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Topics - Shield

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Site News and Feedback / Weights
« on: February 16, 2014, 07:17:44 AM »
So, um, is there anyway for a member to stay in just one weight? Like, let's say a member wants to stay at "heavyweight", but he's/she's quickly approaching the "superheavyweight" status, is it possible for him to stay at "heavyweight" despite passing the amount of posts needed to be a "superheavyweight"?

Chatterbox / Apologies.
« on: February 13, 2014, 10:42:19 AM »
I think it's only right I address this first.

I apologize. For everything. And to everyone whom I may or may not have offended. Including:


Well, what can I say? I'm sorry. I was an idiot and probably shouldn't have blown up like that. If my feeble apology still means nothing, you can go ahead and deactivate my wiki account, or, well any punishment that you see fit.


I guess my ego was a bit too overinflated wasn't it? It probably wasn't right of me to go on flaming just because I'm an older member (I don't think I am, am I?) and I hope you can forgive me for my wrongdoing.

Everyone else

Well, anyone else whom I've offended deserves as much of an apology as Naryar or playzooki does. Perhaps the participants of that horrible trashcan of a tourney, I apologize for anyone else whom I've upset and I deserve to be yelled at, or flamed, or looked down upon.

Tournament Archives / Bully SBV
« on: October 20, 2013, 09:50:56 PM »

SBV thread an' all.




Challenge Board / S.H.I.E.L.D vs ty4er [DSL HW Title] (ty4er Wins)
« on: August 16, 2013, 08:41:57 AM »
-DSL 2.1 HW
-DSL Standard building rules
-Combat Arena, no hazards
-Winner shall be crowned champion

General Support / Splash troubles
« on: August 15, 2013, 12:33:42 PM »
I was browsing through the forums turorials and found IanH's Splash tutorial. I gave it a go and tried to make a splash.

It didn't work.

The background refuses to go completely white, this is probably due to DSL's metallic-ish background, whilst Stock has a completely grey background.

Is there any other way to achieve the white background for the splash?

Tournament Archives / Bully - Signups CLOSED
« on: August 03, 2013, 10:32:02 PM »
Ey, I decided to host a tournament!

Before we get onto the rules, I must state the general summary of this tournament. Your goal is to design the most destructive bot that you can.

Your victim: Tim.

-DSL 2.1
-Standard building rules
-Combat Arena, hazards off.
-Weightclass is SHW/SuperHeavyweight.
-Only cheat parts allowed are:
-No NARmour Actually yes, it's not like Tim will be fighting back, but, I would prefer if you didn't. Otherwise, the next tournament wouldn't be as... fun. All other glitches are still banned, (Trov glitch, etc.)
-BFE is not allowed (unless it's for the Thermidor Wheels)
-Havoks are fine, unless the bot get's stuck in the ground or something, then that is an instant restart. If it happens a second time, it's another restart, until the match goes perfectly.
-No walkers and/or shufflers (Unless someone can provide me with the Bindings). No cheap Norris's either, glass cannons are okay.
-Popups are banned.
-Multibots are allowed, but their combined weight (Yes, their COMBINED weight) must be under the weight limit.
-If your bot requires smart zones I highly suggest you add them on yourself before sending them in to avoid: "YOU PUT THE SMART ZONE WRONGLY !!!!!11111!!!!"

-Each bot is given a 10 minute round with Tim.
-The bot who can destroy/immobilize Tim in the shortest amount of time wins.
-Immobilization results in no change of time.
-Knockouts will shave 10 seconds off your time.
-Your bot getting Immobilized results in a restart. If after 3 restarts and your bot still loses to Tim, you are listed as DNF.
-If your bot, somehow, someway, is KO'd by Tim, it is an instant DNF. No restarts.
-Should you enter a multibot, if one of the two bots is knocked out, the other can still continue.
-If your bot still isn't done destroying Tim even after 10 minutes, you are DNF'd.

-There is no need to AI your bots. However, if your bot uses smart zones and you don't add them on before sending them in, don't you dare complain about your bot being "AI'd wrongly"
-If you have custom bindings, please send them to me.
-Just because all 16 entries are filled doesn't mean you can't send in your bots. You can send them in for the next tournament which I am planning. But they won't be in THIS tournament.
-You are not signed up until your bot passes inspection. If you send in a bot and it is rejected, you must fix the errors. However, someone can take that spot while you are fixing said issues.

My entry:

Aaaaaaaand, that 'bout sums it up. There's only room for 15 entries so, yea.

Deadline is September 30th.

1. S.H.I.E.L.D
2. Mazakari
3. MassimoV
4. 090901

-DSL 2.1
-DSL Standard rules
-Weightclass will be Heavyweight
-Arena is Combat Arena, hazards off
-Best out of three
-Helloface199 will be hosting

Challenge Board / S.H.I.E.L.D vs Mazakari (S.H.I.E.L.D Wins)
« on: July 23, 2013, 08:05:03 AM »
-DSL 2.1
-IRL rules
-Weightclass will be Heavyweight
-Arena is Combat Arena, hazards off
-Best out of three
-Helloface199 will be hosting

Off-Topic Discussion / I need help again
« on: July 15, 2013, 10:03:56 AM »
Do you guys know any video editing programmes I could get? I don't have Windows Live Movie Maker and I can't get Sony Vegas to work

Chatterbox / I need help guys
« on: July 11, 2013, 08:31:12 PM »
My browser (Rockmelt) is retiring by 31st July and I need a new one. The following browsers are completely out of the question:

Google Chrome: Lags for me
Firefox: My dad uses it for his business work, and I think it has the same issues as Google Chrome

So, do you guys have a better alternative?

And no, I will not take Internet Explorer for an answer.

Site News and Feedback / Wiki Accounts
« on: June 22, 2013, 02:18:17 AM »
How can I acquire one?

General Support / Game minimizes itself
« on: June 12, 2013, 10:12:59 AM »
I'm having problems with the game, it tends to exit to the desktop when I open it up (DSL, Stock also has this problem, but can sometimes works) it minimizes the window just as it is about to go to the menu. The game is still running, it's still open, but when I click on it again, it immediately minimizes itself.

I didn't install anything, I thought that maybe my keyboard was having some weird technical issues, that was ruled out as the keyboard was 100%.

What do I do?

Challenge Board / S.H.I.E.L.D VS Scrapyard24c (DQ: All)
« on: May 01, 2013, 10:51:38 AM »
I'll be hosting.

-DSL HW (multibots allowed)
-Must be IRL
-No cheatbot2 parts except judge burst motor. No glitching.
-Best of 3
-Combat Arena, with hazards
-3 minute matches

Stock Showcases / Shield's failcase Stock style
« on: May 01, 2013, 06:00:54 AM »
Alright, so, wasn't quite sure what to make in stock, so made this.

I was trying to build a Nightmare replica but it quickly got out of hand.

DSL TC Showcases / Shield's dumpster
« on: April 28, 2013, 02:46:29 AM »
Massimo recommended I do this so... Why not?

1. Equalizer


Quite unhappy with this. The teeth fall off almost as soon as it touches another bot, it's nowhere close to the weight limit and for some reason when I try to drive it it only goes in circles. The disc is also too low to the ground so it keeps messing with the driving.

2.Equalizer (modified for BB6)


The teeth don't fall off as easily as they did. It only has one disc because the previous version wasn't IRL enough, built it closer to the weight limit, for some reason it still doesn't stop spinning in circles instead of driving forwards. And also, the disc is still affecting the drive. Also considering making one with DSL bars instead of discs.

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