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Messages - eFFeeMMe

Pages: [1] 2
Off-Topic Discussion / Re: Today is a Momentous Occasion
« on: July 21, 2015, 09:30:31 AM »
WELL I'm glad I left a good impression! :) I hope you guys are doing good. I owe a lot to the RA2 forums, and kudos to the gtm people for hosting the community to this day.

Off-Topic Discussion / Re: General Chatter Thread
« on: March 13, 2010, 06:26:34 PM »

My lungs just exploded.

Oh no!

Yo eFFe how's it going :P
Pretty nice! Just coming to say hi. Actually I think all my 33 posts are "saying hi", it's a bit ridiculous! I should do something.

Off-Topic Discussion / Re: General Chatter Thread
« on: March 13, 2010, 06:16:21 PM »
When did eFFe become a legend?

Durr, everyone knows!

Off-Topic Discussion / Re: Twilight
« on: February 14, 2010, 09:26:30 AM »
I recently watched the first film with a buddy, mainly for the lulz and to see if we can endure it.
We barely could. It was worse than we ever expected (and we didn't expect anything good at all).
Self-hating buddy here. AND WHAT THE HECK, NO, I loved it. It was a good film. But probably that's just because I'm dumb enough to have laughed whenever we said "bitches" after whatever ominous statement the "characters" had to say. So yeah: bad enough to be a good film =p. New Moon on the other hand...

Chatterbox / Re: Obama on Acid
« on: December 08, 2009, 03:44:35 PM »
sorry as you can see this is a new forum and with that comes new rules..
err old veterans are not allowed to leave after posting  :mrgreen:
Holy crap please don't hurt me :V

You better do it... we need more vets to tell us evening stories with everyone around a campfire  :mrgreen:
Sorry, all the interesting stuff was already done before I came to the old RA2 forums :p

Stop acting like you had cancer or something. You hang out on MSN all the time, and just can't be assed to post here :P.
Also, fix your PC, my TF2 addiction is starting to kick in.
Agh, the problem is that we both have the means to make a new RA. Only, I can't be assed to do much more than eat sleep and listen to Mastodon, so guilt keeps me away :p

(Image removed from quote.)

Chatterbox / Re: Obama on Acid
« on: December 08, 2009, 10:19:21 AM »
For some reason the forum sent me a mail about a topic I didn't know I had subscribed to. So I just came to say hi, I'm not really back =p But I promise I'll show up here some more...

Chatterbox / Re: Obama on Acid
« on: December 03, 2009, 05:14:33 PM »
Serge, you so wacky.

Chatterbox / Handhelds!
« on: July 26, 2008, 11:31:06 AM »
Quote from: System32;11563
There are computers you can carry in your pocket...

PSP's are better.

Yeah, there are rather small computers out there, but I doubt anybody would call them "best"...

Yeah the PSP's got some good specs! I wish it had a longer battery and was smaller though.

Quote from: Acer;11582
Personally, I would love to carry some sort of "hand-held" computer to my pockets. That would rock. Seriously.

Does laptops make the list too of "carrying it everywhere" kind of stuff?
Well, the Asus eee and its clones are about as near as you can get to having a pocket-size computer. However at that size phones or PDAs have operative systems that are probably more usable.

Chatterbox / Handhelds!
« on: July 25, 2008, 04:42:38 PM »
Quote from: Naryar;9844
A PC is still the best.

Yeah, and I bet you're able to carry an ATX-sized pc case in your pockets as well. Come on, that's an idiocy to say in a discussion about handhelds...

Chatterbox / Jokes
« on: July 22, 2008, 07:34:01 PM »
Well, this works better in Italian but oh well =p

