Author Topic: Redalert's Wandering Spinner IronTech  (Read 39902 times)

Offline Reier

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Re: Redalert's guide to building Wandering Spinners
« Reply #140 on: December 13, 2018, 01:02:45 PM »
code red i'm glad you're trying to help but you're wasting your breath. he won't listen
ALERT- Another WS coming up...
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Re: Redalert's guide to building Wandering Spinners
« Reply #141 on: December 13, 2018, 01:16:35 PM »
They are both bot types, and Cool down redalert, stop, just cool off, ok?
Let's just say I developed the name and Wandering Spinners that use drums and disks.

Aside from that, I'm not angry or upset, but I don't want any of you to be upset, either.

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Re: Redalert's guide to building Wandering Spinners
« Reply #142 on: December 13, 2018, 01:17:25 PM »
code red i'm glad you're trying to help but you're wasting your breath. he won't listen

I appreciate your help. I'm just a little "possessive" about WS.

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Re: Redalert's guide to building Wandering Spinners
« Reply #143 on: December 13, 2018, 01:24:49 PM »
Building a 4-spinner Drum WS.

I. Chassis adjusted as shown.

II. Baseplate anchors for side armor are up 2 notches. Weapon mount baseplate anchors are up 1 notch.
*remember to add a lot of batteries so your WS doesn't die in the middle of the fight!*

III. I added armor to the bottom of the bot to protect the spinner mounts from popups or gut rippers.

IV. WIRING- one drive motor rotates clockwise, the other rotates counterclockwise. It doesn't matter which one does which action as long as it drives forward (or backward.) All weapon motors rotate clockwise. I added a flamethrower but you don't have to. Again, add the largest smartzone.
*If you plan to AI this WS, add a button for all the motors and title it "Spin."*

Offline Reier

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Re: Redalert's guide to building Wandering Spinners
« Reply #144 on: December 13, 2018, 01:51:57 PM »
you're trying too hard on this one mr alt.
ALERT- Another WS coming up...
voted best bot builder two times and counting babayy. the best ra2 builder who has never won an actual tournament match
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Offline Redalert

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Re: Redalert's guide to building Wandering Spinners
« Reply #145 on: December 13, 2018, 02:29:30 PM »
you're trying too hard on this one mr alt.

There's no easy part about in doing this.

Offline FightingBotInformal

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Re: Redalert's guide to building Wandering Spinners
« Reply #146 on: December 13, 2018, 06:44:55 PM »
this is what happens when you don't take your daily dosage of ritalin kids
my weeb headass with my anime avatar is gone

hmu on discord for anime or music recommendations or to talk ab some sports sh** idk

Offline superbomb122

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Re: Redalert's guide to building Wandering Spinners
« Reply #147 on: December 13, 2018, 08:43:48 PM »
Could you please stop making "tutorials" for building robots that are completely ineffective in real combat and would not be accepted by any host with an idea of what controlled movement is? This idea has existed since 2004, and it hasn't been a good idea since. Please, stop and focus on building and improving designs that make sense and work well.

Also, PLEASE take advice from members that know what they are doing to improve. I don't want to see someone with a decent amount of ability become a meme the likes of Superbot. Don't take this as me trying to insult you or wandering spinners or whatever. I'm just trying to get you to understand where we are all coming from.
Phantom- OW4 quarterfinalist and PWS6 runner-up
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Everything else I've made- sh**

Delete your account smh

(Phantom is cool)

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Re: Redalert's guide to building Wandering Spinners
« Reply #148 on: December 14, 2018, 12:14:08 AM »
Could you please stop making "tutorials" for building robots that are completely ineffective in real combat and would not be accepted by any host with an idea of what controlled movement is? This idea has existed since 2004, and it hasn't been a good idea since. Please, stop and focus on building and improving designs that make sense and work well.

Also, PLEASE take advice from members that know what they are doing to improve. I don't want to see someone with a decent amount of ability become a meme the likes of Superbot. Don't take this as me trying to insult you or wandering spinners or whatever. I'm just trying to get you to understand where we are all coming from.
Yeah, and talking about the building this bot for fun by Redalert and nobody else building it part, want to ask this to all Unrealistic and Standard players as I don't know much about the meta. Do you not like building WS for fun because both metas are primarily about competitiveness, efficiency, and effectivity, rather than fun (and that the kind of fun said by Redalert in general are applicable to the IRL meta instead, even if WS are probably un-IRL too)?

