
Robot Arena => Showcases => Ironforge TC Showcases => Topic started by: UberPyro on September 24, 2016, 04:21:32 PM

Title: UberPyro's Ironforge Show Case
Post by: UberPyro on September 24, 2016, 04:21:32 PM
( to right.png)
Plastic 1, 399.4 kg

Pretty generic SNS. Beats pretty much all of the default IronForge ai by outweaponing them.
I built it several months ago. Named it "Left to Right" presumably because it just spins in circles endlessly.
Title: Re: UberPyro's Ironforge Show Case
Post by: UberPyro on October 10, 2016, 09:45:37 AM
Not only do I have a bot, but I have a question:

Is effeing considered DSL-S? Like if you could feasibly fuse two spikes together? Like this:
There are 25 pole spikes intersecting to make one giant spike rack. All the individual pole spikes are separated just a little bit. Also notice the chassis is troved to half a STGU, which I think is allowed.
( effe.png)
It looks like its nine pole spikes but its actually 20 with some inside others. I'm pretty sure that that's not allowed.

Here's the robot I ended up building in the end. It has the spike setup I showed in the first picture.
Its name is Pokeup 181
( 181.png)
Titanium 1, 397.5kg HW
Wedgy, fast, and I built a stable robot for once. However I think the weapon is too low to the ground which stops the whole popup-piston thing from getting a good hit in.
Title: Re: UberPyro's Ironforge Show Case
Post by: Badger on October 10, 2016, 09:53:38 AM
Yeah that's pretty much considered DSL-S. Some of the popups in DSL2.1 had razors effe'd so close they were basically stacked.

The bot looks pretty solid, good top know that you have chassis management and creation down. I'd suggest adding 4 ballasts to the front, since that piston is gonna make the bot hella unstable. Maybe replace the pole spikes with something with nicer normals too, idk
Title: Re: UberPyro's Ironforge Show Case
Post by: UberPyro on October 10, 2016, 10:05:42 AM
Maybe replace the pole spikes with something with nicer normals too, idk
Now that I think about it, that's probably why the damage is so low.
Title: Re: UberPyro's Ironforge Show Case
Post by: UberPyro on October 11, 2016, 07:25:07 PM
Alright, since this bot was so fun to make I did a rebuild.
Pokeup 182
( 182 front.png)
I've put 2 weights in the insides since I have taken the below screenshot. Also its plastic 1 armor.
( 182 back.png)
And here's the closely effe'd razors. There are 35 of them. There's just something about the look of so many razors crammed together...
( effe.png)
It does much better damage than the last. Unfortunately it's still not good at gutripping because robots that hit its wedge seem to like to move vertically upwards and not tilt up because physics make sense in this game.

Edit: and I keep on forgetting to move the dang mouse before F11.
Title: Re: UberPyro's Ironforge Show Case
Post by: Badger on October 11, 2016, 07:28:37 PM
lul I'd like to see it AI'd, just so it can fire once, miss and fly OOTA.

Not sure how legal those razors are. I'd personally allow it, but it's pushing it really hard. You're also probably better off with cutting blades with the edge pointing upward, because IIRC razors suck in ironforge.
Title: Re: UberPyro's Ironforge Show Case
Post by: 090901 on October 11, 2016, 07:30:27 PM
try angling the piston upwards if you rebuild again
Title: Re: UberPyro's Ironforge Show Case
Post by: UberPyro on October 11, 2016, 07:39:54 PM
lul I'd like to see it AI'd, just so it can fire once, miss and fly OOTA.

Not sure how legal those razors are. I'd personally allowing, but it's pushing it really hard. You're also probably better off with cutting blades with the edge pointing upward, because IIRC razors suck in ironforge.

I was doing some dp per weight calculations and cutting blades seemed to be pretty inefficient (to be more specific shorter weapons tend to be more efficient than longer ones, and some weapons like razors have a shorter minimum length). Also I remember something along the lines of cutting blades being 1/3 concussion or something like that. However they definitely do have the right shape.

try angling the piston upwards if you rebuild again

My worry there is that my robot will fly 20 meters in a parabolic trajectory when I hit the fire button. As it is, the stability is surprisingly good but I know from my RA2 experience that angling things upwards tends to cause bad things to happen. It's still worth a try though, when I find the time for another rebuild.
Title: Re: UberPyro's Ironforge Show Case
Post by: Badger on October 11, 2016, 07:47:12 PM
Ironforge is the only mod where concussion is actually good (idk about retooled nobody plays it). Like the crushing teeth or whatever are so good. From my experience, cutting blades are amazing, I think you messed up your calculations.

