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Messages - RedSawn

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Discussion / Re: Robot Arena 3
« on: May 26, 2016, 07:55:59 PM »
I'll check it out tomorrow or something myself. 2am. Eyes kinda hurt.

One of you guys should be super cool and post some pictures of Inky.

Discussion / Re: Robot Arena 3
« on: May 26, 2016, 07:16:44 PM »
-Every motor has exactly the same stats, I confirmed this by attaching stuff to each motor, they all spin exactly the same rpm and acceleration

That would explain why the powered steering units are hands down the best drive motor in the game right now...

Discussion / Re: Bug Report Thread
« on: May 26, 2016, 06:51:38 PM »
Bug Name: Custom Paint Override
Game Version: 1146851
Reported On: 27th May 2016 (It's 1am)
Environment: Windows 10, ZOTAC Geforce GTX 970
Bug Description: When switching robots in the bot lab and testing them, a robot's skin is replaced by another's and will remain that way until the bot lab is closed without saving. This happens repeatedly until the game is restarted. The robot can be saved in this state and the overriden skin will save too
Steps to Reproduce Bug: I don't know quite yet - but it seems to be based around importing custom decals/skins to the dedicated folder and using them on a bot as it only happened then, hence that's what I'm going with the bug seems to happen regardless of what decals are used.
Expected Behavior: Different robots have their individual skins
Actual Behavior: Different robot's skins get replaced by a single robot's custom decals and decal settings
Special note: It seems the skin does not actually overwrite persay - the original bot's skin returns if you go into the Paint Shop and check all of the headings. But it can still happen again in Test mode regardless.

Discussion / Re: Robot Arena 3!
« on: May 26, 2016, 04:43:32 PM »
I don't think it's unrescuable. It definitely won't be the quick month's stop in early access we were told it would be, though.

The devs respond.

Discussion / Re: Robot Arena 3!
« on: May 26, 2016, 04:03:13 PM »
Yeah I noticed the chassis collision is messed up. I bet it's an easy fix though!

It's certainly above my knowledge with Unity (one undergrad project). If they're rendering chassis as meshes on the fly, then surely a meshcollider would work, and they'd never have to touch a boxcollider? But you'd have to assume it wouldn't be so easy.

Discussion / Re: Robot Arena 3!
« on: May 26, 2016, 03:53:17 PM »
In the second match your battery died - there's no steady decline like in the RA2, when you're out of power, you're dead.

DSL2.2 has a system like that, actually.

Didn't know that - RA2 in general, then.

Discussion / Re: Robot Arena 3!
« on: May 26, 2016, 03:47:32 PM »
In the second match your battery died - there's no steady decline like in the RA2, when you're out of power, you're dead.

Discussion / Re: Robot Arena 3!
« on: May 26, 2016, 03:21:35 PM »
RA2's only real issue with skinning was resolution - you can have all of these fancypants decals like in DSL but you're still working with a 256x256 canvas, divided into even smaller chunks. If you're good with image editors you can just use the bitmap exporter and go to town - and as it turned out we could inject bigger chassis textures into bot files if we so wanted. There's no warping of the kind you see in RA3 right now. It just needs work.

Discussion / Re: Robot Arena 3!
« on: May 26, 2016, 02:27:27 PM »
Yeah - This isn't a wash. We just have to support them.

Apparently they plan to have Edge Lines in the game eventually - in the custom folders in the RobotArena3 folder in My Documents it's one of the folders you can put your png/jpegs in. (Decals, skins and edge lines)

Discussion / Re: Robot Arena 3!
« on: May 26, 2016, 01:22:12 PM »
Well.. not quite there yet. Certainly not as complete or polished as I'd have hoped. My fairly compact first bot with z-tek HP drive is unable to go forwards without flipping over without.. somewhere in the region of 800 units of stacked ballast. The fact we can stack freely is kind of hilarious. Bot lab's a bit of a pain when things snap when we don't want them to (details in chassis layer editing) and won't snap when we want them to (adjusting components)

The reason the camera keeps moving to the top of the bot lab appears to be something to do with camera control on controllers. When I fiddle with my Steam controller it stops doing it. Of course if you're not using a controller it's going to be a problem.

Discussion / Re: Robot Arena 3!
« on: May 26, 2016, 10:07:15 AM »
I'm not sure it'll be an issue if you're running a fairly competent system. Someone on the dev team has a potato, judging by the two low quality press screenshots we know of. They're not afraid of using them as much as they weren't afraid of using super old footage beforehand.

