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Messages - Herpaderp64

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DSL TC Showcases / Re: Herpaderp's RA2 DSL Showcase
« on: June 11, 2017, 09:42:17 PM »
Well you're learning so fast, nice extender work on that spiked hammer though.

thanks! im surprised its not gone over 1200kg's to be honest

also i really wanna post another bot here now, i just want this page to be filled with bots like my ra3 showcase was lol

DSL TC Showcases / Re: Herpaderp's RA2 DSL Showcase
« on: June 11, 2017, 09:41:09 PM »
Kinda reminds me of trolley rage tbh.
It looks like a good robot though.



DSL TC Showcases / Re: Herpaderp's RA2 DSL Showcase
« on: June 11, 2017, 07:09:06 PM »
ok so i work too fast it seems better make this the last one then

so here it is Axi-dent mk2

It is a super heavyweight bot, armor: 10mm aluminium, weapon 100cm heavy pole spike axe on the largest piston burst motor so the damage is close to that of the judges axe when that comes down but with much less robo dance syndrome, the extenders on the sides are much more durable than the ones on gladiator and will take quite a lot of hits to break, as axi-dent only has one weapon you will already see from the pictures that i am planning to ai it with that smart zone at the front i was lucky enough to place the start of the smart zone on the first placement exactly where the axe head will hit and finally the extenders at the front are all made out of steel which makes axi-dent very resistant to any kind of head on assault from the opposition it also has steel wedges at the front which more or less touch the floor meaning almost nothing can get under from the front.

ok so thats it for axi-dent won't overload and will wait until tomorrow to post another now

DSL TC Showcases / Re: Herpaderp's RA2 DSL Showcase
« on: June 11, 2017, 06:30:15 PM »
double post....i must be working too fast lol, here's another one of my bots on dsl called gladiator (well MK7 first one surprisingly enough wasn't even on this game it was on the robot wars mod and was literally a box with a pathetic little axe and an extender lifter lol) its a heavyweight bot with 5mm steel armor, its weaponry consists of an 80cm pole spike rotating 180 degree's on a config modified burst motor as a result it hits with a lot more force doing much more damage however the weapon i mostly use when driving this is the flipper at the front (recently changed from a titanium sheet to titanium irl armor plate with a 120cm steel wedge) which can lift an opponent enough to flip them over, then once they are over i wail on them with the axe due to the fact it uses 2 weapons at the front i don't believe there's any possible way that gladiator could be ai'd (correct me if im wrong, im quite new to ai'ing) because how would it know when not to use the flipper or the axe the simple answer is it wouldn't and would probably try to use them both at the same time. it has as you will see extenders covering the wheels and this is for the simple reason of adding a little more protection against mostly spinners.

next bot i'll be uploading here after giving it a work over will be axi-dent mk2 (anyone who's seen my old ra3 showcase will know what axi-dent is and for anyone who doesn't know it was a concept bot from their website that i created in the game)

ps:its good to be back uploading bot designs once again   :laughing

DSL TC Showcases / Re: Herpaderp's RA2 DSL Showcase
« on: June 11, 2017, 04:20:08 PM »
As an added note, I'd recommend posting the updated version here before sending it to Doot. That way, if it's still not acceptable for some reason, you'll find out before sending it to him.

Also, remember that it's not necessary to have all those extenders inside the chassis, you only need them to support components that are outside the chassis, like your weapons

well i've more or less finished mk3 now, so i'll post it here momentarily once i have the screenshots

EDIT: here we go whiplash mk3 the bars are smaller and instead of relying solely on dsl bars now it has beaters to dish out the mayhem in a more compact form, and due to this more compact chassis and weapon it now has almost no time before its fully up to speed so no waiting for the bars to spin up anymore.

It can literally have an opponent in a corner and eat away at it until its a pile scrap metal and the shape of the chassis is purposeful so that when rammers hit whiplash if they get past the bar they will get bounced away by the angled sides (already tested and confirmed to work about 50% of the time).

A lot more compact and better looking, yet it does more damage than the first the problem is the weapons are less durable and its stability is worse.

DSL TC Showcases / Re: Herpaderp's RA2 DSL Showcase
« on: June 11, 2017, 03:32:02 PM »
Since the bars themselves don't do a ton of damage, I'd go slimmer dsl bars with beaters. The Billet series being my favorite examples.
guess there's gonna be a whiplash 3 applying for the next tournament then lol
There's 3 days left to update robots or make new robots for other divisions.

i might have time to make a few changes to that weapon then after all :)) see if i can make it even better (already started work on a whiplash 3)

DSL TC Showcases / Re: Herpaderp's RA2 DSL Showcase
« on: June 11, 2017, 02:39:05 PM »
Since the bars themselves don't do a ton of damage, I'd go slimmer dsl bars with beaters. The Billet series being my favorite examples.
guess there's gonna be a whiplash 3 applying for the next tournament then lol

DSL TC Showcases / Re: Herpaderp's RA2 DSL Showcase
« on: June 11, 2017, 01:19:16 PM »
Attach the bars the other way round, so it looks like a single bar.
already done that with the version i sent to demon, it was the only change so i didn't really think it was worth updating these images
Did you use an extender to connect them or just connected them exactly to eachother?

