
Robot Arena => Showcases => Ironforge TC Showcases => Topic started by: rnifnuf on August 24, 2014, 02:26:31 AM

Title: rnifnuf's Ironforge Cavalcade of Contraptions
Post by: rnifnuf on August 24, 2014, 02:26:31 AM
Hello and good evening to you (sweet things that aren't sweet I haven't said that in forever).

This is the inaugural post of my Ironforge showcase. Some people tell me to start small. I tell some people to go to hell.
( Sweeper 1.png)
Armor is Plastic 10. N-12's are wide. The internal temperature of the room that houses the Luxor's 39 xenon light beams can reach 300°F/149°C.

This is Secret Sweeper, a SHW SnS that follows Ironforge Standard rules. Each bar is 120cm long with a 5-weapon array. All four arrays have a 40cm axe on each of their five attachment points, making for 20 total weapons. The shell is actually built off of a baseplate anchor on the bottom of the baseplate. I attached the main disc, which occludes the chassis, to the anchor, attaching the smallest shell plates to the main disc. Other discs were added at the top and bottom of the plates. Then, the drive and weapons were added to the shells on the outside.

Fun fact: This bot was initially a flail SnS. I removed the flails to increase knockback, as in how far the target bot is knocked back upon impact. I question whether or not this was a wise decision.

+Fast, omni-directional spinning
+Raw destructive power
+Good defenses

-Low battery power (four small batteries is all that will fit with the disc).

Title: Re: rnifnuf's Ironforge Cavalcade of Contraptions
Post by: Naryar on August 24, 2014, 05:15:37 AM
Moar battleaxes.

you definitely need more battery power also
Title: Re: rnifnuf's Ironforge Cavalcade of Contraptions
Post by: rnifnuf on August 24, 2014, 03:20:57 PM
Moar battleaxes.

you definitely need more battery power also
( Sweeper 2.png)
Armor is now Aluminum 1.

The biggest challenge with making this new iteration is fitting six axes per arm instead of five. To do this, the armor, extenders, and wheels had to be compromised. It still spins at incredible speed and, thanks to the chassis being encased in dark shell plates/discs, can withstand a lot of hits. It is meant to have Melty Brain driving.

Another new feature is the fact that it has two Die Hards instead of four small batteries. For the same amperage (I know this is irrelevant to power drain) it has four times the battery life as before, so in theory, the batteries should last four times longer than before.

+More weapons
+Improved battery life
+Simplified shell

-Weaker chassis
-Weaker drive
-Weaker extenders

Title: Re: rnifnuf's Ironforge Cavalcade of Contraptions
Post by: Naryar on August 24, 2014, 04:32:23 PM
if I were you i would do an ultraflat chassis and you will be able to remove all the shell panels and attach everything on the disc.
Title: Re: rnifnuf's Ironforge Cavalcade of Contraptions
Post by: rnifnuf on September 27, 2014, 10:23:56 PM
Everyone bow down to your REAL new Middleweight God!
( Wedge Fe 1.png)
Armor is Aluminum 1. There is one ballast. The control board is not visible from this angle. Pope Francis was once a bouncer.

Forged from a thing you forge things from, Cutting Wedge Fe arrives and sets out to make a good impression... by boasting about how you will "RUE the day you tangoed with me." I've been experimenting with some popup/HS hybrids in Ironforge (one of them you will see later) and this is one of those. Originally, it was going to just be a popup, but I changed that. Perhaps I should have kept it a popup...

+Not remotely a PHB
+Able to self-right

-Unproven strength
-Prone to rnifnufmode.jpg

Title: Re: rnifnuf's Ironforge Cavalcade of Contraptions
Post by: Mr. AS on September 27, 2014, 11:10:49 PM
Did you read the splash screen on startup?
Title: Re: rnifnuf's Ironforge Cavalcade of Contraptions
Post by: 090901 on September 27, 2014, 11:19:43 PM
Did you read the splash screen on startup?

Did you read his post?   :mrgreen:
Title: Re: rnifnuf's Ironforge Cavalcade of Contraptions
Post by: Mr. AS on September 28, 2014, 12:10:13 AM
Did you read the splash screen on startup?

Did you read his post?   :mrgreen:

TL;DR/He put it next to a bunch of pointless text
Title: Re: rnifnuf's Ironforge Cavalcade of Contraptions
Post by: rnifnuf on October 13, 2014, 01:33:36 AM
Hey comrades, I made some soviet-themed bots.