Just wanted to ask this to know your thoughts on the WS and Redlaert's statement about building it for fun

Offline Redalert

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Re: Redalert's guide to building Wandering Spinners
« Reply #149 on: December 14, 2018, 06:50:42 AM »
Could you please stop making "tutorials" for building robots that are completely ineffective in real combat and would not be accepted by any host with an idea of what controlled movement is? This idea has existed since 2004, and it hasn't been a good idea since. Please, stop and focus on building and improving designs that make sense and work well.

Also, PLEASE take advice from members that know what they are doing to improve. I don't want to see someone with a decent amount of ability become a meme the likes of Superbot. Don't take this as me trying to insult you or wandering spinners or whatever. I'm just trying to get you to understand where we are all coming from.

Oh, THERE not ineffectant. One alone killed 2 HW popups once...

Yeah, and talking about the building this bot for fun by Redalert and nobody else building it part, want to ask this to all Unrealistic and Standard players as I don't know much about the meta. Do you not like building WS for fun because both metas are primarily about competitiveness, efficiency, and effectivity, rather than fun (and that the kind of fun said by Redalert in general are applicable to the IRL meta instead, even if WS are probably un-IRL too)?

What's the "Fun" part in RA2 when you can't play with science? GTM is about sharing designs to get others' thoughts and comments. Not to mention, inspire.
By criticizing this (no offense), you're making me want to quit GTM. Do you even want that?
I'm just trying to expand GTM and contribute to it, so GTM isn't jeopardized.

Offline Redalert

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Re: Redalert's IronTech
« Reply #150 on: December 14, 2018, 11:54:04 AM »
Okay, I wanted a realistic bot, so I threw this drum spinner together in about 20 minutes.
Drum module.bmp

> 3 ballasts make it weigh 350 kg. and make it slow
> Drum only hits opponents if it strikes an edge or incline.

Improvements- better drum setup.

MW flipper for RedForge. Pretty much all the other bots are much tougher than this bot, so if you want a weak opponent? Fight this bot!
MW - Flip!.bmp

3 mm. Titanium, and slightly damaging.

Offline Dark-Al

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Re: Redalert's guide to building Wandering Spinners
« Reply #151 on: December 14, 2018, 01:10:40 PM »
Could you please stop making "tutorials" for building robots that are completely ineffective in real combat and would not be accepted by any host with an idea of what controlled movement is? This idea has existed since 2004, and it hasn't been a good idea since. Please, stop and focus on building and improving designs that make sense and work well.

Also, PLEASE take advice from members that know what they are doing to improve. I don't want to see someone with a decent amount of ability become a meme the likes of Superbot. Don't take this as me trying to insult you or wandering spinners or whatever. I'm just trying to get you to understand where we are all coming from.

Oh, THERE not ineffectant. One alone killed 2 HW popups once...

Yeah, and talking about the building this bot for fun by Redalert and nobody else building it part, want to ask this to all Unrealistic and Standard players as I don't know much about the meta. Do you not like building WS for fun because both metas are primarily about competitiveness, efficiency, and effectivity, rather than fun (and that the kind of fun said by Redalert in general are applicable to the IRL meta instead, even if WS are probably un-IRL too)?

What's the "Fun" part in RA2 when you can't play with science? GTM is about sharing designs to get others' thoughts and comments. Not to mention, inspire.
By criticizing this (no offense), you're making me want to quit GTM. Do you even want that?
I'm just trying to expand GTM and contribute to it, so GTM isn't jeopardized.
There's a difference between contributing to the forums and making pointless threads like this. Yes we do like it for you sharing your designs and having a bit of fun in the process. But just think about it; What is the likelihood of someone following this tutorial to build an bot design that's not even tournament legal?

When making tutorials, there's need to be a common problem to solve for someone who's playing the game for the first time or someone who needs to refresh their knowledge, for example if someone doesn't know how to stack batteries, doesn't understand OBJRA2 or gets confused around snapper loading etc. Then a need for tutorial arises and is created by someone with the knowledge as a solution to help those struggling. By the end of the tutorial, the player now knows how to solve their problem. Here you got a tutorial from some random experiment that most users wouldn't understand or have no need for building a bot type that's not tournament legal and/or ineffective in combat. There is no problem here, only a solution without reason. We get that you're trying to contribute, but this is starting to feel like the time when you spammed the wiki with a heap load of unnecessary edits which mostly contained false information, personal opinions or contained pointless links to an "notable" AI pack. Just, think twice before you make a tutorials and see if anyone else needs it before yourself.