And razors have the HP of wet paper, so GL fighting a rammer or a bot with sledgehammers.
Title: Re: UberPyro's Ironforge Show Case
Post by: UberPyro on October 11, 2016, 07:51:19 PM
Ironforge is the only mod where concussion is actually good (idk about retooled nobody plays it). Like the crushing teeth or whatever are so good. From my experience, cutting blades are amazing, I think you messed up your calculations.

And razors have the HP of wet paper, so GL fighting a rammer or a bot with sledgehammers.

In that case, I'll use cutting blades in my next rebuild.

Edit: Maybe not
Title: Re: UberPyro's Ironforge Show Case
Post by: 090901 on October 11, 2016, 08:24:42 PM
Don't listen to Badger, piercing weapons are better for things like where you are aiming for weapon on chassis contact. Cutting blades have less piercing so it would be dumb to use it for this bot type when you could use Cutting edges or Razors which are full piercing.

(idk about retooled nobody plays it).
All weapons in retooled use concussion, no piercing at all, that's why popups aren't as great and flails won't boost your damage output.
Title: Re: UberPyro's Ironforge Show Case
Post by: UberPyro on October 14, 2016, 04:06:57 PM
OK here's the next iteration
Pokeup 184, plastic 3
( 184.png)
I know the iron spikes seem weird but they're actually the most efficient, I don't feel like explaining the math (but it has to do with lighter components tending to have better efficiency)
The piston is on an angle and the spike rack is lowered:
( 184 side.png)
And I'll show the components even though they're pretty much the same in all the iterations
( 184 back.png)
I've had some fun with this robot. Unlike the other version, it gutrips very well. However, I was correct in that angling the piston made the robot unstable. Before I had lowered like it is in the picture now, the center of mass was so high it flipped when turning. Lowering the weapons fixed the problem, but it still likes to do somersaults if it hits another robot or the wall too hard.
Due to the instability sometimes I like to wait for the other robot to come to me. And in the below picture I instantly destroy my opponent while hardly moving my wheels at all.
It does more damage on a direct hit, usually around 20000, but the spikes rarely line up that well.
Title: Re: UberPyro's Ironforge Show Case
Post by: Badger on October 14, 2016, 04:41:41 PM
I really like it, good job m8.
Title: Re: UberPyro's Ironforge Show Case
Post by: UberPyro on October 22, 2016, 07:19:16 PM
Unrealistic ironforge tour? Gotta figure out snapper loading.

Here is Radical Line, my entry for Toreo!. For you non-geek people out there a radical line is the line created by the intersection of two circles.
( Line.png)
Plastic 1, 399.5kg. The battery power in the final version of it is 2 stacked diehards.

To make the robot I had to repeatedly use z-teks to load out the snapper motors. It was fun at first but got boring after a while because I had to do it like 10 times. The wheels intersect through the bottom disk so that the bottom of the robot, the drive motors, and most of the wheels are protected. The drive and weapon motors are mostly in the chassis, although it doesn't really matter that much when there are 2 shells protecting them. As an unintentional side-effect, the snappers actually work as a srimech of sorts.

Here's the bottom:
( bottom.png)

Here's the robot in the making:
( snapload.png)

Unfortunately its not terribly effective due to the low weapon speed and total (weapon) hp count, however the robot is very well armored.

Edit: rejected for being a havoc bomb, will rebuild sometime.
Title: Re: UberPyro's Ironforge Show Case
Post by: Badger on October 22, 2016, 09:58:39 PM
Pretty cool. Your weapons aren't gonna last too long though, when only 1 or 2 hits on either the flail or the panel will break them off.
Title: Re: UberPyro's Ironforge Show Case
Post by: UberPyro on October 23, 2016, 07:21:55 PM
Radical Line 2
Plastic 1, 399.3kg

All drive motors and weapon motors are mounted to a single skirt hinge to improve stability. I had to combine snapper loading with effe to get everything to fit.
Weapon motors have been upgraded from 2-motor firebirds to 4-motor firebirds. Shells have decreased from 10 sided to 8 sided, and the shell panels have been reduced from 50 cm to 40 cm. It has cutting blades.

