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Topics - PixelCrunchRA2

Pages: [1]
Off-Topic Discussion / I got the BBEANS DSL A.I!
« on: July 17, 2016, 03:06:42 PM »
Guys! I got the BBEANS DSL A.I Mod! Now I can improve my skills and try to beat the BBEANS bots! But it's super hard!  :vista:

Stock Showcases / PixelCrunchRA2's Slightly Cool Stock Showcase!
« on: July 13, 2016, 01:39:56 PM »
Ok Guys, this is my Heavyweight punchbot called...BIG BUTT! It's a half-jokebot, half punchbot, because it's in the shape of a pink butt, and the pickaxes come out of the buttcheeks, so it looks like it's farting out pickaxes! :laughing It has 3 pistons, 6 pickaxes, 2 large airtanks, 5 small airtanks, 4 HP Z-Tek drive, 2 Nifty batteries, and Titanium Armor! Please say a comment about this bot.

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