Anyways, next time you build a robot remember the IRL component pack advice. However, this looks to me like a fully IRL robot, so good job.

extender, i like having them both apart, i tried both together but something just felt off when i did that so i stuck with them being apart and about the irl extenders i just downloaded it now so next time i'll use it lol and thanks for all the help

I don't think you should use the extender. The thing is is that if you hit someone with the outside one but not the inner one, that thin round extender would get twisted and bent and would probably snap or shear off, so your outer blade would fall off.

I personally don't think that's IRL. Perhaps using a small or medium drum to give more support could work but personally I say just use the smaller (as in, the small side of the trapezium shape the bar comes in) side of the first bar to attach to the axle, then attach the second bar by the long side to get a uniform bar.
i managed to get enough weight in to put a few more extender pieces on the bar as well, so its not just one block (i'd use the drum if i could but i don't have enough weight for that, im 0.3 kg's under the limit as it is. can't put anything else on it

DSL TC Showcases / Re: Herpaderp's RA2 DSL Showcase
« on: June 11, 2017, 12:57:10 PM »
Attach the bars the other way round, so it looks like a single bar.
already done that with the version i sent to demon, it was the only change so i didn't really think it was worth updating these images
Did you use an extender to connect them or just connected them exactly to eachother?

Anyways, next time you build a robot remember the IRL component pack advice. However, this looks to me like a fully IRL robot, so good job.

extender, i like having them both apart, i tried both together but something just felt off when i did that so i stuck with them being apart and about the irl extenders i just downloaded it now so next time i'll use it lol and thanks for all the help

DSL TC Showcases / Re: Herpaderp's RA2 DSL Showcase
« on: June 11, 2017, 12:50:14 PM »
Attach the bars the other way round, so it looks like a single bar.
already done that with the version i sent to demon, it was the only change so i didn't really think it was worth updating these images

I don't think having 2 bars per motor looks good. Put beater bars or maybe even ripping teeth on the end of one of the bars if you want more damage, but I don't think the 4bar systme looks good.

Also, the mixture of aluminium and titanium extenders kinda makes it look messy, so use DragonSteinCole's IRL Components pack ( to make them all one colour while still making the extenderwork weight and HP efficient.

built it to send robots flying when it hits them, works well enough to toss the judge around however thats when its player controlled and hitting from the side so i really don't know how it will perform ai'd. and about the extenders, its  a crude look, almost like its been built from bits of scrap lying around all bolted together to create a monster, at least thats how i see it lol

Look, I know you are asking for help on making your bot more IRL Herp. But shouldn't you be making a showcase topic for your bots instead of posting them on an tournament board? There's no harm in asking for help Herpderp, but like when you posted in the tournament discussion board, this isn't really the thread to post in Herp like if you make one bad post in a chat room that's on a different topic. So just listen to F1Krazy and please try and use the showcase section to post your bot and asking for help in the future. You're getting the help here but not only you can get more help from people, it stays on topic of asking for advice about your builds.
i already did, don't think anyone's noticed yet

yeah i've rebuilt whiplash completely from scratch heres what it looks like now
sent it off to demon, just have to wait and see if its enough

DSL TC Showcases / Herpaderp's RA2 DSL Showcase
« on: June 11, 2017, 11:51:47 AM »
welcome to my showcase, below you will find bots that i have built on Ra2, enjoy

PS:they won't all be on one page im spreading them out more or less like f1krazy's showcase to avoid flooding the page so scroll through the pages if you want to see the rest, just thought it would be best to make that clear just in case anyone leaves thinking there's no more and the rest of the pages are comments, you know if your here purely to see the bots.

we'll start off with the first bot that I've entered into a tournament Whiplash 1.

Based off a bot with the same name from Lego robot wars (a youtube series where people build Lego radio control bots and kick the hell out of each other, whiplash was the most destructive bot they ever built) whiplash was originally going to be a replica of the Lego whiplash but then i thought why replicate it when i can fix its flaws, main one being that it couldn't self right.

so i got to work designing it in the bot lab was going to make it with a srimech however that was taking up too much weight (might try to do it again, we'll see) so i then thought it would be a better idea to make it invertible therefore eliminating the srimech and saving all that weight for something useful.

