Author Topic: Converting RA2 bots to CAD with 3D Ripper DX  (Read 6151 times)

Offline 8bean

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Converting RA2 bots to CAD with 3D Ripper DX
« on: August 07, 2021, 03:25:12 PM »
Posting this so someone else doesn't have to go through the trouble of trying to guess the scaling for ra2 bots.

If you open a bot in the botlab and rip the bot without moving it, the model will be perfectly alligned with the x axis. Then in blender, import the obj and double click the model.
Finally set your scaling to X= -0.8 Y= 0.8 Z= 1.93 and your model is all set.

If you want the textures on your bot simply cut and paste all the .dds files from your Textures folder into your Frames folder with the obj file before opening the file in blender. The only things i've noticed dont work with this texturing method are belted TMWR's, regular typhoons, the ends of battlepacks, and things that dont have a texture file like shell parts and polycarb pieces.
« Last Edit: January 08, 2022, 09:09:27 PM by 8bean »
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Offline 8bean

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Re: Converting RA2 bots to CAD with 3D Ripper DX
« Reply #1 on: October 13, 2023, 09:32:06 PM »
Update for Arenas:

Start an exhibition match in the arena you want the model of with two pixel chassis as the bots in the match. Once the countdown begins hit esc then F10 then your rip button.

Follow the same method as above to get the textured arena in blender, scale it to X=-0.8, Y=0.8, Z=1.36

If there are textures in your arena using .tga files then they won't show up correctly. Here's how to fix them:

1) Find your desired tga texture in the material tab [
] on the right (activate the preview to see the textures easier)
2) Scroll down to Settings in the material tab and turn Blend Mode to Alpha Blend and Shadow Mode to Opaque
3) Click on the Editor Type button [
] in the top right and select Shader Editor
4) On the orange box with your image click the alpha dot and drag it to the alpha dot on the Principled BDSF box (it should look like this if you've done it correctly) 

5) Click the Editor Type button in the top right again (it will look like this now [
] ) and select 3D Viewport to retun to your 3D scene with a transparent texture :dance:
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