( Line 2.png)

( Back 2.png)

I will definitely have to rebuild this again. I'll probably use dark panels on the sides and the steel blades, since the previous version is actually more effective in battle than this version. Also, there's this:

( RL 2.png)

And I know that is bad.
Title: Re: UberPyro's Ironforge Show Case
Post by: UberPyro on October 23, 2016, 08:29:13 PM

While I really like the concept of the above robot a lot, I feel like I can only take that bot type so far. Given that the tournament is unrealistic ironforge, I'm considering what's effective. Here's something more effective:


I called it "brunt" because I couldn't think of anything better. Weight I can't remember but its within 1kg of the limit. Steel 1 armor. Yes, I know the robot has pretty poor defenses. This was a quick build. The weapon here is what's powerful: 35 (edit: I said 25 at first by accident) beater bars closely effe'd. With the 160cm piston it should knock most bot-types backwards and not give them much of a chance. In theory. Also the robot is so fast its hard to control. If I were to rebuild I would substitute speed for armor. Also, the batteries and air tanks are stacked.

I'm still going to give the double shell spinner a little more time and think a little harder about what the most effective set-up is for it (I'm thinking dark shell panels and steel blades). I'm open to suggestions.
Title: Re: UberPyro's Ironforge Show Case
Post by: Reier on October 23, 2016, 11:30:34 PM
im worried that its nowhere near wide enough. id bet $10 that its gonna miss fairly often then and the opponent is gonna punt off a wheel immediately. the weapon can be narrow but it would probably be good to have some kind of trapper framework to get them corralled and to keep you from getting flanked. even like a couple 120cm skirts will be better than nothing.
also for a poker like that you can likely get away with less drive. its gonna be flying all over the place with the piston anyway, and more control to line up your hits is probably more important than it being super duper fast.

i can tell you from experience wedges that close together end badly

but 35 beaters i like your style  :thumbup
Title: Re: UberPyro's Ironforge Show Case
Post by: UberPyro on October 26, 2016, 09:21:27 PM
Alright I've rebuilt the poker, now named Sheep Herder since it corrals.
( preview.png)
Tite 1, 399.4kg, unrealistic
It's very well armored now, but to do so I had to get bigger wheels so I lost my super-low ground clearance but its worth it in the end. Still has 35 beaters. And yes, the skirts do help a lot.
Also, the air tanks are triple stacked, and there's only a single diehard after realizing I only need 20 amps.
I'll be posting my Toreo entry along with a few other bots hopefully soon, if I get the time.
Title: Re: UberPyro's Ironforge Show Case
Post by: UberPyro on October 27, 2016, 08:08:50 PM
OK here's my new entry for ¡Toreo!

( front.png)
( comp.png)
399.4, plastic 10 (because I didn't know what to do with the last ~10kg), unrealistic building style

Steel blades are now connected to each other, 3 in a row. The design is actually invertible (with the wheels peaking out the top). It's also very stable. This is by far the most effective version I have built.

All motors are connected to a single 20cm extender coming off of a skirt hinge, and effe + snapper loading was used to attach everything. What I found to be the key to this design was to have a smaller shell radius (this uses the 8 sided disc), and to have the steel blades connect to each other without the use of arrays (saves on flail weight, and can get more hits in due to the robot pushing less as a result of less individual flails).
Title: Re: UberPyro's Ironforge Show Case
Post by: UberPyro on October 28, 2016, 04:24:56 PM
( prev.png)
( comp.png)
I think the weight is 399.2kg
tite 1, DSL-S building style

Its name is UnderFLAIL as it is a undercutter with flails, and the pun was an unintended consequence that I now cope with.

Each flail has 5 steel blades, each connected to each other. This version is very poorly armored so if I ever rebuild that's something I will add, however I would loose the amazing ground clearance I get with the miniwheel + motor raised one unit. I'm also considering adding something like a plow on top, however then the robot would no longer be invertable.
Title: Re: UberPyro's Ironforge Show Case
Post by: 090901 on October 28, 2016, 04:34:27 PM
you could probably get a light or dark armoured panel on top and still be invertible
Title: Re: UberPyro's Ironforge Show Case
Post by: Avalanche on October 28, 2016, 06:42:21 PM
Maybe get a rudimentary wheel guard? Seems like those wheels might be a bit exposed.
Title: Re: UberPyro's Ironforge Show Case
Post by: UberPyro on October 28, 2016, 07:34:09 PM
Maybe get a rudimentary wheel guard? Seems like those wheels might be a bit exposed.