Offline Redalert

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Re: Redalert's guide to building Wandering Spinners
« Reply #152 on: December 14, 2018, 01:30:32 PM »
Could you please stop making "tutorials" for building robots that are completely ineffective in real combat and would not be accepted by any host with an idea of what controlled movement is? This idea has existed since 2004, and it hasn't been a good idea since. Please, stop and focus on building and improving designs that make sense and work well.

Also, PLEASE take advice from members that know what they are doing to improve. I don't want to see someone with a decent amount of ability become a meme the likes of Superbot. Don't take this as me trying to insult you or wandering spinners or whatever. I'm just trying to get you to understand where we are all coming from.

Oh, THERE not ineffectant. One alone killed 2 HW popups once...

Yeah, and talking about the building this bot for fun by Redalert and nobody else building it part, want to ask this to all Unrealistic and Standard players as I don't know much about the meta. Do you not like building WS for fun because both metas are primarily about competitiveness, efficiency, and effectivity, rather than fun (and that the kind of fun said by Redalert in general are applicable to the IRL meta instead, even if WS are probably un-IRL too)?

What's the "Fun" part in RA2 when you can't play with science? GTM is about sharing designs to get others' thoughts and comments. Not to mention, inspire.
By criticizing this (no offense), you're making me want to quit GTM. Do you even want that?
I'm just trying to expand GTM and contribute to it, so GTM isn't jeopardized.
There's a difference between contributing to the forums and making pointless threads like this. Yes we do like it for you sharing your designs and having a bit of fun in the process. But just think about it; What is the likelihood of someone following this tutorial to build an bot design that's not even tournament legal?

When making tutorials, there's need to be a common problem to solve for someone who's playing the game for the first time or someone who needs to refresh their knowledge, for example if someone doesn't know how to stack batteries, doesn't understand OBJRA2 or gets confused around snapper loading etc. Then a need for tutorial arises and is created by someone with the knowledge as a solution to help those struggling. By the end of the tutorial, the player now knows how to solve their problem. Here you got a tutorial from some random experiment that most users wouldn't understand or have no need for building a bot type that's not tournament legal and/or ineffective in combat. There is no problem here, only a solution without reason. We get that you're trying to contribute, but this is starting to feel like the time when you spammed the wiki with a heap load of unnecessary edits which mostly contained false information, personal opinions or contained pointless links to an "notable" AI pack. Just, think twice before you make a tutorials and see if anyone else needs it before yourself.

Got 'it. Thanks.

...and NO. They're not ineffective.

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Re: Redalert's guide to building Wandering Spinners
« Reply #153 on: December 14, 2018, 01:58:27 PM »
Could you please stop making "tutorials" for building robots that are completely ineffective in real combat and would not be accepted by any host with an idea of what controlled movement is? This idea has existed since 2004, and it hasn't been a good idea since. Please, stop and focus on building and improving designs that make sense and work well.

Also, PLEASE take advice from members that know what they are doing to improve. I don't want to see someone with a decent amount of ability become a meme the likes of Superbot. Don't take this as me trying to insult you or wandering spinners or whatever. I'm just trying to get you to understand where we are all coming from.

Oh, THERE not ineffectant. One alone killed 2 HW popups once...

Yeah, and talking about the building this bot for fun by Redalert and nobody else building it part, want to ask this to all Unrealistic and Standard players as I don't know much about the meta. Do you not like building WS for fun because both metas are primarily about competitiveness, efficiency, and effectivity, rather than fun (and that the kind of fun said by Redalert in general are applicable to the IRL meta instead, even if WS are probably un-IRL too)?

What's the "Fun" part in RA2 when you can't play with science? GTM is about sharing designs to get others' thoughts and comments. Not to mention, inspire.
By criticizing this (no offense), you're making me want to quit GTM. Do you even want that?
I'm just trying to expand GTM and contribute to it, so GTM isn't jeopardized.
There's a difference between contributing to the forums and making pointless threads like this. Yes we do like it for you sharing your designs and having a bit of fun in the process. But just think about it; What is the likelihood of someone following this tutorial to build an bot design that's not even tournament legal?

When making tutorials, there's need to be a common problem to solve for someone who's playing the game for the first time or someone who needs to refresh their knowledge, for example if someone doesn't know how to stack batteries, doesn't understand OBJRA2 or gets confused around snapper loading etc. Then a need for tutorial arises and is created by someone with the knowledge as a solution to help those struggling. By the end of the tutorial, the player now knows how to solve their problem. Here you got a tutorial from some random experiment that most users wouldn't understand or have no need for building a bot type that's not tournament legal and/or ineffective in combat. There is no problem here, only a solution without reason. We get that you're trying to contribute, but this is starting to feel like the time when you spammed the wiki with a heap load of unnecessary edits which mostly contained false information, personal opinions or contained pointless links to an "notable" AI pack. Just, think twice before you make a tutorials and see if anyone else needs it before yourself.

