Author Topic: The Future of Doot - What Next?  (Read 1134 times)

Offline doot

The Future of Doot - What Next?
« on: March 11, 2019, 01:41:40 PM »
Welp... I'm not sure what to say.

Its no real surprise that I've fallen into inactivity in the robot combat scene recently, not just with this site, but in general. A part of that was mainly due to how disastrously bad RGS2 went, but another part of that was a whole load of personal life getting in the way, what with the whole A-Level period going on and the transition to college and all that. Right now, I'm doing somewhat better despite obvious mental health issues and all that stuff. To put it bluntly, I wasn't doing so well a while ago, but I've honestly gotten a lot better as of late.

Throughout all this time, however, there has been one question that has started to get to me, and its one that I've really started to worry about myself - Would I ever get back into GTM properly again? Even though I've had massive highs and colossal lows, I've always felt like GTM was somewhere I felt like I belonged. However, the big worry was if I would return in any major capacity over the past half a year, whether it be to keep making 'bots that I want to make or even attempt to host tournaments again, though the latter option's gonna be something for the very-far future, if I even stick around this long. I've even slowly started to distance myself away from the discords as I feel like I'm not doing a whole load of anything besides GTA stuffs, and... yeah, that's not exactly robot combat, is it?

Thus, this leaves one question: What Next?

And honestly? I dunno what the hell's next for me in the robot combat community. A part of me wants to go out with a bang and release a mega-AI pack as I have attempted to allude to, but a problem is that I'm not sure if its gonna be something I want to put the time and effort into. Another part of me just wants to silently observe, however, but the more I stay away from this entire community, the more I worry that I may not really be coming back in any capacity.

This is not me trying to go all "oh boo hoo i'm being super sad" or anything, but I wanted to voice what's been going on recently with me, and if I'll ever come back with anything meaningful, I'll be more than happy to let you guys know. For now, though, the future of doot in GTM is looking pretty damn uncertain.

I don't really mind what any of you have to say about this - sh**posts or any meaningful discussion is fine. I'm not really one to care about how you guys are gonna act, especially as I've appeared very rarely in 2019, if ever. Take care, everyone. ^_^


(edit: not sure if this is the correct place to post, but ah, well. :V)

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Re: The Future of Doot - What Next?
« Reply #1 on: March 11, 2019, 01:47:43 PM »
Ah yes, the evolution of the "I'm leaving" post; the "I'm not leaving I'm just continuing to be inactive" post.

In all seriousness, glad to hear that you're doing better than you were, at least.
also lol at most toxic guy around calling others out on this sh**
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