I'm probably going to change it to thin wheels instead. They're only wide because I had extra weight and I didn't feel like figuring out how to get the armor on at the time.
Title: Re: UberPyro's Ironforge Show Case
Post by: UberPyro on January 21, 2017, 04:24:23 PM
This is going to be my LW entry for the ironyforge tournament. Alu 1.
( 1.png)
( 2.png)
I'm unsure about its legality since some of the armor and the ballast is bisected - is that OK? (edit: I think I have a good idea on how to fix the armor)
Also as it is, it's very unstable once I activate the spin motor, and I'm not sure how to fix it. The chassis/wheel base is a large enough size, I have a ballast, and the blades don't come that close to touching the ground. I think it's because the weapons are too heavy for the bot (60 kg just in the blades). I think I'll either add more ballasts or make the weapon lighter.
Title: Re: UberPyro's Ironforge Show Case
Post by: Reier on January 21, 2017, 04:31:08 PM
that chassis is not big enough. something that would also help is having like 4 weapons instead of just two, would help it stabilize better

it is not realistic imo, it just cuts too much of the chassis and weapons that bisect the chassis in real life do not have that setup
Title: Re: UberPyro's Ironforge Show Case
Post by: UberPyro on January 22, 2017, 02:40:45 PM
I fixed it up a little. And now it has a name: A Distinctive Lack of Inspiration.
Tite 1, 175.0 kg
It's mean
( prev.png)
It's snug
( comp.png)
and this time no clipping
( no clip.png)
The tribar works miracles as far as stability goes. Less mauler dance.
Title: Re: UberPyro's Ironforge Show Case
Post by: Badger on January 22, 2017, 03:13:36 PM
looks good.
Title: Re: UberPyro's Ironforge Show Case
Post by: UberPyro on January 26, 2017, 04:55:39 PM
Man, building robots takes a lot of time :/
Here's a sawbot. It's pretty bad. Weight is ~596 kg and armor is alu 5 (I know its wasted weight). I'll work on it again later, but I'm posting it now for suggestions. Also I'm not sure how to spend the extra weight.
( Front.png)
( comp.png)
( back.png)
Interestingly, I found when effeing individual ninja stars that the axel on the quad (and I assume dual) motors is actually independent from the connection points.
( effe.png)

Edit: since it's not clearly visible I will mention: both quad motors and the huge dark plate are connected on an extended skirt hinge, effe'd so that they fit.
Title: Re: UberPyro's Ironforge Show Case
Post by: Reier on January 26, 2017, 09:54:25 PM
i dont see why you cant use the extra weight to make it wider. dont necessarily have to make the chassis wider (though itd help), i mean even just 2 dark plates on the front or something

also im not sure if there is a way around it but it's super risky to attach all your saws like that
Title: Re: UberPyro's Ironforge Show Case
Post by: UberPyro on January 29, 2017, 04:29:33 PM
I sort of gave up on the previous robot, with the conclusion it was a flawed concept. Popups are just better.

However I'd rather not build a popup and do things more creative. Here's something more creative.
Alu 3, 699.6 SHW
( front.png)
The use of the free axels lets the drum spin while the disks touch the ground.
( comp.png)
I like how the wheels work here.
( wheel.png)
Title: Re: UberPyro's Ironforge Show Case
Post by: Reier on January 29, 2017, 06:06:35 PM
you've got some tight stuff bud, keep it up.

I messed around with a HW design very similar to this one. This is a nice build. I have no real complaints except you might want more armor, if you run into a popup it's going to hurt your chassis bad and you don't want that with alu 3
you also might want to think about making the discs 1 size smaller so it can hit bots between them better. battleaxes might work better for this design as well, try playing with it a bit.

other than that,  :thumbup
Title: Re: UberPyro's Ironforge Show Case
Post by: UberPyro on January 30, 2017, 05:04:10 PM
I'm glad to hear the build was good. I made an ax version of it. Making the disks smaller caused the weapons to glitch-hit the ground so I made the weapons smaller as well.
( ax.png)
(Every axe had to be snapper loaded + effe'd on individually btw)
Of course a big advantage of axes is that the robot can change its spin direction when inverted.
However I think I should have made everything bigger instead of smaller since now the disks have less hp.
Title: Re: UberPyro's Ironforge Show Case
Post by: UberPyro on February 03, 2017, 04:52:05 PM
Man, I keep on forgetting how long it takes to build a good robot until I start building it. This will probably be the last one for a while.