Got 'it. Thanks.

...and NO. They're not ineffective.
I’m going to make a WS, and I will tell you how it does
um ackshually I did not crap my pants

Offline FightingBotInformal

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Re: Redalert's guide to building Wandering Spinners
« Reply #154 on: December 14, 2018, 02:38:09 PM »
Could you please stop making "tutorials" for building robots that are completely ineffective in real combat and would not be accepted by any host with an idea of what controlled movement is? This idea has existed since 2004, and it hasn't been a good idea since. Please, stop and focus on building and improving designs that make sense and work well.

Also, PLEASE take advice from members that know what they are doing to improve. I don't want to see someone with a decent amount of ability become a meme the likes of Superbot. Don't take this as me trying to insult you or wandering spinners or whatever. I'm just trying to get you to understand where we are all coming from.

Oh, THERE not ineffectant. One alone killed 2 HW popups once...

Yeah, and talking about the building this bot for fun by Redalert and nobody else building it part, want to ask this to all Unrealistic and Standard players as I don't know much about the meta. Do you not like building WS for fun because both metas are primarily about competitiveness, efficiency, and effectivity, rather than fun (and that the kind of fun said by Redalert in general are applicable to the IRL meta instead, even if WS are probably un-IRL too)?

What's the "Fun" part in RA2 when you can't play with science? GTM is about sharing designs to get others' thoughts and comments. Not to mention, inspire.
By criticizing this (no offense), you're making me want to quit GTM. Do you even want that?
I'm just trying to expand GTM and contribute to it, so GTM isn't jeopardized.
There's a difference between contributing to the forums and making pointless threads like this. Yes we do like it for you sharing your designs and having a bit of fun in the process. But just think about it; What is the likelihood of someone following this tutorial to build an bot design that's not even tournament legal?

When making tutorials, there's need to be a common problem to solve for someone who's playing the game for the first time or someone who needs to refresh their knowledge, for example if someone doesn't know how to stack batteries, doesn't understand OBJRA2 or gets confused around snapper loading etc. Then a need for tutorial arises and is created by someone with the knowledge as a solution to help those struggling. By the end of the tutorial, the player now knows how to solve their problem. Here you got a tutorial from some random experiment that most users wouldn't understand or have no need for building a bot type that's not tournament legal and/or ineffective in combat. There is no problem here, only a solution without reason. We get that you're trying to contribute, but this is starting to feel like the time when you spammed the wiki with a heap load of unnecessary edits which mostly contained false information, personal opinions or contained pointless links to an "notable" AI pack. Just, think twice before you make a tutorials and see if anyone else needs it before yourself.
Wow, I really agree with Dark-Al for once.
my weeb headass with my anime avatar is gone

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Re: Redalert's guide to building Wandering Spinners
« Reply #155 on: December 14, 2018, 02:53:17 PM »
I just made one and its... Not effective
um ackshually I did not crap my pants

Offline Redalert

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Re: Redalert's guide to building Wandering Spinners
« Reply #156 on: December 14, 2018, 08:22:45 PM »
I just made one and its... Not effective  [ Quoting of attachment images from other messages is not allowed ]

 That's a defective one. build one of the ones from the instructions i made, and you'll see what I mean... I have an image of one stowed away somewhere..

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Re: Redalert's guide to building Wandering Spinners
« Reply #157 on: December 14, 2018, 08:39:24 PM »
I just made one and its... Not effective  [ Quoting of attachment images from other messages is not allowed ]

 That's a defective one. build one of the ones from the instructions i made, and you'll see what I mean... I have an image of one stowed away somewhere..
I did but that is what I got, should I have drums for wheels instead of regular wheels?
um ackshually I did not crap my pants

Offline superbot13

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Re: Redalert's guide to building Wandering Spinners
« Reply #158 on: December 14, 2018, 08:48:09 PM »
These are just crawlers and bumble balls. And HS with extender wheels

I don't get it
Guess who's back

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Re: Redalert's guide to building Wandering Spinners
« Reply #159 on: December 14, 2018, 08:51:40 PM »
These are just crawlers and bumble balls. And HS with extender wheels

I don't get it
I don’t either but I go along with it
um ackshually I did not crap my pants