than 4 saws per robot - Use some level of common sense if you're going to mix and match parts - Chassis Mounted HubMotors are banned. If the whole motor is out of the chassis it cant be mounted to it either
Hammer weapons - (Beta/Gavel/Gothic/Battleaxe/Frenzy) are only allowed on hammers Axes/Hammers/Clamps - Max of 1 Hammer weapons (Judge gavels, Beta Hammer, Battleaxe, Frenzy hammer, Gothic Axe) - You can use more if it looks cool honestly idgaf just don't be a dickhead with it - Basic common sense if using other weapons
Flippers: - Front/Rear hinges are allowed up to 1 Beta Burst/Motor or 2 VDMA R/P Bursts/VDMA Front Hinged/Storm Burst/Mag Snappers - Top Hinges are allowed 2 Mag Snappers/BSG's maximum or 1 single pneumatic - ALL flipper types must have a flipping arc of 90 degrees _| <- like that or less
cheatbot2: - Overkill motors are the ONLY CB2 part allowed
Other: - Dual motors verts are banned, "true" wedgeless drums can still have two motors - Spikes are the only damaging weapons allowed on the front of rammers, wammers are banned - All DSL 2.6 armors allowed - Skirts only allowed on dust pans with proper support - Bots that are too unstable will be rejected - - Max of 1 flamethrower per robot - 3 configs Max per bot (The bot has to be built like a modular bot (Big Nipper / Big Dill)) - Clusters are banned - Ballasts are banned - If I think your bot is low effort I will reject it
Fight format:3 minute fights RW 2016 arena JD is based on whoever I thought won Tournament format:16 entries total Single elimination bracket Signups:1 bot per person until June 3rd, at which point a 2nd entry will be accepted Accepted Submitted Rejected- Botbuster - Bullbot 2- NeonCalypso - Lethal Dose- KJ - Erratyc- TommyProductionsInc - Boris the Bug- 8bean - Karnak Temple- - - - - - - - - - -
« on: April 16, 2020, 08:27:49 PM »
Biscuit Brawl Choose a biscuit and defend its honor 2020 ruleset + I'll reject gay sh** like mile long wedgelets BO1, Single Elim RW 2016 Arena (provisional) I'm not doing edits n sh** I just want to get the answer uploaded ASAP Your bot must have an image of your chosen biscuit somewhere on the skin or on a skinned component, and I will rename it to the name of your chosen biscuit
Signups: PM me your chosen biscuit ASAP, send me your bot when you're ready.
Accepted Received
Choc Finger - Matthews Shortbread - Hobo drew Choc Bourbon - Malted Milk - Rich Tea - Choco Leibniz - IBD Penguin bar - Plerco sh** w/ raisins - Sev Pink wall insulation - Robo (Reserved) Party rings - Nicky Oreo - Moziet Viennese whirls - Code Silver Hobnobs - 8bean Maryland Choc Chip Cookie - NH Jammy Dodger - Cringey Custard Cream - ThatDiscordGuy Choc Digestives - Bajur Nice biscuits - Caramel Digestives - Kid Delta Gingernuts - ra2winner
« on: September 17, 2019, 01:27:17 PM »
Standard IF ruleset HW Compressor arena BO5 Parsec Kix to host
« on: September 15, 2019, 07:55:32 PM »
BOOMER BRAWLSplashes BracketVideos
« on: March 06, 2019, 09:55:56 AM »
Boomer BrawlFormat- 16 entries
- Single elimination bracket, BO3 matches
- 1 entry per person (may expand to 2 per person if signups are really struggling)
- 1 free havok restart per round
- Combat arena, hazards off, 3 minute matches
Building RestrictionsMy EntriesAs of right now I don't plan on entering. SignupsAccepted & AIedAcceptedRejected- NickyDustyOwl - EARTHQUAKE
- Madman3 - Canopy of Love 2
- RedAce - Heavy Wheel
- Sickle robotics - Hot garbage
- Squirrel_Monkey - L = r x p
- Kix - Shouldve Kept It Dead
- Reier - MOONMAN
- UberPyro - Scourge of Zoomer
- Virus Bomb - Twin Flowers II
- Dreamcast - Stone Soup
- Dreamcast - Virus Proof
- Nohpp - DANGA ZONE MK2
- Nohpp - Not Bushido
- Mefex - why
- kelimpel - hit me more
- 090901 - jonzu x naryar otp
« on: September 22, 2018, 07:23:25 PM »
« on: September 22, 2018, 07:44:22 AM »
DSL-S HW ELBITE Arena No cb2, BFE, RA2CF, and OBJRA2 Bo3 Kix to host
« on: September 21, 2018, 06:58:09 PM »
Format and Rules:Up to 16 entrants DSL-S, IF-S and Stock MWs (<400.0kgs) Standard meta building rules apply for each meta. Flamethrowers are banned in all metas due to a bug in the KOTH game mode. RA2CF is banned in all its forms. KOTH on the Lumazone arena (hazards enabled), 2 minute matches 4 bots per match. The lowest scoring (or first to be eliminated) bot in each match is eliminated. If there is a tie for worst bot, the tied bots will fight to the death on the flextop. First bot out is eliminated. After each round of matches, the groups of bot are mixed and numbers kept equal and another round commences. This continues until there is a single bot remaining, who is the champion. Example: 8 entrants. First round is 2x 4-way rumbles. One bot eliminated from each. Second round is 2x 3 way rumbles. Third round is 1x 4-way rumble. Fourth round is 1x 3-way rumble etc. I reserve the right to reject your bot for any reason Each bot has a single free havok restart. Signups will last 2 weeks, after the first week a second bot may be entered Ironforge 1.2 will be used Signups:DSL-S:1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - Ironforge 1.2:1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - Stock:1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 -