I think the weight is 298.7 kg. Tite 1. MW
( front.png)
Reminiscent of one of my older designs. Poker that uses the popup ai.
( comp.png)
I'm not completely sure about the legality of the weapon. Closely eFFe'd iron spikes. (edit: successfully entered into ironforgy)
( eFFe.png)
also it does this to Reier's bot. rip waffle house. (I'm controlling my bot though).
^wedges are very good
Title: Re: UberPyro's Ironforge Show Case
Post by: UberPyro on July 28, 2017, 11:05:13 PM
I'm liking this bot I just built:

HW Ironforge Unrealistic. 499.3 kg (2 ballasts), Plastic 5. It was going to be an entry for Wengruasu until my dumb brain understood it was a MW tournament.

It has a quad tri-bar setup to make it similar to a stock 36HS. (Except the weapons are 12 100cm Cutting Edges).
It's well protected with Triple Decker Sandwichtm armor and it's destructive the way I like my robots to be.

If there's ever another Ironforge Unrealistic tournament (and hopefully there will be since those are fresh) for HWs then I'll rebuild this. Currently the battery power doesn't last that long (1 diehard and 4 ants for 2 slimbody drive motors and 4 medium z-teks) so the next version would have 2 diehards, shorter tribars to get the weight for them, and if I can fit it (weight wise) a wider middle armor layer to protect the wheels. (Edit: and shortening the tribars would also help with spinup time.) Also the weapons are a bit high so I might reconfigure the z-teks upside-down. Building this was a bit of a pain though since it's all off of a single skirt hinge, and the first time I messed up the effe and had to spend 2 hours rebuilding :dead: (although I'm sure many of you have had more tedious rebuilds than that).

Any suggestions/improvements are welcome as always!

Edit: And I wonder what weapons would be best to use here? The reach could be a little less and it would be helpful if the weapons covered a wider area high-wise (to hit low robots; to protect the tribar), so maybe I should use battle axes angled downwards? Crushing teeth have a good shape but I'm not sure this is the best place for a full-concussion weapon (and on the beetlebros guide it says piercing weapons are better on spinners, although I'm not sure if that's accurate or if it applies here at all). Battle axes probably make the most sense though.
Title: Re: UberPyro's Ironforge Show Case
Post by: UberPyro on August 03, 2017, 11:36:19 PM
If I were to ever run a tournament, it would probably be Ironforge UHW. This probably makes me sound 12, but I like huge robots.

Anyway, here's a new bot:

IF UHW, DLS-S Standard realism
(and since HW is 400, I'm calling 2500 UHW)
2496.8 kgs, Alu 3
And big robots naturally need pretentious names. This is called "Myth of the Metal Mountain."

This robot ended up pretty wide. A lot wider than I imagined it in my head. How wide? Well, here's a good visual. Almost as wide as the test garage.


If you're wondering why the robot has only Alu 3 and is missing front armor, it's because I screwed up some weight calculations on the weapons and I need a rebuild/redesign to fix it. I figured that it would still be pretty effective. Except its actually pretty bad in battle since the weapons are too close to the ground, and because of RA2's bouncy nature (and I'm sure having the front wheels mounted on skirt hinges doesn't help) the weapons hit the ground and cause the robot to flip over a lot.


(so the axe blades are a little too close to the ground)

Here's a quick breakdown:
6 6-mags
48 50cm axes (8 per disk, 6 disks)
10 locked twinbirds
4 small treads, 6 big treads
8 diehards to power a total of 16 spin motors

As always, suggestions and comments are welcome.

Edit: Dang it I missed an axe.
Title: Re: UberPyro's Ironforge Show Case
Post by: Reier on August 04, 2017, 12:12:47 AM
i dig

i mean i know its a bit of a joke and all but i would probably make the weapon wider and use less side treads, it being that wide is already going to make its turning awkward so you might as well make it impossible to miss with a huge weapon
Title: Re: UberPyro's Ironforge Show Case
Post by: UberPyro on August 05, 2017, 01:44:56 AM
gonna dump the rebuild
Steel 10, 3744.5 kg

Much more stable than the last (most likely because I added 25 ballasts, which should be the maximum amount for a robot of this weight).
However the weapons are still hitting the ground. I can make the axes 50 -> 40 cm, but then what to do with all that weight...
If I ever rebuild a third time I'll replace the disks with nonaplates and extenders to get in another row of axes.
I also have 2 extra diehards which I can turn into weight, and I can lighten the stablizers in the back.

