Author Topic: DSL Standard Ruleset - Discussion  (Read 30614 times)

Offline Naryar

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DSL Standard Ruleset - Discussion
« on: October 28, 2012, 09:22:52 AM »
This is a checklist to see if a bot is DSL-S (DSL standard, also known as Standard) or not. Note that DSL-S is a general ruleset and applies to all mods, not only DSL : you may have a DSL-S bot in Stock, Ironforge, DSL, or any other mod.

Battery and Control Board Rule

Every bot that has a control board must have at least one battery, and every bot that has a battery must have a control board.

No Havok Abusing

A bot built to benefit from any havok glitch is NOT DSL standard. List of havok glitches include trinity, servo/snapper boosting, nasty pickle, rupting, piston spam, etc. Chicken drills are a notable exception, because they are fairly weak. Flails are also allowed as long as they are not obviously unrealistic.

Bot Lab Glitch Use

Ingame bot lab glitches such as snapper loading and eFFe-ing are allowed for the purpose of building only. Servo/snapper boosting is still banned.

Stacking/Overlapping Rules

Stacking (putting a component inside another) is strictly forbidden.

Overlapping (putting a component partially inside another) is allowed, within limits :

* You may not overlap anything from the Mobility/Power/Wheel tabs (wheels, motors, airtanks, batteries, pistons, control boards, etc) with any other component coming from those tabs.
* Moving components can overlap with anything in the Weapons/Extenders/Extras tabs, but only if a hole could conceivably be cut into the component without cutting the component in two, or if it could be welded to the chassis anyways.
* Moving components may NOT overlap or cut through anything from the Mobility/Power/Wheel tabs.
* Moving components may NOT overlap with each other, unless they are attached to the same motor/burst/piston or have the exact same movement relative to each other (such as two identical drums rotating in the same direction, speed and both clockwise, or two razors attached to the same burst/two bursts that have the same exact range of movement.)

Note: The frontier between stacking and overlapping is somewhat vague and depends a lot of the builder. We often use "the welding rule" to help : if two components could be conceivably welded together in real life, then you may overlap them via DSL-S)

The most important thing you must remember: If it can be prototyped and built successfully in real life and if it doesn't obviously violate basic laws of physics, then it is DSL-S.
« Last Edit: August 01, 2020, 08:58:47 AM by Naryar »

Offline Resetti's Replicas

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Re: DSL Standard Ruleset - Discussion
« Reply #1 on: October 28, 2012, 09:25:23 AM »
I suggest adding pictures.  Anyone who doesn't already know these rules will be completely baffled by them.

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Re: DSL Standard Ruleset - Discussion
« Reply #2 on: October 28, 2012, 09:49:03 AM »
Servo bots are disappoint.

Offline Naryar

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Re: DSL Standard Ruleset - Discussion
« Reply #3 on: October 28, 2012, 09:52:45 AM »
Servo bots are disappoint.
Servos should need power, so we need batteries even on servo bots.

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Re: DSL Standard Ruleset - Discussion
« Reply #4 on: October 28, 2012, 09:54:25 AM »
what if i power 8 servos on a bot with one ant battery, is that as realistic as "2 ants per spin"?
How you make Alarm Clock Pizza is:
Step 1: You buy an alarm clock from the store, and then you have to break it and put it in the sauce.
Step 2: Fold the sauce in 5 slices and put it in the dough.
Step 3: Paint the eggs with a pitcher of a clock showing what time you want to wake up and eat pizza for breakfast.
Step 4: Put the eggs in the dough.
Step 5: Make it flat into a round shape and draw the time you want on it.
Step 6: Put some old steel to prevent other peple from stealing it.
Step 7: Make it flat and cut into 60 slices 1 for each minute in 1 our.
Step 8: Put in the oven set the timer to 30048813.2884 seconds and put the temperature on 'Volcano' setting.
Step 9: If you think it is take to long, then get yor alarm clock and set it to now so that it will ring and you can take it out.
Step 10: Take it out uv the uvin wen it is redy and go to bed. In the morning eat pizza and also eat yor hands bi mistake.

Offline Naryar

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Re: DSL Standard Ruleset - Discussion
« Reply #5 on: October 28, 2012, 10:15:58 AM »
what if i power 8 servos on a bot with one ant battery, is that as realistic as "2 ants per spin"?

It's just as realistic as 2 ants per dual perm. But this sort of realism is what is accepeted in standard DSL, but not in IRL.

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Re: DSL Standard Ruleset - Discussion
« Reply #6 on: October 28, 2012, 11:44:19 AM »
This is so confusing......

It is like a legal document that no-one will read besides those who are already familiar with the law.

Offline Naryar

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Re: DSL Standard Ruleset - Discussion
« Reply #7 on: August 28, 2014, 03:58:24 PM »
I have attempted to clarify that by summarizing each rule.

Offline Resetti's Replicas

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Re: DSL Standard Ruleset - Discussion
« Reply #8 on: August 29, 2014, 12:53:05 AM »
What's your stance on excessive spikes and teeth?  In real life, you can't make a spinner more powerful just by welding more teeth on.

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Re: DSL Standard Ruleset - Discussion
« Reply #9 on: August 29, 2014, 04:23:30 AM »
What's your stance on excessive spikes and teeth?  In real life, you can't make a spinner more powerful just by welding more teeth on.
Surely that doesn't matter in standard? I thought excessive spikes and teeth was something for IRL DSL

Offline Naryar

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Re: DSL Standard Ruleset - Discussion
« Reply #10 on: August 29, 2014, 04:57:56 AM »
What's your stance on excessive spikes and teeth?  In real life, you can't make a spinner more powerful just by welding more teeth on.

You may put any number of spikes and teeth on your bot.

This isn't IRL, after all.

The most important thing you must remember: If it can be prototyped successfully in real life and if it doesn't obviously violate basic laws of physics, then it is DSL-S. It may not need as many batteries as real-life or may not function with the same efficiency than in real life, though.

Offline Resetti's Replicas

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Re: DSL Standard Ruleset - Discussion
« Reply #11 on: August 29, 2014, 10:48:44 AM »
Fair enough.  I thought of it because it isn't just different from real life,  but the exact opposite.  It's no coincidence that almost all the powerful spinners have two teeth, and the fearsome Hypnodisc and Professor Chaos had just one.

Offline Naryar

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Re: DSL Standard Ruleset - Discussion
« Reply #12 on: February 09, 2015, 04:48:32 AM »
I rewrote everything so it is more clear and more newbie-friendly.