( Peoples' Sweeper 1.png)
Armor is either Plastic 3 or Plastic 5, weight without ballasts is 124.7 kg.

This is the People's Sweeper, a Lightweight angled horizontal spinner. I feel like I should explain this sudden soviet theme: I have found myself surprisingly interested in the subject of communism, why it failed, and what could have saved it. Anyways, People's Sweeper uses five sickles on a single small Z-Tek (Ironforge Z-Teks come in three sizes). This was originally intended to match the red star that represented the Red Army, but it ended up working with the tight weight constraints of lightweights better than I expected and provided for strong weaponry. I think the wedge could use a bit of work, though. The bot is stable even if it is missing a sickle or two, thanks to the unattractive, yet highly effective stabilizers.

+Stable, thanks to stabilizers and ballast

-Marginal battery power
-Questionable wedge


( Cowboy Cantankerous Poker 1.png)
Armor is Plastic 10, There are no ballasts.

This is Communist Cowboy Cantankerous Poker, a name with the convenient acronym C.C.C.P. The "Cowboy" part of its name comes from the fact that the sickles look like horns, particularly the ones you would see on a bull. Anyways, this poker is very strong. My advice to you, comrade, is to never underestimate the power of 30kg hammers. The sickles, other than to provide that soviet feel, are supposed to catch HS and do a bit of extra damage to wider bots.


-Tends to flip over
-Exposed piston

There is but one bot remaining:

( Revolution 1.png)
Armor is Plastic 10, weight without ballasts is 399.6 kg.
Last but not least in this soviet triad is a bot by the name of the event that gave the green light for the red threat, October Revolution. This bot uses hammers for weapons and sickles for stabilizers; the hammer and sickle that represented Lenin's Bolshevik Party. It represents not just the symbols of the party, but its strength. I said, comrades, to never underestimate the power of 30kg hammers. One of the earlier problems I had with this bot was having the weapons positioned too high. This meant October Revolution struggled to actually pick up and throw any bots, even it it did immense damage. This is the lowest the weapon system in its current form can be, allowing for it to more easily lift the enemy. Lowering the weapon also lowered the center of gravity, making it less inclined to flip over simply from turning.

+Very strong

-Stabilizers are somewhat fragile
-Jumps around if hammers fall off

Thoughts, comrades? Should I call you guys my "comrades"?
Title: Re: rnifnuf's Ironforge Cavalcade of Contraptions
Post by: toAst on October 14, 2014, 06:38:46 PM
very interesting and i like all of the bots and dig the theme youve got going on. themes are fun :)

though im dying to ask, because i dont know a thing about ironforge... since when have ballasts become a relevant item? i see it in a lot of ironforge showcases. they have a use now?

anyways, i like 'em all. keep it up

edit that's an antweight before ballasts?? what?
ironforge is weird
Title: Re: rnifnuf's Ironforge Cavalcade of Contraptions
Post by: Shield on October 14, 2014, 06:59:52 PM
very interesting and i like all of the bots and dig the theme youve got going on. themes are fun :)

though im dying to ask, because i dont know a thing about ironforge... since when have ballasts become a relevant item? i see it in a lot of ironforge showcases. they have a use now?

anyways, i like 'em all. keep it up

edit that's an antweight before ballasts?? what?
ironforge is weird

Ironforge has its own weight system where I think 500 KG is a HW or something. It was because the bots couldn't throw other bots around and 123 couldn't make the motors any faster without the, havoking.

The first Four ballast in a bot do not count, I think it depends on weight class tho. Idk.
Title: Re: rnifnuf's Ironforge Cavalcade of Contraptions
Post by: rnifnuf on October 14, 2014, 07:22:30 PM
very interesting and i like all of the bots and dig the theme youve got going on. themes are fun :)

though im dying to ask, because i dont know a thing about ironforge... since when have ballasts become a relevant item? i see it in a lot of ironforge showcases. they have a use now?

anyways, i like 'em all. keep it up

edit that's an antweight before ballasts?? what?
ironforge is weird

Ironforge has its own weight system where I think 500 KG is a HW or something. It was because the bots couldn't throw other bots around and 123 couldn't make the motors any faster without the, havoking.

