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Messages - G.K.

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Tournament Archives / Re: BTTB V - Awards
« on: August 01, 2015, 09:04:35 PM »

DSL TC Showcases / Re: G.K.'s DSL Builds
« on: August 01, 2015, 08:38:38 PM »
It throws a bit, but I probably should look into ways of making it do it more.

I had a really productive RA2 day today, I've built like 10 bots. But as I've spammed the forums enough with all the BTTB stuff I'll just post my DSL things.

Firstly, I redid the back and skin of my IRL SHW, and did a funny with the name. Up to the w/l.

Made what was meant to be an IRL MW but ended up being a HW, a bot I call Steel Shark:

And then there's this bot. I was inspired by my very first BOTM entry, back in January 2010, that I found today, and also Tentomushi. It's coincedental that Somnium posted something that isn't totally dissimilar today in his Stock Showcase.

The idea is that I drive over the top of other bots like a Flying Guillotine, then use the servo pistons to bring the weapons down on the opponent. Other than the fact that it simply isn't very efficient, there are 3 major problems with it.

1 - The legs are not tall enough.
2 - The servo pistons cannot physically lift the bot back up once it comes down. I've tried actuators and burst pistons but both are worse - the actuators' axles just glitch out so I can't use it, and the burst pistons are too powerful - the bot just flies away like that thing Stagfish entered into Clash of the Titans
3 - And even if the other things weren't problems, this is. :(

Still, it's always nice to build something new.

Modifications / Re: BTTB AI
« on: August 01, 2015, 08:18:49 PM »

Tournament Archives / Re: BTTB V - Awards
« on: August 01, 2015, 08:11:23 PM »

Discussion / Re: Compilation of Useful RA2 Links
« on: August 01, 2015, 07:57:29 PM »
Could the BTTB AI links in OP be replaced with a single link to this:;sa=view;down=243

Both of those packs have been superceded by the new BTTB Stock AI.

Thanks :)

Real Robotics Discussion / Re: Combat Robot Hall of Fame Discussion
« on: August 01, 2015, 07:52:23 PM »
Is upheaval not in already O_O

Tournament Archives / Re: BTTB V - Splash, Brackets & Videos
« on: August 01, 2015, 07:31:36 PM »
That's the tourney finished, and it's been a bunch of fun! Congrats to the champ (And rumble winners), commiserations to the runner-up. I also want to say 2 big thank you's. Firstly to RedAce, whose BTTB Revamped display tourney is what a) brought me back to GTM and RA2, and b) inspired me to run this. Secondly, to all the entrants for their sumbissions, you've made the tourney what it was, a pleasure to host and hopefully fun to watch. It's been a great mix of entrants - 11 of you have entered 4 or more BTTB's and there was a good number of rookies too. Thanks everyone.

tl;dr I think my words are more important than they actually are.

Also the Awards thread is up here, and the updated AI Pack here.

Tournament Archives / BTTB V - Awards
« on: August 01, 2015, 07:31:03 PM »
Hey everyone, welcome to the awards thread for BTTB V.


Once again, congrats to

I know I said I wouldn't be calculating rankings that combined this tournament and the previous 4, with BTTB V being considered a reboot. However, I have decided to use match records instead of fight wins/losses, which will allow me to weigh both this tourney and the previous 4 equally to produce the following:

The Sage/Stagfish wildcard in BTTB 1 is counted in this but the byebot rounds in BTTB V are not. In the table I have included the fight win/loss score, which was the official score for ranking up to this point but bear in mind that not every fight filmed in BTTB 1-4 consisted of 3 matches. Though it was best of 3, if a bot won 2-0, I would stop, while every fight except the byebot fights in BTTB V had 3 matches.

I have also calculated, unoffically, what the rankings would have looked like if they were all compiled together in the old format. Some of the differences are startling.

Also, I have released a new BTTB AI updated for BTTB V. Check out the thread if you're interested in that.

