Robot Arena > Discussion

Hi, I'm new here!

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Hey! I'm new here. Hope I'm not too late :P I remember playing these games as a kid, my brother and I always watched Battlebots on Comedy Central, so our dad bought us the games. It's been quite a few years since then though :P

I bought the Robot Arena 3 on Steam a few months back, as I saw it and it brought back the nostalgia of playing the first 2 as a kid. However, It doesn't seem to like my PC, and just does not do the series justice. it's a shame.

Anyways, as I was looking around the internet, I came across this forum, and the download for the 2nd game. Would be awesome to get that. I have it downloaded, but no idea how to get it to work. The UI is entirely messed up, and it doesn't help I have a 2560x1080 monitor (i kick myself in the butt every day for purchasing it, most games do not support the resolution.) I was wondering if anyone can help me to get the game running on my machine, i have no idea where to start. I did download the "4K UI Fix" as well, but it didn't seem to just fix the issue, I'm assuming I need to edit some things in the CGF File, but putting that to my resolution didn't change anything.

Welcome to GTM.

First of all: Try to refund RA3 if you still can.
Second: I don't know much about the tech but there are enough people who can tho.

Look around in showcases to see what other people build but most imprortant is to not limit yourself by others but rather have your own buildingstyle no mather if it's the stock game or in the DSL mod.

Have fun ;)

i wish i could get a refund for RA3, but I waited too long to even play it after buying it. Then I finally got around to installing it. I have a whopping total of 98 minutes in it. Imho, Steam should go through and refund everyone and take the game out of the store, as it's no where near a complete game.

I'm looking into the mods and others creations. I'd like to get the game to work first though. I've tried making adjustments in the config file, but nothing seems to work, It's always zoomed in and in the upper left corner of the screen :/

what's the most popular mod that gets played? I would love to play online against other, I never got to as a kid. Would be pretty cool.

So I downloaded the DSL 2.2 from!/ and it works. So I'll be playing that for now until i can get some help with the base game.

Hi there, welcome to GTM!

Try replacing the ra2.cfg in your game folder with the version I've attached to this post. If that doesn't work, try changing the line 'fullscreen=1' to 'fullscreen=0'. You might also want to try changing the scaling settings for your GPU to none or aspect ration, instead of fullscreen. This will stop your GPU from stretching the 4:3 or 16:9 aspect ratio to fill your 21:9 monitor.


sadly none of those worked. My graphics card was set to aspect, but I stilled changed it to none, and even tried fullscreen, and that didn't work.


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