The first Four ballast in a bot do not count, I think it depends on weight class tho. Idk.
Toast, Ironforge is a total modification made by 123savethewhales. Ironforge is essentially balanced DSL. This is the download thread, re-posted by Craig since 123 deleted the original page. ( Try it out and see how you like it. Maybe you'll end up making an Ironforge showcase. I must warn you, though, that the wiring for drive is backwards compared to what Stock or DSL2 is.

Shield, all bots get the first four ballasts free regardless of weight class. Ironforge weight classes are about half of what the regular Stock/DSL weight classes are. The third splash displayed when you start the game lists the Ironforge weight classes and weight limits. These weight limits are listed on the RA2Wiki page for Ironforge, thus marginally raising the wiki's credibility. [/ra2wikijoke]
Title: Re: rnifnuf's Ironforge Cavalcade of Contraptions
Post by: cephalopod on October 16, 2014, 05:02:16 AM
Looks alright. Can't imagine it spins all that fast though with all those heavy hammers on the 1 motor? Could be wrong though. And yeah, those stabilizers should probably be strengthened.
Title: Re: rnifnuf's Ironforge Cavalcade of Contraptions
Post by: rnifnuf on November 09, 2014, 02:32:56 AM
The Bot-yssey: Book one

Sing to me of the bot, Muse, the bot of twists and turns... driven time and time again into pits, one he had plundered the hallowed heights of the arena.
( 1.png)

The king of Ithaca, Odysseus, a man of many tricks and tales,
Has been absent. Sadly, much has changed since he departed twenty years ago fro Troy.
They changed, and for the worse.

As the man is missing, repulsive suitors have vexed the queen, Penelope. Day and night, she weeps for her royal husband.
Penelope, the crafty woman, epitome of all Ithacan women, took matters into her own hands,
Ultimately concocting a robot by no other name than that of her own son, Telemachus, prince of Ithaca.
'Twas not an easy build, by any stretch of the imagination, but the design ended well.
Trials and tribulations passed, she ultimately turned to the gods for assistance.
Her choice of armor changed multiple times, ultimately settling on Plastic 3.
Six blades, each sixty centimeters in length, allow the bot to serve its purpose: destruction.
Each blade, arranged in a spiral, allows for maximum damage,
Positioned so to allow the bot to stay mobile,
                                                                      Even if,
he is flipped upside-down.
The gods, all-knowing and all-powerful, showed some mercy towards the weeping widow,
Providing her with a pair of car batteries.

                                                                     One day,
Penelope presented her contraption to the suitors.
They were not deterred, and took to the robot.
The blades, spinning at the suitors' legs,
At unbelievable speed, cut through some.
Nine suitors in total bled to their death,
but alas, that was not enough.
Antinous, the worst of all of them,
seized a spear, one like the one the hero Odysseus carries,
And pierced the thin plastic chassis o the robot.
Penelope, the poor soul, wailed in anguish knowing that,
for sure her plan had failed.
Title: Re: rnifnuf's Ironforge Cavalcade of Contraptions
Post by: Naryar on November 09, 2014, 03:23:18 AM
Do Odysseus's bow after. (Yes, it's totally a character)
Title: Re: rnifnuf's Ironforge Cavalcade of Contraptions
Post by: rnifnuf on August 18, 2015, 04:56:03 PM
Since most people who are participating in RedAce's AI pack are showing their bots, I guess I might as well show mine:
( 1.png)
Armor is Titanium 1. This is Twister, my re-imagining of Tornado from Stock AI.

I tried to replicate the original Tornado design (flat disc with a bar spinner on top), but I was not satisfied because everything was too unstable. Instead, I made Tornado into the angled spinner Twister, which is partially inspired by Twister from ochayedonald's Lego Robot Wars. If you're wondering why it uses tank tread motors, it is because Twister originally had tank treads and I never bothered to switch the motors out when I gave it wheels.

I like to think of it as a Standard version of Ghost Raptor.


Title: Re: rnifnuf's Ironforge Cavalcade of Contraptions
Post by: RedAce on August 18, 2015, 05:01:26 PM
Ah. I see the reasoning for the design. Maybe you could've gone for a tribar style, but it's pretty decent for what's pretty much like a glass cannon.
Title: Re: rnifnuf's Ironforge Cavalcade of Contraptions
Post by: 090901 on August 18, 2015, 05:17:09 PM
whats up with the tribar in the back? seems pretty pointless when you could just use light extenders or skirts for stabilizers which would let you get mini wheels most likely.