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Xbox is FUBAR'd, Dusted Off My Laptop And Found This Place


Long live the Xbox One, who's fuse was blown times four, no more
Her time spent well for games online
With money spent as well as time
Someday, I may, if ever I could
Replace this damn brick with some new plastic dud
Then finally, I pray, my friends not run away
Because I play dirty while on GTA
As dirty I state, my room is to draw
To compare, to measure, to make this thing rhyme
Because I just failed, I have wasted your time

Hey there, hello, hi, might I imply
My thoughts turned to robots aft the demise of mine

Okay, yes, I'm BSing a little bit.

Yes, hello world, I'm Rhapsody. Esteemed musician, philanthropist, multimillionaire, charity worker and terrible liar. I spend my days playing games, writing bad fanfiction, complaining about the economy, smoking cigarettes, eating unhealthy food and generally being a bit of a nobody.

Okay, a bit of self deprecation may not work. I'll make it much simpler.

Hello. I'm new.


--- Quote from: Rhapsody on June 13, 2023, 05:00:26 PM --- I just failed, I have wasted your time

--- End quote ---

You'll have that on those big jobs.


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