« on: September 05, 2018, 01:33:28 PM »
DSL-S HW No meltybrain ELBITE arena BO3 hazards on Philippa to host
« on: September 03, 2018, 05:29:18 PM »
DSL-S HW Boss Rush style tournament. You have to take out the 6 guardians without losing a match. Format: 2 entries per user No total entry limit There will be 6 rounds. In each round all remaining entrants will fight the guardian of that round (with round 1 being the easiest and round 6 being the hardest, in theory). If you lose, you do not proceed to the following round. Each guardian will have its own home arena. These arenas are TBA. The bot that reaches the furthest round wins. *In the event of a tie, a round robin tiebreaker will be organised. The tiebreaker arena will be the GTMCS2 arena. Rules: DSL-S HW No RA2CF/BFE/any other shenanigans No custom components. This includes the NPC and battery AP fixes as well as DSC's component skin packs. Chassis skins are of course allowed (and encouraged!) No meltybrain I can AI your entry but I'm not going to pour my soul into it for you. I recommend that you AI your own bot. *No multibots *BO1 matches *These rules are subject to change before signups start. Please tell me if you think they should be changed.
« on: August 17, 2018, 05:19:33 AM »
DSL-S MW Blade Arena hazards on BO3 Wen to host
« on: June 27, 2018, 03:17:53 AM »
You have until 15th July 17:30 BST to send me a bot if you wish to compete. Belt holder: Philippa Meta: DSL-S Weight class: MW Arena: GTMCS 1 SplashBracketsVideosChallenger Final:
Grand Final:
ResultsChallenger Final: Spinnerkiller (RA2Winner) wins
Grand Final: Spinnerkiller (RA2Winner) wins
« on: June 25, 2018, 12:42:10 AM »
SplashBracketsVideosRound 1
Round 2
Round 3
Round 4
Round 5
Third Place Decider
First Place Decider
Results Congratulations to team NeonBean (NeonCalypso and 8bean)
« on: June 18, 2018, 08:27:30 PM »
Hey guys, I really like the idea of bots using flamethrowers, however they're completely unusable without EternalFlame, and completely broken with it. With EternalFlame, all you need is a single small air tank, which is easy to fit in a bot and only 10kg. This single air tank can supply and unlimited number of flamethrowers for infinite time. It should be obvious why this is banned, even without taking the realism-breaking mechanics of EternalFlame into account.
The issue, however, is that flamethrowers really burn through air (at about 100 air/sec, which is not modifiable). This would be fine, however the air tanks in DSL are really low capacity. To keep a single flamethrower going for 3 minutes, you would need 6 large air tanks, totaling 108kg purely in air. This is obviously unusable for anything below say CW in pure weight terms, and when you take into account how much space 6 large air tanks consume it becomes clear that flamethrowers in their current state are completely unusable at any realistic level excepting pure showcase/BOTM bots.
So I propose that we as a community agree to buff the flamethrower air consumption rate. How can we do this though, when this value is locked in the executable? Well, we make air tanks hold 6x as much air, and make burst pistons use 6x as much air. In this way, flamethrowers would last 6x as long as they do now, and pistons would be unaffected. This would also cause linear actuators, hovers and cannons last 6x as long, but I don't think this is an issue as the hovers and cannons are ideal in IRL and linear actuators are used so infrequently that I don't think anyone would object to a buff.
Alternatively, we could allow EternalFlame, but require the bot to spend X amount of weight per flamethrower on air tanks.
« on: June 14, 2018, 06:35:31 AM »
The Digital Robot Combat League (DRCL) is an idea I've had floating around my head for a while. It will be a season-based league using round robin, with three ranked divisions of 8 bots, with a promotion/relegation system similar to sports leagues. Let me know what you think. Building rulesStandard IRL HW ruleset HW DSL-IRL One update per season One bot per person at any one time Bots can be replaced in between seasons Meltybrain and Eternalflame (and variants thereof) are banned Offensive armour is banned (e.g. potter wheel shells) Multibots banned No burst limit, just don't be stupid with it and make the bot look like utter trash. Every non-CB2 component found in DSL2.2 Complete Edition is legal. In addition, flatmotors and custom skinned versions of legal components are legal. BFE and RA2CF are legal No ring spinners because they're not IRL guys how many times do I have to say this DSL 2.2 CE version 1.3 will be used. This is the version with the 4x flamethrower fuel buff.
