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Messages - kill343gs

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Stock Showcases / Re: Lightning's Robots
« on: October 25, 2017, 06:25:06 PM »
I really like Alien King, but I'd try and pull the side plows in a bit tighter.

can we all for a moment just gaze in awestruck wonder that lra2 managed to avoid being banned for 8 years
technically,  LRA2 got banned like 6-7 years ago,  and everyone just ignored his multi accounting until now.

This "Fresh Start Initiative" was an allowed practice, one that will no longer be followed because I'm not interested in trying to fool the community. Plus it's never worked despite being attempted by multiple people.

DSL TC Showcases / Re: KillerTurtleG Bot showcase
« on: October 21, 2017, 10:52:17 PM »
Definitely prefer Titan 2. Much cleaner

DSL TC Showcases / Re: Hoppin's Trash can of traaaaaaash - DSL edition
« on: October 21, 2017, 02:08:29 PM »
Super nice work on that drum

DSL TC Showcases / Re: Tashic's DSL things
« on: October 19, 2017, 05:21:52 PM »
These are all so good

Wen out here roasting kids

Site News and Feedback / Warning System going forward
« on: October 18, 2017, 07:55:48 PM »
The warning system is being simplified. The rules themselves will stand as they are currently written. Naryar's system was fine on paper but in actual use was more complicated than needed for a forum of this size.

The majority of you know how you're supposed to behave. For those moments where you have lapses in judgement, forum staff will be given the benefit of the doubt to handle the situation as they see fit. We have logs of all actions taken by both moderator and administrative staff, and will be able to review any course of action that seems unfair. I have the utmost trust in the folks that volunteer their time to help staff this forum, and as such I am willing to give them that leeway until I am given a reason to take it away.

If you feel as though you are/were unjustly treated, please contact a member of the staff other than the person who handled your situation so that it can be brought to our attention collectively.

In the meantime, I would like to note the fact that the attitude of our community has turned sour recently, to the point where other segments of the greater robot combat community have taken notice. The game that brought all of you here in the first place is almost 15 years old now, older than some of our members. There is absolutely no reason to be treating your peers like garbage, because there aren't that many of them left. More than anything now, we are policing attitudes. Keep that in mind.

DSL TC Showcases / Re: Arcane Does DSL 2.2 IRL Showcase
« on: October 16, 2017, 05:51:57 PM »
So clean, I love it

Modifications / Re: RWRA2: The Ultimate Remix
« on: October 16, 2017, 05:25:32 PM »
The comparison with Gabriel vs the team that created this mod in the first is misrepresenting the **** out of this situation, given that GI completely abandoned the RA2 project years ago and no longer exists as the same entity it did at the time RA2 was released. Some of the folks that were involved in this project are currently, or were fairly recently still active in the community. ICR 100% did the right thing in asking permission, and people involved were thankful for that but declined. ICR continued to be reasonable by respecting that answer.

This thread was a query aimed directly at people who were involved in that project, and anybody not involved should have minded their own business.

Stock Showcases / Re: Lightning's Robots
« on: October 11, 2017, 05:35:15 PM »
Really dig these

Tournament Archives / Re: Orc's Wars
« on: October 07, 2017, 08:30:03 PM »
The robots being given to the host directly is itself a violation. The rules state taken from AI packs or pre-existing bots on the exchange. Bots can be submitted like you state if they're replicas.
But like we've said, the whole system is going to get a rework. Just bear with.

This rule is stipid imo. Why would someone not be allowed to get bots for a display tournament that isn't a official one and thatdoesn't count towards anything. Big tournaments like this can bring more people to the game and its a cool way for people to send in many designs to see what works and what doesn't.

We've posted in multiple locations that this is something we are working on rewriting as we speak.

Tournament Archives / Re: General Tournament Discussion
« on: October 07, 2017, 01:54:42 PM »
Firstly to Ceph:  However these side-tourneys shouldn't be classed as off-topic, they are related to RA2, a game we all love and should have a home somewhere if possible.

Kill: That sounds a lot more reasonable. I'll continue posting in the Off-Topic but the fact it was so sudden kinda disheartened me. I don't fully agree with why it was moved but on the flip side, I'm happy this topic is being looked at.

I totally get where you're coming from. To clarify, I stumbled upon this issue when I hopped on discord briefly before going to sleep last night at 3am, so this was fairly sudden for us as well, and we weren't all around to make final decisions. As previously written, all would have simply been deleted and we would have gone on with our lives, but given the circumstance we felt we could at least let them continue elsewhere for the time being while we get things sorted out.

Stock is definitely tedious, but I appreciate the fact that you're bothering to give it a try. I'd simply suggest to you that you needn't feel pressured by perfecting absolutely everything you do down to the last kg. There are plenty of people that have done that, Sage and InfiniteInertia in particular come to mind. The quest for that ultimate efficiency is likely what led to the total burnout of stock building, where inevitably everything grew to look like more and more of the same as the goal became closer.

If you want to truly enjoy stock for what it was best for, I'd suggest looking into the likes of Clickbeetle, 090901, Bajur, Mr. As, Scrap Daddy, etc. I think you might take to the older school style of building.

Tournament Archives / Re: IronBound
« on: October 07, 2017, 12:45:44 PM »
The fact that this got heated, although handled totally immaturely by the lot of you, brought this issue to our attention. We are reworking these outdated rulings as we speak. Please see below in the linked thread:

As currently written, display tournaments are specifically not to accept entrants of any kind. This was written at a point in time where we were essentially the only community involved with RA2. With the recent instances of redditbots, banter wars, etc, we feel as though this deserves a rewrite to accommodate these additional avenues of RA2 content that are not centered around GTM. We are currently in discussions on how best to bring you the best of both worlds.

We run our tournament section the way we do because we want to guarantee to you that your time won't be wasted when a tournament isn't finished or is run improperly or unfairly. We have staff that are specifically dedicated to ensuring that these run smoothly and in a reasonable amount of time.

For a game as old as this, we think it's important that we, in some way, shape or form, offer a platform for people to share and enjoy any content that relates to it. We hope to find a balance between the two sides to this issue.

Please understand that this is an issue that has just now gained our attention. I'm not interested in making sweeping decisions by myself or with minimal input. I don't always have the best answers for everything. I'm dedicated to making sure the staff as a whole gets a chance to be involved with these decisions, so they take a few days sometimes. In the meantime, we ask you to please respect the rules that are currently in place.

Tournament Archives / Re: General Tournament Discussion
« on: October 07, 2017, 12:35:47 PM »
As currently written, display tournaments are specifically not to accept entrants of any kind. This was written at a point in time where we were essentially the only community involved with RA2. With the recent instances of redditbots, banter wars, etc, we feel as though this deserves a rewrite to accommodate these additional avenues of RA2 content that are not centered around GTM. We are currently in discussions on how best to bring you the best of both worlds.

We run our tournament section the way we do because we want to guarantee to you that your time won't be wasted when a tournament isn't finished or is run improperly or unfairly. We have staff that are specifically dedicated to ensuring that these run smoothly and in a reasonable amount of time.

For a game as old as this, we think it's important that we, in some way, shape or form, offer a platform for people to share and enjoy any content that relates to it. We hope to find a balance between the two sides to this issue.

Please understand that this is an issue that has just now gained our attention. I'm not interested in making sweeping decisions by myself or with minimal input. I don't always have the best answers for everything. I'm dedicated to making sure the staff as a whole gets a chance to be involved with these decisions, so they take a few days sometimes. In the meantime, we ask you to please respect the rules that are currently in place.

DSL TC Showcases / Re: Arcane Does DSL 2.2 IRL Showcase
« on: October 05, 2017, 05:59:41 PM »
Pretty awesome man

For realism DSL 2.2 is recommended. Download the whole thing here with the added IRL shtuff to help.
The AI is a whole other story though, recommended if you just replace the AI with the normal 2.2 AI.

Yeah definitely don't do this. Nobody said anything about building IRL style.

Hey man, that's an outstanding start you guys have right there. My one gripe is just a visual one, and it's one that it shares with a lot of modern games. The lighting is a bit much. I understand that you want everything to appear real and shiny, but the lighting is almost giving the camera a haziness to it. I'd consider trying a bit less shine.

Off-Topic Discussion / Re: GTM Fantasy football league
« on: October 02, 2017, 05:02:58 PM »
We draft last friday man, sorry. Thread was up for 5 days prior to

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