There's two hills, and on top of those two italian herd keepers(somewhat the italian redneck protoype) have their homes. Every single day, after waking up and before going to their herds, they loudly salute each other:
"Ciao Antonio!"
"Ciao Gianni!"
"Have a good day!"
"Have a good day you too!"
One day, however, Gianni says:
"Hi Antonio"
"Che?" (what?)
"Hi Antonio!"
"What's that?"
"Why, I learnt English!"
"How'd you do that?"
"Well I got a radio, I listened to english channels, and now I know English!"
The next day, Antonio sets out to buy a radio. He enters a shop and asks the shopkeeper:
"Hi, I need a radio. Is this one good?"
"Hello, yes, in fact it's one of our best models, it's got great reception. It'll cost you 300 euros"
"Wha? No way, I don't have that much money."
"That's okay, we have cheaper ones. Like this one. Still pretty good, only 100 euros."
"Still way too much"
"Well... This is the basic model, 25 euros. What do you say?"
"Toooo much. I'm a herd keeper, what kind of money do you think I make?"
The shop keeper then goes in the back of the shop, searches around a little, then comes up with a nearly-broken, stitched-up radio which is probably thirty years old or something:
"Well, that's the cheapest I've got. It barely holds itself together, but it works. Maybe. For 5 euros."
Antonio buys the radio and goes home.
The next day, as usual, the herd keepers greet:
"Hi, Antonio!"

Off-Topic Discussion / Ima back!?
« on: July 22, 2008, 07:01:35 PM »
Holla Barbie! I'm speaking to you right now on MSN but hey, isn't this thing about different means of communicating spiffy.

Discussion / Aaaand I'm also alive
« on: July 20, 2008, 11:32:12 AM »
Well, I can't seem to be able to make anything decent. I'll keep on trying!

Discussion / Favored Hybrid type
« on: July 06, 2008, 09:48:45 PM »
Well, drummers/rammers(like Rabid Pitbull) definitely own.

Discussion / Aaaand I'm also alive
« on: July 06, 2008, 09:47:05 PM »
Quote from: Naryar;10619
No it was a cool design. And i bet if only it was full-powered it could have won a few fights.

Just seems underpowered, and with that chassis space you can't have that much batteries.

Yeah, the design itself was cool, but what it actually did was: remain in the corner it spawned in, rotate, and bump into the wall as soon as it hit the opponent, stopping. Or wait, I can't really remember. Did it ram at the opponent and start spinning when it was too late? Or am I mixing up with starcore bots?

Discussion / I miss my beginning days of RA2.
« on: July 06, 2008, 09:43:40 PM »
I miss those days too! Now I can't make a bot without wasting hours on optimizing the chassis >_>

The first bot I can remember making had 6 HP Ztek drive and 3 pistons with iron spikes, arranged like this: \|/ Due its own nature(I couldn't fit enough batteries in!) it's what taught me that you don't NEED to supply 100% power =p

Discussion / Aaaand I'm also alive
« on: July 06, 2008, 09:35:43 PM »
Quote from: Naryar;10613
OK this makes things clear. It has 6 eteks right? Well, that makes 270 amp drain so more than 4 big bllack batts. XD

What's clear? =P It COULD hit hard, it just wasn't a good design for that tournament and never got to actually sink a good hit in ;)

Discussion / Aaaand I'm also alive
« on: July 06, 2008, 08:59:10 PM »
Quote from: The RA2 Wizard;10575
thanks for dropping by :D
Eh? No problem, maybe I'll stay too =p

Quote from: Clickbeetle;10587
Looks like I might have picked a good time to start BBEANS4, what with luigica and eFFe both reappearing.

If you could scrounge up a bot for the tourney, I'm sure it would be much appreciated. :mrgreen: Inertial Deathlock was one of the most unique bots in BBEANS2 and had the potential to do a lot better than it did.
I'll try :D How much time do I have to make it?

Quote from: Naryar;10590
Yea. Was one of my favorites, perhaps even my favorite.

Strange, but as I remember the bid, i wasn't seeing it delivering very powerful blows...

Effe, what batteries did you put in Inertial Deathlock? The chassis is very small...
I wish I could remember... And I've lost all my bots during some format. I think it was 2 or 3 small batteries(which ones? Dunno! =p).

Discussion / Aaaand I'm also alive
« on: July 06, 2008, 07:51:42 AM »
Is there a generic talk subforum in here? Couldn't find it. Anyway, how are you guys doing? It's been quite a while.

Discussion / How to make really heavy robots?
« on: September 30, 2006, 05:31:23 PM »
Then just set the mass of one of those ones to "-xyz" and in-game look for the ballast component you modified.

If there's no "mass", just add mass = -10000 somewhere into the file.

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