FormatInitial RankingInitially, bots will be 'ranked' based on the order of entries. So the first 8 bots will be in Division 1, the next 8 in Division 2 and the final 8 entries in Division 3. Season FormatEach division will be a separate 8-bot round robin league. At the end of each season, the bottom 2 bots of each division are relegated into the lower league, and the top 2 bots of each division are promoted into the upper division (except in Division 1, where a bot cannot be promoted). Bots relegated from the bottom division are removed, and will have to re-qualify between seasons. Bots are ranked in a points system, with 3 points awarded for a win by KO, 2 points for a win via judges decision, 1 point for a loss via judges decision, and 0 points for a loss via KO. Entering after Season 1After Season 1 signups are finished, only 2 new bots may enter per season (to replace the 2 bots relegated in Division 3). Bots wishing to qualify for the next season must be submitted during the current season. A small single-elimination qualification tournament will be held between seasons, and the top two bots will enter Division 3 Match Format3 minutes Arena changes per season. Season 1 will be held in the standard Robogames arena. If no bots are KO'd after 3 minutes, I will determine the winner via judges decision. This will be based on splitting points between the competing bots (7 points for damage [how much damage the bot inflicted], 5 for control [how the bot controlled the other bot] and 5 for style [how well built the bot is in RA2 IRL terms]) tl;drIRL tournament with a format similar to a sports league with 3 divisions. Your bot remains in the tournament indefinitely after entering, unless you update it or it gets relegated from the bottom division. Season 1 SignupsRobots in the block below will start in Division 1 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - Robots in the block below will start in Division 2 9 - 10 - 11 - 12 - 13 - 14 - 15 - 16 - Robots in the block below will start in Division 3 17 - 18 - 19 - 20 - 21 - 22 - 23 - 24 - Note: If signups are not filled up to at least 16 bots within 2 weeks of opening (by 7th July 2018), I reserve the right to cancel the tournament due to lack of interest.
« on: June 10, 2018, 09:03:11 AM »
Guess I'm hosting since nobody else wants to. As such, I will not participate. You have until the 23rd of June to submit a bot. No prior challenge participation is required. This month's ruleset: - IF-S
- ELBITE arena, hazards on, 3 minutes
- HW (400kg, not including first 4 ballasts)
- no sns
- no multibots
- No RA2CF, BFE, AAM, etc.
- Rule of 7 break is not allowed
- Crawlers are not permitted
- No cheatbot2 components
- No AI files not found in the RA2 AI repo
- Robots must show controlled movement
Bracket: Splash: Videos: Quarterfinal: Semifinals: Final:
« on: May 18, 2018, 09:29:56 PM »
Format2v2 3 minute matches, all bots being HW. You must enter as a team with another member (with a team name!). Bonus points for skinning your bots in team colours 2 entries per person per meta. You cannot make a team with yourself. In other words, you can be part of 2 stock and 2 ironforge teams. You cannot enter the same bot twice. Swiss format leading into a double-elimination playoff bracket All matchups will be BO1 2 havok restarts per team per match The arena used will be the Red Zone arena, with hazards off. 16 teams per meta. Signups will only close when all the slots are filled with full teams. You can signup by yourself as a half-team, in which case I will add you to the signups and allow anyone to join your team. Your spot is not confirmed until you have a teammate to form a full team. A full team can take a half-team's slot if there are no free slots remaining. Building restrictions(Stock only) One SnS per team (Stock only) 36HS banned. Bots that are basically 36hs made to circumvent this rule will be rejected. Hybrid bots are fine, as are RAD spinners and other not-tryhard bots. One popup per team Meltybrain is banned All RA2CF features banned for stock. RO7 break allowed for IF. Custom skins for components are legal, just make sure you include a download link in your submission Otherwise, standard Ironforge/Stock building rules apply. My EntriesI will enter with Brain Power and Outwedge Devourer in Stock, Space Age 1.1 and high effort in Ironforge. PM me if you want to make a team with me! SignupsStock Completed Teams
Badger and Freeziez RedAce and Silverfish Philippa and Dreamcast Incomplete TeamsBadger and Philippa (No bot from Philippa) IronforgeCompleted Teams
8bean and Plerco Reier and Uberpyro Philippa and plerco NeonCalypso and 8bean Reier and Thyrus Incomplete TeamsBadger and geese (no bot from geese)
« on: April 16, 2018, 02:21:52 PM »;down=406Some IRL bots suffer from poor wedges, which can lead to an ineffective bot, which can lead to very boring matches. This component is meant to help that by allowing DSL-S style skirt wedges without the hideous aesthetics. It is identical to the regular 40cm polycarbonate skirt except it's invisible. Press F12 to view it when you're attaching it. Install guide: Open the .zip file and move the folder within into your DSL's base folder.
« on: April 06, 2018, 06:05:24 AM »
Tools you [Download]Grim colour reaper plugin [Download]Backdrop component [Included in DSL2.2]
« on: April 02, 2018, 09:44:54 PM »
Splashes:DSL: Ironforge: Check the brackets lol Brackets:DSL: Ironforge: Videos:DSL: Ironforge: