Robot Arena > Tutorials and Tips

Guide to the .Bot File (Re-up)

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--- Quote from: Craaig on October 27, 2014, 06:58:11 PM ---(Image removed from quote.)

--- End quote ---
Gonna add some things as it took me the entire afternoon to fix one of my .bot files after I messed it up.

Line 3 is the weightclass, with 0 for LW
Line 5 indicates whether the bot has a preview image in the botlab. If true then line 6 must have the image file encoded, with the component count appended to the end
Line 108 encodes the skin, and will be messy even with the default white texture. Takes up multiple lines for anything more complex, where (as far as I can tell) the final line must have false appended to the end. If you accidentally screw up and import a custom texture that isn't a multiple of 256x256 like me, this is where you need to repair the file
I remember Click saying line 153 is the chassis shine in percentages ("1 1 1" is full values for RGB and "1 0" has something to do with lustre)
Line 164 is the orientation, i.e. should be 3.14159 if you built your bot facing backwards
Line 165 is the number of wiring slots being used


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