Off-Topic > Chatterbox

Official "I'm leaving" thread

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I'm leaving right now.

I may be absent for an indefinite period of time, but two months at the most.  I am in a cabin in northern Minnesota working on my Master's project, and I thought I would have internet (which is why I didn't warn you guys earlier).  But it turns out the internet in my cabin went down after a lightning strike and they're still fixing it.  I occasionally get a connection but it's super slow and unreliable.
I don't know when I will have good internet again so don't expect to see me much for a while.
Edit:  Internet is back.

Team 9:
i'm leaving. my need to be here is zero. i lose rep for things you bunch of derps do on a regular basis.

'twas fun for a while, just hanging around. but now, i realized why i left in the first place, i'm simply not cut out for this community. and the community won't accept me either. i will still play RA my own way, but i'm leaving the community behind.

who knows? i might come back some day, and fulfill my promises of bigger and better things. another such reason is, my patience for needless rep drops and bad trolling has reached naught, so with nothing else to work or be here for, i bid you all adieu.

farewell! we may meet again some day!    :beer:

will be inactive for a week and a half

As of tomorrow I will be gone untill next Saturday. Summer camp and all, you know.


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