Fortunately, even though it only has 6 twinbirds it drives at a pretty good speed. Not "fast" but definitely enough.

Edit: by the way, putting on all the armor plates takes far more time than anything else, especially with having to load out the treads and weapons (and then I accidentally removed that armor later on and had to redo snapperloads, etc)

--- 1 DAY LATER ---

third version - this is a tweak of the previous version:
3747.4 kg, Titanium 10


50 cm axe -> 30 cm axe x2

This is more stable and can move without constantly flipping over. Smaller axes make the weapon better shaped for scooping. However when the weapons starts up and if it collides hard with another robot, it will start doing some somersaults. And even with all that space (over 10 cm of space) the weapons still hit the ground due to how much the front treads bend. The front trends can bend at a very aggressive angle, especially when turning. I think the only way to fix this would be to make the robot entirely back-wheel drive and use stabilizing bars or something in front, since the bending and twisting of axels out of their normal place is inevitable with having a heavy robot with so much weight in front, and only two front wheels.
Title: Re: UberPyro's Ironforge Show Case
Post by: Reier on August 21, 2017, 11:01:45 AM
lookin really nice boss. gotta say I've been lovin using vertical treads recently too. you've got a nice setup going, not much I can help ya with except all weight classes in ironforge only have 200kg ballast, even UHWs I assume.
glad someone else rebuilds as much as me  :gawe:
Title: Re: UberPyro's Ironforge Show Case
Post by: UberPyro on January 11, 2018, 03:35:41 PM

"Mess Maker". Poker. Tite 1. 299.9 kg. Basically a MW version of a design that I had built over and over again, which sounds like something worthy of an official tournament.

 [ This attachment cannot be displayed inline in 'Print Page' view ]

 [ This attachment cannot be displayed inline in 'Print Page' view ]

 [ This attachment cannot be displayed inline in 'Print Page' view ]

15 Iron Spikes.

Weapons in Ironforge are carefully balanced in that hp*damage/weight (typo fixed) is the same value for different lengths of the same weapon. However, just damage/weight is always greater for lighter weapons of the same kind, and iron spikes have the lightest minimum weight.

I made sure this was invertible and could still poke at things when upside down, since RA2 battles sometimes feel like bouncy-houses. The gameplan works as so: If an opponent doesn't have bottom armor, it kills it. If an opponent has bottom armor, it removes the bottom armor, and it kills it.

The hard part is getting those couple of good hits in before the light armor falls off. Should make for some fun battles. (edit: a potential weakness I forgot about is that the wedges are really close together, hopefully that isn't too much of a problem for it.)
Title: Re: UberPyro's Ironforge Show Case
Post by: Reier on January 11, 2018, 03:59:54 PM
The gameplan works as so: If an opponent doesn't have bottom armor, it kills it. If an opponent has bottom armor, it removes the bottom armor, and it kills it.
*assuming it can out-wedge the opponent, which is a very big assumption in this game.

can't think of a whole lot to improve. part of me wishes it was a bit wider in the wheelbase, and having the wedges further apart would definitely help things. it's not like 'handicap-narrow', but a having a bigger surface area in a design like this is usually better. Kinda wish the front armor was also dark panels since putting them at a shallower angle isn't much of an option with the piston.
I would personally use 1 carbatt instead of 2 nifties since it lasts longer and you dont need the amps.
do you ever find the extender holding the spikes on getting amputated in battle? you may not, then this isn't an issue.

other than those minor issues, solid.
Title: Re: UberPyro's Ironforge Show Case
Post by: UberPyro on January 11, 2018, 11:17:11 PM
The gameplan works as so: If an opponent doesn't have bottom armor, it kills it. If an opponent has bottom armor, it removes the bottom armor, and it kills it.
*assuming it can out-wedge the opponent, which is a very big assumption in this game.

can't think of a whole lot to improve. part of me wishes it was a bit wider in the wheelbase, and having the wedges further apart would definitely help things. it's not like 'handicap-narrow', but a having a bigger surface area in a design like this is usually better. Kinda wish the front armor was also dark panels since putting them at a shallower angle isn't much of an option with the piston.
I would personally use 1 carbatt instead of 2 nifties since it lasts longer and you dont need the amps.
do you ever find the extender holding the spikes on getting amputated in battle? you may not, then this isn't an issue.

other than those minor issues, solid.