Now on to the stats:
10mm aluminium,
50x200 dsl bars x4 for the main weaponry
unfortunately it uses the ford wheels which really lets it down as the robot itself is very durable however the wheels are its main weakness,
it uses the whyachi drive motors which give it very good top speed and pushing power for a 2 wheeled bot,
lastly its dsl bars are powered by 2 perm 132 motors.

(updated images)

General Support / Re: ai'ing
« on: June 11, 2017, 11:26:01 AM »
thanks mate will put whiplash in a showcase let me know what you think ;)
edit: ok the showcase is up, was talking to one of my mates and he said it was more or less ready but im not entirely sure

sorry but how the hell is it not irl exactly? i'd like to know exactly why so i can fix it
hurry up and tell me, i still got 5 hours to rebuild it from scratch if i bloody have to, im entering this tournament even if it kills me
(im new to this irl thing so the least you could do is explain how im supposed to build it "irl")
its the 2 perm motrs outside the chassis isn't it? i'll tweak them to be inside then resend again and to be clear this is a remake of a bot i saw on a little youtube series that was hosted after robot wars was taken off the air called lego robot wars (they built little radio controlled lego bots and made them fight) and whiplash was one of the most destructive and amusing bots on there, so from what i've hear irl is about a good show and let me tell you this thing is great for that aspect lol. i will keep sending as many times as it takes to get it in because i want mayhem
My advice would be to create a showcase and post screenshots of your robots there, so people can give you feedback on them and help you improve. Take a look at other people's DSL showcases as well and see what they're doing, it'll help you understand what DSL-IRL robots are meant to look like.

Having your motors outside of the chassis isn't necessarily un-IRL, but it's really not recommended either because it makes them vulnerable to getting damaged or knocked off. So try and move them inside the chassis if you can, and also make sure that the weapon itself is supported and doesn't just look like it's floating in mid-air.
well i rebuilt whiplash from scratch its slower but it should fit irl standards now (i hope) i'll post a quick screenshot here for you to judge (will delete it once you let me know whether its ready or not)

EDIT: thanks krazy for the help, just hope its enough now

General Support / Re: ai'ing
« on: June 11, 2017, 09:51:19 AM »
bit too late, already applied for a tournament, if im accepted i will work on it once its over so thanks for the additional info. for now all i can say is its showtime ;). time for the noob to take on the forum lol (yes im over hyped to see how my bot will do in my first tournament, probably too much)

You can update your robot and it's AI if you want. What tournament is it, by the way?

 [DSL IRL - All Weightclasses] ADOT IRL Tournament - SIGNUPS (well im trying but apparently my bot is not irl, tried everything to make it irl and its not been accepted and to make matters worse im not even told what the problem is, great -_____-)
is there a tutorial on irl building or something?

sorry but how the hell is it not irl exactly? i'd like to know exactly why so i can fix it
hurry up and tell me, i still got 5 hours to rebuild it from scratch if i bloody have to, im entering this tournament even if it kills me
(im new to this irl thing so the least you could do is explain how im supposed to build it "irl")
its the 2 perm motrs outside the chassis isn't it? i'll tweak them to be inside then resend again and to be clear this is a remake of a bot i saw on a little youtube series that was hosted after robot wars was taken off the air called lego robot wars (they built little radio controlled lego bots and made them fight) and whiplash was one of the most destructive and amusing bots on there, so from what i've hear irl is about a good show and let me tell you this thing is great for that aspect lol. i will keep sending as many times as it takes to get it in because i want mayhem

Hate saying this Herpaderp, but please refrain from double posting.

oh woops lol, i will merge them

(sorry when your listening to some dank ass music and hyped for your first tournament you forget basic things lol)

General Support / Re: ai'ing
« on: June 10, 2017, 10:28:34 PM »
bit too late, already applied for a tournament, if im accepted i will work on it once its over so thanks for the additional info. for now all i can say is its showtime ;). time for the noob to take on the forum lol (yes im over hyped to see how my bot will do in my first tournament, probably too much)

how do i send a bot? first tournament that i want to enter in ;)
also tried my best to make my bot whiplash eligible for irl (putting extenders over batteries, components etc so it looks like a frame lol). just hope its good enough
(oh wait nvm i think i know how to do it)
Go to the "Robot Designs" section of your RA2 folder, find the .bot file with your bot's name on it, use the GTM File Host (link: to make it a link, and then send your entry (file link) to DemonOfTomorrow via PM (Private Message).

i got it mate, but thanks for the quick reply anyway ;) just hope its good enough. to be honest i don't care about winning i just know that if whiplash meets another will be mayhem.

also 146 robots?! this is starting to feel like the 3rd wars of robot wars....F****G BRILLIANT

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