Robot Arena Matches > Contests
Botober 2021
It's time for the fourth annual Botober event! As always, the challenge is simple: try to build a bot every day for the whole of October, using the prompts listed below, and post them here or in the RA2 Central Discord for others to enjoy!
* Every day throughout October, you must try and build a robot based on that day's prompt, and post a splash image or screenshot in this thread or in RA2 Central (since GTM's basically dead now lmao).
* NEW FOR THIS YEAR: You may use either the official Inktober prompts, or you can use an edited prompt list curated by myself, with prompts that I believe are more suitable for combat robot design. Both are provided below, and you can mix-and-match between them over the course of the month.
* There are no prizes for completing all 31 days. The only prizes are personal satisfaction, and having a fleet of potential new tournament entries. This is meant to be a fun, creative challenge, so please don't push yourself to the point of burnout in trying to complete it.
* You are free to use any game you like (RA2, RR2, Roblox, GMod, etc.), and any mod/meta you like (Stock, DSL-IRL, Ironforge etc). You are free to use different games/metas for different days.
* It's fine to build a bot early, as long as you wait until the day of its prompt to post it. Similarly, it's fine to build a bot late if you need to catch up.
* As ever, I will be taking part myself, and I hope to build past Day 3 this time.
* Test your creativity and building skills. Try out different weapon systems, weight classes, and even new games or metas. Don't be afraid to go outside your comfort zone.
* Build up your roster. The more days you complete, the more new robots you'll have, ready to be polished up and sent into tournaments.
* Botober is a personal challenge - you're competing against the prompts and your own creative limits, not other people. Don't be discouraged if you feel like other people's builds are better than yours, and don't feel like your creations have to be perfect before you showcase them. Remember, you can always revisit and refine your Botober creations after the challenge is over.
Time to try this again.
Hey at least I already made Day 1 already.
Day 1: Crystal
Crystalized - based on Camellia's album of the same name
Day 1: Made a 3 wheeled robot with an crystal shaped spinner
Day 1: Onyx Steel
Wait, what do you mean it's the 2nd? What do you mean 'onyx isn't technically a crystal?' Shut up and take my CW undercutter!
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