Now that I now know how to AI properly again, I've tested it quite a bit in battle and found that the wedges were pretty good. For instance, it's able to get under Waffle House a lot of the time which is something that I usually have trouble with. Obviously I also wish I had dark panels but I don't want to take away from the weapons or anything else :/ . Also I tried for a long time to get a chassis that worked with the diehard/supervolt, and had a lot of difficulty. The best place for it would probably have been in front of / under the piston, and then I could try having the air tank on one side and the ballasts on the other or something idk.. after I while I figured that since my damage is coming from a piston anyway it wasn't that important to maximize electotal and I went with the fancy placement of the nifties (since I can slip the hinge under the sideways nifty). Extender holding the spikes is pretty safe as long as the robot is not firing upside-down (inverted) versus a low weapon robot.

It's funny. Initially when I had to make my first GTMCS entry I didn't really feel like building but knew I should enter the tournament. But building Mess Maker has driven me into a building craze. It inspired me to make a stock entry the same night and now another ironforge robot just for the fun of it.

So I sort of had this idea in my head, and it's probably one of the best ideas I've ever had. You see servo boosting a lot in stock - having a spin motor onto a servo (or I think a burst motor or a piston - I tested using the metal hinge though it didn't provide any increase) causes the spin motor to spin much faster, or at least seems to dramatically increase the upper limit for how fast the motor can turn, if not the spin up time. Well, it turns out that doing the same with IF's already fast motors is really effective (if you don't believe me, run some tests in the test garage. Try a large z-tek with a 200cm DSL bar and 30kg hammers on each end - it will spin up slow whether servo boosted or not but the max speed is wayyy higher when boosted). So I build a shell spinner with this concept... and then had a lot of fun with it.

"Servoost" (it's a contraction of servo-boost). 600.0 kg on the dang dot. Plastic 1. Shell Spinner.

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(I worked for a really long time on this chassis by the way, appreciate it).

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Fun stuff, right?

12 80cm cutting blades
6 Beater Bars
The shell disk protecting the bottom was inspired (read: ripped) from some of Reier's HSes since its such a good way to protect the bottom. It has the added bonus of defying physics since it allows movement despite the wheels not seeming to touch the ground.

This thing spins really fast. I know this isn't that high as far as big numbers go, but I would say about 80% of its damage is between 2000 and 8000 points per hit, which is pretty good for an IF HS.

Title: Re: UberPyro's Ironforge Show Case
Post by: Reier on January 12, 2018, 01:12:47 AM
very tight. great build. nothing I can think of to improve on the chassis (except get better armor on it bro)

i don't think the weapon layout is the best though. if it's spinning that fast I'd spread out the groups of weapons from each other a bit but line more of them up together, it should let you get some really huge impacts. since the motor is that high up I'm thinking a tribar with the weapon arrays might be perfect for this, or at least 4 groups mounted on the 8-disk. those beaters + DSL bars are kinda useless and heavy and you could mount a few strategic armor panels on the bottom disk itself instead of on the weapon.

great job.

I agree on the exostack deal. It may technically be 'legal' to do with the game physics, but it's just too easy to exploit and opens up a huge can of worms. to put it another way, if I host a tournament again I'm not allowing any bots that use it.
Title: Re: UberPyro's Ironforge Show Case
Post by: UberPyro on January 12, 2018, 10:22:54 AM
Tite 1, ever closer to a Reier HS
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Since the 4-mag is partially exposed I didn't want to use a tribar, and since I wanted a fighting chance against hammer bots and because I like its reach I went for the big disk again. I moved the shell armor to the bottom disk, although now I'm thinking I still like it on the top disk since the spin motor can take it. Well anyway, have a rebuild/tweak/whatever.

Edit: I think I made a mistake with my disk armor, the right wheel should have a dark panel next to it. --> I fixed it, and now the chassis armor is steel 1.

Lots of testing later
I observed some things:
I came to a few conlusions:
So basically this design could use a lot more work.
Title: Re: UberPyro's Ironforge Show Case
Post by: UberPyro on January 12, 2018, 08:40:28 PM
I spent half a day making a UHW, hurray!