Discussion / Re: Robot Arena 3!
« on: May 26, 2016, 04:50:37 AM »
Not long now...

New steam screenshots:

Botlab. Those are all connection points - The pickaxe has two on either side, plus the hubs of those wheels - if someone remembers the maces inside the wheels in a previous screenshot of this robot (Here), that's your answer. New components visible too - the arm blade, razor blade and a different looking axehead.

Low resolution battle screenshot in the subway. This is the second time one's shown up. But whatever the disc on that robot is, it looks badass.

Battle screenshot in the warehouse. BOT CHOY and EMERGENCY in the match again - but this time we get a proper look at their take on the notorious flipper.

Discussion / Re: Robot Arena 3!
« on: May 25, 2016, 02:49:13 PM »
I'm using Shadowplay on my 970. Only issue is there's no separate audio channel for microphones, so in my gameplay recordings I've got people on Skype as loud as the game with me sounding like I'm 10 meters from the nearest audio recording device. Requires some keen audio balancing or using a separate program to record the microphone and sync the audio (for video making)

I had the exact opposite problem. On Teamspeak I sounded perfectly fine but in my recordings I sounded pretty damn loud. I solved it by basically removing all my mic settings from TS and just setting my mic up through windows so it would sound at the loudness I wanted on everything, rather than being loud everywhere and normal it in TS. Maybe your mic is just too low by default and Skype is doing its thing to make it sound good there? Skype is pretty good at just making stuff work without setting it up so I would guess it configures loudness equalization and such by itself.

I haven't tested it since I set the microphone to 100% and +20db on the settings (tried 100%/0 , 100%/+10db). Teamspeak is separate, while Skype fiddles with the microphone's volume setting anyway (minus the decibel boost) ... it'd help because I really can't be arsed to use Audacity and do two recordings

Discussion / Re: Robot Arena 3!
« on: May 25, 2016, 02:34:19 PM »
I'm using Shadowplay on my 970. Only issue is there's no separate audio channel for microphones, so in my gameplay recordings I've got people on Skype as loud as the game with me sounding like I'm 10 meters from the nearest audio recording device. Requires some keen audio balancing or using a separate program to record the microphone and sync the audio (for video making)

Discussion / Re: Robot Arena 3!
« on: May 25, 2016, 09:37:24 AM »
Beat me to it. So they do think the game is more or less complete, minus these issues via plugins.

They've also updated the Early Access information, and will be offering a 20% discount for the first week ($15.99)

Discussion / Re: Robot Arena 3!
« on: May 25, 2016, 08:14:00 AM »
What sort of things do you think are missing to require Early Access anyway? My checkboxes have been ticked, maybe a little late, but I can't think of anything left unless I forgot. Except perhaps beautifying the botlab UI still, but that's not anything major.

Do you think there's stuff behind the scenes still missing?

Discussion / Re: Robot Arena 3!
« on: May 25, 2016, 02:00:43 AM »

Very interesting indeed. Being able to move motors and such with the parts attached is awesome. Skinning is naturally confirmed now - I expected a RA2 style bitmap option, but I suppose everyone's migrating to this sort of sticker system. Certainly works, though. This different method does explain why they wouldn't be able to have component skinning off the bat.

One of the authors has RA3 robots on the workshop:

I edited my post while you guys came in. Yeah, can't fault Early Access in of itself, just the timing

Discussion / Re: Robot Arena 3!
« on: May 25, 2016, 01:41:03 AM »
That's a sudden swerve. They must have not managed some important feature. Though it must be said that Early Access information box isn't filled in. At all.

Link me the Bot Lab guide? It doesn't appear in the Guides section for me

Very interesting indeed. Being able to move motors and such with the parts attached is awesome. Skinning is naturally confirmed now - I expected a RA2 style bitmap option, but I suppose everyone's migrating to this sort of sticker system. Certainly works, though. This different method does explain why they wouldn't be able to have component skinning off the bat.

One of the authors has RA3 robots on the workshop:

Discussion / Re: Robot Arena 3!
« on: May 23, 2016, 03:35:59 PM »
I'm still holding out on it, clearly.  If I was one of those fabled beta testers you'd know if they had skins or not in-game already.

Discussion / Re: Robot Arena 3!
« on: May 23, 2016, 02:52:37 PM »
Heck if I know. I guess to lend a 'hand' if it gets tipped onto it's side.

I figured out how the build menu works now - it's directory based. I was confused by how few weapons they were, and the lack of other headings, but really those are all of the weapons in the 'Piercing' category and the icons are the menu options they went through to get there. It's a fact we overlooked in the first trailer

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