Now onto the awards! The following awards are up for grabs:

Favourite Match - A match you thought was high quality, fun or that you enjoyed.
Best Design - A robot you consider to be constructed the best, for whatever reason you choose.
Favourite Bot - Your favourite bot.
BTRSHDBBDDTBL (Bot That Really Should Have Done Better But Didn't Due To Bad Luck) - Does what it says on the tin really.
Best Rebuild - The robot you consider most in the spirit of the original bot. All the pictures of the originals are here.

You can vote for anything except yourself in bot categories (But you can vote for a match you were in), and you can't vote for the bonus matches either. Anyone can vote, including non-participants.

Awards will run for a week.

Modifications / Re: BTTB AI
« on: August 01, 2015, 07:30:44 PM »
Announcing the new and improved Stock BTTB AI. I've tried to do a better job with this one, my previous packs have essentially been bot dumps. This is a proper AI pack.


- 13 new, themed AI teams comprising:
- All 17 bots from Back to the Beginnings (Plus the original version of Doomkiller's The Black Knight).
- All 31 bots from BTTB 3.
- All 22 bots from BTTB V.
- The 4 promo bots used in the promos for Stock BTTB tournaments.
- Updated AI code for a variety of bots, mostly fixing my bodgy AI work from 4-5 years ago.
- Both versions of the Twiiisted Arena as used in the tournament series, updated with new python files, previews and CUSTOM INTRODUCTIONS. These superscede any old versions of the arena available for d/l up to this point.
- Some funky new UI stuff - I learned .gib editing and everything.
- Madiaba's smartzones.
- A couple of easter eggs, if you can find them.

UI is provided in 4 resolution sizes - 1280x1024x32, 1024x768x32 (default), 800x600x32 & 640x480x32. If there is sufficient interest I will create UI modifications for other resolutions.

Please post questions or suggestions for changes in this thread. Also let me know if it works :P (Though I've tested it on multiple clean Stock 1.4's, so it should be fine.)

Real Robotics Discussion / Re: Combat Robot Hall of Fame Discussion
« on: August 01, 2015, 07:15:55 PM »
inb4 Bite Force gets in

Tournament Archives / Re: BTTB V - Splash, Brackets & Videos
« on: August 01, 2015, 06:38:37 PM »
The Grand Final, Rumble, and Champions' Rumble are up! Make sure you watch the Final before the Champions' Rumble (Or before you read the associated text) else it'll spoil the result.

Tournament Archives / Re: Hometown Showdown - Discussion
« on: August 01, 2015, 04:33:14 PM »

Stock Showcases / Re: RedAce's Stock Market
« on: August 01, 2015, 03:47:46 PM »
Yeah, nice bot, though the splash was a bit of a turnoff. was sure you'd built 3 tho...

Stock Showcases / Re: G.K.'s Stock Showcase
« on: August 01, 2015, 02:58:40 PM »
I did consider blue

Stock Showcases / Re: G.K.'s Stock Showcase
« on: August 01, 2015, 02:41:48 PM »
Never got anywhere near top 2 of a BOTM before :)

Just a 'lil bit of fun eh

Stock Showcases / Re: 090901 makes [dank] [not actually dank] robots
« on: August 01, 2015, 02:40:49 PM »
I knew it!

Cool bot btw, it was my choice.

Stock Showcases / Re: Geice's Stock Showcase
« on: August 01, 2015, 11:06:56 AM »
The biggest issue with it is that it isn't the fastest at dealing damage so fights usually take awhile.

I think that, at least to some extent, is par for the course for wammers, tbh.

Stock Showcases / Re: Geice's Stock Showcase
« on: August 01, 2015, 09:51:16 AM »
How does it fare against the major bot types? If we know what it struggless with we can suggest how to improve.

Looks absolutely brilliant, I must say.

Stock Showcases / Re: Somnium's Stock Showcase
« on: August 01, 2015, 07:15:07 AM »
This is cool.

Tournament Archives / Re: BTTB V - Splash, Brackets & Videos
« on: July 31, 2015, 06:29:25 PM »
I have uploaded the last set of extra fights, the Rebuild Rumble series (+2 other single fights - me vs Reier because we rebuilt each other, and Thrackerzod vs Kill because I promised them a rematch after LB Round 1)

Grand Final and Rumbles tomorrow!

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