"Soul Miner" - basically Coal Miner's big daddy. 2699.9 kg. Plastic 10. FS / Poker hybrid.

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The coolest and cruelest looking weapon I've made in RA2 thus far.

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256 60cm Cutting Blades. To my surprise, the robot is extremely stable in battle.

The idea behind it was that it could do a lot of damage poking, and when the weapon wasn't extended the front spinning part would get a chance to spin up.

I've forgotten to give this thing a wedge (lol), so I'll probably take a notch off the armor and do that sometime.

Oh I originally forgot to mention, now that I'm a level 49 electromechanical wizard, I possess the ability to simultaneously and evenly load multiple axles at once:

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I wanted to add 4 more wheels midway through the build -- that's no problem with my new magical powers!

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(Basically, I realized if you have two of the same extenders oriented the same way on two of the same motors which spin in the same direction, the glitchy behavior is actually predictable).

On an unrelated note, if you're curious about the weapon composition of Soul Miner, take a look at this:

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Each octoplate is rotated 10 degrees from the last, which then creates the twistly look of the final result. Also this breaks rule of 7 (by going to 8 :( ), I'll probably redo the weapon setup with weapon arrays sometime... it'll look less cool but be more effective.

One more thing: I realized when trying to effe on an axle loaded octoplate that when I hovered the plate over the loaded axle it wanted to attach in front of where the motor actually was. Then, when I hit the spin button after attaching, the plate magically teleported to the position where the axle was loaded to. Definitely not effe, just axle loading, not sure exactly what caused it, probably has something to do with the type of motor.
Title: Re: UberPyro's Ironforge Show Case
Post by: UberPyro on January 16, 2018, 11:22:21 PM
No comments on the UHW :(

This will be the last bot for a while. Probably.

I've finally given in to the dark side. My first TRFBD.

"Oh What Fun". HW. (Edit: I might have messed its weight, it might be too light, but I can’t check this anytime soon. I think it’s 499.7 kg with two ballasts). Plastic 3.

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20 40cm steel blades each on a flail. I've battled against and been able to defeat the default HS and Shell easily, which is good because it means I didn't horribly screw up.
Title: Re: UberPyro's Ironforge Show Case
Post by: MassimoV on January 29, 2018, 04:38:56 PM
Love the FS weapon
Title: Re: UberPyro's Ironforge Show Case
Post by: UberPyro on March 30, 2018, 08:14:18 PM
Sledgehog. 499.5 kg (2 ballasts; weight edited to correct number) HW. Steel 1.

This is the entry I made for Badger's Shove Off tournament, whenever that thing goes into signups. Since it's a KotH tournament, I figured that while destroying robots is nice, it's most important to have a robot than can push others with a lot of force and can last quite a while. So, I had the idea to build a defensive poker with strong motors. Initially I had the idea that the poking weapon could start going down the sides of the robot to protect it, but quickly realized that I wouldn't have the weight to do that (and it wouldn't really be worth the weight) so the weapon just covers the front. I tried to armor it well, with dark armor on the bottom and light armor on top because hammers suck. (actually I forgot to leave weight for chassis armor and just downgraded the top armor to what it is...)

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Also, it would have been nice to give this robot a good proper skin so that it could match its name well. Buuuuuuuut I couldn't be bothered.

edit: fitted in the smartzone, figured I should show it for some reason

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Title: Re: UberPyro's Ironforge Show Case
Post by: UberPyro on June 19, 2018, 05:19:40 PM
For the memes of it

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SHW, plastic 10 although that's only like 10 kg worth of chassis armor given how small the chassis is. Makes use of RA2's bad drive programming. And the way it drives is super smooth, too.

This was, by far, the hardest I've ever had to think when wiring a robot for drive.

Title: Re: UberPyro's Ironforge Show Case
Post by: Reier on June 19, 2018, 06:23:22 PM
now this is the class that ironforge needs

it's pretty clever, good use of hiding the wheels and still having the mobility
Title: Re: UberPyro's Ironforge Show Case
Post by: UberPyro on June 19, 2018, 06:48:58 PM
now this is the class that ironforge needs

it's pretty clever, good use of hiding the wheels and still having the mobility

Thanks. It's true that the wheels would be too close together for it to be mobile if it were a single shell spinner. But the biggest reason it has to be 2 is because otherwise the chassis would spin and the shell and wheels would be still, given how much heavier they would be than the chassis.