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Messages - MyLifeIsIn8

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Creativity Showcase / Creating a Bugglebots mini game
« on: January 26, 2020, 09:46:11 AM »
Hello everyone!

I'm a university student studying games design and for an assignment I must create a functioning game using Unity that will be an Android app. As you can probably tell by the title of this post I am making a Bugglebots mini game and thought that you guys might be interested in it's progress.

The game will primarily be a text based game (I'm not confident in my Unity skills enough to make anything beyond that) where the player will aim to win battles by selecting different options whilst in combat. Hopefully it will feature some purdy art work as well all of which will be pixel art as that is what I enjoy making. I'm aiming for there to be 3 bots to choose from each with different battles and storyline.

The accompanied picture is the bot select screen and can be scrolled left and right to allow the player to select the other bots which haven't been decided on yet. If you have a favourite Bugglebot please let me know, I'll likely include whichever the most popular one is!

Also if you're curious, you can see some of my other pieces of art here:

DSL TC Showcases / Re: MyLifeIsIn8Bit - Showcase
« on: January 10, 2020, 05:59:59 AM »
Fuse would definitely benefit from a bump in skin resolution up to 1024x1024 or something like that but other than that it's a slick looking bot.

What a numpty I am, said I would start doing it then forget to do it on the very next bot. I went back and fixed it.

DSL TC Showcases / Re: MyLifeIsIn8Bit - Showcase
« on: January 08, 2020, 06:07:15 PM »
I'm concerned about its battery life, though: two long batteries just isn't going to be enough for a 4WD robot with two bursts. In my experience you'll want at least one more battery in there, maybe two
This was certainly correct! I definitely underestimated the amount of batteries I would need. An extra 2 antweight batteries have been crammed in and now seems to do the job.

Finally, a general piece of advice: if you resize the skin template to 512x512 or 1024x1024 after you export it, you can make much more detailed skins that won't look as blurry. Your skinning is already very good, I'd just love to see it at a higher resolution.
This is great to hear, I had no idea but I will certainly be doing that from here on out!

and hope to see you entering tournaments soon!
Ok, so this might be a stupid question, but how do I? Do I just message the tournament host on Discord?

plus cool kid points if boombox drives upside down
Only with 2 wheels depending on the position of the hammer but it can ha.

Thought it was time to look into spinners

DSL TC Showcases / Re: MyLifeIsIn8Bit - Showcase
« on: January 04, 2020, 11:36:15 PM »
Thanks again everyone for the feedback and the warm welcome, I've made some changes based on what you guys have said:

The ballasts' have been switched over to counterweights, I don't think the ballast looked that bad in comparison to the counterweight but it seems like most would disagree. I also switched BoomBox's tires to the Fatboys because I like how it looks ha. Yeet -O- Matic's flipper has been reworked, it should now be ok for IRL tournaments unless double Beta spring motor are also not allowed which wouldn't suprise me. Are double Beta motors usually allowed in IRL tournaments? The spikes on top of the flipper stop the bot from doing flips when self righting as well as stops the flipper from glitching into the floor which would occasionally happen also when self-righting.

Grey Prince has had all clipping motors removed and now I hope the bot is eligiable for IRL tournaments. In order to do that though it was converted to smaller motors and 6 wheel drive. Thankfully the other robots were all fine in that regard to begin with. The shell on the outside was also lowered slightly so it might actually get underneath another robot now.

building this gave me a whole new found respect for some of the stuff you guys make. This is possibly the simplest extender bot I could think to build and it still felt like pulling teeth. I really like superflat robots though so I'm glad I gave it a go. Of course would love any feedback on this guy as well!

DSL TC Showcases / Re: MyLifeIsIn8Bit - Showcase
« on: January 01, 2020, 05:43:10 PM »
Thanks for the advice everyone, I'm very glad it seems positive and It seems like a very nice community! I've made slight adjustments like the ballasts being switched to counterweights as well as reworking Yeet's flipper.

Yeet-O-Matic (Not 100% sure if your going full IRL) skirts on the flippers would be illegal in most tournaments. You could use armor panels which are much stronger and legal.

I was not aware of that, not that I had tournaments in mind whilst making it. But I've changed it now, granted I had to find a way to reduce weight to make up for a heavier flipper. But thanks for letting me know in case I join one in the future!

Are tye npc-s clipping into eachother like the skin shows on the grey prince?

The skin on the top of Grey Prince is just a screenshot of the internals with wires etc. layered on top. The motors do clips slightly. I assume that's what component freedom allows you to do. Is that an issue? I can likely move the wheels to slightly outside the chassis and hidden by the steel plates on the side to make more room for the motors.

DSL TC Showcases / MyLifeIsIn8Bit - Showcase
« on: January 01, 2020, 03:18:38 PM »
Hello anyone who may be looking, I only learnt of this games existence about a couple of weeks ago and have been enjoying it greatly! I've tried to make my bots look relatively realistic whilst still being strong enough to at least beat the DSL 2.2 AI. Of course more than happy to hear what suggestions you may have considering you'll know what you're doing more than me.

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